How to optimise memory consumption

Chris Muller afunkyobject at
Tue Jan 23 04:43:02 UTC 2007

Hi Martin, its hard to say why your image might be growing.  So that we may try to work on the problem from a common perspective, I created three test scripts that attempt to recreate the problem.

"Create script"
| path |
path _ 'c:\temp\memLeakCheck'.
mc _ MagmaCollection new
    addIndex: (MaUUIDIndex attribute: #key);
    create: path 
        (Dictionary new
            at: 'mc'
            put: mc;

"start server in one image"
| path |
path _ 'c:\temp\memLeakCheck'.
MagmaServerConsole new
    open: path ;
    processOn: 1010 ;

"load from client in another image"
| mc session |
session _ MagmaSession hostAddress: #(127 0 0 1) asByteArray port: 1010.
session connectAs: 'loader'.
mc _ session root at: 'mc'.
session begin.
1 to: 25000 do:
    [ : n |
    mc add: UUID new -> nil.
    n \\ 1000 = 0 ifTrue: 
        [ | timeToRun |
        Transcript cr; show: 'committing ', n printString, '... '.
        timeToRun _ [session commitAndBegin] durationToRun.
        Transcript show: timeToRun printString ] ].
    commitAndBegin ;

Running both images on my laptop, here is the output from the client:

committing 1000... 0:00:00:12.616
committing 2000... 0:00:00:17.148
committing 3000... 0:00:00:14.84
committing 4000... 0:00:00:16.814
committing 5000... 0:00:00:15.773
committing 6000... 0:00:00:13.942
committing 7000... 0:00:00:17.519
committing 8000... 0:00:00:15.909
committing 9000... 0:00:00:14.148
committing 10000... 0:00:00:19.148
committing 11000... 0:00:00:13.307
committing 12000... 0:00:00:17.941
committing 13000... 0:00:00:15.093
committing 14000... 0:00:00:15.174
committing 15000... 0:00:00:19.248
committing 16000... 0:00:00:14.536
committing 17000... 0:00:00:17.181
committing 18000... 0:00:00:16.068
committing 19000... 0:00:00:14.807
committing 20000... 0:00:00:20.409
committing 21000... 0:00:00:14.279
committing 22000... 0:00:00:20.054
committing 23000... 0:00:00:16.961
committing 24000... 0:00:00:14.754
committing 25000... 0:00:00:17.994

I also observed the memory consumption of both images.  It remained within about 1MB of their original starting allocatioon through the entire test.

I, too, am running on Windows XP, albeit with just 768MB RAM.

Do the above scripts work for you too?  Or, can you modify the scripts in some way that exposes the apparent memory leak?

I will be happy to fix whatever bugs we can find through this process.  Or, if you have more detailed information about your tests I will do my best to interpret what the problem may be.


PS - On the server, you may also run this script to see what "Ma" classes may be staying referenced and therefore causing image growth.

((MaObject allSubclasses 
        [ : each | each -> each instanceCount ]) asSortedCollection: [ : a : b | a value > b value ])

Also, there is a Swiki page about memory utilization..

----- Original Message ----
From: Martin Beck <martin.beck at>
To: magma at
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2007 6:19:19 AM
Subject: How to optimise memory consumption

we're running around 100 tests which work with the database (e.g. create the
whole database for testing, etc.). Even if we don't use our session pooling
and clean up all magmasessions on the client afterwards, the server image
consumes around 250mb while it started with 30mb....

Any hints to keep memory consumption down?
Running on WindowsXP with 2gb ram...

Regards, Martin
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