Persisting TextMorph change the size of the text

Hilaire Fernandes hilaire at
Sun Jul 15 13:56:11 UTC 2007

Hilaire Fernandes a écrit :
> I have found this strange bug: when persisting a TextMorph (System set 
> with default font to Accujen 10), when I fetch it back from the DB its 
> font size is Accujen 9 and not 10 anymore
> A simple code like that exposes the problem (close the session between 
> the two statements to effectively get the text morph from the database):
> (session addBranch: #test with: 'HELLO' asTextMorph ) openInWorld textStyle
>  ==> a TextStyle Accujen10
> Then fetching back after a full close of the DB:
> (session branch: #test) textStyle
>  ==> a TextStyle Accujen09
> Any idea ?
> Hilaire

Some more elements:

an Array(a StrikeFont(Accujen09 12) a StrikeFont(Accujen10 12) a 
StrikeFont(Accujen12 15) a StrikeFont(Accujen14 17) a 
StrikeFont(Accujen18 22) a StrikeFont(Accujen24 30))

an Array(a StrikeFont(Accujen09 12) a StrikeFont(Accujen09 12) a 
StrikeFont(Accujen12 15) a StrikeFont(Accujen14 17) a 
StrikeFont(Accujen18 22) a StrikeFont(Accujen24 30))

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