[ANN] New 'Magma seasideHelper' documentation

Keith Hodges keith_hodges at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Oct 29 14:25:59 UTC 2007

Here is a first shot of the design docs before I post them pubically. I
would be grateful of any feedback.

I am still not sure how best to support MockMagmaCollections.Here I
suggest that they always be contained in an object. Is there a way of
using a genuine MagmaCollection as a Mock, such that readers and so on
work even though there is no database behind?

The package will be in MagmaTester, and it requires Seaside28Jetsam as
well as Magma.




*The aim of this version of the Magma-seaside integration framework is
to learn some lessons from projects already using Magma in order to
satisfy the following goals.

The overriding goal was to make the tutorial very easy, so as to blow
away the competition!

*1. Simplify Configuration. *
*2. Enable Magma as a Helper*. Ease combining Magma with other seaside
technologies, to which end we no longer subclass WASession.
*3. Session Management Choice*. Provide options such as shared or pooled
sessions again orthogonal to the domain, or other settings.
*4a. Facilitate Modularization.* Provide the framwork to allow a Magma
user-accounts module to be deployed as a plug-in package, combinable
with other modules, such as a pier module, or a shopping-cart module.
*4b. Similarly, Facilitate Project Combination.* Projects having
separate databases may merge into one, e.g. gjallar & pier.
*5. Simplify Use and Initialization.* Initialization of models, not just
of the root object, but also sub-branches of the database
   which are used by different application-modules or application
*6. Server Managed Preferences.* Server to client propagation of
preferences and data for multi-server operation, and load sharing schemes.
*7. Direct Usage Outside of Seaside. *Aim to standardize the manner in
which services, tests and other procedures access a database which is
configured via seaside.


*1. Simplifying Configuration*

The seaside configuration provides a selector for the database helper
class which provides session management. You can provide your own scheme
by subclassing any of the WAMagma helper classes.

The local database directory, is initially set to 'Automatic' which will
save the data in 'magma-todo' directory for the 'todo' entry point. This
ensures that by default no configuration is required while at the same
time separate applications will not step on each others' databases files.

*2. Enable Magma as a Helper*

In order for Magma to be used alongside other frameworks which have
specialized session classes such as Glorp, the configuration of Magma is
now orthogonal to the choice of WASession. You may subclass WASession if
you need to, in order to support your application domain, but it is not
necessary to do so either to use Magma, or to store session state.
Session state can now be stored using the WASession-#properties dictionary.

This is accomplished through the WASessionHelper framework which is part
of Seaside28Jetsam. Magma is supported by one such helper and the chosen
Magma helper is accessed via WASession-#magma.


Magma helpers provide session management, options include:
    single    - WAMagma
    shared    - WAMagmaShared
    pooled    - WAMagmaPooled
    mock    - WAMockMagma
*4. Facilitate Modularization.*

Modularization requires the objects in the database to manage their own

Rather than fill the database with generic containers such as
Dictionaries and MagmaCollections without any specialization, we should
recommend subclassing and specializing the typical model container
objects. The base classes would be  WADictionaryRoot, Object or

However it is as well to point out that subclassing MagmaCollection
directly lands us with a significant limitation. It prevents us from
easily switching all MagmaCollections for MockMagmaCollections!

To make this switching ability transparent the class WAMagmaCollection
is provided as a base class to use for specialization instead. By
default it contains a MagmaCollection (or a MockMagmaCollection) and you
can also add slots to persist your favorite reader queries defined on
initialization. This approach also guarantees that the model has a place
to put these query optimizations should you need them.

For example, to define an application specific model "ToDoList" for your
database, subclass WADatabaseRoot (which is an IdentityDictionary) and
define your custom accessors on that class e.g.

^ self at: #items
^ self at: #users

If #items is a subclass of WAMagmaCollection called
TodoListItemsCollection then you can define your custom item based
queries on your own subclass of WAMagmaCollection, encouraging typical
object-oriented encapsulation.

itemsForUser: name
    self where: [ :each | each usersName equals: name ]

On your domain objects or components, access your database like so:

    ^ self session magma rootAs: ToDoList


    ^ self todoListDatabase items
However for a sub-domain or module model you can also do.

    ^ self session magma rootAs: TodoListItemsCollection
This means that the sub-domain or module models can be referenced by the
domain irrespective of their place in the actual database structure,
which is defined in your specialized model classes. They know where in
the database they are located, and importantly they know how to
initialize themselves.

This scheme allows several applications or modules to be layered upon a
single database. Each model class can nominate its own personal root
object in the main database which is returned via the rootAs: idiom 
(see class methods #getVirtualRootIn: #initializeVirtualRootIn: etc)

It also allows the database to be re-organised by changing model classes
only. The domains view of the database is decoupled from the modular
structure of the database.

*5. Simplify Use and Initialization.

*Initialization is performed automatically as far as is possible.

When using the standard accessing idiom: 'self session magma rootAs:
MyModel'. If this is performed and the database does not exist, or has
no root class, then, the root will automatically be initialized
according to the #actualRootClass nominated by the model class. This
makes databases auto-initializing. If the virtualRoot model object for
MyModel itself is not present in the database, then it will also be
initialized automatically.

The initialized root or model-objects are configured, and indexes added
if needed, in their respective #initialize methods.

If a model is retrieved that is not of the correct class, #rootAs:
attempts to mutate the instance into the desired class, thus providing
some automatic schema migration at the module level.

*6. Server Managed Preferences.

*An optional module which allows a seaside-server-magma-client
application to pick up settings and preferences from the magma-server.
Whenever a new seaside session is started, on the first time only, the
root object's #firstRead: method can call 'helper rootAs:

WAServerManagedPreferences is implemented as a module, being as self
contained as possible to demonstrate the principles outlines above. It
assumes the root object of the database is a dictionary (if not it will
need to be reconfigured appropriately).

This module, when #firstRead:, checks its #expiry time, and if it has
expired, it loads the current application's preferences with the values
that it contains. The values are each sent #value before being written.

This would allow #location to return a version of MagmaRemoteLocation
which when sent #value, evaluates picking a remote server based upon the
client's identity. This scheme would enable seaside-server-magma-client
to be deployed, the first time anyone accesses the server it would
obtain its new settings and potentially redirect to a new server.

*7. Direct Usage Outside of Seaside
Standardize the manner in which services, tests and other procedures
access a database which is configured via seaside.
WAMagma helper may be used with Seaside, or directly. Configuration is
per-seaside application e.g.

(WAMagma forApp: 'todo') location.
(WAMagma forApp: 'todo') readStrategyClass.
(WAMagma forApp: 'todo') areMaterializationNotificationsEnabled.
(WAMagma forApp: 'todo') commit: [] etc.

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