Magma on 3.10

Esteban Lorenzano estebanlm at
Mon Feb 11 19:50:12 UTC 2008

Hi, Sophie
This is my script for building the image... works fine, for me... and 
it is easily updated. Surely there is better ways to build an image, 
but this is my first try :)

hope this helps,

"Level Playing Field"
(HTTPSocket httpGet: '') readStream fileIn.

"Enhancements de Look&Feel"
Installer ss project:'UIEnhancements';
	install: 'Pinesoft-ToolBuilder-gvc.9';
	install: 'Pinesoft-Widgets-gvc.285'.

"Si estoy en mac"
Preferences setPreference: #swapMouseButtons toValue: true.
Preferences setPreference: #uiTheme toValue: UIThemeWatery.
Preferences uiTheme beCurrent.

"IDE utils"
Installer universe 
	addPackage: 'eCompletion(0.89)';
	addPackage: 'eCompletionOmniBrowser(0.4)';
	addPackage: 'OmniBrowser-Full(0.25)';
	addPackage: 'OB-Enhancements(0.61)';
    addPackage: 'OmniBrowser-Refactory(0.53)';
	addPackage: 'ShoutWorkspace(1-tween.2)';
	addPackage: 'Universes OmniBrowser(0.35)';
	addPackage: 'Null(0.8)';
	addPackage: 'AutomaticMethodCategorizer(0.25)';
	addPackage: 'AutomaticMethodCategorizerOB(0.2)';

"Kom server"
Installer universe
	addPackage: 'KomHttpServer(7.0.30)';
	addPackage: 'KomServices(1.12)';

"Seaside + Scriptaculous"
Installer ss project: 'Seaside';
	install: 'Seaside2.8a1-tbn.539.mcz';
	install: 'Scriptaculous-lr.222.mcz'.

"Shore - DEPRECATED, deber¦€a irse pr¦ximamente"
Installer ss project: 'ShoreComponents';
	install: 'ShoreComponents-3-mb.35.mcz'.

Installer ss project: 'rsrss';
	install: 'RSRSS2-SW.11.mcz'.

Installer universe
	addPackage: 'Magma 1.0 server(r40)';
	addPackage: 'Magma seasideHelper(2.8.r40.32)';
Installer ss project: 'Cryptography';
	install: 'Cryptography-rww.7.mcz'.
Installer universe
	addPackage: 'MemoryUsage(0.3)';
MemoryUsage example. 

MCFileBasedRepository flushAllCaches.
Smalltalk garbageCollect.

On 2008-02-11 16:39:10 -0200, "itsme213" <itsme213 at> said:

> Hi Sebastian,
> "Sebastian Sastre" <ssastre at> wrote
>> I set the script that customizes
>> this devel images to load Magma between the first 5 packages to avoid
>> those
>> kind of problems.
> Could you share that script? I want to try building my own image too.
> Thanks - Sophie

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