MagmaCollection problem

Hilaire Fernandes hilaire at
Sun Feb 17 19:08:23 UTC 2008

Oleg Korsak a écrit :
> Hello!
> I have an empty magma database (I'm using Keithy's ToDo tutorial 
> application with Magma seasideHelper). This one: 
> So please get the latest version (7) so you can answer on my question :)
> In the StMagmaDatabase->#createDefaultUser (which is temporary called 
> from #findUserByEmail) I'm initializing a database and adding one user 
> with 'todo at todo.tut <mailto:todo at todo.tut>' email:
>     | user |
>     self initialize.
>     user := StUser new.
>     user id: 1.
>     user email: 'todo at todo.tut <mailto:todo at todo.tut>'.
>     user userName: 'todo'.
>     user password: 'todo'.
>     self addUser: user.
> then I'm trying to find user by email ('todo at 
> <mailto:todo at>'). BUT... I'm getting a wrong result
>     user := self users where: [:each |
>             each read: #email at: ' <>'.
>         ].

I am wondering, does your where query should look like:

user := self users where: [:each |  each email includesAllOf: ''].

Of course, you should have an index on the email attribute, and the 
addUser: method should do a commit behind the scene. But I guess this is 
what is doing seaside helper.


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