Magma: r42Gamma5

Chris Muller ma.chris.m at
Sun Jul 12 22:25:03 UTC 2009

I have just posted yet another gamma release of Magma 1.0, release 42,
to both MagmaTester project of SqueakSource and also SqueakMap.  It
contains several great fixes and enhancements:

	- Renewed WriteBarrier support!  Please feel free to enable the
WriteBarrier flag for 30%-300% overall client performance improvement
(depending on many factors).  The entire test suite passes with
WriteBarrier on and I am using it in one of my own applications.  If
anyone encounters any WriteBarrier problems, I will support them.
	- Some significant additional performance improvements regardless of
whether WriteBarrier is used.
	- Fix for removing indexes from an existing MagmaCollection.
	- Fix for using index keySizes > 1023 bits!
	- HA fixes and more robust HA deployment.
	- Several fixes for use of ForwardingProxys, final step to achieving
massive scale.
	- Better error-handling.
	- Fix for compile-error that occurs in later Squeak images.
	- Fix for interrogating which session has a MagmaCollection "locked"
(e.g., due to rebuilding an index).

Wow, I didn't think so many things would be improved from gamma4,
*thanks* folks for all of the problem reports!

The change in the RepositoryDefinition regarding the ForwardingProxy's
required a minor "upgrade" to the RepositoryDefinition of legacy
repositories.  This happens automatically (but with a Warning first).
After installing this latest code, when the repository is re-opened, a
Warning will be signaled to upgrade from 10 to 11.  Press Proceed to
do the upgrade.

Hopefully you will not find any further problems and this will be the
last gamma for release 42!

 - Chris

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