Install from MC instructions off

Ross Boylan ross at
Sat Nov 7 21:47:12 UTC 2009

I tried following the instructions at
for installing magma from MC.  I was in a squeak 3.10.2 (#7179) basic

 2. Open a Monticello Browser, add and/or open the following HTTP
      location: ''
      user: ''
      password: ''

     1. Scroll down to the bottom of the package list, you should see
        "r42Final" or a later version.

First, the step ordering is off.

Second, after adding the repository, nothing appears at the bottom, or
anywhere else I could see, in the package list.

I clicked "open" on the repository and got quite a few choices.  None of
them mapped obviously to the instructions above.  My guess was that
either "Magma tester" or "MagmaTesterLoader" was the right one.  I
couldn't tell which, and neither of them were numbered at all like

So I used SM instead, which seems to be fine.  It would be helpful to
update the instructions.

Ross Boylan

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