Can't access objects in dictionary

Amir Ansari fractallyte at
Thu Dec 30 13:24:51 UTC 2010

I enter the following code in a Workspace:
(the class 'User' is just a very simple class with instance variable 'username' and corresponding accessors)

MagmaRepositoryController create: '/testDB' root: Dictionary new.

initialSession := MagmaSession openLocal: '/testDB'.
initialSession connectAs: 'admin'.
initialSession commit: [ initialSession root at: 'users' put: MagmaPreallocatedDictionary new ].
initialSession disconnect; closeRepository.

newUser := User new username: 'Charlie'; yourself.
newSession := MagmaSession openLocal: '/testDB'.
newSession connectAs: 'charlie'.
newSession commit: [ (newSession root at: 'users') at: newUser put: OrderedCollection new ].
newSession disconnect; closeRepository.

testSession := MagmaSession openLocal: '/testDB'.
testSession connectAs: 'aUser'.
(testSession root at: 'users') size
(testSession root at: 'users') at: newUser

The last two lines indicate the problem: the size of the MagmaPreallocatedDictionary is reported correctly (even when I add more users), but when I try to access any of the entries with the 'User' objects as keys, I get a 'errorKeyNotFound:' error.

Am I doing something wrong...?


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