Metacello ConfigurationOfMagma

Miguel Enrique Cobá Martinez miguel.coba at
Tue Jan 12 18:19:34 UTC 2010

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El mar, 12-01-2010 a las 12:08 -0600, Miguel Enrique Cobá Martinez
> Hi Chris,
> I'm creating the Metacello configuration for Magma. I have almost all
> done but I need your feedback for the correct dependencies of the
> packages that compose Magma.
> First, I used a clean PharoCore 10505 image.
> Using monticello browser I loaded 
> 1.0r43 mcm -> 1.0r43 (tester).mcm
> that installed:
> Ma exception handling-cmm.32
> Ma base additions-cmm.149
> Ma proxy support-cmm.40
> Ma traverse object graphs-cmm.29
> MaFixedWidthReport-cmm.7
> Ma Statistics-cmm.21
> Ma object serialization-cmm.220
> Collections-BTree-lr.68
> Ma special collections-cmm.101
> Ma client server-cmm.214
> WriteBarrier-pmm.26
> Magma client-cmm.446
> Ma contextual search-cmm.29
> Magma server-cmm.382
> Ma Armored Code-cmm.144
> Ma Squeak domain-cmm.28
> Ma special collections tester-cmm.12
> Ma object serialization tester-cmm.27
> Magma tester-cmm.352
> Then, using the instructions from Lukas Renggli:
> and using the DependencyBrowser from Hernán Morales:
> I created the attached .dot file with the dependencies for all the
> packages for Magma (tester, server and client).
> The code to generate it was:
> (PDPackageAnalyzer onPackagesNamed: #(
> 'Magma tester'
> 'Ma special collections tester'
> 'Ma Squeak domain'
> 'Ma Armored Code'
> 'Magma server'
> 'Ma contextual search'
> 'Magma client'
> 'WriteBarrier'
> 'Ma client server'
> 'Ma special collections'
> 'Collections-BTree'
> 'Ma object serialization'
> 'Ma Statistics'
> 'MaFixedWidthReport'
> 'Ma traverse object graphs'
> 'Ma proxy support'
> 'Ma base additions'
> 'Ma exception handling'
> )) save: ''
> Then using graphviz from linux (installed in Debian Linux as aptitude
> install graphviz) I generated the attached png graph of the dependencies
> with:
> $ cat | dot -Tpng > magma.png
> I have checked dependency browser vs. PDPackageAnalyzer and both of them
> agree on the dependencies so I am almost sure that is ok. But your
> review will be very welcome.
> Couple of things I found in this process:
> - The WriteBarrier depends on class ByteCodeGenerator that isn't
> included in Pharo. It appears to be on NewCompiler. Should I add
> NewCompiler as a dependency for Magma, or is writebarrier useful without
> NewCompiler.
> - The Magma tester project depends on ProjectHistory that doesn't exist
> anymore in Pharo. Maybe this should be a conditional in Magma or the
> test modified to not use this class, at least in Pharo.
> - Ma Armored Code depends on OSProcess but the mcm doesn't includes it. 
> Now, as I said, I am doing the Metacello configuration for loading Magma
> in Pharo (and maybe also in Squeak) and this will permit to load Tester,
> Server and Client, WITH ALL the dependencies needed. This means that
> when loading tester will load OSProcess and when loading WriteBarrier
> will load also NewCompiler.
> Any comment on this?
> Thanks

Miguel Cobá
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