Magma, Seaside and Magrite integration

Udo Schneider udo.schneider at
Mon Nov 15 10:11:20 UTC 2010


you might consider working with 1+n sessions. Use one (shared) session 
for all the general stuff and 1/session for session specific stuff.

Another approach is to share a MagmaSession between Seaside sessions 
until a user logs in. Then you'll have a MagmaSession per logged-in user.


	| seasideMagmaSession |
	seasideMagmaSession := WASession current magmaSession.
	seasideMagmaSession notNil: [^seasideMagmaSession].
	^self sharedMagmaSession


MyWASession>#loginUser: aUserName
	magmaSession := self createMagmaSessionConnectAs: aUserName

Hope you get the idea.



On 14.11.10 23:49, Facundo Vozzi wrote:
> Hi all,
> I added magma session to my application seaside session (a subclass of
> WASession) so each user has his own magma session. My problem is with
> magritte description because I need, on the class side, set list of
> options. By example:
> User class >>descriptionRol
> "Answer a magritte meta description for the receiver rol attribute."
> ^MAMultipleOptionDescription new
> accessor: #roles;
> label: 'Roles';
> priority: 200;
> componentClass: MAListCompositonComponent;
> options: MySystem singleton roles;
> beSorted;
> yourself
> The problem is "MySystem singleton roles" beacuse is in other magma
> session when the user add or edit an instance of User on the seaside
> application.
> I "hack" my seaside components to override the options with a collection
> of instances (by example: Rol allInSession: aUserSession) inside of the
> user session but it's very ugly. Just a test. How do you configure the
> maggrite description to deal with this problem? Is a common practice add
> a new magma session in every session session?
> Thanks in advance,
> Facu
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