Problem when replacing a collection within a MagmaCollection

Amir Ansari fractallyte at
Mon Apr 11 06:59:28 UTC 2011

Hi List

Sorry for this long post, but I'm having a problem and just can't figure out where I'm going wrong...

I created a new class, 'FruitBowl', with variables 'color' and 'fruits', and added an instance of it to a database.

	MyDB commit: [
		MyDB root at: 'fruitbowls' put: (MagmaCollection new
			addIndex: (MaSearchStringIndex attribute: #color);
			addIndex: (MaKeywordIndex attribute: #fruits);
			yourself) ].

	fruitbowls := MyDB root at: 'fruitbowls'.
	myBowl := FruitBowl new color: 'silver'; fruits: #('apple' 'pear' 'plum'); yourself.

	MyDB commit: [ fruitbowls add: myBowl ].
	MyDB release.

I can query the database without any problem:
	query := fruitbowls where: [ :each | each fruits includesAllOf: 'pear' subStrings ].

However, if I replace the collection of fruits and commit:
	MyDB commit: [
		myBowl fruits: #('walnut' 'hazelnut' 'chestnut') ].
	MyDB release.

The new collection seems to be there:
	reader := fruitbowls read: #color.
	(reader at: 1) fruits

But I can no longer query:
	query := fruitbowls where: [ :each | each fruits includesAllOf: 'walnut' subStrings ].
	query size

I must be doing something fundamentally silly - can anyone point out what it is?



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