Traits and Magma in Pharo 1.3

Panu Suominen panu.suominen at
Wed Nov 2 18:15:29 UTC 2011


I have a little problem using Magma, Pharo 1.3 & co. Magma seems to
load fine to empty 1.3 image.
Tests does not seem to work but data can be stored and loaded.

However after loading more code to the image debuger pops up saying
that Trait does not understand typeOfClass.
This is raised from MaClassDefinition >> initializeForm:. This problem
makes impossible to load a trait to the image.
Method naming suggest that traits should not end up there anyways?

I hacked my self around this problem by adding a guarding line in the
begining of MaClassIdManage>>refreshInImageDefinition:. It goes like
aClass isTrait ifTrue:[^self].

It enables me to load codes to the image, but I have no idea about the
possible side effects
of this change. Maybe someone more knowledgeable should investigate
the issue? :)


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