
Alexandre Bergel bergel at
Tue Mar 8 13:55:17 UTC 2005

Just some quick comments:

> 1. A module is a separately deployable unit of objects, typically
> including classes. I think this definition is a good one.

What a module is for? When one would choose to use it? Is it for deploying application? Is it to share source code? Is it to save/share EToys stuff and other scripting mechanism? 

What is the model behind the technical details that you gave? Me, as an end-user, I do not really have to care that ImageSegment is used or not, or that a module can be easily unloaded by putting a ref to nil. The system should do that for me.

For me, it is really not clear why and for what we need modules.

To share source code, I think that Monticello is not bad, regardless the lack of first class package that implies some naming convention.

> and Metaclass (superclass of Baba class, right?)

Not really.
(Baba class) superclass == (Baba superclass) class

Baba class class == Metaclass


Alexandre Bergel

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