focus on code?

Jecel Assumpcao Jr jecel at
Tue Mar 8 09:30:14 UTC 2005

Lex Spoon wrote on Sat, 5 Mar 2005 13:58:20 -0400
> So how do you do all these things?  I don't know!  It's great that there
> are Squeak folks who are good at these things, and I thoroughly look
> forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.  Please don't be too
> reticent about ideas that "only" make sense for code.  A code-centric
> module system that is effortless for developers to use, is something to
> be proud of.

The code-only 3.3 module system had my full support. Any step forward is
to be encouraged.

But my programming style is such that I can't use this kind of system to
distribute my stuff to others. I nearly always create instances as well
as classes and methods and use various editors and tools to shape them.
These are then stuck in the image in which they were born (though I can
use projects to export them). This really hasn't been a problem since
nobody else is really interested in an application to edit and upload a
font to some hardware than only I have.

Some folks would rather see a more declarative way of coding in
Smalltalk. And they have some very good points. I want to play with live
objects. But Squeak isn't for me - it is for all of us.

-- Jecel

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