[Newcompiler] Changing just a part of a method

Damien Cassou damien.cassou at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 12:51:06 UTC 2007

2007/7/27, Mathieu Suen <mathieusuen at yahoo.fr>:
> Try to use the SqueakParser in the NewParser package.
> Could you give me your code to let me try.
> Thanks

CompiledMethod>>linesOfCode before change:

	"An approximate measure of lines of code.
	Includes comments, but excludes blank lines."
	| strm line lines |
	lines _ 0.
	strm _ ReadStream on: self getSource.
		[strm atEnd] whileFalse:
			[line _ strm upTo: Character cr.
			line isEmpty ifFalse: [lines _ lines+1]].

CompiledMethod>>linesOfCode after change using RBParser:

	"An approximate measure of lines of code.
	Includes comments, but excludes blank lines."

	| strm line lines |
	lines := 0.
	strm := self getSource readStream.
	[strm atEnd] whileFalse:
			[line := strm upTo: Character cr.
			line isEmpty ifFalse: [lines := lines + 1]].
	^ lines

All _ has been changed to := and I don't want this.

The code to change the method is:

rewriteRule := ParseTreeRewriter new.
rewriteRule replace: 'ReadStream on: ``@Expression' with:
'``@Expression readStream'.
tree := CompiledMethod parseTreeFor: #linesOfCode.
rewriteRule executeTree: tree.
rewriteRule tree printString.

I understand why this is like this: once you have a tree, you can't go
back to previous formatting. But is there a workaround?

Damien Cassou

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