[Newcompiler] Finding enough bytecodes for closures.

Marcus Denker denker at iam.unibe.ch
Tue May 1 19:10:29 UTC 2007

On 01.05.2007, at 19:52, Klaus D. Witzel wrote:

>> But there are many cases of BlockClosures that reference no external
>> variables... e.g. along the example given by bryce:
>> 	someDict at: #test ifAbsentPut: ['hello']
>> here the block has no variables at all, thus is does not need to have
>> an Environment.
> Sure (now repeated, how many times? :) There are cases where no  
> Env's are needed. But you cannot design+build the new compiler for  
> just the cases where no Env is needed?
No, of course not. But there might be designs without explicit  
environments as objects... at least one thing that could be done is  
to only put *shared* variables in an environment and
have the others in the methodcontexts.

>>> Sure "only if needed" but otherwise nobody would need a new
>>> compiler which handles full BlockClosures.
>> But they are not needed in *all* cases. ['I am a block'] does not
>> need an environment for storing variables.
> *absolutely* *no* *problem* *and* *never* *seen* *as* *a* *problem*  
> *here* (apologies for the emphasis) but that cannot be taken as the  
> general case

No. But it should pay to optimize this, because blocks with no  
external references are quite common.

> (and just the latter is my point, nothing more). Instead, efficient  
> code needs to be generated for precisely the opposite case(s). Is  
> it possible we agree on this one?

We need fast code for the general case, yes.

>>>> Removing
>>>> the closures is just creating extra kinds of block similar to the
>>>> different kinds of context that Eliot added in VisualWorks
>>>> 5i. Creating extra context types is probably not needed to equal
>>>> or better
>>>> the current code in most cases.
>>> Yes (extra context types probably not needed to equal or better),
>>> me too thinks that's not really needed.
>> It would be nice to make it simple and uniform.... the current
>> BlockContext scheme preceeds the contex-recycling
>> scheme...
> There's one particular reason why #pushActiveContextBytecode has to  
> cancel (as noted by Bryce in the other thread) the recycling  
> possibility of contexts: any piece of code could have stored the  
> context (MethodContext and BlockContext alike) behind the VM's  
> back, say for example into a slot of a longer living object (like  
> in an iVar). From then on recycling is impossible.
yes. As soon as you access thisContext.

> Can we agree that this situation (cause+effect) cannot change,  
> regardless of using MethodContext, BlockContext, BlockClosures or  
> any replacement for the latter?

But what we can change is that we push thisContext to access the  
environment... it did something like:

	pushConstant: 5
	send: privGetInstVar:

So the thisContext is never referenced (and stored in a ivar, moved  
around..) but only put on the stack to
get the 5th instVar of it. If we do that in the bytecode like this:

!Interpreter methodsFor: 'stack bytecodes' stamp: 'ms 4/24/2007 15:08'!

	self fetchNextBytecode.
	self internalPush: (self fetchPointer: 4 ofObject: activeContext).
! !

!Interpreter methodsFor: 'stack bytecodes' stamp: 'ms 4/28/2007 11:12'!
	"Byte code for the closure environment"
	self fetchNextBytecode.

	self storePointer: 4 ofObject: activeContext  withValue: self  
internalStackTop! !

We never need to push the thisContext at all...


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