restarting ?

Michael Rueger michael at
Sat Aug 27 13:30:44 UTC 2005

Daniel Vainsencher schrieb:
> I have no idea how, but please do. I can't even use the repositories, 
> never mind the SqS instance. We should have pretty good uptime for that 
> which will be the update stream...

We are having problems with as well. It seems the 
squeaksource server doesn't handle load peeks very well, but that is 
more a suspicion. Lukas told me that it might have to do with weak 
references, but it also may be a VM problem IMHO. One problem is the 
huge reference stream that gets written, we should find a different way 
to handle that.
Bert did a couple of patches and enhancements for our impara server and 
we will make them available next week. But I think we need to put some 
more effort into this, as these servers become a critical part of the 
infrastructure and need to be rock solid.


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