about MCConfigurations

Doug Way dway at mailcan.com
Tue Jul 26 19:58:02 UTC 2005

On Mon, 25 Jul 2005 19:12:16 +0200, "stéphane ducasse"
<ducasse at iam.unibe.ch> said:
> Hi
> I wanted to see if I can load a complete configuration but I could  
> not find how I can get a MC configuration.

For now, the best way to get the "current" MCConfiguration is to open
the most recent changeset which defines one, which is update #6676.

You can select most of the DoIt in that changeset, starting with
"MCConfiguration fromArray: #( ..." up to near the end, not including
the "upgrade" message.

Then you would send #updateFromRepositories (to get the latest version
numbers) and then #upgrade (to install these latest packages) to this
instance.  So, like this:

mcmap := MCConfiguration fromArray: #(repository (...) dependency (...)
mcmap updateFromRepositories.
mcmap upgrade.

Of course, this won't work at the moment because the .mcd generation is
currently not working on the SqueakSource server, which we need to fix. 
To work around that for now, you could hack MCConfiguration
versionNamed:for:from: to comment out the entire second statement, which
tried to retrieve the .mcd file, so that it just downloads the whole
.mcz intead.

> I opened the configuration browser but I could not figure where I  
> could get a configuration or the latest stable configuration for  
> example.

Yeah, it would be good to have some way to get the current or "latest
stable" configuration somehow from the MCConfiguration browser.  We will
probably want to add something like that once we get going.

- Doug

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