About MC for managing the image

stéphane ducasse ducasse at iam.unibe.ch
Thu Sep 22 15:43:36 UTC 2005

On 22 sept. 05, at 13:32, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

> Am 22.09.2005 um 12:44 schrieb stéphane ducasse:
>> Still fighting with the morphic splitters ....working on code that  
>> is not yours and take ages to be proceed is a pain
>> with tools with bad UI and the UI of the MC browser really sucks.
>> What is the difference between underline, bold, bold underlined?
>> I'm restarting again the complete loading and importing to be sure.
> (from MCConflict>>summary)
>         self isResolved
>             ifTrue: [self remoteChosen ifTrue: [#underlined]  
> ifFalse: [#struckOut]]
>             ifFalse: [#bold].
> Bold means an unresolved conflict. You have to resolve all  
> conflicts manually, choosing either the local ("reject") or remote  
> ("keep") version.
> If you choose to keep a change, it's underlined, otherwise, it's  
> struck out.

thanks bert I was talking about the package itself. I was confused  
because after the save of the morphic splitter and reload in a fresh  
image and resolution of the merge, I could not really understand why  
some packages were underlined and other struck. Since this is not
my code and it takes so long, it is difficult to learn from the actions.

Now I was restarting to redo everything
     sqeuak package with required packages
     loading morphic splitters from cs
     adding new packages as required
     saving squeak and I got yet another strange bug....

So I have to go back home and I hope to be able to find time to redo  
again the experiment
I want to make sure of the process before pushing that in 3.9a


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