confused by rest local rest remote

stéphane ducasse ducasse at
Wed Sep 28 12:01:44 UTC 2005

> I did not select dirty ones... I just did what avi did. And *only  
> that*. No morphic splitters filein, no nothing.
> I think your problem is that you re-do the morphic splitters  
> filein. We all just used avi's script on the
> packages in the repository (as they are snapshots witht he  
> splitters inluded).

I did not filein the morphic splitters. I restarted to load the  
packages on 93.
I'm not yet dead stupid!!!!

I loaded morphic spliiter to reproduce the package on my disc and not  
mess up the repository.

> A big question for me is: Can we somehow work in parallel, that is:  
> 3.9 as released has some serious
> bugs that need to be adressed soon, but now we are stuck for 3  
> weeks. The problem is that I don't
> have too much time (e.g. to work on the MC merge thing), but  
> merging in a couple of simple fixes
> in the old way would be no problem... I feel that we should not  
> block simple stuff when working on
> making complex stuff possible.

Marcus I think that this is important that we find a way to work fast  
even if this task takes some times.

I will try the script from the repository when I have a good  
bandwidth. I would like to version these scripts
because we should be able to take a snapshot (that would only created  
because we could not do it otherwise)
and recreate the latest image (put on the ftp only for making life  


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