[Pkg] Squeak3.10bc: NetworkTests-kph.10.mcz

squeak-dev-noreply at lists.squeakfoundation.org squeak-dev-noreply at lists.squeakfoundation.org
Sat Dec 13 04:47:48 UTC 2008

A new version of NetworkTests was added to project Squeak3.10bc:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: NetworkTests-kph.10
Author: kph
Time: 13 December 2008, 4:47:47 am
UUID: 7783b7a2-e298-461e-b1c8-c0749d7c89df
Ancestors: NetworkTests-md.9

Saved from SystemVersion

==================== Snapshot ====================

SystemOrganization addCategory: #'NetworkTests-Kernel'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'NetworkTests-Protocols'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'NetworkTests-RFC822'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'NetworkTests-UUID'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'NetworkTests-Url'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'NetworkTests-URI'!

Stream subclass: #MockSocketStream
	instanceVariableNames: 'atEnd inStream outStream'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'NetworkTests-Kernel'!

----- Method: MockSocketStream class>>on: (in category 'instance creation') -----
on: socket
	^self basicNew initialize!

----- Method: MockSocketStream>>atEnd (in category 'testing') -----
	^self inStream atEnd.!

----- Method: MockSocketStream>>atEnd: (in category 'accessing') -----
atEnd: aBoolean
	atEnd := aBoolean.!

----- Method: MockSocketStream>>inStream (in category 'accessing') -----

----- Method: MockSocketStream>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') -----
	self resetInStream.
	self resetOutStream.!

----- Method: MockSocketStream>>nextLine (in category 'stream in') -----
	^self nextLineCrLf!

----- Method: MockSocketStream>>nextLineCrLf (in category 'stream in') -----
	^(self upToAll: String crlf).!

----- Method: MockSocketStream>>outStream (in category 'accessing') -----

----- Method: MockSocketStream>>resetInStream (in category 'stream in') -----
	inStream := WriteStream on: ''.!

----- Method: MockSocketStream>>resetOutStream (in category 'stream out') -----
	outStream := WriteStream on: ''.!

----- Method: MockSocketStream>>sendCommand: (in category 'stream out') -----
sendCommand: aString
	self outStream
		nextPutAll: aString;
		nextPutAll: String crlf.!

----- Method: MockSocketStream>>upToAll: (in category 'stream in') -----
upToAll: delims
	^self inStream upToAll: delims.!

TestCase subclass: #MailAddressParserTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'NetworkTests-RFC822'!

!MailAddressParserTest commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
This is the unit test for the class MailAddressParser. Unit tests are a good way to exercise the functionality of your system in a repeatable and automatic manner. They are therefore recommended if you plan to release anything. For more information, see: 
	- http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?UnitTest
	- http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/1547
	- the sunit class category!

----- Method: MailAddressParserTest>>testAddressesIn (in category 'tests') -----

	| testString correctAnswer |

	testString := 'joe at lama.com, joe2 at lama.com joe3 at lama.com joe4 , Not an Address <joe5 at address>, joe.(annoying (nested) comment)literal@[], "an annoying" group : joe1 at groupie, joe2 at groupie, "Joey" joe3 at groupy, "joe6"."joe8"@group.com;,  Lex''s email account <lex>'.

correctAnswer := #('joe at lama.com' 'joe2 at lama.com' 'joe3 at lama.com' 'joe4' 'joe5 at address' 'joe.literal@[]' 'joe1 at groupie' 'joe2 at groupie' '"Joey"' 'joe3 at groupy' '"joe6"."joe8"@group.com' 'lex') asOrderedCollection.

	self assert: ((MailAddressParser addressesIn: testString) =  correctAnswer).!

TestCase subclass: #SMTPClientTest
	instanceVariableNames: 'smtp socket'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'NetworkTests-Protocols'!

----- Method: SMTPClientTest>>setUp (in category 'running') -----
	socket := MockSocketStream on: ''.
	smtp := SMTPClient new.
	smtp stream: socket.!

----- Method: SMTPClientTest>>testMailFrom (in category 'testing') -----
	smtp mailFrom: 'frank at angband.za.org'.
	self assert: socket outStream contents = ('MAIL FROM: <frank at angband.za.org>', String crlf).
	socket resetOutStream.
	smtp mailFrom: '<frank at angband.za.org>'.
	self assert: socket outStream contents = ('MAIL FROM: <frank at angband.za.org>', String crlf).
	socket resetOutStream.
	smtp mailFrom: 'Frank <frank at angband.za.org>'.
	self assert: socket outStream contents = ('MAIL FROM: <frank at angband.za.org>', String crlf).!

TestCase subclass: #SocketStatsTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'NetworkTests-Kernel'!

----- Method: SocketStatsTest>>stats (in category 'support') -----

	^ Socket

----- Method: SocketStatsTest>>testHttpSocket (in category 'standard tests(net)') -----

self testOpen: [ HTTPSocket new ] close: [ :s | s destroy ].!

----- Method: SocketStatsTest>>testOldSocket (in category 'standard tests(net)') -----

self testOpen: [ OldSocket new ] close: [ :s | s destroy ].!

----- Method: SocketStatsTest>>testOpen:close: (in category 'support') -----
testOpen: socketOpeningBlock close: socketClosingBlock

	| beforeOpened beforeClosed socket  |
	beforeOpened := self stats statsOpened.
	beforeClosed := self stats statsClosed.
	socket := socketOpeningBlock value.
	self assert: (self stats statsOpened = (beforeOpened + 1)). 
	self assert: (self stats statsClosed = beforeClosed). 
	socketClosingBlock value: socket.

	self assert: (self stats statsOpened = (beforeOpened + 1)). 
	self assert: (self stats statsClosed = (beforeClosed + 1)). 

----- Method: SocketStatsTest>>testSocket (in category 'standard tests(net)') -----

self testOpen: [ Socket new ] close: [ :s | s destroy ].!

TestCase subclass: #TestURI
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'NetworkTests-URI'!

!TestURI commentStamp: 'mir 2/27/2002 14:42' prior: 0!
Main comment stating the purpose of this class and relevant relationship to other classes.

   Some parsers allow the scheme name to be present in a relative URI if
   it is the same as the base URI scheme.  This is considered to be a
   loophole in prior specifications of partial URI [RFC1630]. Its use
   should be avoided.

      http:g        =  http:g           ; for validating parsers
                    |  http://a/b/c/g   ; for backwards compatibility

----- Method: TestURI class>>generateAbnormalResolverTests (in category 'test generation') -----
	"TestURI generateAbnormalResolverTests"

	| relURIString result method testPairs pair |

	testPairs _ #(
		#('../../../g' 'http://a/../g' )
		#('../../../../g' 'http://a/../../g' )
		#('/./g' 'http://a/./g' )
		#('/../g' 'http://a/../g' )
		#('g.' 'http://a/b/c/g.' )
		#('.g' 'http://a/b/c/.g' )
		#('g..' 'http://a/b/c/g..' )
		#('..g' 'http://a/b/c/..g' )
		#('./../g' 'http://a/b/g' )
		#('./g/.' 'http://a/b/c/g/' )
		#('g/./h' 'http://a/b/c/g/h' )
		#('g/../h' 'http://a/b/c/h' )
		#('g;x=1/./y' 'http://a/b/c/g;x=1/y' )
		#('g;x=1/../y' 'http://a/b/c/y' )
		#('g?y/./x' 'http://a/b/c/g?y/./x' )
		#('g?y/../x' 'http://a/b/c/g?y/../x' )
		#('g#s/./x' 'http://a/b/c/g#s/./x' )
		#('g#s/../x' 'http://a/b/c/g#s/../x' )
	1 to: testPairs size do: [:index |
		pair _ testPairs at: index.
		relURIString _ pair first.
		result _ pair last.
		method _ String streamContents: [:stream |
			stream nextPutAll: 'testResolveAbnormal' , index printString; cr.
				nextPutAll: '	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |' ; cr;
				nextPutAll: '	baseURI _ ''http://a/b/c/d;p?q'' asURI.' ; cr;
				nextPutAll: '	relURI _ '; nextPut: $'; nextPutAll: relURIString; nextPutAll: '''.' ; cr;
				nextPutAll: '	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.' ; cr;
				nextPutAll: '	self should: [resolvedURI asString = '''; nextPutAll: result; nextPutAll: '''].' ; cr].
		self compile: method classified: 'running resolving'].

----- Method: TestURI class>>generateNormalResolverTests (in category 'test generation') -----
	"TestURI generateNormalResolverTests"

	| relURIString result method testPairs pair |

	testPairs _ #(
		#('g:h' 'g:h' )
		#('g' 'http://a/b/c/g' )
		#('./g' 'http://a/b/c/g' )
		#('g/' 'http://a/b/c/g/' )
		#('/g' 'http://a/g' )
		#('//g' 'http://g' )
		#('?y' 'http://a/b/c/?y' )
		#('g?y' 'http://a/b/c/g?y' )
		#('g#s' 'http://a/b/c/g#s' )
		#('g?y#s' 'http://a/b/c/g?y#s' )
		#(';x' 'http://a/b/c/;x' )
		#('g;x' 'http://a/b/c/g;x' )
		#('g;x?y#s' 'http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s' )
		#('.' 'http://a/b/c/' )
		#('./' 'http://a/b/c/' )
		#('..' 'http://a/b/' )
		#('../' 'http://a/b/' )
		#('../g' 'http://a/b/g' )
		#('../..' 'http://a/' )
		#('../../' 'http://a/' )
		#('../../g' 'http://a/g' )
	1 to: testPairs size do: [:index |
		pair _ testPairs at: index.
		relURIString _ pair first.
		result _ pair last.
		method _ String streamContents: [:stream |
			stream nextPutAll: 'testResolveNormal' , index printString; cr.
				nextPutAll: '	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |' ; cr;
				nextPutAll: '	baseURI _ ''http://a/b/c/d;p?q'' asURI.' ; cr;
				nextPutAll: '	relURI _ '; nextPut: $'; nextPutAll: relURIString; nextPutAll: '''.' ; cr;
				nextPutAll: '	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.' ; cr;
				nextPutAll: '	self should: [resolvedURI asString = '''; nextPutAll: result; nextPutAll: '''].' ; cr].
		self compile: method classified: 'running resolving'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testDefaultDirRoundtrip (in category 'running file') -----
	| defaultDir defaultURI uriDir |
	defaultDir := FileDirectory default.
	defaultURI := defaultDir uri.
	uriDir := FileDirectory uri: defaultURI.
	self should: [defaultDir fullName = uriDir fullName]!

----- Method: TestURI>>testDirectoryRoot (in category 'running file') -----

	| rootDir uriRoot uriDir |
	rootDir := FileDirectory root.
	uriRoot := 'file:///' asURI.
	uriDir := FileDirectory uri: uriRoot.
	self should: [rootDir fullName = uriDir fullName]!

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal1 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '../../../g'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/../g'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal10 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ './g/.'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g/'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal11 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g/./h'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g/h'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal12 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g/../h'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/h'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal13 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g;x=1/./y'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g;x=1/y'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal14 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g;x=1/../y'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/y'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal15 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g?y/./x'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g?y/./x'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal16 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g?y/../x'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g?y/../x'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal17 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g#s/./x'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g#s/./x'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal18 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g#s/../x'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g#s/../x'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal2 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '../../../../g'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/../../g'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal3 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '/./g'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/./g'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal4 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '/../g'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/../g'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal5 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g.'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g.'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal6 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '.g'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/.g'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal7 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g..'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g..'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal8 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '..g'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/..g'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveAbnormal9 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ './../g'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/g'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal1 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g:h'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'g:h'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal10 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g?y#s'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g?y#s'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal11 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ ';x'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/;x'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal12 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g;x'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g;x'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal13 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g;x?y#s'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal14 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '.'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal15 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ './'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal16 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '..'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal17 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '../'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal18 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '../g'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/g'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal19 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '../..'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal2 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal20 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '../../'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal21 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '../../g'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/g'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal3 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ './g'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal4 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g/'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g/'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal5 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '/g'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/g'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal6 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '//g'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://g'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal7 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ '?y'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/?y'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal8 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g?y'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g?y'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testResolveNormal9 (in category 'running resolving') -----
	| baseURI relURI resolvedURI |
	baseURI _ 'http://a/b/c/d;p?q' asURI.
	relURI _ 'g#s'.
	resolvedURI _ baseURI resolveRelativeURI: relURI.
	self should: [resolvedURI asString = 'http://a/b/c/g#s'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testSchemeAbsoluteFail1 (in category 'running parsing') -----
	self should: [URI fromString: 'http:'] raise: IllegalURIException!

----- Method: TestURI>>testSchemeAbsolutePass1 (in category 'running parsing') -----
	| uri |
	uri _ URI fromString: 'http://www.squeakland.org'.
	self should: [uri scheme = 'http'].
	self should: [uri isAbsolute].
	self shouldnt: [uri isOpaque].
	self shouldnt: [uri isRelative]!

----- Method: TestURI>>testSchemeAbsolutePass2 (in category 'running parsing') -----
	| uri |
	uri _ URI fromString: 'mailto:somebody at somewhere.nowhere'.
	self should: [uri scheme = 'mailto'].
	self should: [uri isAbsolute].
	self should: [uri isOpaque].
	self shouldnt: [uri isRelative]!

----- Method: TestURI>>testSchemeAbsolutePass3 (in category 'running parsing') -----
	| uri |
	uri _ URI fromString: 'ftp://ftp@squeak.org'.
	self should: [uri scheme = 'ftp'].
	self should: [uri isAbsolute].
	self shouldnt: [uri isOpaque].
	self shouldnt: [uri isRelative].
	self should: [uri userInfo = 'ftp'].
	self should: [uri host = 'squeak.org'].
	self should: [uri port isNil].

----- Method: TestURI>>testSchemeAbsolutePass4 (in category 'running parsing') -----
	| uri |
	uri _ URI fromString: 'mailto:somebody at somewhere.nowhere#fragment'.
	self should: [uri scheme = 'mailto'].
	self should: [uri isAbsolute].
	self should: [uri isOpaque].
	self shouldnt: [uri isRelative].
	self should: [uri fragment = 'fragment'].

----- Method: TestURI>>testSchemeAbsolutePass5 (in category 'running parsing') -----
	| uri |
	uri _ URI fromString: 'http://www.squeakland.org#fragment'.
	self should: [uri scheme = 'http'].
	self should: [uri isAbsolute].
	self shouldnt: [uri isOpaque].
	self shouldnt: [uri isRelative].
	self should: [uri fragment = 'fragment'].

TestCase subclass: #UUIDPrimitivesTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: 'Default'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'NetworkTests-UUID'!

----- Method: UUIDPrimitivesTest>>testCreation (in category 'tests') -----
	| uuid |
	uuid _ UUID new.
	self should: [uuid size = 16].
	self shouldnt: [uuid isNilUUID].
	self should: [uuid asString size = 36].

----- Method: UUIDPrimitivesTest>>testCreationEquality (in category 'tests') -----
	| uuid1 uuid2 |
	uuid1 _ UUID new.
	uuid2 _ UUID new.
	self should: [uuid1 = uuid1].
	self should: [uuid2 = uuid2].
	self shouldnt: [uuid1 = uuid2].
	self shouldnt: [uuid1 hash = uuid2 hash].

----- Method: UUIDPrimitivesTest>>testCreationFromString (in category 'tests') -----
	| uuid string |
	string _ UUID nilUUID asString.
	uuid _ UUID fromString: string.
	self should: [uuid size = 16].
	self should: [uuid = UUID nilUUID].
	self should: [uuid isNilUUID].
	self should: [uuid asString size = 36].
	self should: [uuid asArray asSet size = 1].
	self should: [(uuid asArray asSet asArray at: 1) = 0].

----- Method: UUIDPrimitivesTest>>testCreationFromStringNotNil (in category 'tests') -----
	| uuid string |
	string _ UUID new asString.
	uuid _ UUID fromString: string.
	self should: [uuid size = 16].
	self should: [uuid asString size = 36].


----- Method: UUIDPrimitivesTest>>testCreationNil (in category 'tests') -----
	| uuid |
	uuid _ UUID nilUUID.
	self should: [uuid size = 16].
	self should: [uuid isNilUUID].
	self should: [uuid asString size = 36].
	self should: [uuid asArray asSet size = 1].
	self should: [(uuid asArray asSet asArray at: 1) = 0].

----- Method: UUIDPrimitivesTest>>testCreationNodeBased (in category 'tests') -----
	| uuid |

	(UUID new asString last: 12) = (UUID new asString last: 12) ifFalse: [^self].
	1000 timesRepeat:
		[uuid _ UUID new.
		self should: [((uuid at: 7) bitAnd: 16rF0) = 16r10].
		self should: [((uuid at: 9) bitAnd: 16rC0) = 16r80]]

----- Method: UUIDPrimitivesTest>>testDuplicationsKinda (in category 'tests') -----
	|check uuid size |

	size _ 5000.
	check _ Set new: size.
	size timesRepeat: 
		[uuid _ UUID new.
		self shouldnt: [check includes: uuid].
		check add: uuid].

----- Method: UUIDPrimitivesTest>>testOrder (in category 'tests') -----
	| uuid1 uuid2 |
	100 timesRepeat:
		[uuid1 _ UUID new.
		uuid2 _ UUID new.
		(uuid1 asString last: 12) = (uuid2 asString last: 12) ifTrue:
			[self should: [uuid1 < uuid2].
			self should: [uuid2 > uuid1].
			self shouldnt: [uuid1 = uuid2]]]

ClassTestCase subclass: #FileUrlTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'NetworkTests-Url'!

----- Method: FileUrlTest>>testAsString (in category 'testing') -----
	| target url |
	target := 'file://localhost/etc/rc.conf'.
	url := target asUrl.
	self assert: url asString = target.

ClassTestCase subclass: #GenericUrlTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'NetworkTests-Url'!

----- Method: GenericUrlTest>>testAsString (in category 'testing') -----
	| url |
	url := GenericUrl new schemeName: 'sip' locator: 'foo at bar'.
	self assert: url asString = 'sip:foo at bar'.!

ClassTestCase subclass: #HierarchicalUrlTest
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'NetworkTests-Url'!

----- Method: HierarchicalUrlTest>>testAsString (in category 'testing') -----
	| url |
	url := HierarchicalUrl new
		schemeName: 'ftp'
		authority: 'localhost'
		path: #('path' 'to' 'file')
		query: 'aQuery'.
	self assert: url asString = 'ftp://localhost/path/to/file?aQuery'.!

ClassTestCase subclass: #UrlTest
	instanceVariableNames: 'url baseUrl expected string'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'NetworkTests-Url'!

!UrlTest commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
This is the unit test for the class Url. Unit tests are a good way to exercise the functionality of your system in a repeatable and automatic manner. They are therefore recommended if you plan to release anything. For more information, see: 
	- http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?UnitTest
	- http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/1547
	- the sunit class category!

----- Method: UrlTest>>testAbsoluteBrowser (in category 'tests') -----

	url _ Url absoluteFromText: 'browser:bookmarks#mainPart'.

	self assert: url schemeName = 'browser'.
	self assert: url locator = 'bookmarks'.
	self assert:url fragment = 'mainPart'.
	self assert: url class = BrowserUrl.

----- Method: UrlTest>>testAbsoluteFILE (in category 'tests') -----
	url _ Url absoluteFromText: 'file:/etc/passwd#foo'.

	self assert: url schemeName = 'file'.
	self assert: url path first = 'etc'.
	self assert: url path size = 2.	
	self assert: url fragment = 'foo'.!

----- Method: UrlTest>>testAbsoluteFILE2 (in category 'tests') -----
	url _ 'fILE:/foo/bar//zookie/?fakequery/#fragger' asUrl.

	self assert: url schemeName = 'file'.
	self assert: url class = FileUrl.
	self assert: url path first ='foo'.
	self assert: url path size = 5.
	self assert: url fragment = 'fragger'.!

----- Method: UrlTest>>testAbsoluteFILE3 (in category 'tests') -----
	"Just a few selected tests for FileUrl, not complete by any means."

	{'file:'. 'file:/'. 'file://'} do: [:s |
	 	url _ FileUrl absoluteFromText: s.
		self assert: (url asString = 'file:///').
		self assert: (url host = '').
		self assert: url isAbsolute].
	url _ FileUrl absoluteFromText: 'file://localhost/dir/file.txt'.
	self assert: (url asString = 'file://localhost/dir/file.txt').
	self assert: (url host = 'localhost').
	url _ FileUrl absoluteFromText: 'file://localhost/dir/file.txt'.
	self assert: (url asString = 'file://localhost/dir/file.txt').
	self assert: (url host = 'localhost').
	self assert: url isAbsolute.
	url _ FileUrl absoluteFromText: 'file:///dir/file.txt'.
	self assert: (url asString = 'file:///dir/file.txt').
	self assert: (url host = '').
	self assert: url isAbsolute.
	url _ FileUrl absoluteFromText: '/dir/file.txt'.
	self assert: (url asString = 'file:///dir/file.txt').
	self assert: url isAbsolute.
	url _ FileUrl absoluteFromText: 'dir/file.txt'.
	self assert: (url asString = 'file:///dir/file.txt').
	self deny: url isAbsolute.
	url _ FileUrl absoluteFromText: 'c:/dir/file.txt'.
	self assert: (url asString = 'file:///c%3A/dir/file.txt').
	self assert: url isAbsolute.
	"Only a drive letter doesn't refer to a directory."
	url _ FileUrl absoluteFromText: 'c:'.
	self assert: (url asString = 'file:///c%3A/').
	self assert: url isAbsolute.
	url _ FileUrl absoluteFromText: 'c:/'.
	self assert: (url asString = 'file:///c%3A/').
	self assert: url isAbsolute!

----- Method: UrlTest>>testAbsoluteFTP (in category 'tests') -----
	url _ 'ftP://some.server/some/directory/' asUrl.

	self assert: url schemeName = 'ftp'.
	self assert: url class = FtpUrl.
	self assert: url authority = 'some.server'.	
	self assert: url path first = 'some'.
	self assert: url path size  = 3.

----- Method: UrlTest>>testAbsoluteHTTP (in category 'tests') -----
	url _ 'hTTp://chaos.resnet.gatech.edu:8000/docs/java/index.html?A%20query%20#part' asUrl.

	self assert: url schemeName = 'http'.
	self assert: url authority = 'chaos.resnet.gatech.edu'.
	self assert: url path first = 'docs'.
	self assert: url path size = 3.
	self assert: url query = 'A%20query%20'.
	self assert: url fragment = 'part'.!

----- Method: UrlTest>>testAbsolutePortErrorFix (in category 'tests') -----
	self shouldnt: [Url absoluteFromText: 'http://swikis.ddo.jp:8823/'] raise: Error.

	self should: [Url absoluteFromText: 'http://swikis.ddo.jp:-1/'] raise: Error.
	self should: [Url absoluteFromText: 'http://swikis.ddo.jp:65536/'] raise: Error.
	self should: [Url absoluteFromText: 'http://swikis.ddo.jp:auau/'] raise: Error.!

----- Method: UrlTest>>testAbsoluteTELNET (in category 'tests') -----
	url _ 'telNet:chaos.resnet.gatech.edu#goo' asUrl.

	self assert: url schemeName = 'telnet'.
	self assert: url locator = 'chaos.resnet.gatech.edu'.
	self assert: url fragment = 'goo'.	

----- Method: UrlTest>>testCombineWithRelative (in category 'tests') -----
	#(#('http://www.rfc1149.net/' 'foo.html' 'http://www.rfc1149.net/foo.html') #('http://www.rfc1149.net/index.html' 'foo.html' 'http://www.rfc1149.net/foo.html') #('http://www.rfc1149.net/devel/' '../sam/' 'http://www.rfc1149.net/sam/') #('http://www.rfc1149.net/devel/index.html' '../sam/' 'http://www.rfc1149.net/sam/')) 
		do: [:a | self assert: (Url combine: a first withRelative: a second) = a third]!

----- Method: UrlTest>>testFromFileNameOrUrlString (in category 'testing') -----

	url _ Url absoluteFromFileNameOrUrlString: 'asdf'.
	self assert: url schemeName = 'file'.
	self assert: url fragment isNil.
	self assert: url class = FileUrl.

	url _ Url absoluteFromFileNameOrUrlString: ''.
	self assert: url schemeName = 'http'.
	self assert: url fragment isNil.
	self assert: url class = HttpUrl.!

----- Method: UrlTest>>testRelativeFILE (in category 'tests') -----
	| url2 |
	baseUrl _ 'file:/some/dir#fragment1' asUrl.
	url _ baseUrl newFromRelativeText: 'file:../another/dir/#fragment2'.
	self assert: url asText =  'file:///another/dir/#fragment2'.
	url _ FileUrl absoluteFromText: 'file://localhost/dir/dir2/file.txt'.
	url2 _ FileUrl absoluteFromText: 'file://hostname/flip/file.txt'.
	url2 privateInitializeFromText: '../file2.txt' relativeTo: url.
	self assert: (url2 asString = 'file://localhost/dir/file2.txt').
	self assert: (url2 host = 'localhost').
	self assert: url2 isAbsolute.
	url _ FileUrl absoluteFromText: 'file://localhost/dir/dir2/file.txt'.
	url2 _ FileUrl absoluteFromText: 'flip/file.txt'.
	self deny: url2 isAbsolute.
	url2 privateInitializeFromText: '.././flip/file.txt' relativeTo: url.
	self assert: (url2 asString = 'file://localhost/dir/flip/file.txt').
	self assert: (url2 host = 'localhost').
	self assert: url2 isAbsolute.

----- Method: UrlTest>>testRelativeFTP (in category 'tests') -----
	baseUrl _ 'ftp://somewhere/some/dir/?query#fragment' asUrl.
	url _ baseUrl newFromRelativeText: 'ftp://a.b'.

	self assert: url asString =  'ftp://a.b/'.!

----- Method: UrlTest>>testRelativeFTP2 (in category 'tests') -----
	baseUrl _ 'ftp://somewhere/some/dir/?query#fragment' asUrl.
	url _ baseUrl newFromRelativeText: 'ftp:xyz'.

	self assert: url asString =  'ftp://somewhere/some/dir/xyz'.!

----- Method: UrlTest>>testRelativeFTP3 (in category 'tests') -----
	baseUrl _ 'ftp://somewhere/some/dir/?query#fragment' asUrl.
	url _ baseUrl newFromRelativeText: 'http:xyz'.

	self assert: url asString = 'http://xyz/'.!

----- Method: UrlTest>>testRelativeHTTP (in category 'tests') -----
	baseUrl _ 'http://some.where/some/dir?query1#fragment1' asUrl.
	url _ baseUrl newFromRelativeText: '../another/dir/?query2#fragment2'.

	self assert: url asString =  'http://some.where/another/dir/?query2#fragment2'.!

----- Method: UrlTest>>testRoundTripFILE (in category 'tests') -----
	"File URLs should round-trip OK. This test should ultimately be
	tested on all platforms."

	| fileName |
	fileName _ FileDirectory default fullNameFor: 'xxx.st'.
	url _ FileDirectory urlForFileNamed: fileName.
	self assert: (url pathForFile = fileName) description: 'fileName didn''t round-trip'.!

----- Method: UrlTest>>testUsernamePassword (in category 'tests') -----

	"basic case with a username+password specified"
	url := 'http://user:pword@someserver.blah:8000/root/index.html' asUrl.
	self should: [ url schemeName = 'http' ].
	self should: [ url authority = 'someserver.blah' ].
	self should: [ url port = 8000 ].
	self should: [ url path first = 'root' ].
	self should: [ url username = 'user' ].
	self should: [ url password = 'pword' ].

	"basic case for a relative url"
	baseUrl := 'http://anotherserver.blah:9999/somedir/someotherdir/stuff/' asUrl.
	url := 'http://user:pword@someserver.blah:8000/root/index.html' asUrlRelativeTo: baseUrl.
	self should: [ url schemeName = 'http' ].
	self should: [ url authority = 'someserver.blah' ].
	self should: [ url port = 8000 ].
	self should: [ url path first = 'root' ].
	self should: [ url username = 'user' ].
	self should: [ url password = 'pword' ].

	"a true relative test that should keep the username and password from the base URL"
	baseUrl := 'http://user:pword@someserver.blah:8000/root/index.html' asUrl.
	url := '/anotherdir/stuff/' asUrlRelativeTo: baseUrl.
	self should: [ url schemeName = 'http' ].
	self should: [ url authority = 'someserver.blah' ].
	self should: [ url port = 8000 ].
	self should: [ url path first = 'anotherdir' ].
	self should: [ url username = 'user' ].
	self should: [ url password = 'pword' ].

	"just a username specified"
	url := 'http://user@someserver.blah:8000/root/index.html' asUrl.
	self should: [ url schemeName = 'http' ].
	self should: [ url authority = 'someserver.blah' ].
	self should: [ url port = 8000 ].
	self should: [ url path first = 'root' ].
	self should: [ url username = 'user' ].
	self should: [ url password = nil ].

	"the port is not specified"
	url := 'http://user:pword@someserver.blah/root/index.html' asUrl.
	self should: [ url schemeName = 'http' ].
	self should: [ url authority = 'someserver.blah' ].
	self should: [ url port = nil ].
	self should: [ url path first = 'root' ].
	self should: [ url username = 'user' ].
	self should: [ url password = 'pword' ].

	"neither a path nor a port is specified"
	url := 'http://user:pword@someserver.blah' asUrl.
	self should: [ url schemeName = 'http' ].
	self should: [ url authority = 'someserver.blah' ].
	self should: [ url port = nil ].
	self should: [ url username = 'user' ].
	self should: [ url password = 'pword' ].

	"relative URL where the username+password should be forgotten"
	baseUrl := 'http://user:pword@someserver.blah' asUrl.
	url := 'http://anotherserver.blah' asUrlRelativeTo: baseUrl.
	self should: [ url username = nil ].
	self should: [ url password = nil ].


----- Method: UrlTest>>testUsernamePasswordPrinting (in category 'tests') -----

	#(	'http://user:pword@someserver.blah:8000/root/index.html'
	) do: [ :urlText |
		self should: [ urlText = urlText asUrl asString ] ].


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