[Pkg] The Trunk: System-nice.513.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Sun Feb 24 17:30:32 UTC 2013

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-nice.513
Author: nice
Time: 24 February 2013, 6:29:23.564 pm
UUID: 496d2bbf-34f3-43cf-9e2f-cae95c1d0604
Ancestors: System-dtl.512

Diminish excessive usage of ReadWriteStream.
Bonus: correct outdated code sample in comment

=============== Diff against System-dtl.512 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>createPageTestWorkspace (in category 'miscellaneous') -----
  	"Used to generate a workspace window for testing page up and page down stuff."
  	"Utilities createPageTestWorkspace"
  	| numberOfLines maxStringLength minLineCounterSize lineCounterSize offsetSize stream headerConstant prevStart prevStrLen prevLineNumber |
  	numberOfLines := 400.
  	maxStringLength := 22.
  	minLineCounterSize := 3.
  	lineCounterSize := (numberOfLines log asInteger + 1) max: minLineCounterSize.
  	offsetSize := 5.
+ 	stream := String new writeStream.
- 	stream := ReadWriteStream on: ''.
  	headerConstant := lineCounterSize + 1 + offsetSize + 1.
  	prevStart := headerConstant negated.
  	prevStrLen := 0.
  	prevLineNumber := 0.
  	numberOfLines timesRepeat: [ | log stringLen pad lineNumber charIndex start |
  		stringLen := maxStringLength atRandom max: 1.
  		lineNumber := prevLineNumber + 1.
  		start := prevStart + prevStrLen + headerConstant + 1.
  		prevStart := start.
  		prevStrLen := stringLen.
  		prevLineNumber := lineNumber.
  		log := lineNumber log asInteger.
  		pad := lineCounterSize - log - 1.
  		pad timesRepeat: [stream nextPutAll: '0'].
  		stream nextPutAll: lineNumber printString.
  		stream space.
  		log := start log asInteger.
  		pad := offsetSize - log - 1.
  		pad timesRepeat: [stream nextPutAll: '0'].
  		stream nextPutAll: start printString.
  		stream space.
  		charIndex := 'a' first asInteger.
  		stringLen timesRepeat: [ | char |
  			char := Character value: charIndex.
  			charIndex := charIndex + 1.
  			stream nextPut: char].
  		lineNumber = numberOfLines ifFalse: [stream cr]
  	UIManager default edit: stream contents label: 'Test Data'.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>instanceComparisonsBetween:and: (in category 'miscellaneous') -----
  instanceComparisonsBetween: fileName1 and: fileName2
  	"For differential results, run printSpaceAnalysis twice with different fileNames,
  	then run this method...
+ 		SpaceTally new printSpaceAnalysis: 0 on: 'STspace.text1'.
- 		Smalltalk printSpaceAnalysis: 0 on: 'STspace.text1'.
  			--- do something that uses space here ---
+ 		SpaceTally new printSpaceAnalysis: 0 on: 'STspace.text2'.
+ 		Utilities instanceComparisonsBetween: 'STspace.text1' and: 'STspace.text2'"
- 		Smalltalk printSpaceAnalysis: 0 on: 'STspace.text2'.
- 		Smalltalk instanceComparisonsBetween: 'STspace.text1' and 'STspace.text2'"
  	| instCountDict report f aString items className newInstCount oldInstCount newSpace oldPair oldSpace |
  	instCountDict := Dictionary new.
+ 	report := String new writeStream.
- 	report := ReadWriteStream on: ''.
  	f := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName1.
  	[f atEnd] whileFalse:
  		[aString := f nextLine.
  		items := aString findTokens: ' '.
  		(items size = 4 or: [items size = 5]) ifTrue:
  			[instCountDict at: items first put: (Array with: items third asNumber with: items fourth asNumber)]].
  	f close.
  	f := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName2.
  	[f atEnd] whileFalse:
  		[aString := f nextLine.
  		items := aString findTokens: ' '.
  		(items size = 4 or: [items size = 5]) ifTrue:
  			[className := items first.
  			newInstCount := items third asNumber.
  			newSpace := items fourth asNumber.
  			oldPair := instCountDict at: className ifAbsent: [nil].
  			oldInstCount := oldPair ifNil: [0] ifNotNil: [oldPair first].
  			oldSpace := oldPair ifNil: [0] ifNotNil: [oldPair second].
  			oldInstCount ~= newInstCount ifTrue:
  				[report nextPutAll: (newInstCount - oldInstCount) printString; tab; nextPutAll: (newSpace - oldSpace) printString; tab; nextPutAll: className asString; cr]]].
  	f close.
  	(StringHolder new contents: report contents)
  		openLabel: 'Instance count differentials between ', fileName1, ' and ', fileName2!

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