[Pkg] The Trunk: WebClient-Core-topa.99.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Mon Apr 20 20:40:01 UTC 2015

Tobias Pape uploaded a new version of WebClient-Core to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: WebClient-Core-topa.99
Author: topa
Time: 9 April 2015, 9:22:39.152 pm
UUID: 1ba8cd0e-2fec-42cf-9a75-237f1a6e12a5
Ancestors: WebClient-Core-topa.94, WebClient-Core-ul.98

Merge Levente's fixes, gracefully use SNI-enabled SqueakSSL if available.

==================== Snapshot ====================

SystemOrganization addCategory: #'WebClient-Core'!

Exception subclass: #WebAuthRequired
	instanceVariableNames: 'client request response authParams message'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'WebClient-Core'!

!WebAuthRequired commentStamp: 'ar 2/10/2012 12:39' prior: 0!
Exception signaled when authentication is required.!

----- Method: WebAuthRequired class>>client:request:response: (in category 'instance creation') -----
client: aWebClient request: aWebRequest response: aWebResponse
	"Creates a new exception"

	^(self new)
		client: aWebClient 
		request: aWebRequest 
		response: aWebResponse!

----- Method: WebAuthRequired>>client (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The client causing the exception"


----- Method: WebAuthRequired>>client:request:response: (in category 'initialize') -----
client: aWebClient request: aWebRequest response: aWebResponse
	"Initializes the exception"

	client := aWebClient.
	request := aWebRequest.
	response := aWebResponse.

----- Method: WebAuthRequired>>defaultAction (in category 'defaults') -----

	self resume: false.!

----- Method: WebAuthRequired>>defaultResumeValue (in category 'defaults') -----
	"Resume with false by default"


----- Method: WebAuthRequired>>isProxyAuth (in category 'testing') -----
	"Return true if proxy authorization is required"

	^response code = 407!

----- Method: WebAuthRequired>>isUnauthorized (in category 'testing') -----
	"Return true if authorization is required"

	^response code = 401!

----- Method: WebAuthRequired>>message (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer a default message for the user to ask for input"

	self isProxyAuth ifTrue:[
		^'The proxy server at "', client proxyServerName, '" requires authentication.'.

	^'The server at "', client serverName, '" requires authentication.'.!

----- Method: WebAuthRequired>>request (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The request object causing the exception"


----- Method: WebAuthRequired>>response (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The response object causing the exception"


----- Method: WebAuthRequired>>username:password: (in category 'initialize') -----
username: username password: password
	"Use the given username/password as credentials"

	| params retry |
	params := self isProxyAuth ifTrue:[client proxyParams] ifFalse:[client authParams].
	retry := false.
	(params at: #username ifAbsent:[nil]) = username ifFalse:[
		params at: #username put: username.
		retry := true.
	(params at: #password ifAbsent:[nil]) = password ifFalse:[
		params at: #password put: password.
		retry := true.
	retry ifTrue:[self resume: true].

Object subclass: #WebClient
	instanceVariableNames: 'flags server scheme timeout stream cookies proxyServer lastScheme lastServer lastPort maxRedirect redirections userAgent authParams proxyParams accessLog debugLog'
	classVariableNames: 'DebugLog FlagAcceptCookies FlagAllowAuth FlagAllowRedirect ProxyHandler'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'WebClient-Core'!

!WebClient commentStamp: 'ar 5/4/2010 13:17' prior: 0!
WebClient provides a simple yet complete HTTP client implementation.

To view the documentation evaluate:

	HelpBrowser openOn: WebClientHelp.

----- Method: WebClient class>>debugLog (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The default debugLog, if any:
		WebClient debugLog: Transcript.
		WebClient debugLog: nil.


----- Method: WebClient class>>debugLog: (in category 'accessing') -----
debugLog: aStream
	"The default debugLog, if any:
		WebClient debugLog: Transcript.
		WebClient debugLog: nil.

	DebugLog := aStream.!

----- Method: WebClient class>>htmlSubmit:fields: (in category 'utilities') -----
htmlSubmit: urlString fields: fieldMap
	"A utility method for html submit operations. The fieldMap can be EITHER
	an array of associations OR a Dictionary of key value pairs (the former is
	useful for providing multiple fields and/or specifying the order of fields).

			htmlSubmit: 'http://www.google.com/search'
			fields: {
				'hl' -> 'en'.
				'q' -> 'Squeak'
	^self htmlSubmit: urlString 
			fields: fieldMap
			method: 'GET'

----- Method: WebClient class>>htmlSubmit:fields:method: (in category 'utilities') -----
htmlSubmit: urlString fields: fieldMap method: method
	"A utility method for html submit operations. The fieldMap can be EITHER
	an array of associations OR a Dictionary of key value pairs (the former is
	useful for providing multiple fields and/or specifying the order of fields).

			htmlSubmit: 'http://www.google.com/search'
			fields: {
				'hl' -> 'en'.
				'q' -> 'Squeak'
			} method: 'GET'
	^self htmlSubmit: urlString 
			fields: fieldMap
			method: method
			encoding: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

----- Method: WebClient class>>htmlSubmit:fields:method:encoding: (in category 'utilities') -----
htmlSubmit: urlString fields: fields method: method encoding: encoding
	"A utility method for html submit operations. The fieldMap can be EITHER
	an array of associations OR a Dictionary of key value pairs (the former is
	useful for providing multiple fields and/or specifying the order of fields).

			htmlSubmit: 'http://www.google.com/search'
			fields: {
				'hl' -> 'en'.
				'q' -> 'Squeak'
			} method: 'GET'
			encoding: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

	method = 'GET' ifTrue:[
		"GET only supports url encoded requests"
		encoding = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' 
			ifFalse:[^self error: 'Unsupported encoding: ', encoding].
		^self httpGet: urlString, '?', (WebUtils encodeUrlEncodedForm: fields).

	method = 'POST' ifTrue:[
		"Dispatch on encoding type"
		encoding caseOf: {
			[ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'] -> [
				^self httpPost: urlString
					content: (WebUtils encodeUrlEncodedForm: fields)
					type: encoding.
			['multipart/form-data'] -> [
				^self httpPost: urlString multipartFields: fields
		} otherwise:[]

	self error: 'Unsupported method: ', method.

----- Method: WebClient class>>httpDelete: (in category 'methods') -----
httpDelete: urlString
	"Sends a DELETE request"
	"WebClient httpDelete: 'http://ftp.squeak.org/trunk'"

	^self httpDo:[:client| client httpDelete: urlString].

----- Method: WebClient class>>httpDo: (in category 'methods') -----
httpDo: aBlock
	"Simplified wrapper for running various methods"

	| client response |
	client := self new.
	response := WebUtils handleAuth: [aBlock value: client].
	response content; close.

----- Method: WebClient class>>httpGet: (in category 'methods') -----
httpGet: urlString
	"Get the response from the given url"
	"(WebClient httpGet: 'http://www.squeak.org') content"

	^self httpDo:[:client| client httpGet: urlString].!

----- Method: WebClient class>>httpHead: (in category 'methods') -----
httpHead: urlString
	"Sends a HEAD request"
	"WebClient httpHead: 'http://ftp.squeak.org/trunk'"

	^self httpDo:[:client| client httpHead: urlString].

----- Method: WebClient class>>httpOptions: (in category 'methods') -----
httpOptions: urlString
	"Sends an OPTIONS request"
	"WebClient httpOptions: 'http://ftp.squeak.org/*'"
	"WebClient httpOptions: 'http://ftp.squeak.org/4.1/Squeak4.1.zip'"

	^self httpDo:[:client| client httpOptions: urlString]

----- Method: WebClient class>>httpPost:content:type: (in category 'methods') -----
httpPost: urlString content: postData type: contentType
	"Fire off an HTTP post request"

	^self httpDo:[:client| client httpPost: urlString content: postData type: contentType]

----- Method: WebClient class>>httpPost:multipartFields: (in category 'utilities') -----
httpPost: url multipartFields: fieldMap
	"Make a form submission using multipart/form-data POST.

	The fieldMap may contain MIMEDocument instances to indicate the presence
	of a file to upload to the server. If the MIMEDocument is present, its
	content type and file name will be used for the upload.

	The fieldMap can be EITHER an array of associations OR a Dictionary of 
	key value pairs (the former is useful for providing multiple fields and/or 
	specifying the order of fields)."

	| boundary |
	boundary := WebUtils multipartBoundary.

	^self httpPost: url 
		content: (WebUtils encodeMultipartForm: fieldMap boundary: boundary) 
		type: 'multipart/form-data; boundary=', boundary!

----- Method: WebClient class>>httpPostChunked:content:type: (in category 'methods') -----
httpPostChunked: urlString content: chunkBlock type: contentType
	"POST the data to the given url using chunked transfer-encoding.
	The chunkBlock takes a request and can be fed using #nextChunkPut:
	until all the data has been sent.

	Chunked encoding can be used for long-lasting connections to a server,
	but care must be taken to ensure that the client isn't running afoul of
	the server expecting to read the full response (i.e., you should use this
	only if you have control over both ends).

	However, it is a great way to send output from commands that take awhile
	and other time-consuming operations if authentication has been handled."

	^self httpDo:[:client| 
		client httpPostChunked: urlString content: chunkBlock type: contentType]

----- Method: WebClient class>>httpPut:content:type: (in category 'methods') -----
httpPut: urlString content: postData type: contentType
	"Fire off an HTTP PUT request"

	^self httpDo:[:client| client httpPut: urlString content: postData type: contentType]!

----- Method: WebClient class>>httpRequest:url:headers:content:response: (in category 'httpsocket') -----
httpRequest: method url: urlString headers: hdrs content: contentOrNil response: responseBlock

	"Sends an HTTP request to the server. Returns a MIMEDocument if successful,
	a string indicating the error otherwise. If a response block is provided, the
	response is fed into into so that the sender can see all the headers."

	| client request response content |
	client := self new.
	client initializeFromUrl: urlString.
	client userAgent: HTTPSocket userAgentString.

	request := client requestWithUrl: urlString.
	request method: method.

	"Set up headers for the request"
	(WebUtils readHeadersFrom: hdrs readStream) 
		do:[:hdr| request addHeader: hdr key value: hdr value].

	WebUtils handleAuth:[
		response := client sendRequest: request 
			content: (contentOrNil ifNotNil:[contentOrNil readStream])
			size: (contentOrNil ifNil:[0] ifNotNil:[contentOrNil size]).

	content := response contentWithProgress:[:total :amount|
		(HTTPProgress new) total: total; amount: amount; signal: 'Downloading...'.
	client close.

	responseBlock ifNotNil:[responseBlock value: response asString].

	^(response isSuccess) 
		ifTrue:[MIMEDocument contentType: response contentType 
				content: content url: urlString]
		ifFalse:[response asString, content].

----- Method: WebClient class>>httpTrace: (in category 'methods') -----
httpTrace: urlString
	"Sends a TRACE request"
	"(WebClient httpTrace: 'http://lists.squeakfoundation.org') content"
	"(WebClient httpTrace: 'http://ftp.squeak.org/trunk') content"

	^self httpDo:[:client| client httpTrace: urlString]!

----- Method: WebClient class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
	"WebClient initialize"

	FlagAcceptCookies := 1.
	FlagAllowAuth := 2.
	FlagAllowRedirect := 4.

	"Default proxy handler"
	ProxyHandler := WebUtils.

	self registerHttpSocketRequestHandler.

----- Method: WebClient class>>proxyHandler (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The currently registered proxy handler"


----- Method: WebClient class>>proxyHandler: (in category 'accessing') -----
proxyHandler: anObject
	"The currently registered proxy handler"

	ProxyHandler := anObject!

----- Method: WebClient class>>registerHttpSocketRequestHandler (in category 'httpsocket') -----
	"Register WebClient as an HTTPSocket request handler"

	(HTTPSocket respondsTo: #httpRequestHandler:) ifFalse:[^self].

	"Be polite and only register if no other handler was registered."
	HTTPSocket httpRequestHandler == HTTPSocket
		ifTrue:[HTTPSocket httpRequestHandler: self].

----- Method: WebClient class>>requestBenchmark:persistent: (in category 'benchmark') -----
requestBenchmark: url persistent: aBool
	"Run a WebClient benchmark to measure request handling speed.
	Try using a persistent connection if requested.

	1) Launch WebServer  (or Seaside, or whatever):
		(WebServer reset default)
			listenOn: 8888;
			addService: '/' action:[:r| r send200Response: ''].

	2) Run the benchmark:

		MessageTally spyOn:[
			WebClient requestBenchmark: 'http://localhost:8888/' persistent: true.

	| time resp startTime endTime count client |
	count := 0.
	client := WebClient new.
	startTime := Time millisecondClockValue.
	[endTime := Time millisecondClockValue.
	(time := Time milliseconds: endTime since: startTime) < 5000] whileTrue:[
		resp := client httpGet: url.
		resp isSuccess ifFalse:[self error: resp status].
		resp content.
		aBool ifFalse:[resp close].
		count := count + 1.
	^(count  * 1000 // time) asStringWithCommas, ' requests/sec'

----- Method: WebClient class>>unload (in category 'class initialization') -----
	"Unregister WebClient as http socket handler when unloaded"

	self unregisterHttpSocketRequestHandler.

----- Method: WebClient class>>unregisterHttpSocketRequestHandler (in category 'httpsocket') -----
	"Unregister WebClient as an HTTPSocket request handler"

	(HTTPSocket respondsTo: #httpRequestHandler:) ifFalse:[^self].

	HTTPSocket httpRequestHandler == self
		ifTrue:[HTTPSocket httpRequestHandler: nil].

----- Method: WebClient class>>webSocket00:protocol: (in category 'websockets') -----
webSocket00: serverUrl protocol: protocol
	"Attempt to connect to the given server url using the WebSocket api"

	| key1 key2 bytes hash client req resp |
	"Fixed keys from spec"
	key1 := 155712099.
	key2 := 173347027.
	bytes := ByteArray new: 8.
	(1 to: bytes size) do:[:i| bytes at: i put: (256 atRandom - 1)].
	hash := WebUtils webSocketHandshake: key1 with: key2 with: bytes.

	client := self new.
	client initializeFromUrl: serverUrl.
	req := client requestWithUrl: serverUrl.
	req method: 'GET'.
	req headerAt: 'Upgrade' put: 'WebSocket'.
	req headerAt: 'Connection' put: 'Upgrade'.
	req headerAt: 'Origin' put: 'null'.
	protocol ifNotNil:[req headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol' put: protocol].
	req headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Key1' put: '18x 6]8vM;54 *(5:  {   U1]8  z [  8'.
	req headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Key2' put: '1_ tx7X d  <  nw  334J702) 7]o}` 0'.
	resp := client sendRequest: req content: bytes readStream size: bytes size.
	resp code = 101 ifFalse:[client close. ^nil].
	(resp stream next: 16) asByteArray = hash ifFalse:[client close. ^nil].

	"Close of stream is left to caller"
	^WebSocket00 on: resp stream.

----- Method: WebClient class>>webSocket07:protocol: (in category 'websockets') -----
webSocket07: serverUrl protocol: protocol
	"Attempt to connect to the given server url using the WebSocket api"

	| hash client req resp nonce |
	nonce := ByteArray new: 16.
	(1 to: nonce size) collect:[:i| nonce at: i put: (256 atRandom - 1)].
	nonce := nonce base64Encoded.

	client := self new.
	client initializeFromUrl: serverUrl.
	req := client requestWithUrl: serverUrl.
	req method: 'GET'.
	req headerAt: 'Upgrade' put: 'WebSocket'.
	req headerAt: 'Connection' put: 'Upgrade'.
	req headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Origin' put: 'null'.
	protocol ifNotNil:[req headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol' put: protocol].
	req headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Key' put: nonce.
	req headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Version' put: '7'.

	resp := client sendRequest: req.
	resp code = 101 ifFalse:[client close. ^nil].

	"Verify WebSocket hash"
	hash := WebUtils webSocketHash07: nonce.
	hash = (resp headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept') ifFalse:[client close. ^nil].

	"Close of stream is left to caller"
	^WebSocket07 on: resp stream.

----- Method: WebClient class>>webSocket68:protocol: (in category 'websockets') -----
webSocket68: serverUrl protocol: protocol
	"Attempt to connect to the given server url using the WebSocket api"

	| client req resp |
	client := self new.
	client initializeFromUrl: serverUrl.
	req := client requestWithUrl: serverUrl.
	req method: 'GET'.
	req headerAt: 'Upgrade' put: 'WebSocket'.
	req headerAt: 'Connection' put: 'Upgrade'.
	req headerAt: 'Origin' put: 'null'.
	protocol ifNotNil:[req headerAt: 'WebSocket-Protocol' put: protocol].
	resp := client sendRequest: req.
	resp code = 101 ifFalse:[client close. ^nil].

	"Close of stream is left to caller"
	^WebSocket00 on: resp stream.

----- Method: WebClient class>>webSocketTo: (in category 'websockets') -----
webSocketTo: serverUrl
	"Attempt to connect to the given server url using the WebSocket api"


		1) Launch WebSocket example.
		2) Run the following code:
		| ws |
		ws := WebClient webSocketTo: 'http://localhost:8080/broadcast'.
		ws onMessage:[:data| Transcript cr; show: data].
		ws fork.
		ws send: 'This is the first message'.
		ws send: 'This is the last message'.
		ws close.


	^self webSocketTo: serverUrl protocol: nil!

----- Method: WebClient class>>webSocketTo:protocol: (in category 'websockets') -----
webSocketTo: serverUrl protocol: protocol
	"Attempt to connect to the given server url using the WebSocket api"

	^self webSocket00: serverUrl protocol: protocol!

----- Method: WebClient>>acceptCookie:host:path: (in category 'cookies') -----
acceptCookie: aCookie host: reqHost path: path
	"Accept a cookie from a prior response"

	self acceptCookies ifTrue:[
		"Set the defaults per RFC 2109 section 4.3.1 "
		"Ensure the cookie domain is set"
		aCookie domain ifNil:[aCookie domain: reqHost].

		"Ensure the cookie path is set"
		aCookie path ifNil:[aCookie path: path].

		"Reject the cookie per RFC 2109 section 4.3.2"
		(path beginsWith: aCookie path) ifFalse:[^false].

		aCookie domain = reqHost ifFalse:[ | domain |
			domain := aCookie domain.
			"For misconfigured servers, insert the leading dot into the domain"
			domain first = $. ifFalse:[aCookie domain: (domain := '.', domain)].
			((domain count:[:ch| ch = $.]) >= 2) ifFalse:[^false].
			(reqHost endsWith: domain) ifFalse:[^false].
			((reqHost allButLast: domain size) includes: $.) ifTrue:[^false].
		"Remove any old cookies"
		cookies := cookies reject:[:any| any = aCookie].
		"Remember the cookie if not expired"
		(aCookie expiry == nil or:[aCookie expiry > DateAndTime now])  ifTrue:[
			cookies add: aCookie.

----- Method: WebClient>>acceptCookies (in category 'cookies') -----
	"Whether we should accept cookies"

	^flags anyMask: FlagAcceptCookies!

----- Method: WebClient>>acceptCookies: (in category 'cookies') -----
acceptCookies: aBool
	"Whether we should accept cookies"

	flags := aBool ifTrue:[flags bitOr: FlagAcceptCookies] ifFalse:[flags bitClear: FlagAcceptCookies].

----- Method: WebClient>>accessLog (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The standard access log. Can be either a stream or a string; if the access log
	is a string then the string is assumed to be a file name and the file will be opened 
	and closed for each request."


----- Method: WebClient>>accessLog: (in category 'accessing') -----
accessLog: aStreamOrFilename
	"The standard access log. Can be either a stream or a string; if the access log
	is a string then the string is assumed to be a file name and the file will be opened 
	and closed for each request."

	accessLog := aStreamOrFilename!

----- Method: WebClient>>allowAuth (in category 'accessing') -----
	"If true, WebClient will attempt to handle authorization requests"

	^flags anyMask: FlagAllowAuth!

----- Method: WebClient>>allowAuth: (in category 'accessing') -----
allowAuth: aBool
	"If true, WebClient will attempt to handle authorization requests"

	flags := aBool ifTrue:[flags bitOr: FlagAllowAuth] ifFalse:[flags bitClear: FlagAllowAuth].

----- Method: WebClient>>allowRedirect (in category 'accessing') -----
	"If true, WebClient will attempt to handle redirect responses"

	^flags anyMask: FlagAllowRedirect!

----- Method: WebClient>>allowRedirect: (in category 'accessing') -----
allowRedirect: aBool
	"If true, WebClient will attempt to handle redirect responses"

	flags := aBool ifTrue:[flags bitOr: FlagAllowRedirect] ifFalse:[flags bitClear: FlagAllowRedirect].

----- Method: WebClient>>authDispatch:from:header:params: (in category 'authentication') -----
authDispatch: request from: response header: authHeader params: params
	"Dispatch on an authentication method. 
	Subclasses can extend this method to support more auth methods."

	(authHeader copyUpTo: Character space) caseOf: {
		['Basic'] -> [self basicAuth: request from: response 
							header: authHeader params: params].
		['Digest'] -> [self digestAuth: request from: response 
							header: authHeader  params: params].
	} otherwise:["ignore"].

----- Method: WebClient>>authParams (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The authentication parameters"


----- Method: WebClient>>authParams: (in category 'accessing') -----
authParams: aDictionary
	"The authentication parameters"

	authParams := aDictionary!

----- Method: WebClient>>authenticate:from: (in category 'sending') -----
authenticate: request from: response
	"Authenticate after having received a 401/407 response.
	Returns true if we should retry, false if we fail here."

	"NOTE: The first time through we do NOT ask for credentials right away.
	Some authentication mechanisms (NTLM/Negotiate) can use the credentials
	of the currently logged on user. Consequently we only ask for credentials
	if we're unable to do so without asking. Methods that require credentials
	(basic, digest) test for their existence explicitly."

	| headers authHeader params |

	"Pick the right set of parameters"
	response code = 401 ifTrue:[
		params := authParams.
		headers := response headersAt: 'WWW-Authenticate'.
		"If the connection was closed, we need to flush the
		proxy params or we won't pick up prior credentials."
		self isConnected 
			ifFalse:[self flushAuthState: proxyParams].
	] ifFalse:[
		params := proxyParams.
		headers := response headersAt: 'Proxy-Authenticate'.

	"Remove any old response"
	params removeKey: #authResponse ifAbsent:[].

	"Process the authentication header(s)"
	1 to: headers size do:[:i|
		authHeader := headers at: i.
		self authDispatch: request from: response header: authHeader params: params.
		"If we generated an authentication response for the header use it"
		params at: #authResponse ifPresent:[:resp|
			request headerAt: (response code = 401 
					put: (params at: #authMethod), ' ', resp.

	"If we fall through here this can have two reasons: One is that we don't have
	a suitable authentication method. Check for that first."
	params at: #authMethod ifAbsent:[^false].

	"The other possibility is that the credentials are wrong. 
	Clean out the previous auth state and go ask for credentials."
	self flushAuthState: params.

	"Clean out old authentication headers"
	response code = 401 
		ifTrue:[request removeHeader: 'Authorization'].
	"Always clean out the proxy auth header since we don't support pre-authentication"
	request removeHeader: 'Proxy-Authorization'.

	"Signal WebAuthRequired"
	(WebAuthRequired client: self request: request response: response)
		signal == true ifFalse:[^false].

	"And retry with the new credentials"
	^self authenticate: request from: response!

----- Method: WebClient>>basicAuth:from:header:params: (in category 'authentication') -----
basicAuth: request from: response header: header params: params
	"Provide basic authentication for the request"

	| user pass args |
	authParams at: #authMethod ifPresent:[:method| ^self]. "do not retry repeatedly"
	authParams at: #authMethod put: 'Basic'.

	args := WebUtils parseAuthParams: header.
	args at: 'realm' ifPresent:[:realm| authParams at: #authRealm put: realm].
	user := (params at: #username ifAbsent:[nil]) ifNil:[^self].
	pass := (params at: #password ifAbsent:[nil]) ifNil:[^self].
	authParams at: #authResponse put:  (user, ':', pass value) base64Encoded.

----- Method: WebClient>>close (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Close the client's stream"

	stream ifNotNil:[
		stream close.
		stream := nil.

----- Method: WebClient>>connect (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Connect the client to a web server. Returns nil if successful,
	a WebResponse if a proxy CONNECT request fails."

	| actualServer actualPort |

	"Determine which server to connect to (proxy or real)"
	proxyServer ifNil:[
		actualServer := self serverName.
		actualPort := self serverPort.
	] ifNotNil:[
		actualServer := self proxyServerName.
		actualPort := self proxyServerPort.

	"Check if we can use the same stream or if we need to reconnect"
	(stream notNil
		and:[stream isConnected
		and:[lastServer = actualServer
		and:[lastPort = actualPort
		and:[lastScheme = scheme]]]]) ifTrue:[^nil].

	self close.
	lastServer := actualServer.
	lastPort := actualPort.
	lastScheme := scheme.
	stream := SocketStream openConnectionToHostNamed: lastServer port: lastPort.
	stream timeout: timeout.
	"Perform ssl initialization if necessary"
	scheme = 'https' ifTrue:[self retryOnce: [^self sslConnect]].

----- Method: WebClient>>cookies (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The cookies that have been set for this session"


----- Method: WebClient>>cookies: (in category 'accessing') -----
cookies: aCollection
	"The cookies that have been set for this session"

	cookies := aCollection.!

----- Method: WebClient>>debugLog (in category 'accessing') -----
	"If provided, WebClient will print all requests and responses to the debugLog,
	except from the content of the message. The debug log must be a stream of
	some sort; file names (like for the accessLog are not supported)."


----- Method: WebClient>>debugLog: (in category 'accessing') -----
debugLog: aStream
	"If provided, WebClient will print all requests and responses to the debugLog,
	except from the content of the message. The debug log must be a stream of
	some sort; file names (like for the accessLog are not supported)."

	debugLog := aStream!

----- Method: WebClient>>defaultPort (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Return the default port to use if no port was specified.
	Since we only support https and http, default to port 80 unless https."

	^scheme = 'https' 

----- Method: WebClient>>defaultUserAgent (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Answer the default User-Agent string to use for WebClient"

	^'WebClient/1.5 (', 
		WebUtils mcVersion, '; ', 
		SystemVersion current version,'-', 
		SystemVersion current highestUpdate printString, '; ', 
		WebUtils platformName,')'.

----- Method: WebClient>>destroy (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Destroys the client"

	stream ifNotNil:[
		stream socket ifNotNil:[:s| s destroy].
		stream := nil.

----- Method: WebClient>>detectProxyServer (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Automatically detect the proxy server to use"

	proxyServer := ProxyHandler proxyServerFor: self server.

----- Method: WebClient>>digestAuth:from:header:params: (in category 'authentication') -----
digestAuth: request from: response header: authHeader params: params
	"Perform digest authentication"

	| realm nonce ha1 ha2 nc cnonce qop header uri md5 key args user pass |
	params at: #authMethod ifPresent:[:method| ^self]. "do not retry repeatedly"
	params at: #authMethod put: 'Digest'.

	args := WebUtils parseAuthParams: authHeader.
	realm := args at: 'realm'.
	authParams at: #authRealm put: realm.

	user := (params at: #username ifAbsent:[nil]) ifNil:[^self].
	pass := (params at: #password ifAbsent:[nil]) ifNil:[^self].

	nonce := args at: 'nonce'.
	uri := request rawUrl.

	"VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Some servers fail horribly if the nonce count
	isn't precisely eight digits and without quotes."
	nc := args at: 'nc' put: (args at: 'nc' ifAbsent:[0]) + 1.
	nc := nc asString padded: #left to: 8 with: $0.
	key := user, ':', realm, ':', pass value.
	ha1 := WebUtils md5Digest: key.
	ha2 := WebUtils md5Digest: request method, ':', uri.
	cnonce := UUID new hex.

	(args includesKey: 'qop') ifTrue:["use qop"
		qop := 'auth'. "the only qop we support"
		md5 := WebUtils md5Digest: ha1, ':', nonce, ':', nc, ':', cnonce, ':', qop, ':', ha2.
		header :=
			'username="', user, '"',
			', realm="', realm, '"',
			', nonce="', nonce, '"',
			', uri="', uri, '"',
			', response="', md5, '"',
			', qop="', qop,'"',
			', nc="', nc, '"',
			', cnonce="', cnonce, '"'.
	] ifFalse:["ignore qop"
		md5 := WebUtils md5Digest: ha1, ':', nonce, ':', ha2.
		header :=
			'username="', user, '"',
			', realm="', realm, '"',
			', nonce="', nonce, '"',
			', uri="', uri, '"',
			', response="', md5, '"'.
	args at: 'opaque' ifPresent: [:opaque | 
		header := header, ', opaque="', opaque, '"'
	params at: #authResponse put: header.!

----- Method: WebClient>>flushAuthState (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Flush all the auth state"

	self flushAuthState: authParams.
	self flushAuthState: proxyParams.!

----- Method: WebClient>>flushAuthState: (in category 'authentication') -----
flushAuthState: params
	"Fliush authentication state that should not been preserved 
	inbetween failed attempts to authenticate. 
	Subclasses can extend this method to support more auth methods."

	params removeKey: #authMethod ifAbsent:[].

----- Method: WebClient>>httpDelete: (in category 'methods') -----
httpDelete: urlString
	"Sends an DELETE request"

	^self httpDelete: urlString do:[:req]

----- Method: WebClient>>httpDelete:do: (in category 'methods') -----
httpDelete: urlString do: aBlock
	"Sends a DELETE request"

	| request |
	self initializeFromUrl: urlString.
	request := self requestWithUrl: urlString.
	request method: 'DELETE'.
	userAgent ifNotNil:[request headerAt: 'User-Agent' put: userAgent].
	aBlock value: request.
	^self sendRequest: request.!

----- Method: WebClient>>httpGet: (in category 'methods') -----
httpGet: urlString
	"GET the response from the given url"
	"(WebClient httpGet: 'http://www.squeak.org') content"

	^self httpGet: urlString do:[:req]

----- Method: WebClient>>httpGet:do: (in category 'methods') -----
httpGet: urlString do: aBlock
	"GET the response from the given url"
	"(WebClient httpGet: 'http://www.squeak.org') content"

	| request |
	self initializeFromUrl: urlString.
	request := self requestWithUrl: urlString.
	request method: 'GET'.
	userAgent ifNotNil:[request headerAt: 'User-Agent' put: userAgent].
	aBlock value: request.
	^self sendRequest: request

----- Method: WebClient>>httpHead: (in category 'methods') -----
httpHead: urlString
	"Sends a HEAD request"

	^self httpHead: urlString do:[:req]

----- Method: WebClient>>httpHead:do: (in category 'methods') -----
httpHead: urlString do: aBlock
	"Sends a HEAD request"

	| request |
	self initializeFromUrl: urlString.
	request := self requestWithUrl: urlString.
	request method: 'HEAD'.
	userAgent ifNotNil:[request headerAt: 'User-Agent' put: userAgent].
	aBlock value: request.
	^self sendRequest: request.!

----- Method: WebClient>>httpOptions: (in category 'methods') -----
httpOptions: urlString
	"Sends an OPTIONS request"

	^self httpOptions: urlString do:[:req]

----- Method: WebClient>>httpOptions:do: (in category 'methods') -----
httpOptions: urlString do: aBlock
	"Sends an OPTIONS request"

	| request |
	self initializeFromUrl: urlString.
	request := self requestWithUrl: urlString.
	request method: 'OPTIONS'.
	userAgent ifNotNil:[request headerAt: 'User-Agent' put: userAgent].
	aBlock value: request.
	^self sendRequest: request

----- Method: WebClient>>httpPost:content:type: (in category 'methods') -----
httpPost: urlString content: postData type: contentType
	"POST the data to the given url"

	^self httpPost: urlString content: postData type: contentType do:[:req]!

----- Method: WebClient>>httpPost:content:type:do: (in category 'methods') -----
httpPost: urlString content: postData type: contentType do: aBlock
	"POST the data to the given url"

	| request |
	self initializeFromUrl: urlString.
	request := self requestWithUrl: urlString.
	request method: 'POST'.
	contentType ifNotNil:[request headerAt: 'Content-Type' put: contentType].
	request headerAt: 'Content-Length' put: postData size.
	userAgent ifNotNil:[request headerAt: 'User-Agent' put: userAgent].
	aBlock value: request.
	^self sendRequest: request content: postData readStream size: postData size!

----- Method: WebClient>>httpPostChunked:content:type: (in category 'methods') -----
httpPostChunked: urlString content: chunkBlock type: contentType
	"POST the data to the given url using chunked transfer-encoding.
	The chunkBlock takes a request and can be fed using #nextChunkPut:
	until all the data has been sent.

	Chunked encoding can be used for long-lasting connections to a server,
	but care must be taken to ensure that the client isn't running afoul of
	the server expecting to read the full response (i.e., you should use this
	only if you have control over both ends).

	However, it is a great way to send output from commands that take awhile
	and other time-consuming operations if authentication has been handled."

	^self httpPostChunked: urlString content: chunkBlock type: contentType do: [:req]!

----- Method: WebClient>>httpPostChunked:content:type:do: (in category 'methods') -----
httpPostChunked: urlString content: chunkBlock type: contentType do: aBlock
	"POST the data to the given url using chunked transfer-encoding. 
	The chunkBlock takes a request and can be fed using #nextChunkPut:
	until all the data has been sent. 

	Chunked encoding can be used for long-lasting connections to a server,
	but care must be taken to ensure that the client isn't running afoul of
	the server expecting to read the full response (i.e., you should use this
	only if you have control over both ends).

	However, it is a great way to send output from commands that take awhile
	and other time-consuming operations if authentication has been handled."

	| request |
	self initializeFromUrl: urlString.
	request := self requestWithUrl: urlString.
	request method: 'POST'.
	contentType ifNotNil:[request headerAt: 'Content-Type' put: contentType].
	request headerAt: 'Transfer-Encoding' put: 'chunked'.
	userAgent ifNotNil:[request headerAt: 'User-Agent' put: userAgent].
	aBlock value: request.
	"Send the chunked data"
	^self sendRequest: request contentBlock:[:aStream| 
		"Set the stream in the request and pass it in the chunk block"
		request stream: aStream.
		chunkBlock value: request.
		"send termination chunk"
		aStream nextPutAll: '0'; crlf; crlf; flush.

----- Method: WebClient>>httpPut:content:type: (in category 'methods') -----
httpPut: urlString content: postData type: contentType
	"PUT the data to the given url"

	^self httpPut: urlString content: postData type: contentType do:[:req]!

----- Method: WebClient>>httpPut:content:type:do: (in category 'methods') -----
httpPut: urlString content: postData type: contentType do: aBlock
	"PUT the data to the given url"

	| request |
	self initializeFromUrl: urlString.
	request := self requestWithUrl: urlString.
	request method: 'PUT'.
	contentType ifNotNil:[request headerAt: 'Content-Type' put: contentType].
	request headerAt: 'Content-Length' put: postData size.
	userAgent ifNotNil:[request headerAt: 'User-Agent' put: userAgent].
	aBlock value: request.
	^self sendRequest: request content: postData readStream size: postData size!

----- Method: WebClient>>httpTrace: (in category 'methods') -----
httpTrace: urlString
	"Sends a TRACE request"

	^self httpTrace: urlString do:[:req]

----- Method: WebClient>>httpTrace:do: (in category 'methods') -----
httpTrace: urlString do: aBlock
	"Sends a TRACE request"

	| request |
	self initializeFromUrl: urlString.
	request := self requestWithUrl: urlString.
	request method: 'TRACE'.
	userAgent ifNotNil:[request headerAt: 'User-Agent' put: userAgent].
	aBlock value: request.
	^self sendRequest: request

----- Method: WebClient>>initialize (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Initializes the receiver"
	flags := 0.
	super initialize.

	self allowAuth: true.
	self allowRedirect: true.
	self acceptCookies: true.

	timeout := Socket standardTimeout.
	cookies := OrderedCollection new.
	redirections := Dictionary new.
	maxRedirect := 10.
	userAgent := self defaultUserAgent.
	authParams := IdentityDictionary new.
	proxyParams := IdentityDictionary new.

	"Use the default debug log"
	debugLog := DebugLog.

----- Method: WebClient>>initializeFromUrl: (in category 'initialize') -----
initializeFromUrl: urlString
	"Initialize the client from a url string"

	| urlStream serverAndPort userAndPass |
	urlStream := urlString readStream.
	scheme := (urlStream upToAll: '://') asLowercase.
	(scheme = 'http' or:[scheme = 'https'])
		ifFalse:[self error: 'Unsupported scheme: ', scheme].
	serverAndPort := urlStream upTo: $/.

	userAndPass := serverAndPort copyUpTo: $@.
	userAndPass = serverAndPort ifFalse:[
		serverAndPort := serverAndPort copyAfter: $@.
		self username: (userAndPass copyUpTo: $:).
		self password: (userAndPass copyAfter: $:).

	self server: serverAndPort.
	self detectProxyServer.!

----- Method: WebClient>>isConnected (in category 'testing') -----
	"Returns true if the client is still connected"

	^stream notNil and:[stream isConnected]!

----- Method: WebClient>>maxRedirect (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The max. number of redirects we allow for the SAME SITE before giving up.
	Redirects can happen for any number of reasons between any number of sites
	and we give up if we have seen the SAME SITE maxRedirect number of times."


----- Method: WebClient>>maxRedirect: (in category 'accessing') -----
maxRedirect: aNumber
	"The max. number of redirects we allow for the SAME SITE before giving up.
	Redirects can happen for any number of reasons between any number of sites
	and we give up if we have seen the SAME SITE maxRedirect number of times."

	maxRedirect := aNumber!

----- Method: WebClient>>newRequest (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Create an return a new WebRequest.
	Subclasses can use this method to override the default request class."

	^WebRequest new!

----- Method: WebClient>>password (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The password for remote authentication.
	The password should generally not be a plain-text
	version but rather a block that can retrieve the password
	when required."

	^authParams at: #password ifAbsent:[nil]!

----- Method: WebClient>>password: (in category 'accessing') -----
password: aStringOrValuable
	"The password for remote authentication.
	The password should generally not be a plain-text
	version but rather a block that can retrieve the password
	when required."

	^authParams at: #password put: aStringOrValuable!

----- Method: WebClient>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	"Print the receiver on aStream"

	aStream nextPutAll: self class name.
	aStream nextPut: $(.
	(stream notNil and:[stream isConnected]) ifTrue:[
		aStream nextPutAll: 'Connected: '.
	scheme ifNotNil:[aStream nextPutAll: scheme, '://'].
	server ifNotNil:[aStream nextPutAll: server].
	aStream nextPut:$).

----- Method: WebClient>>proxyConnect (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Send a proxy CONNECT request to connect to a remote host via the chosen proxy server"

	| uri request repeatAuth response |
	uri := self serverName,':', self serverPort.
	request := self newRequest.
	request method: 'CONNECT'.
	request rawUrl: uri.

	[repeatAuth := false.

	"The proxy response may use Connection: Close; reconnect when that happens"
	self isConnected ifFalse:[
		stream := SocketStream openConnectionToHostNamed: lastServer port: lastPort.
		stream timeout: timeout.

	debugLog ifNotNil:[
		request writeOn: debugLog.
		debugLog flush.

	"Don't use 'self writeRequestOn:' since this will insert both cookies
	as well as modify the url target when a proxy is present"
	request writeOn: stream.
	stream flush.

	response := request newResponse readFrom: stream.

	debugLog ifNotNil:[
		response writeOn: debugLog.
		debugLog flush.

	"Handle authentication if needed"
	(self allowAuth and:[response code = 407]) ifTrue:[
		"Eat up the content of the previous response"
		response content.
		repeatAuth := self authenticate: request from: response.
	repeatAuth] whileTrue.


----- Method: WebClient>>proxyParams (in category 'proxy') -----
	"The proxy authentication parameters"


----- Method: WebClient>>proxyParams: (in category 'proxy') -----
proxyParams: aDictionary
	"The proxy authentication parameters"

	proxyParams := aDictionary!

----- Method: WebClient>>proxyPass (in category 'proxy') -----
	"The password for an authenticating proxy.
	The password should generally not be a plain-text
	version but rather a block that can retrieve the password
	when required."

	^proxyParams at: #password!

----- Method: WebClient>>proxyPass: (in category 'proxy') -----
proxyPass: aStringOrValuable
	"The password for an authenticating proxy.
	The password should generally not be a plain-text
	version but rather a block that can retrieve the password
	when required."

	proxyParams at: #password put: aStringOrValuable!

----- Method: WebClient>>proxyServer (in category 'proxy') -----
	"The proxy server to use for connections.
	The server should be specified as server:port if the proxy
	port to be used is different from the desitation port."


----- Method: WebClient>>proxyServer: (in category 'proxy') -----
proxyServer: aString
	"The proxy server to use for connections.
	The server should be specified as server:port if the proxy
	port to be used is different from the desitation port."

	proxyServer := aString!

----- Method: WebClient>>proxyServerName (in category 'proxy') -----
	"Returns the name part of the server:port description"

	^proxyServer copyUpTo: $:!

----- Method: WebClient>>proxyServerPort (in category 'proxy') -----
	"Returns the port of the proxyServer:port description"

	^(proxyServer copyAfter: $:) 
		ifEmpty:[self serverPort]
		ifNotEmpty:[:portString| portString asInteger].

----- Method: WebClient>>proxyUser (in category 'proxy') -----
	"The user name for an authenticating proxy"

	^proxyParams at: #username ifAbsent:[nil]!

----- Method: WebClient>>proxyUser: (in category 'proxy') -----
proxyUser: aString
	"The user name for an authenticating proxy"

	proxyParams at: #username put: aString!

----- Method: WebClient>>redirect:from: (in category 'sending') -----
redirect: request from: response
	"Handle a 3xx redirect response"

	| location max |
	"Check if we handle the specific type of redirect here"
	(#(	301 
		302 "Found" 
		303 "See Other" 
		307 "Temporary Redirect")
			includes: response code) ifFalse:[^false].

	"RFC 2616 states that requests other than HEAD and GET MUST NOT be auto
	redirected for 302 and 307 responses"
	(request method = 'GET' or:[request method = 'HEAD']) ifFalse:[
		(response code = 302 or:[response code = 307]) ifTrue:[^false].

	"Find the new location"
	location := response headerAt: 'location'.

	"Check if we've exceeded max redirections"
	max := redirections at: location ifAbsent:[0].
	max > self maxRedirect ifTrue:[^false].
	redirections at: location put: max+1.

	"Do the actual redirect, i.e., set us up for the new url"
	(location findString: '://') > 0 "do we have a scheme:// url?"
		ifTrue:[self initializeFromUrl: location].

	request initializeFromUrl: location.


----- Method: WebClient>>requestWithUrl: (in category 'initialize') -----
requestWithUrl: urlString
	"Create and return a new WebRequest initialized with the given url."

	^self  newRequest initializeFromUrl: urlString!

----- Method: WebClient>>retryOnce: (in category 'initialize') -----
retryOnce: aTryBlock
	" Retry the block once if it failes,
	except for direct network errors.
	This can help in cases like temporary failing
	SqueakSSL primitives"
	| again |
	again := true.
	[^ aTryBlock value.
	] on: Error do: [:e |
		((e isKindOf: NetworkError) or: [again not])
			ifTrue: [e pass]
			ifFalse: [again := false. e retry]].!

----- Method: WebClient>>scheme (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The scheme used for the request (usually http or https)"


----- Method: WebClient>>scheme: (in category 'accessing') -----
scheme: aString
	"The scheme used for the request (usually http or https)"

	scheme := aString!

----- Method: WebClient>>sendRequest: (in category 'sending') -----
sendRequest: request
	"Send an http request"

	^self sendRequest: request content: nil size: 0!

----- Method: WebClient>>sendRequest:content:size: (in category 'sending') -----
sendRequest: request content: contentStream size: streamSize
	"Send an http request"

	^self sendRequest: request contentBlock:[:aStream|
		contentStream ifNotNil:[
			"Upload content if provided"
			contentStream position: 0.
			request streamFrom: contentStream to: aStream size: streamSize 
				progress:[:total :amount|
					(HTTPProgress new) 
						total: total; 
						amount: amount;
						signal: 'Uploading...']]].

----- Method: WebClient>>sendRequest:contentBlock: (in category 'sending') -----
sendRequest: request contentBlock: contentBlock
	"Send an http request"

	|  response repeatRedirect repeatAuth |

	"XXXX: Fixme. Pre-authenticate the request if we have valid auth credentials"

	redirections := Dictionary new.
	["The outer loop handles redirections"
	repeatRedirect := false.

	"Always update the host header due to redirect"
	request headerAt: 'Host' put: server.

		["The inner loop handles authentication"
		repeatAuth := false.

		"Connect can fail if SSL proxy CONNECT is involved"
		self connect ifNotNil:[:resp| ^resp].
		"Write the request to the debugLog if present"
		debugLog ifNotNil:[self writeRequest: request on: debugLog].

		"Send the request itself"
		self writeRequest: request on: stream.
		contentBlock value: stream.

		response := request newResponse readFrom: stream.
		response url: (scheme, '://', server, request rawUrl).

		debugLog ifNotNil:[
			response writeOn: debugLog.
			debugLog flush.
		response setCookiesDo:[:cookie| 
			self acceptCookie: cookie host: self serverName path: request url.
		accessLog ifNotNil:[
			WebUtils logRequest: request response: response on: accessLog
		"Handle authentication if needed"
		(self allowAuth and:[response code = 401 or:[response code = 407]]) ifTrue:[
			"Eat up the content of the previous response"
			response content.
			repeatAuth := self authenticate: request from: response.

		repeatAuth] whileTrue.

	"Flush previous authState.
	XXXX: Fixme. authState must be preserved for pre-authentication of requests."
	self flushAuthState.

	"Handle redirect if needed"
	(self allowRedirect and:[response isRedirect]) ifTrue:[
		"Eat up the content of the previous response"
		response content.
		repeatRedirect := self redirect: request from: response.
	repeatRedirect] whileTrue:[
		"When redirecting, remove authentication headers"
		request removeHeader: 'Authorization'.
		request removeHeader: 'Proxy-Authorization'.

	"If the response is not a success, eat up its content"
	(response isSuccess or:[response isInformational]) ifFalse:[response content].


----- Method: WebClient>>server (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The server to use for connections.
	The server is specified as server:port if needed"


----- Method: WebClient>>server: (in category 'accessing') -----
server: aString
	"The server to use for connections.
	The server should be specified as server:port if needed"

	server := aString

----- Method: WebClient>>serverName (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Returns the name part of the server:port description"

	^server copyUpTo: $:!

----- Method: WebClient>>serverPort (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Returns the port of the server:port description"

	^(server copyAfter: $:) 
		ifEmpty:[self defaultPort]
		ifNotEmpty:[:portString| portString asInteger].

----- Method: WebClient>>sslConnect (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Do the SSL handshake"
	"Connect the client to a web server"

	| sqSSL |
	proxyServer ifNotNil:[ | resp |
		"If we have a proxy server, do the proxy connect"
		resp := self proxyConnect.
		resp isSuccess ifFalse:[^resp].

	sqSSL := Smalltalk at: #SqueakSSL ifAbsent:[self error: 'SqueakSSL is missing'].
	"Convert the stream to a secure stream"
	stream := sqSSL secureSocketStream on: stream socket.
	stream timeout: timeout.
	self sslConnect: stream to: lastServer.
	"And cert verification
	(unless on OSX, where this does not work yet)"
	WebUtils platformName = 'Mac OS'
		ifFalse: [stream verifyCert: self serverName].
	^ nil"indicating success"

----- Method: WebClient>>sslConnect:to: (in category 'initialize') -----
sslConnect: stream to: lastServer
	"Do the SSL handshake, use SNI if available"
	(stream respondsTo: #sslConnectTo:)
		ifTrue: [stream sslConnectTo: lastServer]
		ifFalse: [stream sslConnect].!

----- Method: WebClient>>timeout (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Timeout for the http operations"


----- Method: WebClient>>timeout: (in category 'accessing') -----
timeout: aNumber
	"Timeout for the http operations"

	timeout := aNumber!

----- Method: WebClient>>userAgent (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The User-Agent string sent to the server"


----- Method: WebClient>>userAgent: (in category 'accessing') -----
userAgent: aString
	"The User-Agent string sent to the server. 
	If no user agent should be sent, this value can be set to nil"

	userAgent := aString!

----- Method: WebClient>>username (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The username for remote authentication"

	^authParams at: #username ifAbsent:[nil]!

----- Method: WebClient>>username: (in category 'accessing') -----
username: aString
	"The username for remote authentication"

	authParams at: #username put: aString!

----- Method: WebClient>>writeCookiesFor:on: (in category 'sending') -----
writeCookiesFor: request on: stream
	"Write the cookies for a particular request"

	(cookies select:[:ck| (request acceptsCookie: ck from: self )]) ifNotEmpty:[:ckset|
		stream nextPutAll: 'Cookie: '.
			do:[:ck| stream nextPutAll: ck name,'=', ck value]
			separatedBy:[stream  nextPutAll:'; '].
		stream crlf.

----- Method: WebClient>>writeHeadersFor:on: (in category 'sending') -----
writeHeadersFor: request on: aStream
	"Write all the headers for the given request on aStream"

	request headersDo:[:key :value| aStream nextPutAll: key, ': ', value asString; crlf].

----- Method: WebClient>>writeRequest:on: (in category 'sending') -----
writeRequest: request on: aStream
	"Write all the request headers on the given stream"

	self retryOnce: [
		self writeRequestLine: request on: aStream.
		self writeHeadersFor: request on: aStream.
		self writeCookiesFor: request on: aStream.
		aStream crlf.
		aStream flush].!

----- Method: WebClient>>writeRequestLine:on: (in category 'sending') -----
writeRequestLine: request on: aStream
	"Write the HTTP request line on the given stream"

	aStream nextPutAll: request method; space.

	"https proxy support is transparent via CONNECT"
	(proxyServer notNil and:[scheme ~= 'https']) ifTrue:[
		5.1.2 Request-URI:
		The absoluteURI form is REQUIRED when the request is being made to a
		proxy. The proxy is requested to forward the request or service it
		from a valid cache, and return the response. Note that the proxy MAY
		forward the request on to another proxy or directly to the server"
		aStream nextPutAll: scheme, '://', self server.

		"XXXX: This is a hack. Indicate that we want the proxy connection 
		to be persistent. This should NOT be necessary; the proxy should
		know that from the HTTP/1.1 request but apparently, squid will fail 
		NTLM and Negotiate authentication unless explicitly instructed to 
		keep the proxy connection alive."
		request headerAt: 'Proxy-Connection' put: 'keep-alive'.

	aStream nextPutAll: request rawUrl; space; nextPutAll: request protocol; crlf.!

Object subclass: #WebCookie
	instanceVariableNames: 'name value path domain expiry version secure httpOnly comment'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'WebClient-Core'!

!WebCookie commentStamp: 'ar 2/22/2010 05:28' prior: 0!
WebCookie represents an http cookie for use by WebClient.!

----- Method: WebCookie>>= (in category 'comparing') -----
= aCookie
	"Compare the receiver with aCookie"

	^aCookie class == self class 
		and:[aCookie name = self name
		and:[aCookie domain = self domain
		and:[aCookie path = self path]]].!

----- Method: WebCookie>>asString (in category 'converting') -----
	"Create the string representation for this cookie"

	^String streamContents:[:s| self printOn: s].!

----- Method: WebCookie>>comment (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Cookie comment"


----- Method: WebCookie>>comment: (in category 'accessing') -----
comment: aString
	"Cookie comment"

	comment := aString!

----- Method: WebCookie>>domain (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Cookie domain"


----- Method: WebCookie>>domain: (in category 'accessing') -----
domain: aString
	"Cookie domain"

	domain := aString.!

----- Method: WebCookie>>expiry (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The expiry DateAndTime"


----- Method: WebCookie>>expiry: (in category 'accessing') -----
expiry: aDateAndTime
	"The expiry DateAndTime"

	expiry := aDateAndTime ifNotNil:[:dt| dt asUTC].!

----- Method: WebCookie>>expirySeconds: (in category 'accessing') -----
expirySeconds: maxAge
	"Compute the cookie's expiry age from the given number of seconds"

	maxAge = 0 ifTrue:[self expiry: DateAndTime new].
	self expiry: DateAndTime now + maxAge seconds.!

----- Method: WebCookie>>hash (in category 'comparing') -----
	"Hash is re-implemented because #= is re-implemented"

	^name hash + domain hash + path hash.!

----- Method: WebCookie>>httpOnly (in category 'accessing') -----
	"If the cookie should be httpOnly (not scriptable).
	See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533046.aspx"


----- Method: WebCookie>>httpOnly: (in category 'accessing') -----
httpOnly: aBool
	"If the cookie should be httpOnly (not scriptable).
	See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533046.aspx"

	httpOnly := aBool!

----- Method: WebCookie>>initialize (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Initializes the receiver"
	super initialize.
	secure := false.
	httpOnly := false.

----- Method: WebCookie>>isExpired (in category 'testing') -----
	"Return true if this cookie is expired"
	expiry ifNil:[^false].
	^expiry asUTC < DateAndTime now asUTC!

----- Method: WebCookie>>name (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The name of the cookie"


----- Method: WebCookie>>name: (in category 'accessing') -----
name: aString
	"The name of the cookie"

	name := aString!

----- Method: WebCookie>>path (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Cookie path"


----- Method: WebCookie>>path: (in category 'accessing') -----
path: aString
	"Cookie path"

	path := aString!

----- Method: WebCookie>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	"Creates the string representation for this cookie"

	aStream nextPutAll: name, '=', value asString.
	expiry ifNotNil:[ 
		aStream nextPutAll:'; expires='.
		aStream nextPutAll: expiry asDate weekday, ', '.
		expiry asDate printOn: aStream format: #(1 2 3 $- 2 2 2 ).
		aStream nextPutAll: ' ', expiry asTime print24,' GMT'.
	path ifNotNil:[
		aStream nextPutAll:'; path=', (WebUtils quote: path).
	domain ifNotNil:[
		aStream nextPutAll:'; domain=', (WebUtils quote: domain).
	version ifNotNil:[
		aStream nextPutAll:'; version=', version asString.
	secure ifTrue:[
		aStream nextPutAll: '; secure'.
	httpOnly ifTrue:[
		aStream nextPutAll: '; HttpOnly'.

----- Method: WebCookie>>readExpiryFrom: (in category 'initialize') -----
readExpiryFrom: aString
	"Read a cookie expiry date from the given string.
	The expiration date is specified in the 'Wdy, DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT' format."
	| tokens |
		tokens := aString withBlanksTrimmed.
		(tokens copyAfterLast: Character space) = 'GMT'
			ifFalse:[^DateAndTime new].
		tokens := (tokens copyAfter: Character space) copyUpToLast: Character space.
		(DateAndTime readFrom: tokens readStream) offset: Duration zero.
	] on: Error do:[:ex| ex return: DateAndTime new].!

----- Method: WebCookie>>readFrom: (in category 'initialize') -----
readFrom: aStream
	"Read a cookie from the given stream"

	| keyval key val |
	aStream skipSeparators.
	name := (aStream upTo: $=) withBlanksTrimmed.
	value := (aStream upTo: $;) withBlanksTrimmed.
	[aStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
		keyval := aStream upTo: $;.
		key := (keyval copyUpTo: $=) withBlanksTrimmed.
		val := (keyval copyAfter: $=) withBlanksTrimmed.
		key asLowercase caseOf: {
			['expires'] 	-> [self expiry: (self readExpiryFrom: val)].
			['path']		-> [self path: (WebUtils unquote: val)].
			['domain'] 	-> [self domain: (WebUtils unquote: val)].
			['secure'] 	-> [self secure: true].
			['version'] 	-> [self version: val].
			['httponly'] 	-> [self httpOnly: true].
			['comment']	 ->[self comment: val].
			['max-age']	->[self expirySeconds: val asNumber].
		} otherwise:[Transcript show: 'Unknown cookie field: ', key].

----- Method: WebCookie>>secure (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Secure cookie flag"


----- Method: WebCookie>>secure: (in category 'accessing') -----
secure: aBool
	"Secure cookie flag"

	secure := aBool!

----- Method: WebCookie>>value (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The value of the cookie"


----- Method: WebCookie>>value: (in category 'accessing') -----
value: aString
	"The value of the cookie"

	value := aString!

----- Method: WebCookie>>version (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Cookie version"


----- Method: WebCookie>>version: (in category 'accessing') -----
version: aString
	"Cookie version"

	version := aString!

Object subclass: #WebMessage
	instanceVariableNames: 'stream protocol headers content'
	classVariableNames: 'StatusCodes'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'WebClient-Core'!

!WebMessage commentStamp: 'ar 2/23/2010 10:37' prior: 0!
A common base class for WebRequest and WebResponse.!

----- Method: WebMessage class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
	"self initialize"

	StatusCodes := Dictionary newFromPairs:{
		"1xx: Meta status codes"
		100. 	'Continue'.
		101. 	'Switching Protocols'.
		102.	'Processing'.
		"2xx: Success status codes"
		200.	'OK'.
		201.	'Created'.
		202.	'Accepted'.
		203. 	'Non-Authoritative Information'.
		204.	'No Content'.
		205. 	'Reset Content'.
		206.	'Partial Content'.
		207.	'Multi-Status'. 				"WebDav RFC: 2518"
		"3xx: Redirection status codes"
		300.	'Multiple Choices'.
		301.	'Moved Permanently'.
		302.	'Moved Temporarily'.
		303.	'See Other'.
		304.	'Not Modified'.
		305.	'Use Proxy'.
		307.	'Temporary Redirect'.
		"4xx: Client-Side Error status code"
		400.	'Bad Request'.
		401.	'Unauthorized'.
		402.	'Payment Required'.
		403.	'Forbidden'.
		404.	'Not Found'.
		405.	'Method Not Allowed'.
		406.	'Not Acceptable'.
		407.	'Proxy Authentication Required'.
		408.	'Request Timeout'.
		409.	'Conflict'.
		410.	'Gone'.
		411.	'Lenght Required'.
		412.	'Precondition Failed'.
		413.	'Request Entity Too Large'.
		414.	'Request-URI Too Long'.
		415.	'Unsupported Media Type'.
		416.	'Requested Range Not Satisfiable'.
		417.	'Expectation Failed'.
		422.	'Unprocessable Entity'. 		"WebDav RFC: 2518"
		423.	'Locked'. 					"WebDav RFC: 2518"
		424.	'Failed Dependency'. 		"WebDav RFC: 2518"
		"5xx: Server-Side Error status codes"
		500.	'Internal Server Error'.
		501.	'Not Implemented'.
		502.	'Bad Gateway'.
		503.	'Service Unavailable'.
		504.	'Gateway Timeout'.
		505.	'HTTP Version Not Supported'.
		507.	'Insufficient Storage'. 		"WebDav RFC: 2518"

----- Method: WebMessage class>>statusCodeAt: (in category 'utilities') -----
statusCodeAt: code
	"Return the textual description of a status code"

	^StatusCodes at: code ifAbsent: [ 'Unknown error' ]!

----- Method: WebMessage>>addHeader:value: (in category 'headers') -----
addHeader: key value: value
	"Adds an ADDITIONAL header for the given key"

	headers add: key -> value.!

----- Method: WebMessage>>asString (in category 'converting') -----
	"Prints the receiver"

	^String streamContents:[:s| self writeOn: s].!

----- Method: WebMessage>>chunkFrom:to:progress: (in category 'streaming') -----
chunkFrom: srcStream to: dstStream progress: progressBlock
	"Stream the content of srcStream to dstStream.
	Use chunked transfer-encoding."

	| chunkSize firstLine buffer totalRead |
	totalRead := 0.
	buffer := (srcStream isBinary ifTrue:[ByteArray] ifFalse:[String]) new.
	[firstLine := srcStream nextLine asString.
	chunkSize := ('16r',firstLine asUppercase) asNumber.
	chunkSize = 0] whileFalse:[
		progressBlock ifNotNil:[progressBlock value: nil value: totalRead].
		buffer size = chunkSize ifFalse:[buffer := buffer class new: chunkSize].
		buffer := srcStream next: chunkSize into: buffer startingAt: 1.
		dstStream nextPutAll: buffer.
		srcStream skip: 2. "CRLF"
		totalRead := totalRead + chunkSize.
	srcStream skip: 2. "CRLF"
	dstStream flush.
	progressBlock ifNotNil:[progressBlock value: nil value: totalRead].!

----- Method: WebMessage>>close (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Always closes regardless of connection header"

	stream ifNotNil:[stream close].!

----- Method: WebMessage>>closeIfTransient (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Close the underlying connection if it's not persistent"

	self isPersistent ifFalse:[self close].

----- Method: WebMessage>>content (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Reads and caches available content and returns it."

	^content ifNil:[content := self getContent].

----- Method: WebMessage>>content: (in category 'accessing') -----
content: aString
	"Sets content for a response"

	content := aString.!

----- Method: WebMessage>>contentLength (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answers the numeric value of the Content-Length header, or nil if no header exist"

	^(self headerAt: 'Content-Length' ifAbsent:[^nil]) asInteger!

----- Method: WebMessage>>contentLength: (in category 'accessing') -----
contentLength: aNumber
	"Sets the numeric value of the Content-Length header"

	^self headerAt: 'Content-Length' put: aNumber!

----- Method: WebMessage>>contentStream (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answers a stream for the conent."


----- Method: WebMessage>>contentType (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the content type for the receiver"

	^self headerAt: 'Content-Type' ifAbsent:['application/octet-stream']

----- Method: WebMessage>>contentType: (in category 'accessing') -----
contentType: aString
	"Sets the content type for the receiver"

	^self headerAt: 'Content-Type' put: aString!

----- Method: WebMessage>>contentWithProgress: (in category 'accessing') -----
contentWithProgress: progressBlock
	"Reads and caches available content and returns it."

	^content ifNil:[	| length |
		length := self contentLength.
		content := (stream isBinary ifTrue:[ByteArray] ifFalse:[ByteString]) 
			new: (length ifNil:[1000])
			streamContents:[:s| self streamFrom: stream to: s size: length progress: progressBlock]].!

----- Method: WebMessage>>destroy (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Destroys the underlying stream"

	stream ifNotNil:[stream destroy].!

----- Method: WebMessage>>getContent (in category 'private') -----
	"Reads available content and returns it."

	| length size buffer |
	length := self contentLength.
	size := length ifNil:[1000].
	buffer := ((stream isBinary ifTrue:[ByteArray] ifFalse:[ByteString]) 
		new: size) writeStream.
	self streamFrom: stream to: buffer size: length progress: nil.
	^buffer position = size
		ifTrue: [ buffer originalContents ]
		ifFalse: [ buffer contents ]!

----- Method: WebMessage>>headerAt: (in category 'headers') -----
headerAt: key
	"Answers a single value for the given http header. 
	Do not use for headers that may appear multiple times, such at www-authenticate."

	^self headerAt: key ifAbsent:[''].!

----- Method: WebMessage>>headerAt:ifAbsent: (in category 'headers') -----
headerAt: key ifAbsent: aBlock
	"Answers a single value for the given http header. 
	Do not use for headers that may appear multiple times, such at www-authenticate."

	self headersAt: key do:[:value| ^value].
	^aBlock value!

----- Method: WebMessage>>headerAt:put: (in category 'headers') -----
headerAt: key put: value
	"Sets the value of a header, adding if necessary"

	headers do:[:assoc|
		(assoc key sameAs: key) ifTrue:[
			assoc value: value.
	self addHeader: key value: value.!

----- Method: WebMessage>>headersAt: (in category 'headers') -----
headersAt: key
	"Answers a collection of values for the given http header. 
	Use for headers that may appear multiple times, such at www-authenticate."

	^self headersAt: key ifAbsent:[#()].!

----- Method: WebMessage>>headersAt:do: (in category 'headers') -----
headersAt: aKey do: aBlock
	"Evaluate aBlock with all the headers matching aKey"

	self headersDo:[:key :value|
		(aKey sameAs: key) ifTrue:[ aBlock value: value].

----- Method: WebMessage>>headersAt:ifAbsent: (in category 'headers') -----
headersAt: key ifAbsent: aBlock
	"Answers a collection of values for the given http header. 
	Use for headers that may appear multiple times, such at www-authenticate."

	| hdrs |
	hdrs := OrderedCollection new.
	self headersAt: key do:[:value| hdrs add: value].
	^hdrs asArray ifEmpty:[aBlock value]

----- Method: WebMessage>>headersDo: (in category 'headers') -----
headersDo: aBlock
	"Evaluate aBlock with all of the headers key-value pairs"

	headers do:[:assoc|
		aBlock value: assoc key value: assoc value.

----- Method: WebMessage>>isPersistent (in category 'testing') -----
	"Return true if this is a persistent connection"

	"Check for explicit connection headers"
	((self headerAt:'Connection') sameAs: 'close') ifTrue:[^false].
	((self headerAt:'Connection') sameAs: 'keep-alive') ifTrue:[^true].

	"Defaults for various versions"
	(self protocol = 'HTTP/1.0') ifTrue:[^false].
	(self protocol = 'HTTP/1.1') ifTrue:[^true].

	"Assume that later HTTP versions are compatible with 1.1"

----- Method: WebMessage>>multipartBoundary (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the boundary of a multipart/form-data message"

	| header |
	header := self headerAt: 'Content-Type' ifAbsent:[^nil].
	(header beginsWith: 'multipart/form-data') ifFalse:[^nil].
	^(header copyFrom: (header findString: 'boundary=') + 9 to: header size)!

----- Method: WebMessage>>nextChunk (in category 'streaming') -----
	"Answer the next chunk from a message using chunked transfer encoding."

	| chunkSize chunk |
	chunkSize := Integer readFrom: (stream upToAll: String crlf) asString base: 16.
	chunkSize = 0 ifFalse:[chunk := stream next: chunkSize].
	stream skip: 2. "CrLf"

----- Method: WebMessage>>nextChunkPut: (in category 'streaming') -----
nextChunkPut: chunk
	"Send the next chunk of a message using chunked transfer encoding.

	Note: This method does not allow to send empty chunks to avoid accidentally
	terminating the chunked transfer. Ending the transfer is part of the chunked
	request/response protocol (see #httpPostChunked:encoded:content:type:do:
	as well as #sendResponse:chunked:do:)"

	chunk ifNotEmpty:[
		stream nextPutAll: (chunk size printStringBase: 16); crlf.
		stream nextPutAll: chunk; crlf; flush.

----- Method: WebMessage>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	"Prints the receiver"

	aStream nextPutAll: self class name.
	aStream nextPut: $(.
	self writeOn: aStream.
	aStream nextPut: $).!

----- Method: WebMessage>>protocol (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Returns the requested protocol"


----- Method: WebMessage>>protocol: (in category 'accessing') -----
protocol: aString
	"Returns the requested protocol"

	protocol := aString!

----- Method: WebMessage>>remoteHost (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Return the name of the remote host"

	| remote |
	(stream isKindOf: SocketStream) ifFalse:[^nil]. "don't have it"
	remote := stream socket remoteAddress.
	^ NetNameResolver stringFromAddress: remote.

----- Method: WebMessage>>removeHeader: (in category 'headers') -----
removeHeader: key
	"Removes ALL headers with the given key"

	headers := headers reject:[:assoc| assoc key sameAs: key].

----- Method: WebMessage>>stream (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answers the underlying TCP stream"


----- Method: WebMessage>>stream: (in category 'accessing') -----
stream: aStream
	"Sets the underlying TCP stream"

	stream := aStream!

----- Method: WebMessage>>streamFrom:size:progress: (in category 'streaming') -----
streamFrom: srcStream size: size progress: aBlock
	"Stream the given source stream to the message's socket stream.
	Outbound. Can be used on both request/response depending on
	whether it is utilized by WebClient or WebServer."

	^self streamFrom: srcStream to: stream size: size progress: aBlock!

----- Method: WebMessage>>streamFrom:to:size:progress: (in category 'streaming') -----
streamFrom: srcStream to: dstStream size: sizeOrNil progress: progressBlock
	"Stream the content of srcStream to dstStream.
	If a size is given, stream that many elements, otherwise stream up to the end."

	| buffer totalRead remaining size |
	(self headerAt: 'transfer-encoding') ifNotEmpty:[:encoding|
		encoding = 'chunked' 
			ifTrue:[^self chunkFrom: srcStream to: dstStream progress: progressBlock]
			ifFalse:[self error: 'Unknown transfer-encoding: ', encoding]].

	sizeOrNil = 0 ifTrue:[^self].

	buffer := (srcStream isBinary ifTrue:[ByteArray] ifFalse:[String]) new: 4096.
	totalRead := 0.
	size := sizeOrNil ifNil:[0].
	[(sizeOrNil == nil and:[stream atEnd not]) or:[totalRead < size]] whileTrue:[
		progressBlock ifNotNil:[progressBlock value: sizeOrNil value: totalRead].
		remaining := sizeOrNil ifNil:[99999] ifNotNil:[sizeOrNil - totalRead].
		remaining > buffer size ifTrue:[remaining := buffer size].
		buffer := srcStream next: remaining into: buffer startingAt: 1.
		dstStream nextPutAll: (remaining < buffer size  
			ifTrue:[(buffer copyFrom: 1 to: remaining)]
		totalRead := totalRead + buffer size.
	dstStream flush.
	progressBlock ifNotNil:[progressBlock value: sizeOrNil value: totalRead].!

----- Method: WebMessage>>streamTo:size:progress: (in category 'streaming') -----
streamTo: dstStream size: size progress: aBlock
	"Stream from the receiver's socket stream to the given destination stream.
	Inbound. Can be used on both request/response depending on
	whether it is utilized by WebClient or WebServer."
	content ifNil:[
		self streamFrom: stream to: dstStream size: size progress: aBlock
	] ifNotNil:[
		self streamFrom: content readStream to: dstStream size: size progress: aBlock

----- Method: WebMessage>>writeHeadersOn: (in category 'printing') -----
writeHeadersOn: aStream
	"Write the request"

	self headersDo:[:key :value| aStream nextPutAll: key, ': ', value asString; crlf].

----- Method: WebMessage>>writeOn: (in category 'printing') -----
writeOn: aStream
	"Write the request"

	self writeHeadersOn: aStream.
	aStream crlf.

WebMessage subclass: #WebRequest
	instanceVariableNames: 'method request rawUrl server'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'WebClient-Core'!

!WebRequest commentStamp: 'ar 2/23/2010 10:38' prior: 0!
Represents an HTTP request for WebClient/WebServer.!

----- Method: WebRequest class>>readFrom: (in category 'instance creation') -----
readFrom: aStream
	"Create a WebRequest from a given stream"

	^self new readFrom: aStream!

----- Method: WebRequest>>acceptsCookie:from: (in category 'testing') -----
acceptsCookie: aCookie from: webClient
	"Returns true if this cookie is applicable to this request"

	aCookie domain ifNotNil:[:domain|
		(webClient serverName endsWith: domain) ifFalse:[^false].
	aCookie path ifNotNil:[:path|
		(self url beginsWith: path) ifFalse:[^false].
	aCookie secure ifNotNil:[:secure|
		secure ifTrue:[webClient scheme = 'https' ifFalse:[^false]].
	aCookie expiry ifNotNil:[:expiry|
		aCookie isExpired ifTrue:[^false].

----- Method: WebRequest>>asWebSocket (in category 'converting') -----
	"Convert this request into a WebSocket"

	"Figure out the version of the protocol"
	| field version |
	version := self headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Version' ifAbsent:[nil].
	version ifNil:[
		field := self headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Key1' ifAbsent:[nil].
			ifNil:[^self asWebSocket68] 
			ifNotNil:[^self asWebSocket00].

	"Attempt WebSocket07 conversion"
	^self asWebSocket07

----- Method: WebRequest>>asWebSocket00 (in category 'converting') -----
	"Convert this request into a WebSocket"

	| field key1 key2 bytes resp |
	resp := self newResponse protocol: 'HTTP/1.1' code: 101.
	resp status: 'HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake'.

	"Chrome 4/5 is *VERY* sensitive to the order of the fields"
	resp headerAt: 'Upgrade' put: 'WebSocket'.
	resp headerAt: 'Connection' put: 'Upgrade'.

	field := self headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Key1'.
	key1 := WebUtils extractWebSocketKey: field.
	field := self headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Key2'.
	key2 := WebUtils extractWebSocketKey: field.
	bytes := WebUtils webSocketHandshake: key1 with: key2 with: (stream next: 8).

	resp headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Origin' put: (self headerAt: 'Origin').
	resp headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Location' put: ('ws://', (self headerAt: 'host'), self rawUrl).
	(self headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol' ifAbsent:[nil]) ifNotNil:[:hdr|
		resp headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol' put: hdr.

	resp writeOn: stream.
	bytes ifNotNil:[stream nextPutAll: bytes].
	stream flush.
	^WebSocket00 on: stream.

----- Method: WebRequest>>asWebSocket07 (in category 'converting') -----
	"Convert this request into a WebSocket"

	| resp hash nonce |
	resp := self newResponse protocol: 'HTTP/1.1' code: 101.
	resp status: 'HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake'.

	"Chrome 4/5 is *VERY* sensitive to the order of the fields"
	resp headerAt: 'Upgrade' put: 'WebSocket'.
	resp headerAt: 'Connection' put: 'Upgrade'.

	nonce := self headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Key'.
	hash := WebUtils webSocketHash07: nonce.

	resp headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept' put: hash.
	(self headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Origin' ifAbsent: [self headerAt: 'Origin']) 
		ifNotNil: [ :origin | resp headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Origin' put: origin ].
	resp headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Location' put: ('ws://', (self headerAt: 'host'), self rawUrl).
	(self headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol' ifAbsent:[nil]) ifNotNil:[:hdr|
		resp headerAt: 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol' put: hdr.

	resp writeOn: stream.
	stream flush.
	^(WebSocket07 on: stream)
		masking: false;
	"http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-07#section-4.1 says:
   ''Frames sent from the server to the client are not masked.''
	http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5.1 says: 
   ''A client MUST close a connection if it detects a masked
	So not using masking is compatible with the 07 protocol and is required by RFC 6455."!

----- Method: WebRequest>>asWebSocket68 (in category 'converting') -----
	"Convert this request into a WebSocket"

	| resp |
	resp := self newResponse protocol: 'HTTP/1.1' code: 101.
	resp status: 'HTTP/1.1 101 Web Socket Protocol Handshake'.

	"Chrome 4/5 is *VERY* sensitive to the order of the fields"
	resp headerAt: 'Upgrade' put: 'WebSocket'.
	resp headerAt: 'Connection' put: 'Upgrade'.

	resp headerAt: 'WebSocket-Origin' put: (self headerAt: 'Origin').
	resp headerAt: 'WebSocket-Location' put: ('ws://', (self headerAt: 'host'), self rawUrl).
	(self headerAt: 'WebSocket-Protocol' ifAbsent:[nil]) ifNotNil:[:hdr|
		resp headerAt: 'WebSocket-Protocol' put: hdr.
	resp writeOn: stream.
	stream flush.
	^WebSocket00 on: stream.!

----- Method: WebRequest>>closeIfTransient:after: (in category 'sending') -----
closeIfTransient: resp after: aBlock
	"Evaluate aBlock. Close the connection if it is transient.
	Inserts Connection: close header if needed."

	| close |
	close := self isPersistent not.
		ifTrue: [
			"Always be explicit and insert the Connection: close header"
			resp headerAt: 'Connection' put: 'close' ]
		ifFalse: [
			"We should tell the client that we keep this connection alive."
			resp headerAt: 'Connection' put: 'Keep-Alive' ].
	aBlock value.
	stream flush.
	close  ifTrue:[self close].

----- Method: WebRequest>>cookieAt: (in category 'cookies') -----
cookieAt: aString
	"Answer the value for a cookie with the given name"

	^self cookieAt: aString ifAbsent:['']!

----- Method: WebRequest>>cookieAt:ifAbsent: (in category 'cookies') -----
cookieAt: aString ifAbsent: aBlock
	"Answer the value for a cookie with the given name"

	self cookiesDo:[:name :value| name = aString ifTrue:[^value]].
	^aBlock value!

----- Method: WebRequest>>cookies (in category 'cookies') -----
	"Answer all the cookies defined in the request"

	| cookies |
	cookies := Dictionary new.
	self cookiesDo:[:name :value| cookies at: name put: value].

----- Method: WebRequest>>cookiesDo: (in category 'cookies') -----
cookiesDo: aBlock
	"Parse the cookie headers and evaluate aBlock with name / value pairs"

	self headersAt: 'Cookie' do:[:hdr|
		(hdr findTokens: ';,') do:[:token|
				value: (token copyUpTo: $=) withBlanksTrimmed 
				value: (token copyAfter: $=) withBlanksTrimmed]].!

----- Method: WebRequest>>fields (in category 'fields') -----
	"Answer the fields for the given request."

	| fields |
	fields := Dictionary new.
	self getFields associationsDo:[:a| fields add: a].
	self postFields associationsDo:[:a| fields add: a].
	self multipartFields associationsDo:[:a| fields add: a].

----- Method: WebRequest>>getFields (in category 'fields') -----
	"Decodes the fields embedded in the url ?var1=val1&var2=val2"

	| args |
	args := (rawUrl copyAfter: $?) ifEmpty:[^Dictionary new].
	^WebUtils decodeUrlEncodedForm: args multipleValues: false

----- Method: WebRequest>>initialize (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Initialize the receiver"

	super initialize.
	method := 'GET'.
	protocol := 'HTTP/1.1'.
	headers := OrderedCollection new.!

----- Method: WebRequest>>initializeFromUrl: (in category 'initialize') -----
initializeFromUrl: urlString
	"Initialize the client from a http url or string"

	| urlStream |
	urlStream := urlString readStream.
	"Skip past scheme if present"
	urlStream upToAll: '://'.
	urlStream atEnd 
		ifTrue:[rawUrl := urlString]
		ifFalse:[rawUrl := urlStream upTo: $/; upToEnd].
	(rawUrl beginsWith: '/') ifFalse:[rawUrl := '/', rawUrl].

----- Method: WebRequest>>isDeleteRequest (in category 'testing') -----
	"Returns true if this is an HTTP DELETE request"

	^self method = 'DELETE'!

----- Method: WebRequest>>isGetRequest (in category 'testing') -----
	"Returns true if this is an HTTP GET request"

	^self method = 'GET'!

----- Method: WebRequest>>isHeadRequest (in category 'testing') -----
	"Returns true if this is an HTTP HEAD request"

	^self method = 'HEAD'!

----- Method: WebRequest>>isOptionsRequest (in category 'testing') -----
	"Returns true if this is an HTTP OPTIONS request"

	^self method = 'OPTIONS'!

----- Method: WebRequest>>isPostRequest (in category 'testing') -----
	"Returns true if this is an HTTP POST request"

	^self method = 'POST'!

----- Method: WebRequest>>isPutRequest (in category 'testing') -----
	"Returns true if this is an HTTP PUT request"

	^self method = 'PUT'!

----- Method: WebRequest>>isTraceRequest (in category 'testing') -----
	"Returns true if this is an HTTP TRACE request"

	^self method = 'TRACE'!

----- Method: WebRequest>>method (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The request method (GET, POST etc)"


----- Method: WebRequest>>method: (in category 'accessing') -----
method: aString
	"The request method (GET, POST etc)"

	method := aString!

----- Method: WebRequest>>multipartFields (in category 'fields') -----
	"Answers the multipart fields of a post request"

	| fields |
	fields := Dictionary new.
	self multipartFieldsDo:[:hdrs :params :cntnt|
		params at: 'name' ifPresent:[:fieldName| fields at: fieldName put: cntnt].

----- Method: WebRequest>>multipartFieldsDo: (in category 'fields') -----
multipartFieldsDo: aBlock
	"Evaluate aBlock with the multipart fields of a post request.
	The block is expected to take three arguments:
		* The headers from the part being processed
		* The parameters from the content-disposition header
		* The content from the part being processed

	^(self isPostRequest and: [
		self contentType beginsWith: 'multipart/form-data'])
			ifTrue: [WebUtils decodeMultipartForm: self content readStream boundary: self multipartBoundary do: aBlock]
			ifFalse: [Dictionary new]!

----- Method: WebRequest>>newResponse (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Create a new response entitiy.
	Subclasses can override this method to provide a different response class"

	^(WebResponse new)
		request: self;

----- Method: WebRequest>>newWebSocketOn: (in category 'initialize') -----
newWebSocketOn: aStream
	"Create a new socket entitiy.
	Subclasses can override this method to provide a different response class"

	^WebSocket on: aStream!

----- Method: WebRequest>>postFields (in category 'fields') -----
	"Answers the multipart fields of a post request"

	^(self isPostRequest and: [
		self contentType beginsWith: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'])
			ifTrue: [
					decodeUrlEncodedForm: self content 
					multipleValues: true
					withConverter: self textConverterForContentType ]
			ifFalse: [Dictionary new]!

----- Method: WebRequest>>rawUrl (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The raw (unparsed) url"


----- Method: WebRequest>>rawUrl: (in category 'accessing') -----
rawUrl: aString
	"The raw (unparsed) url"

	rawUrl := aString

----- Method: WebRequest>>readFrom: (in category 'initialize') -----
readFrom: aStream
	"Initialize the receiver initialized from an existing socket stream 
	This method will block until the headers have been parsed."

	| tokens |
	stream := aStream.
	stream isBinary ifTrue:[stream ascii].
	"Parse request header"
	request := stream upToAll: String crlf.
	tokens := request findTokens: ' '.
	tokens size < 2 ifTrue:[^self error: 'Invalid HTTP request: ', request].
	method := tokens first.
	rawUrl := tokens second.
	tokens size > 2 
		ifTrue:[protocol := tokens third]
		ifFalse:[protocol := 'HTTP/1.0'].

	"Parse HTTP header"
	headers := WebUtils readHeadersFrom: stream.

----- Method: WebRequest>>requestLine (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The actual request line as sent by the client"

	^request ifNil:[self method, ' ', self rawUrl, ' ', self protocol]!

----- Method: WebRequest>>send200Response: (in category 'responses') -----
send200Response: aString
	"Send a 200 OK response"

		send200Response: (aString convertToWithConverter: UTF8TextConverter new) 
		contentType: 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'.!

----- Method: WebRequest>>send200Response:contentType: (in category 'responses') -----
send200Response: aString contentType: contentType
	"Send a 200 OK response"

	^self send200Response: aString contentType: contentType do:[:resp]!

----- Method: WebRequest>>send200Response:contentType:do: (in category 'responses') -----
send200Response: aString contentType: contentType do: aBlock
	"Send a 200 OK response"

	| resp |
	resp := self newResponse protocol: 'HTTP/1.1' code: 200.
	resp headerAt: 'Content-Type' put: contentType.
	aBlock value: resp.
	^self sendResponse: resp content: aString.!

----- Method: WebRequest>>send301Response: (in category 'responses') -----
send301Response: location
	"Send a 301 permanent redirect response"

	^self send301Response: location do:[:resp].!

----- Method: WebRequest>>send301Response:do: (in category 'responses') -----
send301Response: location do: aBlock
	"Send a 301 permanent redirect response"

	^self send3xxResponse: location code: 301 do: aBlock!

----- Method: WebRequest>>send302Response: (in category 'responses') -----
send302Response: location
	"Send a 302 temporary redirect response"

	^self send302Response: location do:[:resp].!

----- Method: WebRequest>>send302Response:do: (in category 'responses') -----
send302Response: location do: aBlock
	"Send a 302 temporary redirect response"

	^self send3xxResponse: location code: 302 do: aBlock!

----- Method: WebRequest>>send3xxResponse:code: (in category 'responses') -----
send3xxResponse: location code: statusCode
	"Send a 3xx redirect response"

	^self send3xxResponse: location code: statusCode do:[:resp].!

----- Method: WebRequest>>send3xxResponse:code:do: (in category 'responses') -----
send3xxResponse: location code: statusCode do: aBlock
	"Send a 3xx redirect response"

	| resp url |
	"If the redirect is not to an absolute url, prefix it with the host if we have one"
	url := location.
	(location findString: '://') > 0 ifFalse:[
		(self headerAt: 'host') ifNotEmpty:[:host| url := 'http://', host, location]].

	resp := self newResponse protocol: 'HTTP/1.1' code: statusCode.
	resp headerAt: 'Location' put: url.
	aBlock value: resp.
	^self sendResponse: resp content: ''.

----- Method: WebRequest>>send400Response (in category 'responses') -----
	"Send a 400 bad request response"

	| message |
	message := '<html><head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head><body>',
		'<h1>Bad Request</h1>
		<p>The server encountered a request it did not understand.
	self sendResponseCode: 400 
		content: message squeakToUtf8
		type: 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'
		close: true!

----- Method: WebRequest>>send404Response (in category 'responses') -----
	"Send a 404 not found response"

	^self send404Response: '<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><h1>404 Not Found</h1><p>The requested URL ',self rawUrl,' was not found on this server.</p></body></html>'.

----- Method: WebRequest>>send404Response: (in category 'responses') -----
send404Response: body
	"Send a 404 not found response"

		send404Response: (body convertToWithConverter: UTF8TextConverter new) 
		do: [ :resp | resp headerAt: 'Content-Type' put: 'text/html; charset=utf-8' ]!

----- Method: WebRequest>>send404Response:do: (in category 'responses') -----
send404Response: body do: aBlock
	"Send a 404 not found response"

	| resp |
	resp := self newResponse protocol: 'HTTP/1.1' code: 404.
	resp headerAt: 'Content-Type' put: 'text/html; charset=utf-8'.
	aBlock value: resp.
	^self sendResponse: resp content: body.

----- Method: WebRequest>>send405Response: (in category 'responses') -----
send405Response: allowed
	"Send a 405 method not allowed response"

	^self send405Response: allowed content: '<html><head><title>405 Method Not Allowed</title></head><body><h1>405 Method Not Allowed</h1><p>The requested method ',self method,' is not allowed for the URL', self rawUrl, '</p></body></html>'.!

----- Method: WebRequest>>send405Response:content: (in category 'responses') -----
send405Response: allowed content: body
	"Send a 405 method not allowed response"
	| resp |
	resp := self newResponse protocol: 'HTTP/1.1' code: 405.
	resp headerAt: 'Content-Type' put: 'text/html; charset=utf-8'.
	resp headerAt: 'allow' put: (String streamContents:[:s|
		allowed do:[:m| s nextPutAll: m] separatedBy:[s nextPut: $,]
	^self sendResponse: resp content: body.!

----- Method: WebRequest>>send500Response: (in category 'responses') -----
send500Response: errReport
	"Send a 500 internal server error response"

	| errLog |
	errLog := '<html><head><title>500 Internal Server Error</title></head><body>',
		'<h1>Internal Server Error</h1><pre>',
		(errReport  copyReplaceAll: String cr with: String crlf),

	self sendResponseCode: 500
				content: errLog squeakToUtf8
				type: 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
				close: true.

----- Method: WebRequest>>sendOptionsResponse: (in category 'responses') -----
sendOptionsResponse: allowed
	"Send a 200 OK response for an OPTIONS request"

	^self send200Response: '' contentType: 'application/octet-stream' do:[:resp|
		resp headerAt: 'allow' put: (String streamContents:[:s|
			allowed do:[:m| s nextPutAll: m] separatedBy:[s nextPut: $,]

----- Method: WebRequest>>sendResponse:chunked: (in category 'responses') -----
sendResponse: code chunked: chunkBlock
	"Send a chunked response"

	^self sendResponse: code chunked: chunkBlock do:[:resp]!

----- Method: WebRequest>>sendResponse:chunked:do: (in category 'responses') -----
sendResponse: code chunked: chunkBlock do: hdrBlock
	"Send a chunked response"

	| resp |
	resp := self newResponse protocol: 'HTTP/1.1' code: code.
	resp headerAt: 'Transfer-Encoding' put: 'chunked'.
	hdrBlock value: resp.
	^self sendResponse: resp contentBlock:[:aStream|
		"Set the stream in the request and pass it in the chunk block"
		resp stream: aStream.
		chunkBlock value: resp.
		"send termination chunk"
		aStream nextPutAll: '0'; crlf; crlf; flush.

----- Method: WebRequest>>sendResponse:content: (in category 'sending') -----
sendResponse: resp content: aString
	"Send a WebResponse with content."

	^self sendResponse: resp contentStream: aString readStream size: aString size!

----- Method: WebRequest>>sendResponse:contentBlock: (in category 'sending') -----
sendResponse: resp contentBlock: contentBlock
	"Sends a WebResponse, streaming its contents from aStream.
	If a size is provided, insert a Content-Length header, otherwise
	ensure that the connection is transient."

	"Add Date and Server headers"
	resp headerAt: 'Date' put: (server ifNil:[WebServer]) serverDate.
	resp headerAt: 'Server' put: (server ifNil:[WebServer]) serverString.

	self closeIfTransient: resp after:[
		"Ignore all network errors while sending the response"
		[resp writeOn: stream.
		stream flush.
		self isHeadRequest ifFalse:[contentBlock value: stream].
		] on: NetworkError do:["ignore"].

		"Make sure we log before closing the connection"
		server ifNotNil:[server logRequest: self response: resp].

----- Method: WebRequest>>sendResponse:contentStream:size: (in category 'sending') -----
sendResponse: resp contentStream: aStream size: streamSize
	"Sends a WebResponse, streaming its contents from aStream.
	If a size is provided, insert a Content-Length header, otherwise
	ensure that the connection is transient."

		ifNil:[self headerAt: 'Connection' put: 'close'] "mark transient"
		ifNotNil:[resp headerAt: 'Content-Length' put: streamSize].

	^self sendResponse: resp contentBlock:[:sockStream|
		resp streamFrom: aStream to: sockStream size: streamSize progress: nil

----- Method: WebRequest>>sendResponseCode:content:type:close: (in category 'responses') -----
sendResponseCode: code content: aString type: contentType close: aBool
	"Send a 500 Internal server error response"

	^self sendResponseCode: code content: aString type: contentType do:[:hdr|
		aBool ifTrue:[hdr headerAt: 'Connection' put: 'close'].

----- Method: WebRequest>>sendResponseCode:content:type:do: (in category 'responses') -----
sendResponseCode: code content: aString type: contentType do: aBlock
	"Send a 500 Internal server error response"

	| resp |
	resp := self newResponse protocol: 'HTTP/1.1' code: code.
	contentType ifNotNil:[resp headerAt: 'Content-Type' put: contentType].
	aBlock value: resp.
	^self sendResponse: resp content: aString.!

----- Method: WebRequest>>sendXmlResponse: (in category 'responses') -----
sendXmlResponse: xmlString
	"Send an a-ok 200 xml-ish response"

	^self send200Response: xmlString contentType: 'application/xml'!

----- Method: WebRequest>>server (in category 'accessing') -----
	"If non-nil, the WebServer instance associated with the request."


----- Method: WebRequest>>server: (in category 'accessing') -----
server: aWebServer
	"If non-nil, the WebServer instance associated with the request."

	server := aWebServer!

----- Method: WebRequest>>stream200Response: (in category 'responses') -----
stream200Response: aStream
	"Stream a 200 OK response"

	^self stream200Response: aStream size: aStream size!

----- Method: WebRequest>>stream200Response:size: (in category 'responses') -----
stream200Response: aStream size: streamSize
	"Stream a 200 OK response"

	^self stream200Response: aStream size: streamSize type: 'application/octet-stream'!

----- Method: WebRequest>>stream200Response:size:type: (in category 'responses') -----
stream200Response: aStream size: streamSize type: contentType
	"Stream a 200 OK response"

	^self stream200Response: aStream size: streamSize type: contentType do:[:resp].!

----- Method: WebRequest>>stream200Response:size:type:do: (in category 'responses') -----
stream200Response: aStream size: streamSize type: contentType do: aBlock
	"Stream a 200 OK response"

	| resp |
	resp := self newResponse protocol: 'HTTP/1.1' code: 200.
	resp headerAt: 'Content-Type' put: contentType.
	aBlock value: resp.
	^self sendResponse: resp contentStream: aStream size: streamSize.!

----- Method: WebRequest>>textConverterForContentType (in category 'accessing') -----

	| index contentType |
	contentType := self contentType.
	contentType size < 8 ifTrue: [ ^nil ].
	index := contentType findString: 'charset=' startingAt: 1 caseSensitive: false.
	index = 0 ifTrue: [ ^nil ].
	^TextConverter newForEncoding: (contentType allButFirst: index + 7) "'charset=' size - 1"!

----- Method: WebRequest>>url (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The url without fragment or arguments"

	^((rawUrl copyUpTo: $#) copyUpTo: $?) unescapePercentsWithTextEncoding: nil!

----- Method: WebRequest>>writeOn: (in category 'printing') -----
writeOn: aStream
	"Write the request"

	self writeRequestOn: aStream.
	super writeOn: aStream!

----- Method: WebRequest>>writeRequestOn: (in category 'printing') -----
writeRequestOn: aStream
	"Write the request"

	aStream nextPutAll: method; space; nextPutAll: rawUrl; space; nextPutAll: protocol; crlf.

WebMessage subclass: #WebResponse
	instanceVariableNames: 'request status code url'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'WebClient-Core'!

!WebResponse commentStamp: 'ar 2/23/2010 10:39' prior: 0!
Represents an HTTP response for WebClient/WebServer.!

----- Method: WebResponse class>>protocol:code: (in category 'instance creation') -----
protocol: protocol code: code
	"Create a response using the given protocol / code"

	^self new protocol: protocol code: code!

----- Method: WebResponse>>code (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The HTTP response code"


----- Method: WebResponse>>content (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Reimplemented to close the socket if the request is transient"

	content ifNil:[
		content := self getContent.
		self closeIfTransient.

----- Method: WebResponse>>contentStream (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answers a stream for the conent."

	(self headerAt: 'transfer-encoding') = 'chunked' ifTrue:[
		^WebChunkedStream on: stream.
	^super contentStream!

----- Method: WebResponse>>getContent (in category 'private') -----
	"Do not read any content if this was a HEAD request or code is 204 (no content)"
	(request method = 'HEAD' or: [code = 204]) ifTrue:[^''].
	^super getContent!

----- Method: WebResponse>>isInformational (in category 'testing') -----
	"Is this a 1xx response?"

	^self code between: 100 and: 199

----- Method: WebResponse>>isRedirect (in category 'testing') -----
	"Is this a redirect response?"

	^self code between: 300 and: 399

----- Method: WebResponse>>isSuccess (in category 'testing') -----
	"Is this a successful response?"

	^self code between: 200 and: 299

----- Method: WebResponse>>protocol:code: (in category 'initialize') -----
protocol: respProtocol code: respCode
	"Initialize a response from protocol and code"

	code := respCode.
	protocol := respProtocol.
	status := protocol, ' ', code asString, ' ', (self class statusCodeAt: code).
	headers := OrderedCollection new.!

----- Method: WebResponse>>readFrom: (in category 'initialize') -----
readFrom: aStream
	"Parse an HTTP response from the given stream"

	| tokens |
	stream := aStream.
	status := stream upToAll: String crlf.
	tokens := status findTokens: ' '.
	tokens size < 2 ifTrue:[^self error:'Invalid response: ', status].
	protocol := tokens first.
	code := tokens second asNumber.
	headers := WebUtils readHeadersFrom: stream.

----- Method: WebResponse>>request (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The original request for this response"


----- Method: WebResponse>>request: (in category 'accessing') -----
request: aRequest
	"The original request for this response"

	request := aRequest!

----- Method: WebResponse>>setCookie: (in category 'cookies') -----
setCookie: aCookie
	"Adds a Set-Cookie header"

	^self addHeader: 'Set-Cookie' value: aCookie asString!

----- Method: WebResponse>>setCookie:value:path: (in category 'cookies') -----
setCookie: name value: value path: path 
	"Adds a Set-Cookie header"

	^self setCookie: ((WebCookie new)
			name: name;
			value: value;
			path: path;

----- Method: WebResponse>>setCookie:value:path:expires:domain:secure: (in category 'cookies') -----
setCookie: name value: value path: path expires: date domain: domain secure: aBool
	"Adds a Set-Cookie header"

	^self setCookie: ((WebCookie new)
			name: name;
			value: value;
			path: path;
			expiry: date;
			domain: domain;
			secure: aBool;

----- Method: WebResponse>>setCookieAt: (in category 'cookies') -----
setCookieAt: key
	"Evaluate aBlock with all the cookies deined in the request"

	self setCookiesDo:[:cookie|
		cookie name = key ifTrue:[^cookie].

----- Method: WebResponse>>setCookiesDo: (in category 'cookies') -----
setCookiesDo: aBlock
	"Evaluate aBlock with all the cookies deined in the request"

	self headersAt: 'Set-Cookie' do:[:hdr|
		aBlock value: (WebCookie new readFrom: hdr readStream)

----- Method: WebResponse>>status (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The status line from the response"


----- Method: WebResponse>>status: (in category 'accessing') -----
status: aString
	"The status line from the response"

	status := aString!

----- Method: WebResponse>>url (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The url of the resource at which a request was terminated after a series
	of redirects. Without redirects, this will be the same as the request url."


----- Method: WebResponse>>url: (in category 'accessing') -----
url: urlString
	"The url of the resource at which a request was terminated after a series
	of redirects. Without redirects, this will be the same as the request url."

	url := urlString!

----- Method: WebResponse>>writeOn: (in category 'printing') -----
writeOn: aStream
	"Store this response on aStream"

	self writeStatusOn: aStream.
	super writeOn: aStream.

----- Method: WebResponse>>writeStatusOn: (in category 'printing') -----
writeStatusOn: aStream
	"Store this response on aStream"

	aStream nextPutAll: status; crlf.

Object subclass: #WebServer
	instanceVariableNames: 'listenerSocket listenerProcess interface port mutex connections entryPoints vault logAction nonceCache sessions serverString errorHandler accessLog certName siteUrl'
	classVariableNames: 'Default Registry'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'WebClient-Core'!

!WebServer commentStamp: 'ar 5/4/2010 13:17' prior: 0!
WebClient provides a simple yet complete HTTP server implementation.

To view the documentation evaluate:

	HelpBrowser openOn: WebServerHelp.

----- Method: WebServer class>>benchmark (in category 'benchmarks') -----
	"Runs a WebClient/WebServer streaming benchmark to measure throughput"

		WebServer benchmark
		MessageTally spyOn:[WebServer benchmark]

	| amount time resp port |
	port := 8888.
	amount := 128 * 1024 * 1024.
	WebServer reset default listenOn: port.
	WebServer default addService: '/streaming' action:[:req|
		req stream200Response: NullStream new size: amount.
	time := [
		resp := WebClient httpGet: 'http://localhost:', port, '/streaming'.
		resp isSuccess ifFalse:[self error: resp status].
		resp streamTo: NullStream new size: resp contentLength progress: nil.
		resp close.
	] timeToRun.
	WebServer reset.
	^(amount  * 1000 // time) asStringWithCommas, ' bytes/sec'

----- Method: WebServer class>>browseDir:request: (in category 'examples') -----
browseDir: directory request: request
	"Responds with a directory listing back to the original request"

	| entries listing url |
	url := request url.
	(url endsWith: '/') ifTrue:[url := url allButLast].

	entries := directory entries sort:[:e1 :e2|
		e1 isDirectory = e2 isDirectory 
			ifTrue:[e1 name <= e2 name]
			ifFalse:[e2 isDirectory]].

	listing := String streamContents:[:s|
		s nextPutAll:'<html><head><title>Index of ', request url,'</title></head><body>'.
		s nextPutAll:'<h1>Index of ', request url,'</h1>'.
		s nextPutAll:'<pre>      Name                      Last modified      Size  Description<hr>'.
		s nextPutAll: '[up]  <a href="', (url copyUpToLast: $/),'">parent</a>'; crlf.
		entries do:[:e|
			s nextPutAll:(e isDirectory ifTrue:['[dir] '] ifFalse:['      ']).
			s nextPutAll: '<a href="', url, '/', e name, '">'.
			s nextPutAll: (e name truncateTo: 30).
			s nextPutAll: '</a>'.
			e name size < 30 ifTrue:[s nextPutAll: (String new: 30 - e name size withAll: $ )].
			s nextPutAll: (e modificationDateAndTime asString padded: #right to: 20 with: $ ).
			s nextPutAll: (e fileSize asString padded: #right to: 20 with: $ ).
			s crlf.

		send200Response: (listing convertToWithConverter: UTF8TextConverter new) 
		contentType: 'text/html; charset=utf-8'.


----- Method: WebServer class>>browseFile:request: (in category 'examples') -----
browseFile: file request: request
	"Responds with a file back to the original request"

	| fileSize mimeTypes resp |
	file binary.
	fileSize := file size.
	mimeTypes := file mimeTypes ifNil:[#('application/octet-stream')].
	resp := request newResponse protocol: 'HTTP/1.1' code: 200.
	resp headerAt: 'Content-Type' put: mimeTypes first.
	request sendResponse: resp contentStream: file size: fileSize.!

----- Method: WebServer class>>browseRequest: (in category 'examples') -----
browseRequest: request
	"Handle an HTTP request for browsing some resource"

	| path fd entry file |

	"Extract the file path from the request"
	path := request url findTokens: '/'.
	path ifEmpty:[^self browseDir: FileDirectory default request: request.].

	"Find the directory entry for the resource"
	fd := path allButLast inject: FileDirectory default into:[:dir :part| dir directoryNamed: part].
	entry := fd entryAt: path last ifAbsent:[^request send404Response].

	"Reply with the proper resource"
	entry isDirectory ifTrue:[
		"Send file listing. We handle this synchronously for simplicity."
		self browseDir: (fd directoryNamed: entry name) request: request.
	] ifFalse:[
		"Send file content. Since files can be large, we fork this off.
		However, since we forked it, we need to handle two different
		possible conditions:
			- closing the file in case of error
			- handling errors when sending it
		This makes the code below a bit ugly"
			file := fd readOnlyFileNamed: entry name.
			[self browseFile: file request: request.] 
				ensure:[file close] 	"close file even in case of error"
		] on: Error do:[]				"ignore errors altogether"
		] fork. 						"fork it"

----- Method: WebServer class>>default (in category 'accessing') -----
	"A default WebServer instance. Mostly for the examples."

	^Default ifNil:[Default := self new].!

----- Method: WebServer class>>exampleAuth (in category 'examples') -----
exampleAuth		"WebServer exampleAuth"
	"Simple example requiring basic auth"

	| server port realm |
	port := 9999.
	server := WebServer reset default.
	"The realm to use for the server"
	realm := 'Example Realm'.

	"Add a sample user (note: password is hashed, not stored verbatim)"
	server passwordAt: 'squeak' realm: realm put: 'squeak'.

	server listenOn: port.
	server addService: '/' action:[:req| 
			authenticate: req 
			realm: realm
			methods: #(digest basic) 
			do:[self browseRequest: req]].

----- Method: WebServer class>>exampleBrowse (in category 'examples') -----
exampleBrowse	"WebServer exampleBrowse"
	"This example implements a simple http server allowing to view 
	and download files (like browsing ftp sites etc)."

	| server port |
	port := 9999.
	server := WebServer reset default.
	server listenOn: port.
	server addService: '/' action:[:req| self browseRequest: req].

----- Method: WebServer class>>exampleDoIt (in category 'examples') -----
exampleDoIt		"WebServer exampleDoIt"
	"This example executes doIts from a POST request.
	It's the simplest possible RPC interface to Squeak."

	| server port |
	port := 9999.
	server := WebServer reset default.
	server listenOn: port.
	server addService: '/' action:[:req| 
		| data result |
		req isPostRequest ifTrue:[
			"We fetch all of the data instead of streaming it"
			data := req content.
			"Compute the result"
			result := [Compiler evaluate: data] on: Error do:[:ex| ex return: ex asString].
			req send200Response: result asString 
		] ifFalse:[req send404Response].

----- Method: WebServer class>>exampleSSL: (in category 'examples') -----
exampleSSL: certName

	"This example implements a simple https server allowing to view 
	and download files (like browsing ftp sites etc):

		WebServer exampleSSL: 'Internet Widgits Pty'.
		WebServer exampleSSL: '/home/andreas/certs/testcert.pem'.


	| server port |
	port := 8443.
	server := WebServer reset default.
	server accessLog: Transcript.
	server certName: certName.
	server listenOn: port.
	server addService: '/' action:[:req| self browseRequest: req].

----- Method: WebServer class>>exampleSession (in category 'examples') -----
exampleSession		"WebServer exampleSession"
	"This example uses a simple session cookie to avoid 
	authentication for every request."

	| server port realm |
	realm := 'Example Realm'.	"authentication realm"
	port := 9999.
	server := WebServer reset default.
	server listenOn: port.

	"Add a sample user (note: password is hashed, not stored verbatim)"
	server passwordAt: 'squeak' realm: realm put: 'squeak'.

	"Register the login service (sets cookie when successful)"
	server addService: '/login' action:[:req| 
		server  authenticate: req  realm: realm methods: #(digest)  do:[ | id |
			"Set the cookie and redirect back to /"
			server sessionAt: (id := UUID new hex) put: ''.
			req send302Response: (req fields at: 'url' ifAbsent:['/'])
				do:[:resp| resp setCookie: 'session' value: id path: '/']]].

	"Register the normal browse service"
	server addService: '/' action:[:req|
		"Check if we have a valid session cookie. If not redirect to login."
		(server sessionAt: (req cookieAt: 'session')) notNil
			ifTrue:[self browseRequest: req]
			ifFalse:[req send302Response: '/login?url=', req url encodeForHTTP]].

----- Method: WebServer class>>forUrl: (in category 'registry') -----
forUrl: urlString
	"Answer the WebServer registered for a given URL string."

	^self forUrl: urlString ifAbsent:[self newForUrl: urlString]!

----- Method: WebServer class>>forUrl:ifAbsent: (in category 'registry') -----
forUrl: urlString ifAbsent: aBlock
	"Answer the WebServer registered for a given URL string.
	If no WebServer is registered, evaluate aBlock."

	^self registry at: urlString ifAbsent: aBlock!

----- Method: WebServer class>>newForUrl: (in category 'registry') -----
newForUrl: urlString
	"Create a new WebServer instance registered for a given URL string."

	| server |
	"Out with the old ...."
	server := self removeUrl: urlString.
	server ifNotNil:[server destroy].

	"... and in with the new."
	server := self new.
	server siteUrl: urlString.
	self registry at: urlString put: server.

----- Method: WebServer class>>registry (in category 'registry') -----
	"Answer the WebServer site registry"

	^Registry ifNil:[Registry := Dictionary new]!

----- Method: WebServer class>>removeUrl: (in category 'registry') -----
removeUrl: urlString
	"Remove and answer the WebServer registered for a given URL string.
	If no WebServer was registered, return nil."

	^self removeUrl: urlString ifAbsent:[nil]!

----- Method: WebServer class>>removeUrl:ifAbsent: (in category 'registry') -----
removeUrl: urlString ifAbsent: aBlock
	"Remove and answer the WebServer registered for a given URL string."

	^self registry removeKey: urlString ifAbsent: aBlock!

----- Method: WebServer class>>requestBenchmark: (in category 'benchmarks') -----
requestBenchmark: persistent
	"Runs a WebClient/WebServer benchmark to measure request handling speed.
	Uses a persistent connection if requested."

		WebServer requestBenchmark: false.
		WebServer requestBenchmark: true.
		MessageTally spyOn:[WebServer requestBenchmark: true]

	| port |
	port := 8888.
	WebServer reset default listenOn: port.
	WebServer default addService: '/benchmark' action:[:req|
		req send200Response: ''.
		requestBenchmark: 'http://localhost:', port, '/benchmark'
		persistent: persistent] ensure:[WebServer reset].

----- Method: WebServer class>>reset (in category 'accessing') -----
reset		"WebServer reset"
	"Reset the default WebServer instance."

	Default ifNotNil:[
		Default destroy.
		Default := nil.

----- Method: WebServer class>>serverDate (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Returns the date string to be used in responses"

	| date |
	^String streamContents:[:s|
		date := DateAndTime now asUTC.
		s nextPutAll: date dayOfWeekAbbreviation, ', '.
		date asDate printOn: s format: #(1 2 3 $  2 1 2 ).
		s space; nextPutAll: (Time seconds: date asSeconds) print24.
		s nextPutAll: ' GMT'.

----- Method: WebServer class>>serverString (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Returns the server string to be used in responses"

	^'WebServer/1.5 (', 
		WebUtils mcVersion, '; ', 
		SystemVersion current version,'-', 
		SystemVersion current highestUpdate printString, '; ', 
		WebUtils platformName,')'.

----- Method: WebServer>>accessLog (in category 'logging') -----
	"The standard access log. Can be either a stream or a string; if the access log
	is a string then the string is assumed to be a file name and the file will be opened 
	and closed for each request."


----- Method: WebServer>>accessLog: (in category 'logging') -----
accessLog: aStreamOrFilename
	"The standard access log. Can be either a stream or a string; if the access log
	is a string then the string is assumed to be a file name and the file will be opened 
	and closed for each request."

	accessLog := aStreamOrFilename!

----- Method: WebServer>>addService:action: (in category 'services') -----
addService: entryPoint action: aBlockOrMessage
	"Add a service to the web server. The service is specified by an entryPoint, 
	denoting the url under which the service can be requested 
	(such as /my/great/service) and an action which is a message 
	send taking a single argument, the WebRequest."

	^self addService: entryPoint 
		action: aBlockOrMessage 
		methods: self defaultHttpMethods.!

----- Method: WebServer>>addService:action:methods: (in category 'services') -----
addService: entryPoint action: aBlockOrMessage methods: methods
	"Add a service to the web server. The service is specified by an entryPoint, 
	denoting the url under which the service can be requested 
	(such as /my/great/service) and an action which is a message 
	send taking a single argument, the WebRequest.
	The list of methods describes what HTTP methods the given url supports."

	mutex critical:[
		entryPoints at: entryPoint asLowercase put: {methods. aBlockOrMessage}.

----- Method: WebServer>>asyncHandleConnectionFrom: (in category 'handling') -----
asyncHandleConnectionFrom: aSocket
	"Handle an incoming connection asynchronously to avoid blocking the listener."

	| handlerProcess |
	handlerProcess := [
		[ [ self handleConnectionFrom: aSocket ] 
			on: Error do: [ :ex | aSocket destroy ] ]
			ensure: [
				aSocket destroy.
				mutex critical: [ 
					"If we get here, then handlerProcess is initialized, so it's safe to use that variable. Using Processor activeProcess is not possible, because this block may be evaluated by another process. Doing this outside the #ensure: block is not safe."
					connections remove: handlerProcess ifAbsent: [ ] ] ] ] newProcess.

	mutex critical:[connections add: handlerProcess].

	handlerProcess resume.

----- Method: WebServer>>authAccept:request:realm:header: (in category 'authentication') -----
authAccept: method request: request realm: realm header: authHeader
	"Performs the requested authentication method. 
	Returns true if successfully authenticated.
	Subclasses can extend this method to support more auth methods."

	^method asLowercase caseOf: {
		['basic'] 	-> [self basicAuth: request realm: realm header: authHeader].
		['digest'] 	-> [self digestAuth: request realm: realm header: authHeader].
	} otherwise:[false].

----- Method: WebServer>>authHeader:request:realm: (in category 'authentication') -----
authHeader: method request: request realm: realm
	"Answer the authentication header for the given method.
	Subclasses can extend this method to support more auth methods."

	^method asLowercase caseOf: {
		['basic'] 	-> ['Basic realm="', realm,'"'].
		['digest'] 	-> ['Digest realm="', realm,'", nonce="', self newNonce,'", qop="auth"'].
	} otherwise:[nil].

----- Method: WebServer>>authenticate:realm:methods:do: (in category 'authentication') -----
authenticate: request realm: realm methods: accepted do: aBlock
	"Authenticates an incoming request using one of the accepted methods.

	Evaluates aBlock upon successful authentication. Responds with a 401
	(Unauthorized) if the authentication fails."

	| method resp |
	request headersAt: 'Authorization' do:[:authHeader|
		method := authHeader copyUpTo: Character space.
		(accepted anySatisfy:[:auth| auth sameAs: method]) ifTrue:[
			(self authAccept: method request: request realm: realm header: authHeader)
				ifTrue:[^aBlock value].

	"Send a 401 (unauthorized) response"
	resp := request newResponse protocol: 'HTTP/1.1' code: 401.
	resp headerAt: 'Content-Type' put: 'text/html; charset=utf-8'.
	accepted do:[:auth| | hdr |
		hdr := self authHeader: auth request: request realm: realm.
		hdr ifNotNil:[resp addHeader: 'WWW-Authenticate' value: hdr].
	request sendResponse: resp content: '<html><head><title>401 Unauthorized</title></head><body><h1>401 Unauthorized</h1><p>You are not authorized to access the requested URL</p></body></html>'.

----- Method: WebServer>>basicAuth:realm:header: (in category 'authentication') -----
basicAuth: request realm: realm header: authHeader
	"Perform Basic auth for the given request"

	| data user pass hash |
	data := (authHeader copyAfter: $ ) base64Decoded.
	user := data copyUpTo: $:.
	pass := data copyAfter: $:.
	data atAllPut: $*. data := nil.

	hash := self hashUser: user password: pass realm: realm.
	pass atAllPut: $*. pass := nil.

	^(self passwordHashAt: user, ':', realm) = hash

----- Method: WebServer>>builtinHttpMethods (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Returns the list of HTTP methods that the server handles built-in,
	i.e., without passing them to the registered service."


----- Method: WebServer>>certName (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The cert name to use for a secure (SSL/TLS) web server."


----- Method: WebServer>>certName: (in category 'accessing') -----
certName: aString
	"The cert name to use for a secure (SSL/TLS) web server."

	certName := aString.!

----- Method: WebServer>>connections (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The active connection processes. Can only be examined after aquiring
	the WebServer's mutex."


----- Method: WebServer>>critical: (in category 'initialize') -----
critical: aBlock
	"Evaluate aBlock protected byt the server's mutex.
	Necessary if code needs to manipulate internal server state."

	^mutex critical: aBlock

----- Method: WebServer>>defaultHttpMethods (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Answer the list of HTTP methods that should be be supported by default.
	The methods must be implemented by the request handler."

	^#('GET' 'POST')!

----- Method: WebServer>>destroy (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Destroys the receiver"

	self stopListener.
	self destroyConnections.
	listenerSocket ifNotNil:[listenerSocket destroy].

	"De-register the WebServer"
	(self class forUrl: self siteUrl ifAbsent:[self]) == self 
		ifTrue:[self class removeUrl: siteUrl]

----- Method: WebServer>>destroyConnections (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Destroy all current connections."

	| copy |
	copy := mutex critical: [ connections copy ].
	" #terminate will trigger the #ensure: block in #asyncHandleConnectionFrom:, which will block if we don't release the mutex "
	copy do: [ :p | p terminate ].
	" make sure all of them were really removed "
	mutex critical: [ connections removeAll ]

----- Method: WebServer>>digestAuth:realm:header: (in category 'authentication') -----
digestAuth: request realm: realm header: authHeader
	"Authenticates an incoming request using Digest auth."

	| user nonce uri response ha1 ha2 md5 qop nc cnonce 
	  nonceData nonceCounter nonceTimeout params |

	params := WebUtils parseAuthParams: authHeader.

	"Flush the nonce cache randomly about every 100 auth attempts"
	100 atRandom = 42 ifTrue:[self flushNonceCache].

	user := params at: 'username' ifAbsent:[''].
	nonce := params at: 'nonce' ifAbsent:[''].
	uri := params at: 'uri' ifAbsent:[request url].
	response := params at: 'response' ifAbsent:[''].
	qop := params at: 'qop' ifAbsent:[''].
	qop = 'auth' ifFalse:[^false]. "we require qop=auth"

	nc := params at: 'nc' ifAbsent:[''].
	cnonce := params at: 'cnonce' ifAbsent:[''].
	"Verify that this is a nonce that we have handed out, that it isn't expired
	and that the nc counter has increased from the last use."
	mutex critical:[
		nonceData := nonceCache at: nonce ifAbsent:[^false].
	nonceCounter := nonceData first.		"last used nc"
	nonceTimeout := nonceData second.	"timeout for nonce"
	nc <= nonceCounter ifTrue:[^false]. 	"nc must increase"
	Time totalSeconds > nonceTimeout ifTrue:[^false]. "nonce expired"
	nonceData at: 1 put: nc.

	ha1 := self passwordHashAt: user, ':', realm.
	ha2 := WebUtils md5Digest: request method, ':', uri.
	md5 := WebUtils md5Digest: ha1, ':', nonce, ':', nc, ':', cnonce, ':', qop, ':', ha2.
	^md5 = response

----- Method: WebServer>>dispatchRequest: (in category 'handling') -----
dispatchRequest: request
	"Look up the handler for a given request and dispatch to it"

	^self dispatchRequest: request url: request url!

----- Method: WebServer>>dispatchRequest:url: (in category 'handling') -----
dispatchRequest: request url: dispatchUrl
	"Look up the handler for a given url and dispatch to it"

	| entryUrl action |
	"Handle TRACE requests right away"
	request method = 'TRACE' ifTrue:[
		^request send200Response: request asString contentType: 'message/http'.

	"Look up the entry point for the request"
	action := nil.
	entryUrl := dispatchUrl asLowercase.
	(entryUrl beginsWith: '/') ifFalse:[entryUrl := '/', entryUrl].
	mutex critical:[
		[entryUrl notEmpty and:[action == nil]] whileTrue: [
			action := entryPoints at: entryUrl ifAbsent:[nil].
			entryUrl := entryUrl copyUpToLast: $/.
		action ifNil:[action := entryPoints at: '/' ifAbsent:[nil]].

	"Handle OPTIONS requests"
	request method = 'OPTIONS' ifTrue:[
		"HEAD, TRACE, and OPTIONS are always supported"
		request sendOptionsResponse: self builtinHttpMethods,
			(action ifNil:[self defaultHttpMethods] ifNotNil:[action first])

	"Handle 404 not found"
	action ifNil:[^request send404Response].

	"Handle 405 method not allowed"
	(request method = 'HEAD' "builtin" 
		or:[(action at: 1) includes: request method]) ifFalse:[
			^request send405Response: self builtinHttpMethods, action first.

	^[self invokeAction: (action at: 2) request: request] 
		on: Error do:[:ex|
				ifNil:[self handleError: ex request: request]
				ifNotNil:[errorHandler value: ex value: request]

----- Method: WebServer>>errorHandler (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The user-supplied error handler. If present the handler takes two arguments:
		* The error being caught by WebServer
		* The request the error occurred in.
	The user-supplied error handler can do whatever it wants, including calling
	WebServer's #handleError:request: method which is the default."


----- Method: WebServer>>errorHandler: (in category 'accessing') -----
errorHandler: aBlock
	"The user-supplied error handler. If present the handler takes two arguments:
		* The error being caught by WebServer
		* The request the error occurred in.
	The user-supplied error handler can do whatever it wants, including calling
	WebServer's #handleError:request: method which is the default."

	errorHandler := aBlock.!

----- Method: WebServer>>errorReportFor: (in category 'errors') -----
errorReportFor: anError
	"Provide a report for an error that's been caught during processing"

		String streamContents:[:s| 
			self errorReportFor: anError 
				stack: ([anError signalerContext stackOfSize: 2000] 
							on: Error do:[:ex| ex return: #()])
				on: s
	] on: Error do: [:ex| ex pass. 'error reporting failed'].!

----- Method: WebServer>>errorReportFor:stack:on: (in category 'errors') -----
errorReportFor: anError stack: preStack on: strm
	"Provide a report for an error that's been caught during processing"

	self errorStackFor: anError stack: preStack on: strm.
	strm cr; nextPutAll: '-----------------------------------------------------------------'; cr; cr.
	self systemInfoOn: strm.

----- Method: WebServer>>errorStackFor:stack:on: (in category 'errors') -----
errorStackFor: anError stack: preStack on: strm
	"Provide a report for an error that's been caught during processing"

	| cnt |
	cnt := 0.
	(preStack copyFrom: 1 to: (5 min: preStack size)) do:[:ctx|
		ctx printDetails: strm.	"variable values"
		strm cr.

	strm cr; nextPutAll: '--- The full stack ---'; cr.
	cnt := 0.

	preStack do:[:ctx|
		cnt := cnt + 1.
		cnt = 5 ifTrue: [
			strm nextPutAll: ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'; cr].
		strm print: ctx; cr.  "just class>>selector"

----- Method: WebServer>>flushNonceCache (in category 'authentication') -----
	"Flushes expired nonces from the cache"

	| deadline |
	deadline := Time totalSeconds.
	mutex critical:[
		nonceCache := nonceCache reject:[:nonceData| deadline > nonceData second]

----- Method: WebServer>>handleConnectionFrom: (in category 'handling') -----
handleConnectionFrom: aSocket
	"Synchronously handle an incoming socket connection."

	| stream request |

	"Give the process a pretty name"
	Processor activeProcess name: (String streamContents:[:s|
		aSocket remoteAddress do:[:b| s print: b] separatedBy:[s nextPut: $.].
		s nextPut: $:; print: aSocket remotePort.
		s nextPutAll: ' - ', self class name, ' request handler'.

	"Read the request from the socket, and dispatch it.
	Since we've been forked already it's okay to block."
		certName ifNil:["Regular request"
			stream := SocketStream on: aSocket.
		] ifNotNil:["SSL/TLS"
			| ssl |
			ssl := Smalltalk at: #SqueakSSL ifAbsent:[self error: 'SqueakSSL not installed'].
			stream := ssl secureSocketStream on: aSocket.
			[stream sslAccept: certName] on: Error do:[^stream destroy].

		[aSocket isConnected] whileTrue:[

			"Read the next request from the connection. If the connection is closed,
			or if a network error occurs, or the read times out, just close the connection
			without further ado (rather than logging an error). Any other error resulting
			from parsing the input is treated as a 400 bad request."

			stream peek ifNil:[^aSocket destroy].
			request := self newRequest.
			[request readFrom: stream] on: Error do:[:ex| 
				(ex isKindOf: NetworkError) ifFalse:[
					[request send400Response] on: Error do:[:ignore].
				^aSocket destroy].

			self dispatchRequest: request.
	] on: Error do:[:ex|
		(ex isKindOf: NetworkError) ifFalse:[
			self log: 'Error in request handling: ', ex description.
			self log: (self errorReportFor: ex).

----- Method: WebServer>>handleError:request: (in category 'errors') -----
handleError: ex request: aRequest
	"The default error handling during processing. Sends a 500 response."

	| errLabel errReport |
	errLabel := [ex description] on: Error do:[:ex2| 
		ex2 return: ex class name
	errReport := [self errorReportFor: ex] on: Error do:[:ex2|
		ex2 return: '<error report failed>'.
	[self log: errLabel] on: Error do:[:ex2| ex return].
	[self log: String cr, errReport] on: Error do:[:ex2| ex return].
	aRequest send500Response: errReport. !

----- Method: WebServer>>hashUser:password:realm: (in category 'authentication') -----
hashUser: user password: pass realm: realm
	"Creates a hash for the given username password pair.
	This method is the ha1 part of digest auth and can be used for both digest
	as well as basic auth."

	^WebUtils md5Digest: user, ':', realm, ':', pass!

----- Method: WebServer>>initialize (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Initialize the receiver"

	mutex := Mutex new.
	entryPoints := Dictionary new.
	connections := IdentitySet new.
	vault := Dictionary new.
	nonceCache := Dictionary new.
	sessions := Dictionary new.
	self logAction:[:aString| Transcript cr; show: aString].

----- Method: WebServer>>invokeAction:request: (in category 'handling') -----
invokeAction: action request: request
	"Invokes the given action. Subclasses can override this method to serialize
	actions if necessary. At this point, the request header has been read from
	the network, but not its content."

	^action valueWithArguments: {request}

----- Method: WebServer>>isRunning (in category 'testing') -----
	"Is the server still running?"

	^self isStopped not!

----- Method: WebServer>>isStopped (in category 'testing') -----
	"Is the server still running?"

	^listenerProcess == nil or:[listenerProcess isTerminated]!

----- Method: WebServer>>listenOn: (in category 'listening') -----
listenOn: aPort
	"Starts the server listening on the given port"

	^self listenOn: aPort interface: nil!

----- Method: WebServer>>listenOn:interface: (in category 'listening') -----
listenOn: aPort interface: anInterface
	"Starts the server listening on the given port / network interface"

	^self listenOn: aPort interface: anInterface backlogSize: 8!

----- Method: WebServer>>listenOn:interface:backlogSize: (in category 'listening') -----
listenOn: aPort interface: anInterface backlogSize: backlog
	"Starts the server listening on the given port / network interface"
	| ipString |
	interface := anInterface.
	port := aPort.
	ipString := interface ifNil:['*'] ifNotNil:[
		String streamContents:[:s| interface do:[:b| s print: b] separatedBy:[s nextPut:$.]]].
	self log: 'listener starting (interface: ', ipString, ' port: ', port asString, ')'.
	listenerSocket := Socket newTCP.
		ifNil:[listenerSocket listenOn: port backlogSize: backlog]
		ifNotNil:[listenerSocket listenOn: port backlogSize: backlog interface: interface].
	listenerSocket isWaitingForConnection ifFalse:[
		self error: 'Failed to listen(interface: ', interface printString, ' port: ', aPort printString,' )'.
	self startListener.!

----- Method: WebServer>>listenerInterface (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Returns the listener interface for the server"


----- Method: WebServer>>listenerPort (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Returns the listener port for the server"


----- Method: WebServer>>listenerProcess (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Returns the socket listener process for the server."


----- Method: WebServer>>listenerProcessPriority (in category 'listening') -----
	"The priority at which the listener process should run"

	^Processor lowIOPriority!

----- Method: WebServer>>listenerSocket (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Returns the listener socket for the server."


----- Method: WebServer>>log: (in category 'initialize') -----
log: aString
	"Log the given information."

	logAction ifNotNil:[logAction valueWithArguments: {aString}].

----- Method: WebServer>>logAction (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The current log action (a block or message)"


----- Method: WebServer>>logAction: (in category 'accessing') -----
logAction: aBlockOrMessage
	"The current log action (a block or message).
		WebServer new logAction: [:aString| Transcript show: aString].
		WebServer new logAction: (MessageSend receiver: Transcript selector: #show).

	logAction := aBlockOrMessage!

----- Method: WebServer>>logRequest:response: (in category 'logging') -----
logRequest: request response: response
	"Log a request after it has been successfully processed"

	accessLog ifNil:[^self].

	"Do not use the standard exception handler for errors logging; 
	it would possibly send a 500 response. Really this should be handled
	by a different process with its own error handler."

	[WebUtils logRequest: request response: response on: accessLog]
		on: Error do:[:ex| self log: 'Error in logging: ', ex description].

----- Method: WebServer>>newNonce (in category 'authentication') -----
	"Create a new nonce to be used for a client authentication session"

	| nonce |
	nonce := UUID new hex.
	mutex critical:[
		nonceCache at: nonce put: {''. Time totalSeconds + self nonceDeadline}.

----- Method: WebServer>>newRequest (in category 'handling') -----
	"Answer a new request.
	Subclasses should override this method to use a different request class."

	^(WebRequest new)
		server: self;

----- Method: WebServer>>nonceDeadline (in category 'authentication') -----
	"Answer the number of seconds a nonce is considered valid for digest auth
	by the server. After this period, the client will have to reauthenticate.
	The default is 30 minutes."

	^30*60 !

----- Method: WebServer>>passwordAt:realm:put: (in category 'authentication') -----
passwordAt: username realm: realm put: password
	"Store the password hash for the key."

	| hash |
	hash := self hashUser: username password: password realm: realm.
	self passwordHashAt: (username,':',realm) put: hash!

----- Method: WebServer>>passwordHashAt: (in category 'authentication') -----
passwordHashAt: key
	"Answer the password hash for the given key"

	^vault at: key ifAbsent:['']!

----- Method: WebServer>>passwordHashAt:put: (in category 'authentication') -----
passwordHashAt: key put: hash
	"Store the password hash for the key."

	^vault at: key put: hash!

----- Method: WebServer>>removeService: (in category 'services') -----
removeService: entryPoint 
	"Remove a service from the HTTP service provider.  See #addService:action:"

	mutex critical:[
		entryPoints removeKey: entryPoint asLowercase ifAbsent: [].

----- Method: WebServer>>runListener (in category 'listening') -----
	"Runs the server's listener loop. 
	Accepts incoming connections and handles them asynchronously"

	| connectionSocket |
	[[[listenerSocket notNil and:[listenerSocket isValid]] whileTrue:[
		"Waiting for five seconds means that WebServer will be
		back up after roughly five seconds when the system restarts."
		connectionSocket := listenerSocket waitForAcceptFor: 5.
		"Fork this off since or else errors in acceptClient: kill the listener"
		connectionSocket ifNotNil:[self asyncHandleConnectionFrom: connectionSocket].
	]] ensure:[
		"Logging here is only for the purpose of catching sockets going randomly bad"
		self log: 'listener terminating, socket: ', (listenerSocket ifNotNil:[:s| s statusString]).

		"Try to restart the listener"
		(listenerSocket notNil and:[listenerSocket isValid not]) ifTrue:[
			listenerSocket destroy.
			listenerProcess := nil.
			"Wait a little before retrying"
			(Delay forSeconds: 2) wait.
			^self listenOn: port interface: interface
	]] on: Error do:[:ex| self log: ex].

----- Method: WebServer>>serverDate (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Returns the date string to be used in responses"

	^self class serverDate!

----- Method: WebServer>>serverString (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Returns the server string to be used in responses.
	The response is cached for efficiency."

	^serverString ifNil:[serverString := self class serverString].!

----- Method: WebServer>>serverString: (in category 'accessing') -----
serverString: aString
	"Set the server string to be used in responses"

	^serverString := aString!

----- Method: WebServer>>sessionAt: (in category 'sessions') -----
sessionAt: key
	"Answer the session associated with the given key"

	^mutex critical:[sessions at: key ifAbsent:[nil]].!

----- Method: WebServer>>sessionAt:ifAbsentPut: (in category 'sessions') -----
sessionAt: key ifAbsentPut: session
	"Answer the session associated with the given key"

	^mutex critical:[sessions at: key ifAbsentPut:[session]].!

----- Method: WebServer>>sessionAt:put: (in category 'sessions') -----
sessionAt: key put: session
	"Store the session associated with the given key"

	^mutex critical:[sessions at: key put: session].!

----- Method: WebServer>>sessions (in category 'sessions') -----
	"The sessions associated with the WebServer. These are not used by the server
	directly but rather provided so that client code has a convenient place to store
	session data."

----- Method: WebServer>>sessions: (in category 'sessions') -----
sessions: aDictionary
	"The sessions associated with the WebServer. These are not used by the server
	directly but rather provided so that client code has a convenient place to store
	session data."
	sessions := aDictionary!

----- Method: WebServer>>siteUrl (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The site URL for WebServer, i.e., http://www.mysite.com or http://www.mysite.com/server (when used in a proxied environment) or https://www.mysite.com (when using SSL). Used to allow a client to derive the 'correct' full URL for a running server instance."


----- Method: WebServer>>siteUrl: (in category 'accessing') -----
siteUrl: aString
	"The site URL for WebServer, i.e., http://www.mysite.com or http://www.mysite.com/server (when used in a proxied environment) or https://www.mysite.com (when using SSL). Used to allow a client to derive the 'correct' full URL for a running server instance."

	siteUrl := aString!

----- Method: WebServer>>startListener (in category 'listening') -----
	"Starts the server's listener process"

	self stopListener.
	listenerProcess := [self runListener] newProcess.
	listenerProcess priority: self listenerProcessPriority.
	listenerProcess name: self class name, '''s listener process'.
	listenerProcess resume.

----- Method: WebServer>>stopListener (in category 'listening') -----
	"Stops the server's listener process"

	listenerProcess ifNotNil:[listenerProcess terminate].
	listenerProcess := nil.!

----- Method: WebServer>>systemInfoOn: (in category 'errors') -----
systemInfoOn: strm
	"Provides system information for a server error report"

	strm nextPutAll: 'VM: ';
		nextPutAll:  WebUtils platformName;
		nextPutAll: ' - ';
		nextPutAll: WebUtils vmVersion;

	strm nextPutAll: 'Image: ';
		nextPutAll:  SystemVersion current version asString;
		nextPutAll: ' [';
		nextPutAll: SmalltalkImage current lastUpdateString asString;
		nextPutAll: ']';

	strm cr.

	SecurityManager default printStateOn: strm.

	"Additional info available from the windows VM"
	WebUtils platformName = 'Win32' ifTrue:[
		10001 to: 10003 do:[:i| | info |
			info := (SmalltalkImage current getSystemAttribute: i) ifNil:[''].
			info := info copyReplaceAll: String lf with: String cr.
			info isEmpty ifFalse:[strm cr; nextPutAll: info]]].

----- Method: WebServer>>vault (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The vault used for storing password hashes."


----- Method: WebServer>>vault: (in category 'accessing') -----
vault: anObject
	"The vault used for storing password hashes.

	Clients can provide their own storage mechanism. 
	Subclasses can also override the lookup and authentication mechanism."

	vault := anObject!

Object subclass: #WebSocket
	instanceVariableNames: 'name process stream handlers'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'WebClient-Core'!

!WebSocket commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
A wrapper object for the WebSocket API.!

----- Method: WebSocket class>>example (in category 'example') -----
example	"WebSocket example"

	"This is a very simple WebSocket example implementing a basic chat system.
	Each message sent by a client connection is broadcast to everyone."

	| mutex sockets |
	mutex := Mutex new.
	sockets := OrderedCollection new.
	WebServer reset default listenOn: 8080.

	WebServer default addService: '/' action:[:req|
		"Serves the main html chat page"
		req send200Response: self examplePage contentType: 'text/html'.

	WebServer default addService: '/broadcast' action:[:req| | ws |
		"Implements the WebSocket broadcaster"
		ws := req asWebSocket.
		ws timeout: 300. "5 minutes timeout"
		Transcript cr; show: 'New ', ws.

		ws onMessage:[:data|
			mutex critical:[sockets do:[:s| s send: data]].
		ws onClose:[
			Transcript cr; show: 'Closing ', ws.
			mutex critical:[sockets remove: ws ifAbsent:[]].
		ws onError:[:ex|
			Transcript cr; show: ws.
			Transcript cr; show: ex description.
			Transcript cr; show: ex signalerContext longStack.
		mutex critical:[sockets add: ws].

		"We don't need to #fork here, in fact we shouldn't since it ensures
		that shutting down WebServer shuts down any WebSockets, too."
		ws run.

----- Method: WebSocket class>>examplePage (in category 'example') -----
	"The example HTML page for WebServer"

<p id="status">WebSocket: Not connected</p> 
    <input type="text" id="chat" placeholder="type and press enter to chat" /> 
<p>To test, open two windows with Web Socket support, type a message above and press return.</p> 
<ul id="log"></ul> 


var conn = {};
var log = document.getElementById("log");
var chat = document.getElementById("chat");
var form = chat.form;
var state = document.getElementById("status"); 
if (window.WebSocket === undefined) {
  state.innerHTML = "(WebSockets not supported)";
} else {
    conn = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080/broadcast");
    conn.onopen = function () {
      state.innerHTML = "WebSocket: Connected";
    conn.onmessage = function (event) {
      log.innerHTML = "<li>" + event.data + "</li>" + log.innerHTML;
    conn.onclose = function (event) {
      state.innerHTML = "WebSocket: Closed";

	form.addEventListener("submit", function (event) {
		if (conn.readyState === 1) {
			chat.value = "";
	}, false);


----- Method: WebSocket class>>on: (in category 'instance creation') -----
on: aStream
	"Create a new WebSocket instance using the given SocketStream"

	^self new on: aStream!

----- Method: WebSocket>>close (in category 'initialize') -----
	"Request graceful close"

	^self subclassResponsibility!

----- Method: WebSocket>>fork (in category 'running') -----
	"Fork the WebSocket's input process."

	process := [self run] newProcess.
	process resume.

----- Method: WebSocket>>handle:arguments: (in category 'private') -----
handle: selector arguments: argList

	^self handle: selector arguments: argList ifAbsent:[nil]!

----- Method: WebSocket>>handle:arguments:ifAbsent: (in category 'private') -----
handle: selector arguments: argList ifAbsent: aBlock

	^(handlers at: selector ifAbsent:[^aBlock value])
		valueWithPossibleArgs: argList.!

----- Method: WebSocket>>handleClose (in category 'private') -----
	"Handle a connection close"

	^self handle: 'close' arguments: (Array with: self)

----- Method: WebSocket>>handleError: (in category 'private') -----
handleError: exception
	"Handle an error"

	^self handle: 'error' arguments: (Array with: exception with: self)!

----- Method: WebSocket>>handleMessage:type: (in category 'private') -----
handleMessage: msgData type: msgType
	"Handle an incoming message of the given type"

	self handle: 'message' arguments: (Array with: msgData with: msgType with: self)!

----- Method: WebSocket>>initialize (in category 'initialize') -----
	super initialize.
	handlers := Dictionary new.!

----- Method: WebSocket>>on: (in category 'initialize') -----
on: aStream
	"Create a new WebSocket instance using the given SocketStream"

	stream := aStream.
	name := String streamContents:[:s| 
		stream socket remoteAddress 
			do:[:b| s print: b] 
			separatedBy:[s nextPut: $.]].
	name := name, ':', stream socket remotePort.

----- Method: WebSocket>>onClose: (in category 'running') -----
onClose: aBlock
	"Set the handler block to invoke when the socket is closed"

	handlers at: 'close' put: aBlock.!

----- Method: WebSocket>>onError: (in category 'running') -----
onError: aBlock
	"Set the handler block to invoke when an error occurs"

	handlers at: 'error' put: aBlock.!

----- Method: WebSocket>>onMessage: (in category 'running') -----
onMessage: aBlock
	"Set the handler block to invoke when a message is received"

	handlers at: 'message' put: aBlock.

----- Method: WebSocket>>printOn: (in category 'private') -----
printOn: aStream
	"Print the receiver"

	aStream nextPutAll: self class name.
	aStream nextPutAll: '(', name, ')'.!

----- Method: WebSocket>>run (in category 'running') -----
	"Run the WebSocket's input process."

	^self subclassResponsibility!

----- Method: WebSocket>>send: (in category 'read/write') -----
send: aString
	"Writes one frame worth of data"

	^self subclassResponsibility!

----- Method: WebSocket>>timeout (in category 'accessing') -----
	"The underlying stream timeout"

	^stream timeout!

----- Method: WebSocket>>timeout: (in category 'accessing') -----
timeout: seconds
	"Sets the underlying stream timeout"

	^stream timeout: seconds!

WebSocket subclass: #WebSocket00
	instanceVariableNames: 'frameType frameData'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'WebClient-Core'!

!WebSocket00 commentStamp: 'ar 7/8/2010 18:21' prior: 0!
A wrapper object for the WebSocket API.!

----- Method: WebSocket00>>close (in category 'running') -----
	"Request graceful close"

	stream isConnected ifTrue:[
		stream nextPut: (Character value: 255).
		stream nextPutAll: (Character value: 0).
		stream flush.

----- Method: WebSocket00>>readMessage (in category 'read/write') -----
	"Reads one frame worth of data"

	| byte length |
	byte := stream next ifNil:[
		frameType := 255.
	frameType := byte asInteger.
	frameType < 128 ifTrue:[
		"Frame type < 128: UTF-8 encoded text with 0xFF frame delimiter"
		frameData := (stream upTo: 255 asCharacter) utf8ToSqueak.
	] ifFalse:[
		"Frame type >= 128: Binary data with length prefix"
		length := 0.
		[byte := stream next asInteger.
		length := (length * 128) + (byte bitClear: 128).
		byte >= 128] whileTrue.
		frameData := ByteArray new: length.
		stream nextInto: frameData.

----- Method: WebSocket00>>run (in category 'running') -----
	"Run the WebSocket's input process."

	[[[stream isConnected] whileTrue:[
		self readMessage.
		"XXXX: Should this be moved into handleMessage:type: ???"
		frameType = 255 ifTrue:[stream close. ^self].
		self handleMessage: frameData type: frameType.
	]] on: Error do:[:ex| self handleError: ex]] ensure:[
		[stream socket destroy] on: Error do:[:ex|].
		self handleClose.

----- Method: WebSocket00>>send: (in category 'read/write') -----
send: aString
	"Writes one frame worth of data"

	^self send: aString type: 0!

----- Method: WebSocket00>>send:type: (in category 'read/write') -----
send: data type: type
	"Writes one frame worth of data using the given frame type"

	"Frame type"
	stream nextPut: (Character value: type).
	type < 128 ifTrue:[
		"Frame type < 128: UTF-8 encoded text with 0xFF frame delimiter"
		stream nextPutAll: data squeakToUtf8.
		stream nextPutAll: (Character value: 255).
	] ifFalse:[ | prefix length |
		"Frame type >= 128: Binary data with length prefix"
		prefix := ByteArray new.
		length := data size.
		[length > 127]  whileTrue:[
			prefix := prefix copyWith: prefix \\ 128.
			length := length // 128.
		prefix := prefix copyWith: length.
		stream nextPutAll: prefix reversed.
		stream nextPutAll: data.
		stream flush.
	stream flush.

WebSocket subclass: #WebSocket07
	instanceVariableNames: 'frameType frameData closing masking'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'WebClient-Core'!

!WebSocket07 commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
A wrapper object for the WebSocket API.!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>close (in category 'control requests') -----
	"Send a close control request"

	closing ifFalse:[
		closing := true.
		self send: #[] code: 8.

----- Method: WebSocket07>>firstFragment: (in category 'read/write') -----
firstFragment: aStringOrBytes
	"Writes the first fragment of data"

	aStringOrBytes isString 
		ifTrue:[^self send: aStringOrBytes squeakToUtf8 code: 1 final: false]
		ifFalse:[^self send: aStringOrBytes code: 2 final: false].!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>handleClose: (in category 'control requests') -----
handleClose: payload
	"Close is being sent by remote in process of shutting down connection"

	closing ifFalse:[^self close].

	"We're done. We've received the close and responded to it"
	stream close.


----- Method: WebSocket07>>handleControl:type: (in category 'control requests') -----
handleControl: payload type: opcode
	"Handle a control opcode"

	opcode caseOf: {
		[8]	-> [self handleClose: payload].
		[9]	-> [self handlePing: payload].
		[10] -> [self handlePong: payload].
	} otherwise:[self error: 'Unknown control request: ', opcode].


----- Method: WebSocket07>>handlePing: (in category 'control requests') -----
handlePing: payload

	self handle: 'ping' 
		arguments: (Array with: payload with: self)
		ifAbsent:[self pong: payload].

----- Method: WebSocket07>>handlePong: (in category 'control requests') -----
handlePong: payload

	self handle: 'pong' arguments: (Array with: payload with: self).!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>initialize (in category 'initialize') -----

	super initialize.
	closing := false.
	masking := true. " 	http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-07#section-4.1 says:
   ''Frames sent from the client to the server are masked to
   avoid confusing network intermediaries, such as intercepting proxies.''"!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>lastFragment: (in category 'read/write') -----
lastFragment: aStringOrBytes
	"Writes the last fragment of data.
	Note: Spec says that code is ZERO for final fragment."

	aStringOrBytes isString 
		ifTrue:[^self send: aStringOrBytes squeakToUtf8 code: 0 final: true]
		ifFalse:[^self send: aStringOrBytes code: 0 final: true].!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>masking (in category 'accessing') -----
	"If true, outgoing frames are masked."


----- Method: WebSocket07>>masking: (in category 'accessing') -----
masking: aBool
	"If true, outgoing frames are masked."

	masking := aBool!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>nextFragment: (in category 'read/write') -----
nextFragment: aStringOrBytes
	"Writes the first fragment of data
	Note: Spec says that code is ZERO for intermediate fragments."

	aStringOrBytes isString 
		ifTrue:[^self send: aStringOrBytes squeakToUtf8 code: 0 final: false]
		ifFalse:[^self send: aStringOrBytes code: 0 final: false].!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>nextNumber:from: (in category 'private') -----
nextNumber: n from: aStream
	"Answer the next n bytes as a positive Integer or LargePositiveInteger."
	| s |
	s := 0.
	1 to: n do: 
		[:i | s := (s bitShift: 8) bitOr: aStream next asInteger].
	^ s normalize!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>onPing: (in category 'control requests') -----
onPing: aBlock
	"Set the handler block to invoke when a ping is received"

	handlers at: 'ping' put: aBlock.!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>onPong: (in category 'control requests') -----
onPong: aBlock
	"Set the handler block to invoke when a pong is received"

	handlers at: 'pong' put: aBlock.!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>ping: (in category 'control requests') -----
ping: data
	"Send a ping control request"

	self send: data code: 9.!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>pong: (in category 'control requests') -----
pong: data
	"Send a pong control request"

	self send: data code: 10.!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>readFrame (in category 'read/write') -----
	"Reads one frame worth of data"

	^self readFrameFrom: stream!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>readFrameFrom: (in category 'read/write') -----
readFrameFrom: aStream
	"Reads one frame worth of data"

	| byte length final mask opcode payload |
	byte := (aStream next ifNil:[^nil]) asInteger.

	final := byte anyMask: 128.
	opcode := byte bitAnd: 15.

	byte := (aStream next ifNil:[^nil]) asInteger.
	mask := byte anyMask: 128.
	length := byte bitAnd: 127.

	length = 126 ifTrue:[
		length := self nextNumber: 2 from: aStream.
	] ifFalse:[
		length = 127 ifTrue:[length := self nextNumber: 8 from: aStream].

		ifTrue:[mask := aStream next: 4] 
		ifFalse:[mask := nil].

	payload := ByteArray new: length.
	aStream next: length into: payload.

	"Unmask payload"
	mask ifNotNil:[self xor: payload with: mask].

	"First see if this is a control frame which can be inserted into fragmented messages."
	opcode >= 8 ifTrue:[^self handleControl: payload type: opcode].

	"Now see if this is a fragmented message"
	frameType ifNil:[
		frameType := opcode.
		frameData := Array with: payload.
	] ifNotNil:[
		frameData := frameData copyWith: payload.

	final ifTrue:[
		"This was the final fragment"
		frameData size = 1 ifTrue:[
			payload := frameData first
		] ifFalse:[
			payload := frameData allButFirst 
							inject: frameData first 
							into:[:each :next| each, next].
		frameType = 1 ifTrue:[payload := payload asString utf8ToSqueak].
		self handleMessage: payload type: frameType.
		frameType := frameData := nil.

----- Method: WebSocket07>>run (in category 'running') -----
	"Run the WebSocket's input process."

	[[[stream isConnected] whileTrue:[
		self readFrame.
	]] on: Error do:[:ex| self handleError: ex]] ensure:[
		[stream socket destroy] on: Error do:[:ex|].
		self handleClose.

----- Method: WebSocket07>>send: (in category 'read/write') -----
send: aStringOrBytes
	"Writes one frame worth of data"

	aStringOrBytes isString 
		ifTrue:[^self send: aStringOrBytes squeakToUtf8 code: 1]
		ifFalse:[^self send: aStringOrBytes code: 2].!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>send:code: (in category 'read/write') -----
send: data code: opcode
	"Sends unfragmented data using the given opcode"

	^self send: data code: opcode final: true!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>send:code:final: (in category 'read/write') -----
send: data code: opcode final: isFinal
	"Sends unfragmented data using the given opcode"

	^self send: data code: opcode final: isFinal mask: self masking!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>send:code:final:mask: (in category 'read/write') -----
send: data code: opcode final: isFinal mask: doMask
	"Sends unfragmented data using the given opcode"

	| byte1 byte2 mask xLength copy |
	byte1 := opcode. "FIN = 1, RSV1=RSV2=RSV3=0"
	isFinal ifTrue:[byte1 := byte1 bitOr: 128].
	data size > 125 ifTrue:[
		data size > 16rFFFF ifTrue:[
			byte2 := 127.
			xLength := ByteArray new: 8.
			(WriteStream on: xLength) nextNumber: 8 put: data size.
		] ifFalse:[
			byte2 := 126.
			xLength := ByteArray new: 2.
			(WriteStream on: xLength) nextNumber: 2 put: data size.
	] ifFalse:[
		byte2 := data size.
		xLength := #[].
	doMask ifTrue:[
		byte2 := byte2 bitOr: 128. "Mask = 1"
		mask := ByteArray new: 4.
		1 to: 4 do:[:i| mask at: i put: 256 atRandom-1].
		copy := data copy.
		self xor: copy with: mask.
	] ifFalse:[
		copy := data.
	stream nextPut: byte1.
	stream nextPut: byte2.
	stream nextPutAll: xLength.
	mask ifNotNil:[stream nextPutAll: mask].
	stream nextPutAll: copy.
	stream flush.!

----- Method: WebSocket07>>xor:with: (in category 'read/write') -----
xor: data with: mask
	"XOR all the data using the given mask bytes.

	WARNING: Does inplace reversal; do not call with literal data."

	"This would be much faster w/ BitBlt but data may not be 
	4-byte aligned and so BB will barf."
	1 to: data size do:[:i|
		data byteAt: i put: ((data byteAt: i) bitXor: (mask byteAt: i-1 \\ 4 + 1)).

Object subclass: #WebUtils
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'WebClient-Core'!

!WebUtils commentStamp: 'ar 2/23/2010 10:39' prior: 0!
WebUtils contains a number of utility methods used by WebClient/WebServer.!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>decodeMultipartForm:boundary:do: (in category 'decoding') -----
decodeMultipartForm: aStream boundary: boundary do: aBlock
	"Parse the contents of a multipart/form-data submission.

	Evaluate aBlock with three parts: The headers, the (parsed) form-data
	arguments and the (undecoded) contents of the part. The sender is
	expected to take care of other issues such as content-transfer-encoding
	and similar headers."

	| skip headers content disposition index params |
	aStream upToAll: '--', boundary.
	[aStream atEnd or:[(skip := aStream next: 2) = '--']] whileFalse:[
		skip = String crlf ifFalse:[self error: 'Error decoding multipart/form-data fields'].
		headers := Dictionary new.
		(WebUtils readHeadersFrom: aStream) do:[:hdr| headers add: hdr].
		content := aStream upToAll: String crlf, '--', boundary.
		params := Dictionary new.
		disposition := headers at: 'content-disposition' ifAbsent:[''].
		#(name filename) do:[:arg| | len val |
			len := arg size + 2.
			index := disposition findString: arg,'='.
			index > 0 ifTrue:[
				val := disposition copyFrom: index + len to: (disposition indexOf: $" startingAt: index+len) - 1.
				params at: arg put: val.
		aBlock value: headers value: params value: content.

----- Method: WebUtils class>>decodeUrlEncodedForm: (in category 'decoding') -----
decodeUrlEncodedForm: aString
	"Decodes the fields embedded in the url ?var1=val1&var2=val2"

	^self decodeUrlEncodedForm: aString multipleValues: false!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>decodeUrlEncodedForm:do: (in category 'decoding') -----
decodeUrlEncodedForm: aString do: aBlock
	"Decodes the fields embedded in the url ?var1=val1&var2=val2.
	Evaluates aBlock with the key/value pairs defined in the fields."

	| args keyval index key value |
	args := aString readStream.
	[args atEnd] whileFalse:[
		keyval := args upTo: $&.
		(index := keyval indexOf: $=) = 0 ifTrue:[
			key := keyval.
			value := ''.
		] ifFalse:[
			key := keyval copyFrom: 1 to: index-1.
			value := keyval copyFrom: index +1 to: keyval size.
		key := key unescapePercentsWithTextEncoding: nil.
		value := value unescapePercentsWithTextEncoding: nil.
		aBlock value: key value: value.

----- Method: WebUtils class>>decodeUrlEncodedForm:multipleValues: (in category 'decoding') -----
decodeUrlEncodedForm: aString multipleValues: aBool
	"Decodes the fields embedded in the url ?var1=val1&var2=val2"

	| fields |
	fields := Dictionary new.
	self decodeUrlEncodedForm: aString do:[:key :value|
			ifTrue:[fields at: key put: (fields at: key ifAbsent:['']), value]
			ifFalse:[fields at: key put: value].

----- Method: WebUtils class>>decodeUrlEncodedForm:multipleValues:withConverter: (in category 'decoding') -----
decodeUrlEncodedForm: aString multipleValues: aBool withConverter: aTextConverter
	"Decodes the fields embedded in the url ?var1=val1&var2=val2"

	| fields |
	fields := Dictionary new.
	self decodeUrlEncodedForm: aString do:[:key :value|
					at: key 
					put: (fields at: key ifAbsent:['']), (value convertFromWithConverter: aTextConverter) ]
					at: key 
					put: (value convertFromWithConverter: aTextConverter) ].

----- Method: WebUtils class>>defaultProxyServer (in category 'proxy') -----
	"Answer the default proxy server to use."

	HTTPSocket httpProxyServer isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^''].

	"Note: This is a hack since HTTPSocket is too specific for our use here."
	HTTPSocket httpProxyPort = 80 ifTrue:[
		"Assumes that port 80 means 'use default'"
		^HTTPSocket httpProxyServer ifNil:['']
	] ifFalse:[
		^HTTPSocket httpProxyServer, ':', HTTPSocket httpProxyPort

----- Method: WebUtils class>>encodeMultipartForm:boundary: (in category 'decoding') -----
encodeMultipartForm: fieldMap boundary: boundary
	"Encodes the fieldMap as multipart/form-data.

	The fieldMap may contain MIMEDocument instances to indicate the presence
	of a file to upload to the server. If the MIMEDocument is present, its
	content type and file name will be used for the upload.

	The fieldMap can be EITHER an array of associations OR a Dictionary of 
	key value pairs (the former is useful for providing multiple fields and/or 
	specifying the order of fields)."

	^String streamContents:[:stream|
		(fieldMap as: Dictionary) keysAndValuesDo:[:fieldName :fieldValue | | fieldContent |
			"Write multipart boundary and common headers"
			stream nextPutAll: '--', boundary; crlf.
			stream nextPutAll: 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="', fieldName, '"'.
			"Figure out if this is a file upload"
			(fieldValue isKindOf: MIMEDocument) ifTrue:[
				stream nextPutAll: ' filename="', fieldValue url pathForFile, '"'; crlf.
				stream nextPutAll: 'Content-Type: ', fieldValue contentType.
				fieldContent := (fieldValue content ifNil:[
					(FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fieldValue url pathForFile) contentsOfEntireFile.
				]) asString.
			] ifFalse: [fieldContent := fieldValue].
			stream crlf; crlf.
			stream nextPutAll: fieldContent asString.
			stream crlf.
		stream nextPutAll: '--', boundary, '--', String crlf.

----- Method: WebUtils class>>encodeUrlEncodedForm: (in category 'decoding') -----
encodeUrlEncodedForm: fieldMap
	"Encodes the fieldsMap in the form of var1=val1&var2=val2.
	The fieldMap can be EITHER an array of associations OR a Dictionary of 
	key value pairs (the former is useful for providing multiple fields and/or 
	specifying the order of fields)."

	| associations |
	associations := fieldMap isDictionary ifTrue:[fieldMap associations] ifFalse:[fieldMap].
	^String streamContents:[:s|
		associations do:[:assoc|
			s nextPutAll: assoc key encodeForHTTP.
			assoc value ifNotNil:[
				s nextPutAll: '='.
				s nextPutAll: assoc value asString encodeForHTTP
		] separatedBy:[s nextPutAll:'&'].

----- Method: WebUtils class>>extractWebSocketKey: (in category 'websockets') -----
extractWebSocketKey: field
	"Decodes a WebSocket key:

		Sec-WebSocket-Key1: 18x 6]8vM;54 *(5:  {   U1]8  z [  8
		Sec-WebSocket-Key2: 1_ tx7X d  <  nw  334J702) 7]o}` 0

		For each of these fields, the server has to take the digits from the
		 value to obtain a number (in this case 1868545188 and 1733470270
		respectively), then divide that number by the number of spaces
		characters in the value (in this case 12 and 10) to obtain a 32-bit
		number (155712099 and 173347027).  These two resulting numbers are
		then used in the server handshake, as described below.

	| digits spaces |
	digits := spaces := 0.
	field do:[:ch|
		ch isDigit ifTrue:[digits := digits * 10 + ch digitValue].
		ch = $ ifTrue:[spaces := spaces + 1].
	^digits // spaces.

----- Method: WebUtils class>>handleAuth: (in category 'auth') -----
handleAuth: aBlock
	"Utility method to handle web authentication requests interactively.

	Use like here:
		| wc |
		wc := WebClient new.
		WebUtils handleAuth:[wc httpGet: 'http://some.auth.required'].

	| user pass |
	^[aBlock value] on: WebAuthRequired do:[:ex|
		"Allow outer handlers to take over authentication"
		ex isNested ifFalse:[
			user := UIManager default request:  ex message, 
				'\Please enter your user name:' withCRs initialAnswer:''.
			user ifNotEmpty:[
				"Just a little obfuscation to avoid completely plain passwords"
				pass := (UIManager default requestPassword:
					'Please enter the password for "', user,'":') base64Encoded.
				 ex username: user password: [pass base64Decoded]]].
		ex pass].!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>hmacSha1:key: (in category 'oauth') -----
hmacSha1: message key: signKey
	"Compute the SHA1 HMAC for the given message"

	| blockSize key ipad opad |
	blockSize := 64. "SHA1 block size"
	key := signKey asByteArray.
	key size > blockSize ifTrue:[key := self sha1Hash: key].
	key size < blockSize ifTrue:[key := key, (ByteArray new: blockSize - key size)].
	ipad := ByteArray new: blockSize withAll: 16r36.
	opad := ByteArray new: blockSize withAll: 16r5c.
	^self sha1Hash: 
		(key with: opad collect:[:b1 :b2| b1 bitXor: b2]), 
		(self sha1Hash: (key with: ipad collect:[:b1 :b2| b1 bitXor: b2]), message)!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonArray:on: (in category 'json-encode') -----
jsonArray: anArray on: stream
	"Encodes an array"

	stream nextPut: $[.
		do:[:each| self jsonObj: each on: stream]
		separatedBy:[stream nextPutAll:', '].
	stream nextPut:$].

----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonArrayFrom: (in category 'json-decode') -----
jsonArrayFrom: stream
	"Decodes a JSON [value, *] array from the stream"

	| ch result |
	(ch := stream next) = $[ ifFalse:[^self error: 'JSON Array expected'].
	stream skipSeparators.
	stream peek = $] ifTrue:[stream next. ^#()].
	result := WriteStream on: (Array new: 10).
	["Decode the next value"
	stream skipSeparators.
	result nextPut: (self jsonDecode: stream).
	stream skipSeparators.
	(ch := stream next) = $]] whileFalse:[
		ch = $, ifFalse:[^self error: 'Comma expected'].

	^result contents!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonChar:on: (in category 'json-encode') -----
jsonChar: aCharacter on: stream
	"Writes a single encoded character"

	| ascii |
	ascii := aCharacter asciiValue.

	ascii < 32 ifTrue:["Control character"
		ascii caseOf: {
			[13]	-> [^stream nextPutAll: '\r'].
			[12]	-> [^stream nextPutAll: '\f'].
			[10]	-> [^stream nextPutAll: '\n'].
			[9]		-> [^stream nextPutAll: '\t'].
			[8]		-> [^stream nextPutAll: '\b'].
		} otherwise:[
			^stream nextPutAll: '\u'; nextPutAll: 
				((ascii printStringBase: 16) padded: #left to: 4 with: $0)

	(ascii >= 32 and:[ascii <=127]) ifTrue:["Ascii character"
		(ascii = 34 or:[ascii = 92 or:[ascii = 47]]) ifTrue:[stream nextPut: $\].
		^stream nextPut: aCharacter

	"Encode other characters (control chars, accents, umlauts, unicode)"
	stream nextPutAll:  
		'\u', (((ascii bitAnd: 16rFFFF) printStringBase: 16) padded: #left to: 4 with: $0).

----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonCharFrom: (in category 'json-decode') -----
jsonCharFrom: stream
	"Decodes a backslash-escaped character"

	| ch |
	^(ch := stream next) caseOf: {
		[$u]		->	[Unicode value: 
						(Integer readFrom: (stream next: 4) readStream base: 16)].
		[$r] 	-> 	[Character cr].
		[$n] 	-> 	[Character lf].
		[$t] 	-> 	[Character tab].
		[$b] 	->	[Character backspace].
		[$f] 	->	[Character newPage].
	} otherwise:[ch].

----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonDecode: (in category 'json-decode') -----
jsonDecode: stream
	"Decodes an arbitrary JSON encoded value from the given stream"

	stream skipSeparators.
	^stream peek caseOf: {
		[$"]		->	[self jsonStringFrom: stream].
		[$t]		->	[self jsonTrueFrom: stream].
		[$f]		->	[self jsonFalseFrom: stream].
		[$n]		->	[self jsonNullFrom: stream].
		[${]		-> 	[self jsonMapFrom: stream].
		[$[]		->	[self jsonArrayFrom: stream].
	} otherwise:[self jsonNumberFrom: stream].

----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonEncode: (in category 'json-encode') -----
jsonEncode: anObject
	"Encode the given object as JSON"

	^String streamContents:[:s| self jsonObj: anObject on: s]!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonFalseFrom: (in category 'json-decode') -----
jsonFalseFrom: stream
	"Decodes 'false' from aStream"

	((stream next: 5) = 'false' 
		and:[stream atEnd or:[stream peek isAlphaNumeric not]]) 
			ifFalse:[^self error: 'Expected ''false'''].

----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonMap:on: (in category 'json-encode') -----
jsonMap: aDictionary on: stream
	"Encodes a dictionary"

	stream nextPut: ${.
	"Sorting keys ensures deterministic order"
	aDictionary keys asArray sort do:[:key|
		self jsonString: key on: stream.
		stream nextPutAll:': '.
		self jsonObj: (aDictionary at: key) on: stream.
	] separatedBy:[stream nextPutAll: ', '].
	stream nextPut: $}.!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonMapFrom: (in category 'json-decode') -----
jsonMapFrom: stream
	"Decodes a JSON {key:value, *} object from the stream"

	| map ch key value |
	map := Dictionary new.
	(ch := stream next) = ${ ifFalse:[^self error: 'JSON Object expected'].
	stream skipSeparators.
	stream peek = $} ifTrue:[^map].

	["Decode the next key:value pair"
	stream skipSeparators.
	key := self jsonStringFrom: stream.
	stream skipSeparators.
	stream next = $: ifFalse:[^self error: 'Key-value pair expected'].
	value := self jsonDecode: stream.
	map at: key put: value.
	stream skipSeparators.
	(ch := stream next) = $}] whileFalse:[
		ch = $, ifFalse:[^self error: 'Comma expected'].


----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonNullFrom: (in category 'json-decode') -----
jsonNullFrom: stream
	"Decodes 'null' from aStream"

	((stream next: 4) = 'null'
		and:[stream atEnd or:[stream peek isAlphaNumeric not]]) 
			ifFalse:[^self error: 'Expected ''null'''].

----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonNumber:on: (in category 'json-encode') -----
jsonNumber: aNumber on: stream
	"Encodes a number"

	| value |
	value := aNumber.
	value isInteger ifFalse:[value := aNumber asFloat].
	stream print: aNumber.

----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonNumberFrom: (in category 'json-decode') -----
jsonNumberFrom: stream
	"Decodes a JSON number from the stream"

	| ascii integer fraction scale sign expSign exponent value ch |
	integer := fraction := 0. sign := scale := exponent := expSign := 1.
	ascii := stream next asciiValue.
	ascii = 45 "$- asciiValue" ifTrue:[
		sign := -1.
		ascii := stream next asciiValue.
	"JSON requires at least one digit"
	(ascii >= 48 and:[ascii <= 57]) ifFalse:[^self error: 'Digit expected'].

	"Read the integer part"
	integer := ascii - 48.
	[ch := stream next ifNil:[^integer * sign].
	ascii := ch asciiValue.
	ascii >= 48 and:[ascii <= 57]] whileTrue:[
		integer := (integer * 10) + (ascii - 48).

	ascii = 46 "$. asciiValue" ifTrue:[
		"Read the fraction part"
		[ch := stream next ifNil:[^(integer * scale + fraction * sign) asFloat / scale].
		ascii := ch asciiValue.
		ascii >= 48 and:[ascii <= 57]] whileTrue:[
			fraction := (fraction * 10) + (ascii - 48).
			scale := scale * 10.
		value := (integer * scale + fraction * sign) asFloat / scale asFloat.
	] ifFalse:[value := integer * sign].

	(ascii =  69 "$E asciiValue" or:[ascii =  101 "$e asciiValue"]) ifTrue:[
		"Read exponent"
		ascii := stream next asciiValue.
		ascii = $- ifTrue:[
			expSign := -1.
			ascii := stream next asciiValue.
		] ifFalse:[ascii = $+ ifTrue:[ascii := stream next asciiValue]].
		exponent := ascii - 48.
		[ch := stream next ifNil:[^value * (10 raisedTo: expSign * exponent)].
		ascii := ch asciiValue.
		ascii >= 48 and:[ascii <= 57]] whileTrue:[
			exponent := (exponent * 10) + (ascii - 48).			
		exponent := exponent * expSign.

	"Skip back before last character since number might be part of a sequence
	like 1, 2, 3, 4, etc (which would eat the trailing comma)"
	ch isAlphaNumeric ifTrue:[^self error: 'Delimiter expected'].
	stream skip: -1.

	exponent = 1 ifFalse:[
		exponent < 0 ifTrue:[value := value asFloat].
		value := value * (10 raisedTo: exponent).

----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonObj:on: (in category 'json-encode') -----
jsonObj: anObject on: stream
	"Encode a generic object"

	anObject isString ifTrue:[^self jsonString: anObject on: stream].
	anObject isNumber ifTrue:[^self jsonNumber: anObject on: stream].
	anObject == nil ifTrue:[^stream nextPutAll: 'null'].
	anObject == true ifTrue:[^stream nextPutAll: 'true'].
	anObject == false ifTrue:[^stream nextPutAll: 'false'].
	anObject isArray ifTrue:[^self jsonArray: anObject on: stream].
	anObject isDictionary ifTrue:[^self jsonMap: anObject on: stream].

	self error: 'Cannot encode: ', anObject!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonString:on: (in category 'json-encode') -----
jsonString: aString on: stream
	"Encodes a string"

	stream nextPut: $".
	aString do:[:ch| self jsonChar: ch on: stream].
	stream nextPut: $".

----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonStringFrom: (in category 'json-decode') -----
jsonStringFrom: stream
	"Decodes a JSON encoded string"

	| ch result |
	(ch := stream next) = $" 
		ifFalse:[^self error: 'String expected'].
	result := WriteStream on: (String new: 20).
	[(ch := stream next) == nil] whileFalse:[
		ch = $" ifTrue:[^result contents].
		ch = $\ ifTrue:[ch := self jsonCharFrom: stream].
		result nextPut: ch.
	^self error: 'Unterminated string'!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>jsonTrueFrom: (in category 'json-decode') -----
jsonTrueFrom: stream
	"Decodes 'true' from aStream"

	((stream next: 4) = 'true'
		and:[stream atEnd or:[stream peek isAlphaNumeric not]]) 
			 ifFalse:[^self error: 'Expected ''true'''].

----- Method: WebUtils class>>logEntryFor:response: (in category 'misc') -----
logEntryFor: request response: response
	"Create a log entry in common log format from the given request / response"

	| entry logdate logsize |

	"CLF prints date as [day/month/year:hour:min:sec zone]"
	logdate := String streamContents:[:s| | date |
		date := DateAndTime fromSeconds: DateAndTime totalSeconds.
		s nextPut: $[.
			date asDate printOn: s format: #( 1 2 3 $/ 2 1 2).
		s nextPut: $:.
			date asTime print24: true on: s.
		s nextPutAll:(' ',
			(date offset hours >= 0 ifTrue:['+'] ifFalse:['-']),
			(date offset hours abs asString padded: #left to: 2 with: $0),
			(date offset minutes abs asString padded: #left to: 2 with: $0)
		s nextPut: $].

	"CLF prints zero length as - "
	logsize := response contentLength ifNil:[0].
	logsize = 0 ifTrue:[logsize := '-'].

	entry := String streamContents:[:s|
			nextPutAll: (request remoteHost ifNil:[
				"Substitute with the host header"
				(request headerAt: 'host') copyUpTo: $:
			nextPutAll: ' -'; 	"RFC 1413 identity of client"
			nextPutAll: ' -';	"TODO: userid of authenticated user"
			nextPutAll: ' ', logdate;
			nextPutAll: ' "', request requestLine, '"';
			nextPutAll: ' ', response code;
			nextPutAll: ' ', logsize.

----- Method: WebUtils class>>logRequest:response:on: (in category 'misc') -----
logRequest: request response: response on: streamOrFilename
	"Log a request in common log format on the given stream / file."

	| entry stream |

	"Create the log entry for the request/response pair"
	entry := self logEntryFor: request response: response.

	"If the argument is a string, it represents the file name to log to"
	streamOrFilename isString ifTrue:[
		stream := [FileStream oldFileNamed: streamOrFilename] 
			on: FileDoesNotExistException
			do:[FileStream newFileNamed: streamOrFilename].
		stream wantsLineEndConversion: true; setToEnd.
	] ifFalse:[stream := streamOrFilename].

	stream nextPutAll: entry; cr.

	stream == streamOrFilename 
		ifTrue:[stream flush]
		ifFalse:[stream close].

----- Method: WebUtils class>>mcVersion (in category 'misc') -----
	"Answers the Monticello version of WebServer's MC package"

	| version |
	Smalltalk at: #MCWorkingCopy ifPresent:[:mc|
		mc managersForClass: self do:[:wc|
			wc ancestors ifNotEmpty:[:ancestry| version := ancestry first name]]].
	^version ifNil:[''].!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>md5Digest: (in category 'md5') -----
md5Digest: aStringOrByteArray
	"This creates a little endian hex string to be used with various auth methods
	This is the same as htdigest (apache) uses for its md5 digest auth db"

	^(self md5HashStream: (ReadStream on: aStringOrByteArray asByteArray)) reversed hex!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>md5HashStream: (in category 'md5') -----
md5HashStream: aStream
	"self md5HashStream: (ReadStream on: 'foo')"

	| start buffer bytes sz n words hash |
	hash := WordArray 
		with: 16r67452301 
		with: 16rEFCDAB89 
		with: 16r98BADCFE 
		with: 16r10325476.
	words := WordArray new: 16.
	buffer := ByteArray new: 64.
	start := aStream position.
	[aStream atEnd] whileFalse: [
		bytes := aStream nextInto: buffer.
		(bytes size < 64 or:[aStream atEnd]) ifTrue:[
			sz := bytes size.
			buffer replaceFrom: 1 to: sz with: bytes startingAt: 1.
			buffer from: sz+1 to: buffer size put: 0.
			sz < 56 ifTrue:[
				buffer at: sz + 1 put: 128. "trailing bit"
			] ifFalse:[
				"not enough room for the length, so just pad this one, then..."
				sz < 64 ifTrue:[buffer at: sz + 1 put: 128].
				1 to: 16 do:[:i| words at: i put: (buffer unsignedLongAt: i*4-3 bigEndian: false)].
				self md5Transform: words hash: hash.
				"process one additional block of padding ending with the length"
				buffer atAllPut: 0.
				sz = 64 ifTrue: [buffer at: 1 put: 128].
			"Fill in the final 8 bytes with the 64-bit length in bits."
			n := (aStream position - start) * 8.
			7 to: 0 by: -1 do:[:i| buffer at: (buffer size - i) put: ((n bitShift: 7 - i * -8) bitAnd: 255)].
		1 to: 16 do:[:i| words at: i put: (buffer unsignedLongAt: i*4-3 bigEndian: false)].
		self md5Transform: words hash: hash.
	bytes := ByteArray new: 16.
	bytes unsignedLongAt: 1 put: (hash at: 4) bigEndian: true.
	bytes unsignedLongAt: 5 put: (hash at: 3) bigEndian: true.
	bytes unsignedLongAt: 9 put: (hash at: 2) bigEndian: true.
	bytes unsignedLongAt: 13 put: (hash at: 1) bigEndian: true.

----- Method: WebUtils class>>md5Transform:hash: (in category 'md5') -----
md5Transform: in hash: hash
	"This adds the incoming words to the existing hash"

	| a b c d |
	<primitive: 'primitiveMD5Transform' module: 'CroquetPlugin'>
	a := hash at: 1.
	b := hash at: 2.
	c := hash at: 3.
	d := hash at: 4.

	a := self step1: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at:  1) add: 16rD76AA478 shift: 7.
	d := self step1: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at:  2) add: 16rE8C7B756 shift: 12.
	c := self step1: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at:  3) add: 16r242070DB shift: 17.
	b := self step1: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at:  4) add: 16rC1BDCEEE shift: 22.
	a := self step1: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at:  5) add: 16rF57C0FAF shift:  7.
	d := self step1: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at:  6) add: 16r4787C62A shift: 12.
	c := self step1: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at:  7) add: 16rA8304613 shift: 17.
	b := self step1: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at:  8) add: 16rFD469501 shift: 22.
	a := self step1: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at:  9) add: 16r698098D8 shift:  7.
	d := self step1: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at: 10) add: 16r8B44F7AF shift: 12.
	c := self step1: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at: 11) add: 16rFFFF5BB1 shift: 17.
	b := self step1: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at: 12) add: 16r895CD7BE shift: 22.
	a := self step1: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at: 13) add: 16r6B901122 shift:  7.
	d := self step1: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at: 14) add: 16rFD987193 shift: 12.
	c := self step1: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at: 15) add: 16rA679438E shift: 17.
	b := self step1: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at: 16) add: 16r49B40821 shift: 22.

	a := self step2: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at:  2) add: 16rF61E2562 shift:  5.
	d := self step2: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at:  7) add: 16rC040B340 shift:  9.
	c := self step2: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at: 12) add: 16r265E5A51 shift: 14.
	b := self step2: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at:  1) add: 16rE9B6C7AA shift: 20.
	a := self step2: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at:  6) add: 16rD62F105D shift:  5.
	d := self step2: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at: 11) add: 16r02441453 shift:  9.
	c := self step2: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at: 16) add: 16rD8A1E681 shift: 14.
	b := self step2: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at:  5) add: 16rE7D3FBC8 shift: 20.
	a := self step2: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at: 10) add: 16r21E1CDE6 shift:  5.
	d := self step2: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at: 15) add: 16rC33707D6 shift:  9.
	c := self step2: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at:  4) add: 16rF4D50D87 shift: 14.
	b := self step2: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at:  9) add: 16r455A14ED shift: 20.
	a := self step2: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at: 14) add: 16rA9E3E905 shift:  5.
	d := self step2: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at:  3) add: 16rFCEFA3F8 shift:  9.
	c := self step2: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at:  8) add: 16r676F02D9 shift: 14.
	b := self step2: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at: 13) add: 16r8D2A4C8A shift: 20.

	a := self step3: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at:  6) add: 16rFFFA3942 shift:  4.
	d := self step3: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at:  9) add: 16r8771F681 shift: 11.
	c := self step3: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at: 12) add: 16r6D9D6122 shift: 16.
	b := self step3: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at: 15) add: 16rFDE5380C shift: 23.
	a := self step3: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at:  2) add: 16rA4BEEA44 shift:  4.
	d := self step3: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at:  5) add: 16r4BDECFA9 shift: 11.
	c := self step3: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at:  8) add: 16rF6BB4B60 shift: 16.
	b := self step3: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at: 11) add: 16rBEBFBC70 shift: 23.
	a := self step3: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at: 14) add: 16r289B7EC6 shift:  4.
	d := self step3: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at:  1) add: 16rEAA127FA shift: 11.
	c := self step3: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at:  4) add: 16rD4EF3085 shift: 16.
	b := self step3: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at:  7) add: 16r04881D05 shift: 23.
	a := self step3: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at: 10) add: 16rD9D4D039 shift:  4.
	d := self step3: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at: 13) add: 16rE6DB99E5 shift: 11.
	c := self step3: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at: 16) add: 16r1FA27CF8 shift: 16.
	b := self step3: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at:  3) add: 16rC4AC5665 shift: 23.

	a := self step4: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at:  1) add: 16rF4292244 shift:  6.
	d := self step4: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at:  8) add: 16r432AFF97 shift: 10.
	c := self step4: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at: 15) add: 16rAB9423A7 shift: 15.
	b := self step4: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at:  6) add: 16rFC93A039 shift: 21.
	a := self step4: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at: 13) add: 16r655B59C3 shift:  6.
	d := self step4: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at:  4) add: 16r8F0CCC92 shift: 10.
	c := self step4: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at: 11) add: 16rFFEFF47D shift: 15.
	b := self step4: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at:  2) add: 16r85845DD1 shift: 21.
	a := self step4: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at:  9) add: 16r6FA87E4F shift:  6.
	d := self step4: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at: 16) add: 16rFE2CE6E0 shift: 10.
	c := self step4: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at:  7) add: 16rA3014314 shift: 15.
	b := self step4: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at: 14) add: 16r4E0811A1 shift: 21.
	a := self step4: a x: b y: c z: d data: (in at:  5) add: 16rF7537E82 shift:  6.
	d := self step4: d x: a y: b z: c data: (in at: 12) add: 16rBD3AF235 shift: 10.
	c := self step4: c x: d y: a z: b data: (in at:  3) add: 16r2AD7D2BB shift: 15.
	b := self step4: b x: c y: d z: a data: (in at: 10) add: 16rEB86D391 shift: 21.

	a := (a + (hash at: 1)) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF. hash at: 1 put: a.
	b := (b + (hash at: 2)) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF. hash at: 2 put: b.
	c := (c + (hash at: 3)) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF. hash at: 3 put: c.
	d := (d + (hash at: 4)) bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF. hash at: 4 put: d.


----- Method: WebUtils class>>multipartBoundary (in category 'decoding') -----
	"Answer a string to be used as multpart boundary in posts"

	^'----squeak-', Date today,'-', Time millisecondClockValue, '-webclient-----'.!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>oAuthSign:url:extra:using: (in category 'oauth') -----
oAuthSign: webRequest url: requestUrl extra: postFields using: params
	"Sign the given webRequest using the set of oauth parameters provided"

	| epoch timestamp nonce normalized baseString query signature key header extraKeys baseUrl |

	"Allow providing an oauth_timestamp; HOWEVER this is only useful for
	tests etc. For actual API calls the timestamp *must* match real-time closely
	or else the request will be rejected".

	timestamp := params at: 'oauth_timestamp' ifAbsent:[
		"Timestamp is relative to Jan. 1st 1970 GMT"
		epoch := DateAndTime year: 1970 day: 1 hour: 0 minute: 0 second: 0 
			offset: (Duration seconds: 0).
		(DateAndTime now asUTC - epoch) asSeconds.

	"Same for nonces (although nonces can be reused)"
	nonce := params at: 'oauth_nonce' ifAbsent:[UUID new hex].

	"Assemble the required parameters. Start with the (POST) body fields."
	normalized := (postFields as: Dictionary) associations asOrderedCollection.

	"If present, extract any (GET) fields from the URL"
	(requestUrl copyAfter: $?) ifNotEmpty:[:fields|
		self decodeUrlEncodedForm: fields do:[:fkey :fval| normalized add: fkey -> fval]].

	"Keep the extra argument keys so we can exclude them below"
	extraKeys := normalized collect:[:assoc| assoc key] as: Set.
	normalized add:('oauth_nonce' -> nonce).
	normalized add: ('oauth_timestamp' -> timestamp asString).
	normalized add: (params associationAt: 'oauth_consumer_key').
	normalized add: (params associationAt: 'oauth_signature_method').
	normalized add: (params associationAt: 'oauth_version').

	(params includesKey: 'oauth_callback') ifTrue:[
		normalized add: (params associationAt: 'oauth_callback').
	(params includesKey: 'oauth_token') ifTrue:[
		normalized add: (params associationAt: 'oauth_token').
	(params includesKey: 'oauth_verifier') ifTrue:[
		normalized add: (params associationAt: 'oauth_verifier').

	normalized := normalized sort:[:a1 :a2| 
		a1 key = a2 key 
			ifTrue:[a1 value <= a2 value]
			ifFalse:[a1 key <= a2 key]].

	query := String streamContents:[:s|
		normalized do:[:assoc|
			s nextPutAll: assoc key.
			s nextPutAll: '='.
			s nextPutAll: assoc value encodeForHTTP.
		] separatedBy:[s nextPutAll: '&'].

	baseUrl := (requestUrl copyUpTo: $?) copyUpTo: $#.
	baseString := webRequest method, 
		'&', baseUrl encodeForHTTP, 
		'&',  query encodeForHTTP.

	key := (params at: 'oauth_consumer_secret'), 
			'&', (params at: 'oauth_token_secret' ifAbsent:['']).
	(params at: 'oauth_signature_method') caseOf: {
		['HMAC-SHA1'] -> [
			signature := (WebUtils hmacSha1: baseString key: key) base64Encoded
	} otherwise:[self error: 'Unsupported signature method'].

	header := String streamContents:[:s|
		s nextPutAll: 'OAuth '.
		"Even though we need to include the extra args in the computation,
		they do NOT go into the OAuth header field."
		normalized do:[:assoc|
			(extraKeys includes: assoc key) 
				ifFalse:[ s nextPutAll: assoc key, '="', assoc value encodeForHTTP, '",']].
		s nextPutAll: 'oauth_signature="', signature encodeForHTTP, '"'.

	webRequest headerAt: 'Authorization' put: header.!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>oAuthSign:url:using: (in category 'oauth') -----
oAuthSign: webRequest url: requestUrl using: params
	"Sign the given webRequest using the set of oauth parameters provided"

	^self oAuthSign: webRequest url: requestUrl extra: #() using: params!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>parseAuthParams: (in category 'auth utils') -----
parseAuthParams: authHeader
	"Parse the auth header to find authentication parameters"

	| authParams stream key value|
	authParams := Dictionary new.
	stream := ReadStream on: authHeader.
	authParams at: 'method' put: (stream upTo: Character space) asLowercase.
	[stream skipSeparators.
	stream atEnd] whileFalse:[
		key := stream upTo: $=.
		stream skipSeparators.
		stream peek = $" 
			ifTrue:[value := stream next; upTo: $". stream upTo: $,]
			ifFalse:[value := stream upToAnyOf: ' ,' asCharacterSet].
		authParams at: key asLowercase put: value.

----- Method: WebUtils class>>platformName (in category 'misc') -----
	"Return the name of the platform we're running on."

	^Smalltalk getSystemAttribute: 1001!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>proxyExceptionsDo: (in category 'proxy') -----
proxyExceptionsDo: aBlock
	"Evaluate aBlock with all registered proxy exceptions. 
	Uses the information from HTTPSocket."

	HTTPSocket httpProxyExceptions do: aBlock.!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>proxyServerFor: (in category 'proxy') -----
proxyServerFor: serverName
	"Answer the proxy server to use for the given server:port
	Returns the proxy server:port to use or nil if no proxy is required."

	| domain |
	domain := serverName copyUpTo: $:.
	self proxyExceptionsDo:[:pattern| (pattern match: domain) ifTrue:[^nil]].
	^self defaultProxyServer ifEmpty:[nil]!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>quote: (in category 'quoting') -----
quote: aString
	"Quote the given string, escaping as necessary any embedded quotes"

	^'"', (aString copyReplaceAll: '"' with: '\"'), '"'

----- Method: WebUtils class>>readHeadersFrom: (in category 'headers') -----
readHeadersFrom: aStream
	"Parse http headers and answer a collection of key -> value pairs."

	| headers nextLine existing |
	headers := OrderedCollection new.
	[nextLine := aStream upToAll: String crlf.
	nextLine isEmpty] whileFalse:[
		nextLine first isSeparator ifTrue:["Continuation as per HTTP 1.1 spec"
			existing := headers last.
			existing value: (existing value, String space, nextLine withBlanksTrimmed).
		] ifFalse:["Regular header"
			headers add: 
				(nextLine copyUpTo: $:) asLowercase ->
					(nextLine copyAfter: $:) withBlanksTrimmed.

----- Method: WebUtils class>>rotate:by: (in category 'md5') -----
rotate: value by: amount
	"Rotate value left by amount"

	| lowMask highMask |
	lowMask := (1 bitShift: 32-amount) - 1.
	highMask := 16rFFFFFFFF - lowMask.
	^((value bitAnd: lowMask) bitShift: amount) + 
		((value bitAnd: highMask) bitShift: amount-32)!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>sha1Hash: (in category 'oauth') -----
sha1Hash: message
	"Compute the SHA1 hash for the given message. Slightly different from 
	SecureHashAlgorithm to produce fixed-length byte arrays."

	| sha hash |
	sha := SecureHashAlgorithm new hashMessage: message.
	hash := ByteArray new: 20.
	1 to: 20 do:[:i| hash at: i put: (sha digitAt: 21-i)].

----- Method: WebUtils class>>step1:x:y:z:data:add:shift: (in category 'md5') -----
step1: w x: x y: y z: z data: data add: add shift: s
	"Step 1 in MD5 transformation"

	| f result |
	f := z bitXor: (x bitAnd: (y bitXor: z)).
	result := w + f + data + add.
	result := self rotate: result by: s.
	^result + x bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>step2:x:y:z:data:add:shift: (in category 'md5') -----
step2: w x: x y: y z: z data: data add: add shift: s
	"Step 2 in MD5 transformation"

	| f result |
	f := y bitXor: (z bitAnd: (x bitXor: y)).
	result := w + f + data + add.
	result := self rotate: result by: s.
	^result + x bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>step3:x:y:z:data:add:shift: (in category 'md5') -----
step3: w x: x y: y z: z data: data add: add shift: s
	"Step 3 in MD5 transformation"

	| f result |
	f := (x bitXor: y) bitXor: z.
	result := w + f + data + add.
	result := self rotate: result by: s.
	^result + x bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>step4:x:y:z:data:add:shift: (in category 'md5') -----
step4: w x: x y: y z: z data: data add: add shift: s
	"Step 4 in MD5 transformation"

	| f result |
	f := y bitXor: (x bitOr: (z  bitXor: 16rFFFFFFFF)).
	result := w + f + data + add.
	result := self rotate: result by: s.
	^result + x bitAnd: 16rFFFFFFFF!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>unquote: (in category 'quoting') -----
unquote: aString
	"Unquote the given string, unescaping as necessary any embedded quotes"

	(aString beginsWith: '"') ifFalse:[^aString].
	(aString endsWith: '"') ifFalse:[^aString].
	^(aString copyReplaceAll: '\"' with: '"') allButFirst allButLast!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>urlEncode: (in category 'misc') -----
urlEncode: urlString
	"For backwards compatibility only. Use 'urlString urlEncoded' if you can."

	^urlString asUrl asString!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>vmVersion (in category 'misc') -----
	"Return a string identifying the interpreter version"

	^Smalltalk getSystemAttribute: 1004!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>webSocketHandshake:with:with: (in category 'websockets') -----
webSocketHandshake: key1 with: key2 with: data
	"Do the actual WebSocket handshake computation"

	| bytes |
	bytes := ByteArray new: 16.
	bytes longAt: 1 put: key1 bigEndian: true.
	bytes longAt: 5 put: key2 bigEndian: true.
	bytes replaceFrom: 9 to: 16 with: data.
	^(self md5HashStream: bytes readStream) reversed!

----- Method: WebUtils class>>webSocketHash07: (in category 'websockets') -----
webSocketHash07: key
	"Do the actual WebSocket hash computation"

	| uid |
	uid := '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11'.
	^(ByteArray newFrom: (SecureHashAlgorithm new hashMessage: key, uid)) reversed base64Encoded!

ReadStream subclass: #WebChunkedStream
	instanceVariableNames: 'sourceStream chunkSize'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'WebClient-Core'!

!WebChunkedStream commentStamp: 'ar 1/31/2012 14:00' prior: 0!
Can process chunked data.!

----- Method: WebChunkedStream>>atEnd (in category 'testing') -----
	^chunkSize = 0 and:[super atEnd]!

----- Method: WebChunkedStream>>next (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the next decompressed object in the Stream represented by the

	<primitive: 65>
	position >= readLimit
		ifTrue: [^self pastEndRead]
		ifFalse: [^collection at: (position := position + 1)]!

----- Method: WebChunkedStream>>next: (in category 'accessing') -----
next: anInteger 
	"Answer the next anInteger elements of my collection.  overriden for simplicity"

	[(position + anInteger >= readLimit) and:[chunkSize ~= 0]] 
		whileTrue:[self nextChunk].

	^super next: anInteger

----- Method: WebChunkedStream>>nextChunk (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the next chunk from a message using chunked transfer encoding."

	| chunk |
	chunkSize = 0 ifTrue:[^'']. "read last chunk"
	chunkSize := Integer readFrom: (sourceStream upToAll: String crlf) asString base: 16.
	chunkSize = 0 ifFalse:[chunk := sourceStream next: chunkSize].
	sourceStream skip: 2. "CrLf"
	(chunkSize + readLimit - position) <= collection size ifTrue:[
		collection replaceFrom: 1 to: (readLimit-position) with: collection startingAt: position+1.
		readLimit := readLimit - position.
		position := 0.
		collection replaceFrom: readLimit+1 to: readLimit + chunkSize with: chunk startingAt: 1.
		readLimit := readLimit + chunkSize.
	] ifFalse:[
		collection := collection, chunk.
		readLimit := readLimit + chunkSize.

----- Method: WebChunkedStream>>on: (in category 'initialize') -----
on: aStream

	sourceStream := aStream.
	collection := (aStream isBinary ifTrue:[ByteArray] ifFalse:[String]) new.
	position := readLimit := 0.!

----- Method: WebChunkedStream>>pastEndRead (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Need more data"

	self nextChunk.
	^self next!

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