[Pkg] The Trunk: Monticello-ul.665.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Mon Mar 13 14:48:25 UTC 2017

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Monticello to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Monticello-ul.665
Author: ul
Time: 13 March 2017, 2:39:27.024854 pm
UUID: 9b53d6f8-c972-467b-a940-367554d4f223
Ancestors: Monticello-jr.664

- SortedCollection Whack-a-mole
- other minor tweaks

=============== Diff against Monticello-jr.664 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCClassDefinition>>addVariables:ofType: (in category 'initializing') -----
  addVariables: aCollection ofType: aClass
+ 	aCollection do: [ :variable |
+ 		variables add: (aClass name: variable asString ) ]!
- 	variables addAll: (aCollection collect: [:var | aClass name: var asString]).!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCClassDefinition>>initializeWithName:superclassName:category:instVarNames:classVarNames:poolDictionaryNames:classInstVarNames:type:comment:commentStamp: (in category 'initializing') -----
  initializeWithName: nameString
  superclassName: superclassString
  category: categoryString 
  instVarNames: ivarArray
  classVarNames: cvarArray
  poolDictionaryNames: poolArray
  classInstVarNames: civarArray
  type: typeSymbol
  comment: commentString
  commentStamp: stampStringOrNil
  	name := nameString asSymbol.
  	superclassName := superclassString ifNil: ['nil'] ifNotNil: [superclassString asSymbol].
  	category := categoryString.
  	name = #CompiledMethod ifTrue: [type := #compiledMethod] ifFalse: [type := typeSymbol].
  	comment := commentString withSqueakLineEndings.
  	commentStamp := stampStringOrNil ifNil: [self defaultCommentStamp].
  	variables := OrderedCollection  new.
  	self addVariables: ivarArray ofType: MCInstanceVariableDefinition.
+ 	self addVariables: cvarArray sorted ofType: MCClassVariableDefinition.
+ 	self addVariables: poolArray sorted ofType: MCPoolImportDefinition.
- 	self addVariables: cvarArray asSortedCollection ofType: MCClassVariableDefinition.
- 	self addVariables: poolArray asSortedCollection ofType: MCPoolImportDefinition.
  	self addVariables: civarArray ofType: MCClassInstanceVariableDefinition.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCClassDefinition>>initializeWithName:superclassName:traitComposition:classTraitComposition:category:instVarNames:classVarNames:poolDictionaryNames:classInstVarNames:type:comment:commentStamp: (in category 'initializing') -----
  initializeWithName: nameString
  superclassName: superclassString
  traitComposition: traitCompositionString
  classTraitComposition: classTraitCompositionString
  category: categoryString 
  instVarNames: ivarArray
  classVarNames: cvarArray
  poolDictionaryNames: poolArray
  classInstVarNames: civarArray
  type: typeSymbol
  comment: commentString
  commentStamp: stampStringOrNil
  	name := nameString asSymbol.
  	superclassName := superclassString ifNil: ['nil'] ifNotNil: [superclassString asSymbol].
  	traitComposition := traitCompositionString.
  	classTraitComposition := classTraitCompositionString.
  	category := categoryString.
  	name = #CompiledMethod ifTrue: [type := #compiledMethod] ifFalse: [type := typeSymbol].
  	comment := commentString withSqueakLineEndings.
  	commentStamp := stampStringOrNil ifNil: [self defaultCommentStamp].
  	variables := OrderedCollection  new.
  	self addVariables: ivarArray ofType: MCInstanceVariableDefinition.
+ 	self addVariables: cvarArray sorted ofType: MCClassVariableDefinition.
+ 	self addVariables: poolArray sorted ofType: MCPoolImportDefinition.
- 	self addVariables: cvarArray asSortedCollection ofType: MCClassVariableDefinition.
- 	self addVariables: poolArray asSortedCollection ofType: MCPoolImportDefinition.
  	self addVariables: civarArray ofType: MCClassInstanceVariableDefinition.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCClassDefinition>>sortedVariables (in category 'accessing') -----
  	"sort variables for comparison purposes"
+ 	| orderDependents toSort |
+ 	orderDependents := OrderedCollection new: variables size.
+ 	toSort := OrderedCollection new.
+ 	variables do: [ :variable |
+ 		variable isOrderDependend
+ 			ifTrue: [ orderDependents addLast: variable ]
+ 			ifFalse: [ toSort addLast: variable ] ].
+ 	toSort sort: [ :a :b | a name <= b name ].
+ 	^orderDependents
+ 		addAllLast: toSort;
+ 		yourself!
- 	| sorted |
- 	sorted := variables select: [:var | var isOrderDependend].
- 	sorted addAll: ((variables reject: [:var | var isOrderDependend])
- 		asSortedCollection: [:a :b | a name <= b name]).
- 	^sorted!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCMergeBrowser>>merger: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  merger: aMerger
  	merger := aMerger.
+ 	items := aMerger operations sorted.
- 	items := aMerger operations asSortedCollection.
  	conflicts := aMerger conflicts sort: [:a :b | a operation <= b operation].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCOperationsBrowser>>invert (in category 'selecting') -----
+ 	items replace: [:ea | ea inverse].
- 	items := items collect: [:ea | ea inverse].
  	self changed: #list; changed: #text; changed: #selection!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCPackageLoader>>analyze (in category 'private') -----
  	| sorter |
  	sorter := self sorterForItems: additions.
  	additions := sorter orderedItems.
  	requirements := sorter externalRequirements.
+ 	unloadableDefinitions := sorter itemsWithMissingRequirements sorted.
- 	unloadableDefinitions := sorter itemsWithMissingRequirements asSortedCollection.
  	sorter := self sorterForItems: removals.
  	removals := sorter orderedItems reversed.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCPatchBrowser>>patch: (in category 'initialize-release') -----
  patch: aPatch
+ 	items := aPatch operations sorted!
- 	items := aPatch operations asSortedCollection!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCPatchMessage>>patch: (in category 'accessing') -----
  patch: aPatch
  	stream ifNil: [stream := WriteStream on: (String new: 100)].
+ 	aPatch operations sorted
- 	aPatch operations asSortedCollection
  		do: [:op | op applyTo: self]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>extensionClassNames (in category 'accessing') -----
+ 	^ (self allClassNames difference: self packageClassNames) sorted!
- 	^ (self allClassNames difference: self packageClassNames) asSortedCollection!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>snapshot: (in category 'accessing') -----
  snapshot: aSnapshot
+ 	items := aSnapshot definitions sorted.
- 	items := aSnapshot definitions asSortedCollection.
  	self categorySelection: 0.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>visibleCategories (in category 'listing') -----
+ 	| visibleCategories |
+ 	visibleCategories := Set new.
+ 	self packageOrganizations do: [ :each | visibleCategories addAll: each categories ].
+ 	self packageClasses do: [ :each | visibleCategories add: each category ].
+ 	self hasExtensions ifTrue: [ visibleCategories add: self extensionsCategory ].
+ 	^visibleCategories sorted: [:each | each ifNil: ['~(put nils to the end)']] ascending!
- 	^ ((self packageOrganizations gather: [:ea | ea categories])
- 		, (self packageClasses collect: [:ea | ea category])
- 		, (self hasExtensions
- 			ifTrue: [{self extensionsCategory}]
- 			ifFalse: [Array empty])) asSet asSortedCollection: [:each | each ifNil: ['~(put nils to the end)']] ascending!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCSnapshotBrowser>>visibleProtocols (in category 'listing') -----
  	| methods protocols |
  	self switchIsComment ifTrue: [^ Array new].
  	methods := self methodsForSelectedClassAndMetaSelection.
+ 	protocols := methods collect: [:ea | ea category] as: Set.
- 	protocols := (methods collect: [:ea | ea category]) asSet asSortedCollection.
  	(protocols size > 1) ifTrue: [protocols add: '-- all --'].
+ 	^ protocols sorted!
- 	^ protocols !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCSubDirectoryRepository>>allFileNames (in category 'enumeration') -----
  	"sorting {entry. dirName. name}"
+ 	| result |
+ 	result := OrderedCollection new.
- 	| sorted |
- 	sorted := SortedCollection sortBlock: [:a :b |
- 		a first modificationTime >= b first modificationTime ].
  	self allDirectories
  		do: [:dir | dir entries
  				do: [:ent | ent isDirectory
+ 						ifFalse: [result addLast: {ent. dir fullName. ent name}]]].
+ 	^result
+ 		sort: [:a :b | a first modificationTime >= b first modificationTime ];
+ 		replace: [:ea | ea third asMCVersionName]!
- 						ifFalse: [sorted add: {ent. dir fullName. ent name}]]].
- 	^ sorted
- 		collect: [:ea | ea third asMCVersionName]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCSubDirectoryRepository>>findFullNameForReading: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  findFullNameForReading: aBaseName
  	"Answer the latest version of aBaseName"
  	| possible |
+ 	possible := OrderedCollection new.
- 	possible := SortedCollection sortBlock: [ :a :b | b first modificationTime < a first modificationTime ].
  	self allDirectories
  		do: [:dir | dir entries
  				do: [:ent | ent isDirectory
  						ifFalse: [
+ 							(ent name = aBaseName) ifTrue: [ possible addLast: {ent. dir fullNameFor: ent name}]]]].
+ 	possible isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^nil ].
+ 	^(possible detectMin: [ :each | each first modificationTime ]) second!
- 							(ent name = aBaseName) ifTrue: [ possible add: {ent. dir fullNameFor: ent name}]]]].
- 	^(possible at: 1 ifAbsent: [ ^nil ]) second
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCSubDirectoryRepository>>findFullNameForWriting: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  findFullNameForWriting: aBaseName
  	| possible split prefix fpattern now |
  	split := directory splitNameVersionExtensionFor: aBaseName.
  	fpattern := split first, '*'.
+ 	possible := OrderedCollection new.
- 	possible := SortedCollection sortBlock: [ :a :b |
- 		a first = b first
- 			ifTrue: [ a second = b second
- 					ifFalse: [ a second < b second ]
- 					ifTrue: [ a third fullName size < b third fullName size ]]
- 			ifFalse: [ a first > b first ] ].
  	now := Time totalSeconds.
  	prefix := directory pathParts size.
  	self allDirectories do: [:dir | | parts dirScore fileScore |
  		parts := dir pathParts allButFirst: prefix.
  		dirScore := (parts select: [ :part | fpattern match: part ]) size.
  		fileScore := (dir entries collect: [ :ent |
  			(ent isDirectory not and: [ fpattern match: ent name ])
  				ifFalse: [ SmallInteger maxVal ]
  				ifTrue: [ now - ent modificationTime ]]).	"minimum age"
  		fileScore := fileScore isEmpty ifTrue: [ SmallInteger maxVal  ]
  			ifFalse: [ fileScore min ].
  		possible add: { dirScore. fileScore. dir } ].
+ 	possible
+ 		sort: [ :a :b |
+ 			a first = b first
+ 				ifTrue: [ a second = b second
+ 						ifFalse: [ a second < b second ]
+ 						ifTrue: [ a third fullName size < b third fullName size ]]
+ 				ifFalse: [ a first > b first ] ].
+ 	^(possible first third) fullNameFor: aBaseName!
- 	^ (possible first third) fullNameFor: aBaseName!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCVersionNotification>>initializeWithVersion:repository: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  initializeWithVersion: aVersion repository: aRepository
  	version := aVersion.
  	repository := aRepository.
  	ancestor := repository closestAncestorVersionFor: version info ifNone: []. 
  	changes := ancestor
  				ifNil: [#()]
+ 				ifNotNil: [(version snapshot patchRelativeToBase: ancestor snapshot) 							operations sorted]!
- 				ifNotNil: [(version snapshot patchRelativeToBase: ancestor snapshot) 							operations asSortedCollection]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCWorkingCopyBrowser>>workingCopies (in category 'morphic ui') -----
+ 	^ MCWorkingCopy allManagers sort:
- 	^ MCWorkingCopy allManagers asSortedCollection:
  		[ :a :b | a package name <= b package name ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PseudoClass>>asClassDefinition (in category '*monticello') -----
  	^ MCClassDefinition
  		name: self name
  		superclassName: self superclass name
  		category: self category 
  		instVarNames: self instVarNames
+ 		classVarNames: self classVarNames
- 		classVarNames: self classVarNames asSortedCollection
  		poolDictionaryNames: self poolDictionaryNames
+ 		classInstVarNames: self classInstVarNames
- 		classInstVarNames: self class instVarNames
  		type: self typeOfClass
+ 		comment: self organization classComment asString
- 		comment: self organization classComment	 asString
  		commentStamp: self organization commentStamp	!

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