[Pkg] FFI: FFI-Callbacks-mt.1.mcz

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Tue Jul 28 11:35:12 UTC 2020

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of FFI-Callbacks to project FFI:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: FFI-Callbacks-mt.1
Author: mt
Time: 18 June 2020, 7:36:50.422967 am
UUID: b0e1b5a9-9625-4e41-b36f-a39f271aec00

First version of callback support for Squeak FFI. This is basically a port of the callback support in Alien-Core.tbn.103.

WARNING: You cannot load this package if you already have Alien-Core loaded because this package needs to install a different class into the special-objects array at the same index.

Next steps:
- add GC support for executable pages/blocks when managing thunks and instances of FFICallback
- fix the VM crash that occured on IA32 when return from a callback back to the VM -- iff it turns out to not be an issue in the IA32ABI plugin
- add support for ABI-specific argument marshalling on the callback; maybe include some code generation to get started --- this version just does a #evaluateDynamic:, which assumes a lot of things that might not be true for your ABI
- see if #exampleCqsort finally works then :-)

==================== Snapshot ====================

SystemOrganization addCategory: #'FFI-Callbacks'!

ByteArray variableByteSubclass: #FFICallbackMemory
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: 'AccessProtect AllocatedThunks ExecutablePages LifoCallbackSemaphore'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'FFI-Callbacks'!

!FFICallbackMemory commentStamp: 'mt 6/17/2020 12:24' prior: 0!
Interface for memory allocation using the IA32ABI plugin. Also used as a compatibility layer for Alien.


An instance of FFICallbackThunk is a reference to a machine-code thunk/trampoline that calls-back into the VM.  The reference can be passed to C code which can use it as a function pointer through which to call-back into Smalltalk.  The machine-code thunk/trampoline is different for each instance, hence its address is a unique key that can be used to assocuate the Smalltalk side of the call-back (e.g. a block) with the thunk.  Since thunks must be executable and some OSs may not provide default execute permission on memory returned by malloc we may not be able to use malloc directly.  Instead we rely on a primitive to provide memory that is guaranteed to be executable.  ExternalAddress class>>allocateExecutablePage answers an instance of ExternalData that references an executable piece of memory that is some (possiby unitary) multiple of the pagesize.  Class-side code then parcels out pieces of a page to individual thunks.  These pieces are recycled when thunks are reclaimed.  Since 
 the first byte of a thunk is non-zero we can use it as a flag indicating if the piece is in use or not.

See FFICallback for the higher-level construct that represents a Smalltalk block to be run in response to a callback.  Callbacks wrap instances of FFICallbackThunk and FFICallbackContext instances that describe the stack layout and register contents for receiving callback arguments.

Class Variables
AccessProtect <Semaphore> critical section for ExecutablePages (de)allocation
AllocatedThunks <AlienWeakTable of <FFICallbackThunk -> Integer>> - weak collection of thunks, used to return thunk storage to the executable page pool.
ExecutablePages <Set of: Alien "executable page"> - collection of pages with execute permissions used to provide executable thunks!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory class>>allocateExecutableBlock (in category 'executable pages') -----

	| blockSize |
	blockSize := FFICallback maxThunkSize.
	AccessProtect critical:
		[ExecutablePages do:
			[:page |
			1 to: page size - blockSize by: blockSize do:
				(page at: i) = 0 ifTrue:
					[page at: i put: 1.
					 ^ page blockAt: i byteSize: blockSize]]]].
	AccessProtect critical: [
		| newPage |
		newPage := ExecutablePages add: self allocateExecutablePage.
		^ (newPage blockAt: 1 byteSize: blockSize)
			at: 1 put: 1;

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory class>>allocateExecutablePage (in category 'executable pages') -----
	"Forward allocation to ExternalAddress, which already sends primitives to allocate memory."
	^ ExternalAddress allocateExecutablePage!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory class>>ensureInSpecialObjectsArray (in category 'class initialization') -----
	"FFICallbackMemory must be in the specialObjectsArray to enable the FFI callback mechanism.  Because of
	 the bootstrap the specialObjectsArray may already have been partially initialized with
	 the callback selector and to be large enough (as part of loading immutability), but
	 it will be missing FFICallbackMemory until FFICallbackMemory is loaded.  So check if the specialObjectsArray is
	 of the expected size before recreating and slam FFICallbackMemory in if the specialObjectsArray
	 is already large enough."

	| index |
	self ~~ FFICallbackMemory ifTrue: [^self].

	index := 53.
	((Smalltalk includesKey: #VMObjectIndices)
	 and: [((Smalltalk at: #VMObjectIndices) classPool at: #ClassAlien ifAbsent: []) ~= (index - 1)]) ifTrue:
		[self error: 'index probably wrong'].

	Smalltalk specialObjectsArray size < index ifTrue:
		[Smalltalk recreateSpecialObjectsArray].
	Smalltalk specialObjectsArray size < index ifTrue: 
		[self error: 'SystemDictionary>>recreateSpecialObjectsArray appears incompatible'].
	((Smalltalk specialObjectsArray at: index) ~~ nil
		and: [(Smalltalk specialObjectsArray at: index) ~~ self]) ifTrue:
			[self error: 'Alien is already installed. You should not load FFI-Callbacks, too.'].

	(Smalltalk specialObjectsArray at: index) ifNil:
		[Smalltalk specialObjectsArray at: index put: self]!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory class>>fromInteger: (in category 'instance creation') -----
fromInteger: anInteger
	"Like the extension in ExternalAddress, but duplicate byte size to follow the alien format as expected in the IA32ABI plugin."

	^ self new
		addressFieldPut: anInteger;
		yourself	!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----

	self ensureInSpecialObjectsArray.
	Smalltalk addToStartUpList: self after: FFIPlatformDescription.
	LifoCallbackSemaphore := Semaphore new.

	AccessProtect := Semaphore forMutualExclusion.
	"AllocatedThunks := AlienWeakTable newForOwner: self."
	ExecutablePages := Set new.!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory class>>invokeCallbackContext: (in category 'callbacks') -----
invokeCallbackContext: vmCallbackContextAddress "<Integer>" "^<FFICallbackReturnValue>"
	"The low-level entry-point for callbacks sent from the VM/IA32ABI plugin.
	 Evaluate the callback corresponding to the thunk referenced by vmCallbackContextAddress,
	 a pointer to a FFICallbackContext, set up by the VM's thunkEntry
	 routine.  Return to C via primSignal:andReturnAs:fromContext:.  thisContext's sender is the
	 call-out context."
	| callbackContext typeCode helper |
	callbackContext := FFICallbackContext fromHandle: vmCallbackContextAddress.
	helper := self fromInteger: vmCallbackContextAddress.
	[typeCode := FFICallback evaluateCallbackForContext: callbackContext]
		ifCurtailed: [self error: 'attempt to non-local return across a callback'].
	typeCode ifNil:
		[typeCode := callbackContext errorResult].
	"Now attempt to return to C.  The primitive will answer false if this is not the most recent Callback,
	 in which case we should wait on the lifoCallbackSemaphore which will be signalled when the most
	 recent callback successfully returns.  If this is the most recent callback the primitive will signal all
	 the processes waiting on the lifoCallbackSemaphore, one of which will be the next most recent.
	 Hence all nested callbacks will end up returning in the right order."
	[helper primSignal: LifoCallbackSemaphore andReturnAs: typeCode fromContext: thisContext] whileFalse:
		[LifoCallbackSemaphore wait]!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory class>>new (in category 'instance creation') -----
	"Only used for holding (alien) pointers."
	^ super new: ExternalAddress wordSize * 2!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory class>>new: (in category 'instance creation') -----
new: n
	self shouldNotImplement.!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory class>>startUp: (in category 'system startup') -----
startUp: resuming
	"Any thunks in the finalization registry at the time the image comes up in a new session MUST NOT be finalized and should  immediately be discarded. Their thunk pointers are no longer valid."
	resuming ifTrue:
		["AllocatedThunks removeAll."
		ExecutablePages := Set new]!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory class>>unload (in category 'class initialization') -----

	Smalltalk removeFromStartUpList: self.!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory>>addressField (in category 'alien compatibility') -----
addressField "^<Integer>"
	<primitive: 'primAddressField' module: 'IA32ABI' error: errorCode>
	^ (ExternalData fromHandle: self type: ExternalType uintptr_t)
		at: ExternalData wordSize + 1!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory>>addressFieldPut: (in category 'alien compatibility') -----
addressFieldPut: value "<Integer> ^<Integer>"
	<primitive: 'primAddressFieldPut' module: 'IA32ABI' error: errorCode>

	self notify: 'Primitive failed. Proceed to use fallback code.'.	
	^ (ExternalData fromHandle: self type: ExternalType uintptr_t)
		at: ExternalData wordSize + 1
		put: value!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory>>byteSize (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the number of bytes that are allocated when following the #externalPointer."
	^ self sizeField abs!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory>>externalPointer (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the address that points to allocated memory of #byteSize num bytes."
	^ ExternalAddress fromInteger: self addressField!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory>>externalPointer: (in category 'accessing') -----
externalPointer: anExternalAddress

	| type integer |
	self flag: #debugging.
	type := ExternalType uintptr_t.
	integer := type
		handle: anExternalAddress asByteArrayPointer
		at: 1.
	self addressFieldPut: integer.!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory>>primSignal:andReturnAs:fromContext: (in category 'callbacks') -----
primSignal: aSemaphore "<Semaphore>" andReturnAs: typeCode "<SmallInteger>" fromContext: context "<MethodContext>"
	<primitive: 'primReturnAsFromContextThrough' module: 'IA32ABI' error: ec>
	^ self primitiveFailed!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory>>sizeField (in category 'alien compatibility') -----
sizeField "^<Integer>"
	<primitive: 'primSizeField' module: 'IA32ABI' error: errorCode>

	"For some reason, the size is stored as intptr_t, not uintpr_t."
	^ (ExternalData fromHandle: self type: ExternalType intptr_t)
		at: 1!

----- Method: FFICallbackMemory>>sizeFieldPut: (in category 'alien compatibility') -----
sizeFieldPut: size "<Integer> ^<Integer>"
	<primitive: 'primSizeFieldPut' module: 'IA32ABI' error: errorCode>

	self notify: 'Primitive failed. Proceed to use fallback code.'.	

	"For some reason, the size is stored as intptr_t, not uintpr_t."
	^ (ExternalData fromHandle: self type: ExternalType intptr_t)
		at: 1 put: size!

----- Method: ExternalData class>>fromHandle:byteSize: (in category '*FFI-Callbacks') -----
fromHandle: aHandle byteSize: byteSize
	^ (self fromHandle: aHandle type: ExternalType unsignedByte asPointerType)
		size: byteSize;

----- Method: ExternalData>>blockAt:byteSize: (in category '*FFI-Callbacks') -----
blockAt: byteIndex byteSize: numBytes
	"Given that the receiver manages a page of memory, answer a block of that memory to use."
	^ ExternalData
		fromHandle: handle + (byteIndex - 1)
		byteSize: numBytes!

ExternalStructure subclass: #FFICallbackContext
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'FFI-Callbacks'!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext class>>fields (in category 'field definition') -----
	self defineFields.
	^ #(
		(thunkp		'void*')
		(stackPtr		'intptr_t*')	"was: char*"
		(intRegArgs		'intptr_t*')	"was: long* or int*"
		(floatRegArgs	'double*')
		(nil				'void*')		"was: savedCStackPointer"
		(nil				'void*')		"was: savedCFramePointer"
		(rvs				'FFICallbackResult')
typedef struct {
    void *thunkp;
    char *stackptr;
    long *intRegArgs;
    double *floatRegArgs;
    void *savedCStackPointer;
    void *savedCFramePointer;
    union {
                            intptr_t vallong;
                            struct { int low, high; } valleint64;
                            struct { int high, low; } valbeint64;
                            double valflt64;
                            struct { void *addr; intptr_t size; } valstruct;
                        }   rvs;
	void *savedPrimFunctionPointer;
	jmp_buf	trampoline;
	jmp_buf	savedReenterInterpreter;
 } VMCallbackContext;

----- Method: FFICallbackContext class>>fromHandle: (in category 'instance creation') -----
fromHandle: aHandleOrInteger

	^ super fromHandle: (aHandleOrInteger isInteger
		ifTrue: [ExternalAddress fromInteger: aHandleOrInteger]
		ifFalse: [aHandleOrInteger])!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>errorResult (in category 'callback result') -----

	^ self wordResult: -1!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>externalObjectResult: (in category 'callback result') -----
externalObjectResult: anExternalObject
	"ExternalStructure, ExternalUnion, ExternalData ... handle MUST BE an ExternalAddress"
	^ self pointerResult: anExternalObject getHandle!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>floatRegArgs (in category 'accessing') -----
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackContext class>>fields."
	^ExternalData fromHandle: (handle shortPointerAt: 13) type: ExternalType double asPointerType!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>floatRegArgs: (in category 'accessing') -----
floatRegArgs: someExternalData
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackContext class>>fields."
	handle shortPointerAt: 13 put: someExternalData getHandle.!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>floatResult: (in category 'callback result') -----
floatResult: aFloat

	self rvs floatResult: aFloat.
	^ 3!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>intRegArgs (in category 'accessing') -----
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackContext class>>fields."
	^ExternalData fromHandle: (handle shortPointerAt: 9) type: ExternalType long asPointerType!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>intRegArgs: (in category 'accessing') -----
intRegArgs: someExternalData
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackContext class>>fields."
	handle shortPointerAt: 9 put: someExternalData getHandle.!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>pointerResult: (in category 'callback result') -----
pointerResult: anExternalAddress

	^ self wordResult: anExternalAddress asInteger!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>rvs (in category 'accessing') -----
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackContext class>>fields."
	^FFICallbackResult fromHandle: (handle structAt: 25 length: 8)!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>rvs: (in category 'accessing') -----
rvs: aFFICallbackResult
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackContext class>>fields."
	handle structAt: 25 put: aFFICallbackResult getHandle length: 8.!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>stackPtr (in category 'accessing') -----
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackContext class>>fields."
	^ExternalData fromHandle: (handle shortPointerAt: 5) type: ExternalType long asPointerType!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>stackPtr: (in category 'accessing') -----
stackPtr: someExternalData
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackContext class>>fields."
	handle shortPointerAt: 5 put: someExternalData getHandle.!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>thunkp (in category 'accessing') -----
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackContext class>>fields."
	^ExternalData fromHandle: (handle shortPointerAt: 1) type: ExternalType void asPointerType!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>thunkp: (in category 'accessing') -----
thunkp: someExternalData
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackContext class>>fields."
	handle shortPointerAt: 1 put: someExternalData getHandle.!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>voidResult (in category 'callback result') -----

	self flag: #discuss. "mt: Is this the expected answer in the IA32ABI plugin?"
	^ self wordResult: 0!

----- Method: FFICallbackContext>>wordResult: (in category 'callback result') -----
wordResult: aValue
	"Accept any value in the -2^31 to 2^32-1 range or booleans."

	aValue isBoolean ifTrue:
		[self rvs booleanResult: aValue].
	aValue isInteger ifTrue:
		[aValue >= 0
			ifTrue: [self rvs positiveIntegerResult: aValue]
			ifFalse: [self rvs integerResult: aValue]].


----- Method: Parser>>callback (in category '*FFI-Callbacks') -----
	| descriptorClass retType externalName args argType |
	descriptorClass := ExternalFunction.
	"Parse return type"
	self advance.
	here = 'const' ifTrue: [self advance].
	retType := self externalType: descriptorClass.
	retType == nil ifTrue:[^self expected:'return type'].
	"Parse function name or index"
	externalName := here.

	(self match: #leftParenthesis) ifFalse:[^self expected:'function pointer (*)'].
	(self matchToken: #*) ifFalse:[^self expected:'function pointer (*)'].
	(self match: #rightParenthesis) ifFalse:[^self expected:'function pointer (*)'].

	(self match: #leftParenthesis) ifFalse:[^self expected:'argument list'].
	args := WriteStream on: Array new.
	[self match: #rightParenthesis] whileFalse:[
		here = 'const' ifTrue: [self advance].
		here = ',' ifTrue: [self advance].
		argType := self externalType: descriptorClass.
		argType == nil ifTrue:[^self expected:'argument'].
		argType isVoid & argType isPointerType not ifFalse:[args nextPut: argType]].

	self addPragma: (Pragma keyword: #callback: arguments: {{retType}, args contents}).

----- Method: SHParserST80>>callback (in category '*FFI-Callbacks') -----
	self scanPast: #externalFunctionCallingConvention.	
	self scanPast: #externalCallType.
	currentToken = '*' 
		ifTrue: [self scanPast: #externalCallTypePointerIndicator].

	currentTokenFirst == $( ifFalse: [^ self fail]. self scanNext.
	currentTokenFirst == $* ifFalse: [^ self fail]. self scanNext.
	currentTokenFirst == $) ifFalse: [^ self fail]. self scanNext.
	self failUnless: currentTokenFirst == $(.
	self scanPast: #leftParenthesis.
	[currentTokenFirst ~= $)] 
		whileTrue: [
			self failUnless: currentToken notNil.
			self scanPast: #externalCallType.
			currentToken = '*' 
				ifTrue: [self scanPast: #externalCallTypePointerIndicator]].
	self scanPast: #rightParenthesis.
	currentToken = 'module:' 
		ifTrue: [
			self scanPast: #module.
			self parseStringOrSymbol ].
	currentToken = 'error:' ifTrue: [
		self scanPast: #primitive. "there's no rangeType for error"
		self currentTokenType == #name
			ifTrue: [ self parseTemporary: #patternTempVar ]
			ifFalse: [ self parseStringOrSymbol ] ].
	self failUnless: currentToken = '>'.
	self scanPast: #primitiveOrExternalCallEnd!

----- Method: ExternalAddress class>>allocateExecutablePage (in category '*FFI-Callbacks') -----
	"The IA32ABI plugin answers a byte array where the first half encodes the allocated byte size and the second half the external address to that executable memory. Unpack that byte array and return external data we can read and write conveniently."
	| alien |
	alien := self primAllocateExecutablePage.	
	^ ExternalData
		fromHandle: alien externalPointer
		byteSize: alien byteSize!

----- Method: ExternalAddress class>>fromInteger: (in category '*FFI-Callbacks') -----
fromInteger: anInteger
	"Read the given interger as an address pointing to an external memory area."
	| buffer type |
	type := ExternalType uintptr_t.
	buffer := ByteArray new: type byteSize.
	type handle: buffer at: 1 put: anInteger.
	^ buffer asExternalPointer!

----- Method: ExternalAddress class>>primAllocateExecutablePage (in category '*FFI-Callbacks') -----
primAllocateExecutablePage "^<Alien>"
	"Answer an Alien around a piece of (probably malloced) memory, of some multiple
	 of the pagesize, that has execute permissions set.  This memory can be parcelled
	 out to individual FFICallbackThunks to hold their thunk/trampoline machine code."
	<primitive: 'primAllocateExecutablePage' module: 'IA32ABI' error: errorCode>
	^self primitiveFailed!

----- Method: FFIPlatformDescription>>abi (in category '*FFI-Callbacks') -----

	| processor |
	processor := self subtype asLowercase.
	(processor = 'arm' or: [(processor beginsWith: 'armv') and: [processor fifth <= $7]])
		ifTrue: [^ 'ARM32'].
	(processor first = $i and: [processor = 'intel' or: ['i#86' match: processor]])
		ifTrue: [^ 'IA32'].

	(processor first = $x and: [processor = 'x64' or: [('x86#64*' match: processor)]])
		ifTrue: [^ self isWindows ifTrue: ['X64Win64'] ifFalse: ['X64']].

ExternalObject subclass: #FFICallback
	instanceVariableNames: 'abi type evaluableObject thunk argTypes'
	classVariableNames: 'ThunkToCallbackMap'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'FFI-Callbacks'!

----- Method: FFICallback class>>cdeclQsort:with:with:with: (in category 'examples') -----
cdeclQsort: values with: number with: width with: callback

	<cdecl: void 'qsort' (void* size_t size_t void*) module: 'msvcrt.dll'>
	^ self externalCallFailed!

----- Method: FFICallback class>>evaluateCallbackForContext: (in category 'instance lookup') -----
evaluateCallbackForContext: callbackContext "<FFIallbackContext> ^<Integer> typeCode"

		at: callbackContext thunkp getHandle
		ifAbsent: [^self error: 'could not locate Callback instance corresponding to thunk address'])
		ifNil: [self error: 'Callback instance for this thunk address has been garbage collected']
			^callback valueInContext: callbackContext]!

----- Method: FFICallback class>>exampleCqsort (in category 'examples') -----
	"Call the libc qsort function (which requires a callback)."
	"FFICallback exampleCqsort"
	"(Time millisecondsToRun: [100 timesRepeat: [FFICallback exampleCqsort]]) / 100.0"

	| type cb rand nElements sizeofDouble values orig sort libcName knownLibcNames fn |

	knownLibcNames := #('libobjc.dylib' 'libgcc_s.1.dylib' 'libc.dylib' 'libc.so.6' 'libc.so' 'msvcrt.dll').
	libcName := Project uiManager chooseFrom: knownLibcNames title: 'Choose your libc'.
	libcName = 0 ifTrue: [^ self].
	libcName := knownLibcNames at: libcName.

	rand := Random new.
	type := ExternalType double.
	sizeofDouble := type byteSize.
	nElements := 10.
	values := ExternalData
		fromHandle: (ExternalAddress allocate: nElements * sizeofDouble)
		type: type asPointerType.
	"Initialize external data and set size for enumeration."
	1 to: nElements do: [:i| values at: i put: rand next].
	values size: nElements.
	"Fetch a local copy of the external data."
	orig := values collect: [:each | each].
	"Construct the callback structure."
	cb := FFICallback
			signature: '<callback: int (*)(double* double*)>'
			"signature: #(int 'double*' 'double*')"
			block: [ :arg1 :arg2 |
				| a  b |
				a := arg1 doubleAt: 1.
				b := arg2 doubleAt: 1.
				Transcript showln: ('Comparing {1} and {2}' format: {a. b}).
				self halt.
				 (a - b) sign].
	"void qsort( void *base, size_t number, size_t width, int (__cdecl *compare )(const void *, const void *) );"
	fn := ExternalLibraryFunction
		name: 'qsort' module: libcName
		callType: ExternalLibraryFunction callTypeCDecl
		returnType: ExternalType void
		argumentTypes: (ExternalType lookupTypes: #('void*' size_t size_t 'void*')).
	fn invokeWith: values "getHandle" with: nElements with: sizeofDouble with: cb thunk "getHandle".
	sort := values collect: [:each | each].
	values getHandle free.
	^orig -> sort!

----- Method: FFICallback class>>exampleCqsortThree (in category 'examples') -----
	"Call the libc qsort function (which requires a callback)."
	FFICallback exampleCqsortThree
	"(Time millisecondsToRun: [100 timesRepeat: [FFICallback exampleCqsort]]) / 100.0"

	| type rand nElements sizeofDouble values orig sort cb |

	rand := Random new.
	type := ExternalType double.
	sizeofDouble := type byteSize.
	nElements := 10.
	values := ExternalData
		fromHandle: (ExternalAddress allocate: nElements * sizeofDouble)
		type: type asPointerType.
	"Initialize external data and set size for enumeration."
	1 to: nElements do: [:i| values at: i put: rand next].
	values size: nElements.
	"Fetch a local copy of the external data."
	orig := values collect: [:each | each].
	"Construct the callback structure."
	cb := FFICallback
			signature: '<callback: int (*)(double* double*)>'
			"signature: #(int 'double*' 'double*')"
			block: [ :arg1 :arg2 |
				| a  b |
				a := arg1 doubleAt: 1.
				b := arg2 doubleAt: 1.
				Transcript showln: ('Comparing {1} and {2}' format: {a. b}).
				self halt.
				 (a - b) sign].
		cdeclQsort: values  with: nElements with: sizeofDouble
		with: cb thunk.
	sort := values collect: [:each | each].
	values getHandle free.
	^orig -> sort!

----- Method: FFICallback class>>exampleCqsortTwo (in category 'examples') -----
	"Call the libc qsort function (which requires a callback)."
	FFICallback exampleCqsortTwo
	"(Time millisecondsToRun: [100 timesRepeat: [FFICallback exampleCqsort]]) / 100.0"

	| type rand nElements sizeofDouble values orig sort |

	rand := Random new.
	type := ExternalType double.
	sizeofDouble := type byteSize.
	nElements := 10.
	values := ExternalData
		fromHandle: (ExternalAddress allocate: nElements * sizeofDouble)
		type: type asPointerType.
	"Initialize external data and set size for enumeration."
	1 to: nElements do: [:i| values at: i put: rand next].
	values size: nElements.
	"Fetch a local copy of the external data."
	orig := values collect: [:each | each].
		qsort: values  with: nElements with: sizeofDouble
		with:  [ :arg1 :arg2 |
				| a  b |
				a := arg1 doubleAt: 1.
				b := arg2 doubleAt: 1.
				Transcript showln: ('Comparing {1} and {2}' format: {a. b}).
				self halt.
				 (a - b) sign].
	sort := values collect: [:each | each].
	values getHandle free.
	^orig -> sort!

----- Method: FFICallback class>>getIntWithData:withData: (in category 'examples - signatures') -----
getIntWithData: anExternalData1 withData: anExternalData2
	(FFICallback class >> #getIntWithData:withData:) pragmaAt: #callback:
	<callback: int (*)(void* void*)>
	self shouldNotImplement.!

----- Method: FFICallback class>>getIntWithData:withData:withInt:withInt: (in category 'examples - signatures') -----
getIntWithData: anExternalData1 withData: anExternalData2 withInt: anInteger1 withInt: anInteger2
	(FFICallback class >> #getIntWithData:withData:withInt:withInt:) pragmaAt: #callback:
	<callback: int (*)(void* void* uint32_t intptr_t)>
	self shouldNotImplement.
	self flag: #todo: "Ignore macros, const, and '*,' comma"
	"<signature: #(int CALLBACK (*)(const LOGFONT *, const TEXTMETRIC *, DWORD, LPARAM))>"

----- Method: FFICallback class>>getIntWithInt:withString: (in category 'examples - signatures') -----
getIntWithInt: anInteger withString: aString
	(FFICallback class >> #getIntWithInt:withString:) pragmaAt: #callback:
	<callback: int (*)(int char *)>

	self shouldNotImplement.!

----- Method: FFICallback class>>getVoidWithData:withDouble:withDouble: (in category 'examples - signatures') -----
getVoidWithData: anExternalData withDouble: aFloat withDouble: anotherFloat
	(FFICallback class >> #getVoidWithData:withDouble:withDouble:) pragmaAt: #callback:
	<callback: void (*)(void* double double)>
	self shouldNotImplement.!

----- Method: FFICallback class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----

	ThunkToCallbackMap := WeakValueDictionary new.!

----- Method: FFICallback class>>maxThunkSize (in category 'constants') -----
	"see FFICallbackThunk initialize & initializeStdcall:; must be big enough for the largest thunk created"
	^ 40!

----- Method: FFICallback class>>message: (in category 'instance creation') -----
message: message "<MessageSend> ^<FFICallback>"
	^ self new
		setMessage: message

----- Method: FFICallback class>>qsort:with:with:with: (in category 'examples') -----
qsort: values with: number with: width with: block
	"Indirection to define the signature for the provided block."
	<callback: int (*)(double* double*)>
	| callback |
	callback := FFICallback
		signature: ((thisContext method pragmaAt: #callback:) argumentAt: 1)
		block: block.
	^ self cdeclQsort: values with: number with: width with: callback thunk!

----- Method: FFICallback class>>signature:block: (in category 'instance creation') -----
signature: signature "<String>" block: aBlock "<BlockClosure> ^<FFICallback>"
	^ self new
		setBlock: aBlock
		signature: signature!

----- Method: FFICallback class>>signature:message: (in category 'instance creation') -----
signature: signature "<String>" message: message "<MessageSend> ^<FFICallback>"
	^ self new
		setMessage: message
		signature: signature!

----- Method: FFICallback>>evaluateDynamic: (in category 'callback - evaluators') -----
evaluateDynamic: callbackContext
	"Read all arguments and make the call(back). Assume that 'handle' and 'type' are set correctly. Only watch out for the sign. See field definition in FFICallbackContext to explore alternative ways to read the arguments."
	| offset args |
	offset := 1.	
	args := Array new: argTypes size - 1. "Skip return type"
	1 to: args size do: [:argIndex |
		| argType unsigned data |
		argType := argTypes at: argIndex + 1. "Skip return type"
		argType isPointerType
			ifTrue: [	
				data := (type handle: handle at: offset).
				argType referentClass "pointer to atomic"
					ifNil: [data := data asType: argType]
					ifNotNil: [:structClass | "pointer to external structure or union"
						argType isTypeAliasToPointer
							ifTrue: [data := structClass fromHandle: data getHandle asByteArrayPointer]
							ifFalse: [data := structClass fromHandle: data getHandle]] ]
			ifFalse: [ "non-pointer type"
				self flag: #floats. "mt: When should we switch to callbackContext floatRegArgs?"
				self flag: #todo. "mt: How to make boolean out of integer here? Would it work with floats, too?"
				unsigned := argType isIntegerType ==> [argType isUnsigned].
				data := unsigned
						ifTrue: [type asUnsigned handle: handle at: offset]
						ifFalse: [type asSigned handle: handle at: offset].

				argType isAtomic
					ifFalse: ["structure type, most likely type alias to pointer"
						data := argType referentClass
							fromHandle: (ExternalAddress fromInteger: data) asByteArrayPointer]
					ifTrue: [ argType isTypeAlias
						ifTrue: [ "alias to atomic type"
							data := argType referentClass fromHandle: data]
						ifFalse: [ "atomic, non-pointer type"
							data := data ";-)"]] ].
		args at: argIndex put: data.
		offset := offset + type byteSize].
	^ self
		setResult: (evaluableObject valueWithArguments: args)
		inContext: callbackContext.!

----- Method: FFICallback>>evaluateDynamic_ARM32: (in category 'callback - evaluators') -----
evaluateDynamic_ARM32: callbackContext
	"Set handle to access arguments as most appropriate for the ABI. For ''RISCs'' it is the pointer to the integer register."
	<abi: 'ARM32'> <evaluator>
	self setArgData: callbackContext intRegArgs.
	^ self evaluateDynamic: callbackContext!

----- Method: FFICallback>>evaluateDynamic_IA32: (in category 'callback - evaluators') -----
evaluateDynamic_IA32: callbackContext
	"Set handle to access arguments as most appropriate for the ABI. For x86 (i.e. IA32) it is the stack pointer."
	<abi: 'IA32'> <evaluator>
	self setArgData: callbackContext stackPtr.
	^ self evaluateDynamic: callbackContext!

----- Method: FFICallback>>evaluateDynamic_X64: (in category 'callback - evaluators') -----
evaluateDynamic_X64: callbackContext
	"Set handle to access arguments as most appropriate for the ABI. For ''RISCs'' it is the pointer to the integer register."
	<abi: 'X64'> <evaluator>
	self setArgData: callbackContext intRegArgs.
	^ self evaluateDynamic: callbackContext!

----- Method: FFICallback>>evaluateDynamic_X64Win64: (in category 'callback - evaluators') -----
evaluateDynamic_X64Win64: callbackContext
	"Set handle to access arguments as most appropriate for the ABI. For ''RISCs'' it is the pointer to the integer register."
	<abi: 'X64Win64'> <evaluator>
	self setArgData: callbackContext intRegArgs.
	^ self evaluateDynamic: callbackContext!

----- Method: FFICallback>>init__ccall (in category 'initialization - thunk prepare') -----
	"Initialize the receiver with a __ccall thunk."

	FFICallback methodsDo: [:method |
		(method selector beginsWith: 'init__ccall') ifTrue: [
			(method hasPragma: #init) ifTrue: [
				(method pragmaAt: #abi:)
					ifNotNil: [:pragma | (pragma argumentAt: 1) = abi
						ifTrue: [^ self executeMethod: method]]]]].

	self error: 'Could not initialize thunk for current ABI: ', abi.!

----- Method: FFICallback>>init__ccall_ARM32 (in category 'initialization - thunk prepare') -----
	<abi: 'ARM32'> <init>
	"Initialize the receiver with a __ccall thunk.  The thunk calls thunkEntry in the IA32ABI plugin,
	 whose source is in platforms/Cross/plugins/IA32ABI/arm32abicc.c.  thunkEntry is the entry point
	 for Callbacks. The objective of the thunk is to call thunkEntry with all arguments to the call of the
	 thunk (registers and stack) as well as a pointer to the thunk itself.  thunkEntry is as follows:
		long long
		thunkEntry(long r0, long r1, long r2, long r3,
		            double d0, double d1, double d2, double d3,
		            double d4, double d5, double d6, double d7,
		            void *thunkpPlus16, sqIntptr_t *stackp)

	thunkEntry then collects the various arguments (thunk, integer register arguments, floating-point
	register arguments, stack pointer) in a VMCallbackContext and invokes the callback via invokeCallbackContext:."

	"0x0 <thunk+0>:		mov     r12, sp			; 0xe1a0c00d
 	 0x4 <thunk+4>:		sub     sp, sp, #16		; 0xe24dd010
 	 0x8 <thunk+8>:		str     pc, [sp, #0]		; 0xe58df000 N.B. passes thunk+16; thunkEntry compensates
 	 0xc <thunk+12>:		str     r12, [sp,#4]		; 0xe58dc004
 	 0x10 <thunk+16>:	str     lr, [sp, #12]		; 0xe58de00c
 	 0x14 <thunk+20>:	ldr     r12, [pc, #8]		; 0xe59fc008
 	 0x18 <thunk+24>:	blx     r12				; 0xe12fff3c
 	 0x1c <thunk+28>:	add     sp, sp, #12		; 0xe28dd00c
 	 0x20 <thunk+32>:	ldr     pc, [sp], #4!!		; 0xe49df004 ; pop     {pc}
 	 0x24 <thunk+36>:     .word thunkEntry"
	self flag: #hidden. "mt: How is the thunk's handle stored to lookup this instance upon callback later?"
	thunk getHandle
		unsignedLongAt:   1 put: 16re1a0c00d;
		unsignedLongAt:   5 put: 16re24dd010;
		unsignedLongAt:   9 put: 16re58df000;
		unsignedLongAt: 13 put: 16re58dc004;
		unsignedLongAt: 17 put: 16re58de00c;
		unsignedLongAt: 21 put: 16re59fc008;
		unsignedLongAt: 25 put: 16re12fff3c;
		unsignedLongAt: 29 put: 16re28dd00c;
		unsignedLongAt: 33 put: 16re49df004;
		shortPointerAt: 37 put: self thunkEntryAddress.!

----- Method: FFICallback>>init__ccall_IA32 (in category 'initialization - thunk prepare') -----
	<abi: 'IA32'> <init>
	"Initialize the receiver with a __ccall thunk.  The thunk calls thunkEntry in the IA32ABI plugin,
	 whose source is in platforms/Cross/plugins/IA32ABI/x64win64abicc.c.  thunkEntry is the entry point
	 for Callbacks. The objective of the thunk is to call thunkEntry with all arguments to the call of the
	 thunk (registers and stack) as well as a pointer to the thunk itself.  thunkEntry is as follows:

		thunkEntry(void *thunkp, sqIntptr_t *stackp)

	thunkEntry then collects the various arguments (thunk, stack pointer) in a VMCallbackContext and
	invokes the callback via invokeCallbackContext:."

	"thunk:		push   %esp				0x54							0xa1905454
	 thunk+01:	push   %esp				0x54
	 thunk+02:	nop   						0x90
	 thunk+03:	mov    $thunkEntry,%eax	0xb8 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00	0x00000000 - entry
	 thunk+08:	nop   						0x90							0x68909090
	 thunk+09:	nop   						0x90
	 thunk+10:	nop   						0x90
	 thunk+11:	push   $thunk				0x68 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00	0x00000000 - thunk
	 thunk+16:	call   *%eax					0xff 0xd0						0xc483d0ff
	 thunk+18:	add    $0xC,%esp			0x83 0xc4 0x0C				0x9090c30C
	 thunk+21:	ret							0xc3
	 thunk+22:	nop							0x90
	 thunk+23:	nop							0x90"
	thunk getHandle
		unsignedLongAt:  1 put: 16rB8905454;
		shortPointerAt: 5 put: self thunkEntryAddress;
		unsignedLongAt:  9 put: 16r68909090;
		shortPointerAt: 13 put: thunk getHandle;
		unsignedLongAt: 17 put: 16rC483D0FF;
		unsignedLongAt: 21 put: 16r9090C30C!

----- Method: FFICallback>>init__ccall_X64 (in category 'initialization - thunk prepare') -----
	<abi: 'X64'> <init>
	"Initialize the receiver with a __ccall thunk.  The thunk calls thunkEntry in the IA32ABI plugin,
	 whose source is in platforms/Cross/plugins/IA32ABI/x64sysvabicc.c.  thunkEntry is the entry point
	 for Callbacks. The objective of the thunk is to call thunkEntry with all arguments to the call of the
	 thunk (registers and stack) as well as a pointer to the thunk itself.  thunkEntry is as follows:

		thunkEntry(long a0, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5,
		            double d0, double d1, double d2, double d3,
		            double d4, double d5, double d6, double d7,
		            void *thunkp, sqIntptr_t *stackp)

	thunkEntry then collects the various arguments (thunk, integer register arguments, floating-point
	register arguments, stack pointer) in a VMCallbackContext and invokes the callback via invokeCallbackContext:."

	"thunk+0x0:	pushq  %rsp							54
	 thunk+0x1:	pushq  %rsp							54
	 thunk+0x4:	movabsq $thunk, %rax					48 b8 b0..b7 eight bytes of thunk address a.k.a. handle
	 thunk+0xc:	pushq  %rax							50
	 thunk+0xd:	movabsq $thunkEntry, %rax			48 b8 b0..b7 eight bytes of the thunkEntry address
	 thunk+0x17:	callq  *%rax							ff d0
	 thunk+0x19:	addq   $0x18, %rsp					48 83 c4 18
	 thunk+0x1d:	retq									c3
	 thunk+0x1e:	nop										90
	 thunk+0x1f:	nop										90"
	thunk getHandle
		unsignedLongAt:		  1 put: 16rb8485454;
		longPointerAt:			  5 put: thunk getHandle;
		unsignedLongAt:		13 put: 16r00b84850; "00 is the first byte of the 64-bit constant the movabsq/0x48 opcode moves"
		longPointerAt:			16 put: self thunkEntryAddress;
		unsignedByteAt:		24 put: 16rff;
		unsignedLongAt:		25 put: 16rc48348d0;
		unsignedLongAt:		29 put: 16r9090c318.!

----- Method: FFICallback>>init__ccall_X64Win64 (in category 'initialization - thunk prepare') -----
	<abi: 'X64Win64'> <init>
	"Initialize the receiver with a __ccall thunk.  The thunk calls thunkEntry in the IA32ABI plugin,
	 whose source is in platforms/Cross/plugins/IA32ABI/x64win64abicc.c.  thunkEntry is the entry point
	 for Callbacks. The objective of the thunk is to call thunkEntry with all arguments to the call of the
	 thunk (registers and stack) as well as a pointer to the thunk itself.  thunkEntry is as follows:

		long long
		thunkEntry(long long rcx, long long rdx,
		      		long long r8, long long r9,
					void *thunkp, sqIntptr_t *stackp)

	thunkEntry then collects the various arguments (thunk, integer register arguments, stack pointer)
	in a VMCallbackContext and invokes the callback via invokeCallbackContext:."

	"thunk+0x0:	pushq  %rsp							54
	 thunk+0x1:	pushq  %rsp							54
	 thunk+0x4:	movabsq $thunk, %rax					48 b8 b0..b7 eight bytes of thunk address a.k.a. addressField
	 thunk+0xc:	pushq  %rax							50
	 thunk+0xd:	subq   $0x20, %rsp						48 83 c4 e0 (this is addq -20 since the immediate is signed extended)
	 thunk+0x11:	movabsq $thunkEntry, %rax			48 b8 b0..b7 eight bytes of the thunkEntry address
	 thunk+0x1b:	callq  *%rax							ff d0
	 thunk+0x1d:	addq   $0x38, %rsp					48 83 c4 38
	 thunk+0x21:	retq									c3
	 thunk+0x22:	nop										90
	 thunk+0x23:	nop										90"
	thunk getHandle
		unsignedLongAt:		  1 put: 16rb8485454;
		longPointerAt: 			  5 put: thunk getHandle;
		unsignedLongAt:		13 put: 16rc4834850; 
		unsignedLongAt:		17 put: 16r00b848e0; "00 is the first byte of the 64-bit constant the movabsq/0x48 opcode moves"
		longPointerAt:			20 put: self thunkEntryAddress;
		unsignedByteAt:		28 put: 16rff;
		unsignedLongAt:		29 put: 16rc48348d0;
		unsignedLongAt:		33 put: 16r9090c338.!

----- Method: FFICallback>>init__stdcall: (in category 'initialization - thunk prepare') -----
init__stdcall: numBytes
	"Initialize the receiver with a __stdcall thunk with numBytes argument bytes."

	FFICallback methodsDo: [:method |
		(method selector beginsWith: 'init__stdcall') ifTrue: [
			(method hasPragma: #init) ifTrue: [
				(method pragmaAt: #abi:)
					ifNotNil: [:pragma | (pragma argumentAt: 1) = abi
						ifTrue: [^ self with: numBytes executeMethod: method]]]]].

	self error: 'Could not initialize thunk for current ABI: ', abi.!

----- Method: FFICallback>>init__stdcall_IA32: (in category 'initialization - thunk prepare') -----
init__stdcall_IA32: numBytes
	<abi: 'IA32'> <init>
	"Initialize the receiver with a __stdcall thunk with numBytes argument bytes. (See #init__ccall_IA32 for more info)"
	"thunk:		push   %esp				0x54							0xa1905454
	 thunk+01:	push   %esp				0x54
	 thunk+02:	nop   						0x90
	 thunk+03:	mov    $thunkEntry,%eax	0xb8 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00	0x00000000 - entry
	 thunk+08:	nop   						0x90							0x68909090
	 thunk+09:	nop   						0x90
	 thunk+10:	nop   						0x90
	 thunk+11:	push   $thunk				0x68 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00	0x00000000 - thunk
	 thunk+16:	call   *%eax					0xff 0xd0						0xc483d0ff
	 thunk+18:	add    $0xC,%esp			0x83 0xc4 0x0C				0xBYTSc20C
	 thunk+21:	ret    $bytes				0xc2 0xBY 0xTS"

	thunk getHandle
		unsignedLongAt:  1 put: 16rB8905454;
		shortPointerAt: 5 put: self thunkEntryAddress;
		unsignedLongAt:  9 put: 16r68909090;
		shortPointerAt: 13 put: thunk getHandle;
		unsignedLongAt:  17 put: 16rC483D0FF;
		unsignedShortAt: 21 put: 16rC20C;
		unsignedShortAt: 23 put: numBytes.!

----- Method: FFICallback>>primThunkEntryAddress (in category 'initialization - thunk prepare') -----
primThunkEntryAddress "^<Integer>"
	"Answer the address of the entry-point for thunk callbacks:
		x86: long thunkEntry(void *thunkp, long *stackp);
		x64: long thunkEntry(long a, long b, long c, long d, long, e, long f,
								double d0, double d1, double d2, double d3,
								double d4, double d5, double d6, double d7,
								void *thunkp, long *stackp);
		ARM: long thunkEntry(long a, long b, long c, long d,
								double d0, double d1, double d2, double d3,
								double d4, double d5, double d6, double d7,
								void *thunkp, long *stackp);
	 This is the function a callback thunk/trampoline should call to initiate a callback."
	<primitive: 'primThunkEntryAddress' module: 'IA32ABI' error: errorCode>
	^self primitiveFailed!

----- Method: FFICallback>>setArgData: (in category 'callback') -----
setArgData: externalData
	handle := externalData getHandle.
	type := externalData externalType.	!

----- Method: FFICallback>>setArgTypes:evaluableObject: (in category 'initialization') -----
setArgTypes: externalTypes evaluableObject: blockOrMessage

	abi := FFIPlatformDescription current abi.
	handle := nil.
	type := nil.
	evaluableObject := blockOrMessage.
	argTypes := externalTypes.

	"Support for callee pop callbacks (Pascal calling convention such as the Win32 stdcall: convention) are supported using the <calleepops: N> pragma which specifies how many bytes to pop. See http://forum.world.st/Pharo-FFI-on-aarch64-arm64-td5096777.html#a5096786."
	thunk := FFICallbackMemory allocateExecutableBlock.
	self init__ccall.
	"(method pragmaAt: #calleepops:)
		ifNil: [self init__ccall]
		ifNotNil: [:pragma | self init__stdcall: (pragma argumentAt: 1)]."
	"numEvaluatorArgs := (evaluator := method selector) numArgs.
	self addToThunkTable"
	ThunkToCallbackMap at: thunk getHandle put: self!

----- Method: FFICallback>>setBlock: (in category 'initialization') -----
setBlock: aBlock
	"We cannot know the signature for an arbitrary block."
	self shouldNotImplement.!

----- Method: FFICallback>>setBlock:signature: (in category 'initialization') -----
setBlock: aBlock "<BlockClosure>" signature: signature "<String>"

		setArgTypes: (ExternalType lookupTypes: signature)
		evaluableObject: aBlock.!

----- Method: FFICallback>>setMessage: (in category 'initialization') -----
setMessage: aMessageSend
	"Fetch the argTypes from <callback: ...> pragma in method."
	| method |
	self assert: [aMessageSend receiver notNil].
	method := aMessageSend receiver class lookupSelector: aMessageSend selector.
		setArgTypes: ((method pragmaAt: #callback:) argumentAt: 1)
		evaluableObject: aMessageSend.!

----- Method: FFICallback>>setMessage:signature: (in category 'initialization') -----
setMessage: aMessageSend signature: signature
	"Override the argTypes from <callback: ...> pragma in method."
	self assert: [aMessageSend receiver notNil].
		setArgTypes: (ExternalType lookupTypes: signature)
		evaluableObject: aMessageSend.!

----- Method: FFICallback>>setResult:inContext: (in category 'callback') -----
setResult: anObject inContext: aCallbackContext
	"Set the result in the callback context. Add some fast checks to detect errors."
	argTypes first atomicType = 0 "void"
		ifTrue: [
			"Quick exit for void return type."
			^ aCallbackContext voidResult].

	anObject isInteger
		ifTrue: [
			self assert: [argTypes first isIntegerType].
			^ aCallbackContext wordResult: anObject].

	anObject isBoolean
		ifTrue: [
			self assert: [argTypes first atomicType = 1 "bool"].
			^ aCallbackContext wordResult: anObject].		

	anObject isFloat
		ifTrue: [
			self assert: [argTypes first atomicType >= 12 "float/double"].			
			^ aCallbackContext floatResult: anObject].

	"Try to push pointer for external object."
	^ aCallbackContext externalObjectResult: anObject!

----- Method: FFICallback>>thunk (in category 'accessing') -----

"	self flag: #debugging.
	^ FFICallbackMemory new
		externalPointer: thunk getHandle;
	^ thunk!

----- Method: FFICallback>>thunkEntryAddress (in category 'initialization - thunk prepare') -----

	^ ExternalAddress fromInteger: self primThunkEntryAddress!

----- Method: FFICallback>>valueInContext: (in category 'callback') -----
valueInContext: callbackContext "<FFICallbackContext> ^<Integer>"
	FFICallback methodsDo: [:method |
		(method hasPragma: #evaluator) ifTrue: [
			(method pragmaAt: #abi:)
				ifNotNil: [:pragma | (pragma argumentAt: 1) = abi
					ifTrue: [^ self with: callbackContext executeMethod: method]]]].
	self error: 'Could find evaluator for current ABI: ', abi.!

ExternalUnion subclass: #FFICallbackResult
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'FFI-Callbacks'!

----- Method: FFICallbackResult class>>fields (in category 'field definition') -----
	self defineFields.
	^ #(
		(booleanResult			'bool')
		(floatResult				'double')
		(positiveIntegerResult	'uintptr_t')
		(integerResult			'intptr_t')

----- Method: FFICallbackResult>>booleanResult (in category 'accessing') -----
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackResult class>>fields."
	^handle booleanAt: 1!

----- Method: FFICallbackResult>>booleanResult: (in category 'accessing') -----
booleanResult: aBoolean
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackResult class>>fields."
	handle booleanAt: 1 put: aBoolean!

----- Method: FFICallbackResult>>floatResult (in category 'accessing') -----
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackResult class>>fields."
	^handle doubleAt: 1!

----- Method: FFICallbackResult>>floatResult: (in category 'accessing') -----
floatResult: aFloat
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackResult class>>fields."
	handle doubleAt: 1 put: aFloat!

----- Method: FFICallbackResult>>integerResult (in category 'accessing') -----
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackResult class>>fields."
	^handle signedLongAt: 1!

----- Method: FFICallbackResult>>integerResult: (in category 'accessing') -----
integerResult: anInteger
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackResult class>>fields."
	handle signedLongAt: 1 put: anInteger!

----- Method: FFICallbackResult>>positiveIntegerResult (in category 'accessing') -----
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackResult class>>fields."
	^handle unsignedLongAt: 1!

----- Method: FFICallbackResult>>positiveIntegerResult: (in category 'accessing') -----
positiveIntegerResult: anInteger
	"This method was automatically generated. See FFICallbackResult class>>fields."
	handle unsignedLongAt: 1 put: anInteger!

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