[Pkg] FFI: FFI-Kernel-mt.89.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Thu Jun 4 13:58:25 UTC 2020

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of FFI-Kernel to project FFI:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: FFI-Kernel-mt.89
Author: mt
Time: 4 June 2020, 3:58:25.336669 pm
UUID: 40d6dc34-2829-e141-ac5e-405a9753b67b
Ancestors: FFI-Kernel-mt.88

Serveral fixes concerning the creation for external struct types during field compilation in external structs. It is now possible to have a pointer to the same struct you are currently defining in the very first try.

typedef struct Link {
   struct Link* next;
} Link;

Note that I think there is no need for #initializeStructureTypes anymore. I may drop that in the near future in favor of the #platformChangedFrom:to: mechanism. :-)

=============== Diff against FFI-Kernel-mt.88 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ExternalFunction class>>forceTypeNamed: (in category 'compiler support') -----
- forceTypeNamed: aString
- 	^ExternalType forceTypeNamed: aString!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ExternalFunction class>>isValidType: (in category 'compiler support') -----
- isValidType: anObject
- 	^anObject isBehavior and:[anObject includesBehavior: ExternalStructure]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalFunction class>>newTypeNamed: (in category 'compiler support') -----
+ newTypeNamed: typeName
+ 	^ExternalType newTypeNamed: typeName!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalFunction class>>typeNamed: (in category 'compiler support') -----
+ typeNamed: aString
+ 	^ExternalType typeNamed: aString!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalStructure class>>byteAlignment (in category 'field definition') -----
- 	byteAlignment ifNil: [self compileFields].
- 	self assert: byteAlignment ~~ nil.
  	^ byteAlignment!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalStructure class>>compileAlias:withAccessors: (in category 'field definition') -----
  compileAlias: spec withAccessors: aSymbol
  	"Define all the fields in the receiver.
  	Return the newly compiled spec."
+ 	| fieldName fieldTypeName isPointerField externalType newCompiledSpec |
- 	| fieldName fieldType isPointerField externalType newCompiledSpec |
  	fieldName := spec first.
+ 	fieldTypeName := spec second.
+ 	isPointerField := fieldTypeName last = $*.
+ 	fieldTypeName := fieldTypeName copyWithout: $*.
+ 	externalType := (ExternalType typeNamed: fieldTypeName)
+ 		ifNil: [self errorTypeNotFound: spec second].
- 	fieldType := spec second.
- 	isPointerField := fieldType last = $*.
- 	fieldType := fieldType copyWithout: $*.
- 	externalType := ExternalType atomicTypeNamed: fieldType.
- 	externalType == nil ifTrue:["non-atomic"
- 		Symbol hasInterned: fieldType ifTrue:[:sym|
- 			externalType := ExternalType structTypeNamed: sym]].
- 	externalType == nil ifTrue:[
- 		Transcript show:'(', fieldType,' is void)'.
- 		externalType := ExternalType void].
  	isPointerField ifTrue:[externalType := externalType asPointerType].
  	(fieldName notNil and:[self shouldGenerate: fieldName policy: aSymbol]) ifTrue:[
  		self defineAliasAccessorsFor: fieldName
  			type: externalType].
  	newCompiledSpec := isPointerField 
  		ifTrue:[WordArray with: 
  					(ExternalType structureSpec bitOr: ExternalType pointerSpec)]
  		ifFalse:[externalType compiledSpec].
  	byteAlignment := isPointerField
  		ifTrue: [ExternalType pointerAlignment]
  		ifFalse: [externalType byteAlignment].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalStructure class>>compileFields:withAccessors: (in category 'field definition') -----
  compileFields: specArray withAccessors: aSymbol 
  	"Compile a type specification for the FFI machinery.
  	Return the newly compiled spec.
  	Eventually generate the field accessors according to following rules:
  	- aSymbol = #always always generate the accessors
  	- aSymbol = #never never generate the accessors
  	- aSymbol = #generated only generate the auto-generated accessors
  	- aSymbol = #absent only generate the absent accessors"
  	| newByteAlignment byteOffset typeSpec newCompiledSpec |
  	(specArray size > 0 and: [specArray first class ~~ Array]) ifTrue:
  		[^ self compileAlias: specArray withAccessors: aSymbol].
  	byteOffset := 0.
  	newByteAlignment := self minStructureAlignment.
  	typeSpec := WriteStream on: (WordArray new: 10).
  	typeSpec nextPut: FFIFlagStructure.
+ 	specArray do: [:spec |
+ 		| fieldName fieldTypeName isPointerField externalType typeSize fieldAlignment |
- 	"dummy for size"
- 	specArray do:
- 		[:spec | | fieldName fieldType isPointerField externalType typeSize fieldAlignment selfRefering |
  		fieldName := spec first.
+ 		fieldTypeName := spec second.
+ 		isPointerField := fieldTypeName last = $*.
+ 		fieldTypeName := (fieldTypeName findTokens: '*') first withBlanksTrimmed.
+ 		externalType := (ExternalType typeNamed: fieldTypeName)
+ 			ifNil: [self errorTypeNotFound: spec second].
+ 		isPointerField ifTrue: [externalType := externalType asPointerType].
+ 		typeSize := externalType byteSize.
+ 		fieldAlignment := (externalType byteAlignment
+ 			max: self minFieldAlignment)
+ 			min: self maxFieldAlignment.
+ 		byteOffset := byteOffset alignedTo: fieldAlignment.
+ 		newByteAlignment := newByteAlignment max: fieldAlignment.
+ 		spec size > 2 ifTrue: ["extra size"
+ 			spec third < typeSize
+ 				ifTrue: [^ self error: 'Explicit type size is less than expected'].
+ 			typeSize := spec third.
- 		fieldType := spec second.
- 		isPointerField := fieldType last = $*.
- 		fieldType := (fieldType findTokens: '*') first withBlanksTrimmed.
- 		externalType := ExternalType atomicTypeNamed: fieldType.
- 		selfRefering := isPointerField and: [externalType isNil and: [fieldType = self asString]].
- 		selfRefering ifTrue: [
- 			externalType := ExternalType void asPointerType
- 		] ifFalse:[
- 			externalType ifNil: ["non-atomic"
- 				(Symbol lookup: fieldType) ifNotNil: [:sym |
- 					externalType := ExternalType structTypeNamed: sym].
- 			].
- 			externalType ifNil: [
- 				Transcript show: '(' , fieldType , ' is void)'.
- 				externalType := ExternalType void.
- 			].
- 			isPointerField ifTrue: [externalType := externalType asPointerType]].
- 			typeSize := externalType byteSize.
- 			fieldAlignment := (externalType byteAlignment max: self minFieldAlignment)
- 				min: self maxFieldAlignment.
- 			byteOffset := byteOffset alignedTo: fieldAlignment.
- 			newByteAlignment := newByteAlignment max: fieldAlignment.
- 			spec size > 2 ifTrue: ["extra size"
- 				spec third < typeSize
- 					ifTrue: [^ self error: 'Explicit type size is less than expected'].
- 				typeSize := spec third.
- 			].
- 			(fieldName notNil and: [self shouldGenerate: fieldName policy: aSymbol]) ifTrue: [
- 				self defineFieldAccessorsFor: fieldName startingAt: byteOffset + 1 type: externalType.
- 			].
- 			typeSpec nextPutAll: (externalType embeddedSpecWithSize: typeSize).
- 			byteOffset := byteOffset + typeSize.
+ 		(fieldName notNil and: [self shouldGenerate: fieldName policy: aSymbol]) ifTrue: [
+ 			self defineFieldAccessorsFor: fieldName startingAt: byteOffset + 1 type: externalType.
+ 		].
+ 		typeSpec nextPutAll: (externalType embeddedSpecWithSize: typeSize).
+ 		byteOffset := byteOffset + typeSize.
+ 		].
  	newByteAlignment := newByteAlignment min: self maxStructureAlignment.
  	byteOffset := byteOffset alignedTo: newByteAlignment.
  	newCompiledSpec := typeSpec contents.
  	newCompiledSpec at: 1 put: (byteOffset bitOr: FFIFlagStructure).
  	byteAlignment := newByteAlignment.
  	^ newCompiledSpec!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalStructure class>>compileFieldsSilently (in category 'field definition') -----
+ compileFieldsSilently
+ 	compiledSpec := self compileFields: self fields withAccessors: #generated.
+ 	^compiledSpec!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalStructure class>>compiledSpec (in category 'field definition') -----
+ 	^compiledSpec!
- 	"Return the compiled spec of the receiver"
- 	^compiledSpec ifNil:[self compileFields].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalStructure class>>errorTypeNotFound: (in category 'field definition') -----
+ errorTypeNotFound: typeName
+ 	self error: ('Unknown external type ''{1}''. If it is a structure type, create a class for that structure first.' format: {typeName}).!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ExternalType class>>atomicTypeNamed: (in category 'instance lookup') -----
- ----- Method: ExternalType class>>atomicTypeNamed: (in category 'private') -----
  atomicTypeNamed: aString
  	^AtomicTypes at: aString ifAbsent:[nil]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ExternalType class>>forceTypeNamed: (in category 'private') -----
- forceTypeNamed: aString
- 	^self newTypeNamed: aString force: true!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalType class>>initializeStructureTypes (in category 'class initialization') -----
  	"ExternalType initialize"
+ 	| referentClassOrNil |
- 	| referentClass pointerType |
  	self cleanupUnusedTypes.
+ 	StructTypes keysAndValuesDo:[:referentName :type |
+ 		referentClassOrNil := (self environment classNamed: referentName)
+ 			ifNotNil: [:cls | (cls  includesBehavior: ExternalStructure) ifTrue: [cls]].
+ 		self flag: #remove. "mt: Recompilation happens already via ExternalObject."
+ 		referentClassOrNil ifNotNil: [referentClassOrNil compileFieldsSilently].
+ 		type asNonPointerType
+ 			newReferentClass: referentClassOrNil.
+ 		type asPointerType
+ 			newReferentClass: referentClassOrNil.
- 	StructTypes keysAndValuesDo:[:referentName :type|
- 		referentClass := (Smalltalk at: referentName ifAbsent:[nil]).
- 		(referentClass isBehavior and:[
- 			referentClass includesBehavior: ExternalStructure])
- 				ifFalse:[referentClass := nil].
- 		type compiledSpec: 
- 			(WordArray with: self structureSpec).
- 		type newReferentClass: referentClass.
- 		pointerType := type asPointerType.
- 		pointerType compiledSpec: 
- 			(WordArray with: self pointerSpec);
- 			byteAlignment: self pointerAlignment.
- 		pointerType newReferentClass: referentClass.

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalType class>>newTypeForStructureClass: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ newTypeForStructureClass: anExternalStructureClass
+ 	| type referentClass |
+ 	referentClass := anExternalStructureClass.
+ 	self assert: [referentClass includesBehavior: ExternalStructure].
+ 	type := self newTypeForUnknownNamed: referentClass name.
+ 	referentClass compiledSpec
+ 		ifNil: [ "First time. The referent class' fields are probably just compiled for the first time."
+ 			type asNonPointerType setReferentClass: referentClass.
+ 			type asPointerType setReferentClass: referentClass]
+ 		ifNotNil: [
+ 			type asNonPointerType newReferentClass: referentClass.
+ 			type asPointerType newReferentClass: referentClass].			
+ 	^ type!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalType class>>newTypeForUnknownNamed: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ newTypeForUnknownNamed: typeName
+ 	| type pointerType |
+ 	self assert: [(StructTypes includesKey: typeName) not].
+ 	type := self basicNew
+ 		compiledSpec: (WordArray with: self structureSpec);
+ 		yourself.
+ 	pointerType := self basicNew
+ 		compiledSpec: (WordArray with: self pointerSpec);
+ 		yourself.
+ 	"Connect non-pointer type with pointer type."
+ 	type setReferencedType: pointerType.
+ 	pointerType setReferencedType: type.
+ 	"Remember this new struct type."
+ 	self flag: #discuss. "mt: Field definitions in external structures will usually have strings of the struct type, not symbols. At least, if it is a pointer to that struct type. Maybe we should always use strings instead of symbols?"
+ 	StructTypes at: typeName asSymbol put: type.
+ 	^ type!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalType class>>newTypeNamed: (in category 'instance creation') -----
+ newTypeNamed: aTypeName
+ 	| structClass |
+ 	structClass := (self environment classNamed: aTypeName)
+ 		ifNotNil: [:class | (class includesBehavior: ExternalStructure) ifTrue: [class]].
+ 	^ structClass
+ 		ifNil: [self newTypeForUnknownNamed: aTypeName]
+ 		ifNotNil: [self newTypeForStructureClass: structClass]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: ExternalType class>>newTypeNamed:force: (in category 'private') -----
- newTypeNamed: aString force: aBool
- 	| sym type referentClass pointerType |
- 	sym := aString asSymbol.
- 	type := StructTypes at: aString ifAbsent:[nil].
- 	type == nil ifFalse:[^type].
- 	referentClass := Smalltalk at: sym ifAbsent:[nil].
- 	(referentClass isBehavior and:[referentClass includesBehavior: ExternalStructure])
- 		ifFalse:[referentClass := nil].
- 	"If we don't have a referent class and are not forced to create a type get out"
- 	(referentClass == nil and:[aBool not]) ifTrue:[^nil].
- 	type := self basicNew compiledSpec: 
- 		(WordArray with: self structureSpec).
- 	pointerType := self basicNew compiledSpec: 
- 		(WordArray with: self pointerSpec).
- 	type setReferencedType: pointerType.
- 	pointerType setReferencedType: type.
- 	type newReferentClass: referentClass.
- 	pointerType newReferentClass: referentClass.
- 	pointerType byteAlignment: self pointerAlignment.
- 	StructTypes at: sym put: type.
- 	^type!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: ExternalType class>>structTypeNamed: (in category 'instance lookup') -----
+ structTypeNamed: typeName
+ 	"Answers the external type for the struct named typeName. If there is no type yet, create a new one but only if typeName can be matched to an existing class in the system already. If you still need a type even if there is no such class present, use #newTypeNamed: to create a type with an unknown referent class."
+ 	^ (StructTypes at: typeName ifAbsent: [nil])
+ 		ifNil: [
+ 			(self environment classNamed: typeName)
+ 				ifNotNil: [:cls | (cls includesBehavior: ExternalStructure) ifTrue: [
+ 					StructTypes removeKey: typeName ifAbsent: [].
+ 					self newTypeNamed: typeName]]]
+ !
- ----- Method: ExternalType class>>structTypeNamed: (in category 'private') -----
- structTypeNamed: aSymbol
- 	aSymbol == nil ifTrue:[^nil].
- 	^self newTypeNamed: aSymbol force: false!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalType class>>typeNamed: (in category 'instance lookup') -----
+ typeNamed: typeName
+ 	(self atomicTypeNamed: typeName)
+ 		ifNotNil: [:type | ^ type].
+ 	(self structTypeNamed: typeName)
+ 		ifNotNil: [:type | ^ type].
+ 	^ nil!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalType>>newReferentClass: (in category 'private') -----
  newReferentClass: aClass
  	"The class I'm referencing has changed. Update my spec."
  	referentClass := aClass.
  	self isPointerType ifTrue:[^self]. "for pointers only the referentClass changed"
  	referentClass == nil ifTrue:[
  		"my class has been removed - make me 'struct { void }'"
+ 		compiledSpec := WordArray with: self class structureSpec.
- 		compiledSpec := WordArray with: (FFIFlagStructure).
  		byteAlignment := 1.
  	] ifFalse:[
  		"my class has been changed - update my compiledSpec"
  		compiledSpec := referentClass compiledSpec.
  		byteAlignment := referentClass byteAlignment.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalType>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
  printOn: aStream
+ 	self isAtomic
+ 		ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: (AtomicTypeNames at: self atomicType)]
+ 		ifFalse: [
+ 			referentClass == nil
+ 				ifTrue:[aStream nextPutAll: '<unknown struct type>']
+ 				ifFalse:[aStream nextPutAll: referentClass name]].
- 	referentClass == nil
- 		ifTrue:[aStream nextPutAll: (AtomicTypeNames at: self atomicType)]
- 		ifFalse:[aStream nextPutAll: referentClass name].
  	self isPointerType ifTrue:[aStream nextPut: $*].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalType>>setReferentClass: (in category 'private') -----
+ setReferentClass: aClass
+ 	referentClass := aClass.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalType>>storeOn: (in category 'printing') -----
  storeOn: aStream
+ 	self isAtomic
- 	referentClass == nil
  		ifTrue:[aStream nextPutAll: ExternalType name; space; nextPutAll: (AtomicTypeNames at: self atomicType)]
+ 		ifFalse:[
+ 			referentClass == nil
+ 				ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: 'nil']
+ 				ifFalse: [aStream nextPut: $(; nextPutAll: ExternalType name; space; nextPutAll: #structTypeNamed:; space;  store: referentClass name; nextPut: $)]].
- 		ifFalse:[aStream nextPut: $(; nextPutAll: ExternalType name; space; nextPutAll: #structTypeNamed:; space;  store: referentClass name; nextPut: $)].
  	self isPointerType ifTrue: [aStream space; nextPutAll: #asPointerType].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExternalUnion class>>compileFields:withAccessors: (in category 'field definition') -----
  compileFields: specArray withAccessors: aSymbol 
  	"Compile a type specification for the FFI machinery.
  	Return the newly compiled spec.
  	Eventually generate the field accessors according to the policy defined in aSymbol."
  	| byteOffset maxByteSize typeSpec newCompiledSpec newByteAlignment |
  	(specArray size > 0 and: [specArray first class ~~ Array]) ifTrue:
+ 		[^ self error: 'Use ExternalStructure to define a type alias, not ExternalUnion'].
- 		[^ self error: 'unions must have fields defined by sub-Array'].
  	byteOffset := 1.
  	newByteAlignment := 1.
  	maxByteSize := 0.
  	typeSpec := WriteStream on: (WordArray new: specArray size + 1).
  	typeSpec nextPut: FFIFlagStructure.
+ 	specArray do: [:spec |
+ 		| fieldName fieldTypeName isPointerField externalType typeSize typeAlignment |
- 	"dummy for size"
- 	specArray do:
- 		[:spec |
- 		| fieldName fieldType isPointerField externalType typeSize typeAlignment selfRefering |
  		fieldName := spec first.
+ 		fieldTypeName := spec second.
+ 		isPointerField := fieldTypeName last = $*.
+ 		fieldTypeName := (fieldTypeName findTokens: '*') first withBlanksTrimmed.
+ 		externalType := (ExternalType typeNamed: fieldTypeName)
+ 			ifNil: [self errorTypeNotFound: spec second].
+ 		isPointerField ifTrue: [externalType := externalType asPointerType].
+ 		typeSize := externalType byteSize.
+ 		typeAlignment := externalType byteAlignment.
+ 		spec size > 2 ifTrue: ["extra size"
+ 			spec third < typeSize
+ 				ifTrue: [^ self error: 'Explicit type size is less than expected'].
+ 			typeSize := spec third.
- 		fieldType := spec second.
- 		isPointerField := fieldType last = $*.
- 		fieldType := (fieldType findTokens: '*') first withBlanksTrimmed.
- 		externalType := ExternalType atomicTypeNamed: fieldType.
- 		selfRefering := isPointerField and: [externalType isNil and: [fieldType = self asString]].
- 		selfRefering ifTrue: [
- 			externalType := ExternalType void asPointerType
- 		] ifFalse:[
- 			externalType ifNil: ["non-atomic"
- 				(Symbol lookup: fieldType) ifNotNil: [:sym |
- 					externalType := ExternalType structTypeNamed: sym].
- 			].
- 			externalType ifNil: [
- 				Transcript show: '(' , fieldType , ' is void)'.
- 				externalType := ExternalType void.
- 			].
- 			isPointerField ifTrue: [externalType := externalType asPointerType]].
- 			typeSize := externalType byteSize.
- 			typeAlignment := externalType byteAlignment.
- 			spec size > 2 ifTrue: ["extra size"
- 				spec third < typeSize
- 					ifTrue: [^ self error: 'Explicit type size is less than expected'].
- 				typeSize := spec third.
- 			].
- 			(fieldName notNil and: [self shouldGenerate: fieldName policy: aSymbol]) ifTrue: [
- 				self defineFieldAccessorsFor: fieldName startingAt: byteOffset type: externalType.
- 			].
- 			typeSpec nextPutAll: (externalType embeddedSpecWithSize: typeSize).
- 			maxByteSize := maxByteSize max: typeSize.
- 			newByteAlignment := newByteAlignment max: typeAlignment
+ 		(fieldName notNil and: [self shouldGenerate: fieldName policy: aSymbol]) ifTrue: [
+ 			self defineFieldAccessorsFor: fieldName startingAt: byteOffset type: externalType.
+ 		].
+ 		typeSpec nextPutAll: (externalType embeddedSpecWithSize: typeSize).
+ 		maxByteSize := maxByteSize max: typeSize.
+ 		newByteAlignment := newByteAlignment max: typeAlignment
+ 		].
  	maxByteSize := maxByteSize alignedTo: newByteAlignment.
  	newCompiledSpec := typeSpec contents.
  	newCompiledSpec at: 1 put: (maxByteSize bitOr: FFIFlagStructure).
  	byteAlignment := newByteAlignment.
  	^ newCompiledSpec!

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