[Pkg] The Trunk: WebClient-Tests-ul.60.mcz

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Sun Jun 21 20:41:18 UTC 2020

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of WebClient-Tests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: WebClient-Tests-ul.60
Author: ul
Time: 21 June 2020, 10:41:01.553461 pm
UUID: f295c74c-8e63-487d-aa28-db2210c9b776
Ancestors: WebClient-Tests-nice.59

- added WebMessageTest with test cases covering WebMessage >> #streamDirectlyFrom:  to:  size:  progress:

=============== Diff against WebClient-Tests-nice.59 ===============

Item was added:
+ TestCase subclass: #WebMessageTest
+ 	instanceVariableNames: ''
+ 	classVariableNames: ''
+ 	poolDictionaries: ''
+ 	category: 'WebClient-Tests'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WebMessageTest>>testStreamDirectlyFromToSizeProgressWhenSizeIsNotSpecified (in category 'tests') -----
+ testStreamDirectlyFromToSizeProgressWhenSizeIsNotSpecified
+ 	| message |
+ 	message := WebMessage new.
+ 	{
+ 		ByteArray. #yourself.
+ 		ByteString. #asString
+ 	} groupsDo: [ :bufferClass :byteArrayToBufferClassConverterSelector |
+ 		| maxSize source destination progressData totalRead |
+ 		maxSize := 10000. "Should be greater than the buffer size used by #streamDirectlyFrom:to:size:progress:"
+ 		source := ((ByteArray new: maxSize streamContents: [ :stream |
+ 			1 to: maxSize do: [ :i | stream nextPut: (i bitAnd: 16rFF) ] ]) perform: byteArrayToBufferClassConverterSelector) readStream.
+ 		destination := (bufferClass new: maxSize) writeStream.
+ 		progressData := OrderedCollection new.
+ 		0 to: maxSize do: [ :bytesToStream |
+ 			totalRead := 0.
+ 			source position: maxSize - bytesToStream.
+ 			destination originalContents from: 1 to: destination position put: (bufferClass == ByteArray ifTrue: [ 0 ] ifFalse: [ Character value: 0 ]).
+ 			destination resetToStart.
+ 			progressData reset.
+ 			message
+ 				streamDirectlyFrom: source
+ 				to: destination
+ 				size: nil
+ 				progress: [ :size :bytesRead |
+ 					self assert: nil equals: size description: 'Progress block''s first argument should be the requested size - in this case nil'.
+ 					progressData add: bytesRead ].
+ 			bytesToStream > 0
+ 				ifTrue: [
+ 					self assert: progressData notEmpty description: 'Missing progress data.'.
+ 					self assert: 0 equals: progressData first description: 'First progress data should report 0 size.'.
+ 					self assert: bytesToStream equals: progressData last description: 'Last progress data should be the number of bytes streamed'.
+ 					self assert: progressData isSorted description: 'Progress data should be monotonic' ]
+ 				ifFalse: [
+ 					self assert: (progressData isEmpty or: [ progressData size = 1 and: [ progressData first = 0 ] ]) description: 'Unexpected progress data' ].
+ 			self assert: bytesToStream equals: destination position description: 'All bytes should be streamed'.
+ 			1 to: bytesToStream do: [ :i |
+ 				(destination originalContents at: i) = (source originalContents at: maxSize - bytesToStream + i) ifFalse: [ "This comparison is the same as the next assertion but it's significantly cheaper."
+ 					self assert: (source originalContents at: maxSize - bytesToStream + i) equals: (destination originalContents at: i) description: 'Copied data doesn''t match source.' ] ] ] ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: WebMessageTest>>testStreamDirectlyFromToSizeProgressWhenSizeIsSpecified (in category 'tests') -----
+ testStreamDirectlyFromToSizeProgressWhenSizeIsSpecified
+ 	<timeout: 20>
+ 	| message |
+ 	message := WebMessage new.
+ 	{
+ 		ByteArray. #yourself.
+ 		ByteString. #asString
+ 	} groupsDo: [ :bufferClass :byteArrayToBufferClassConverterSelector |
+ 		| maxSize source destination progressData totalRead |
+ 		maxSize := 10000. "Should be greater than the buffer size used by #streamDirectlyFrom:to:size:progress:"
+ 		source := ((ByteArray new: maxSize streamContents: [ :stream |
+ 			1 to: maxSize do: [ :i | stream nextPut: (i bitAnd: 16rFF) ] ]) perform: byteArrayToBufferClassConverterSelector) readStream.
+ 		destination := (bufferClass new: maxSize) writeStream.
+ 		progressData := OrderedCollection new.
+ 		0 to: maxSize + 1 do: [ :bytesToStream |
+ 			totalRead := 0.
+ 			source reset.
+ 			destination resetToStart.
+ 			destination originalContents from: 1 to: destination position put: (bufferClass == ByteArray ifTrue: [ 0 ] ifFalse: [ Character value: 0 ]).
+ 			progressData reset.
+ 			message
+ 				streamDirectlyFrom: source
+ 				to: destination
+ 				size: bytesToStream
+ 				progress: [ :size :bytesRead |
+ 					self assert: bytesToStream equals: size description: 'Progress block''s first argument should be the requested size'.
+ 					progressData add: bytesRead ].
+ 			bytesToStream > 0
+ 				ifTrue: [
+ 					self assert: 0 equals: progressData first description: 'First progress data should report 0 size.'.
+ 					self assert: (bytesToStream min: maxSize) equals: progressData last description: 'Last progress data should be the minimum of the number of bytes available and the number of bytes requested'.
+ 					self assert: progressData isSorted description: 'Progress data should be monotonic' ]
+ 				ifFalse: [
+ 					self assert: (progressData isEmpty or: [ progressData size = 1 and: [ progressData first = 0 ] ]) ].
+ 			self assert: (bytesToStream min: maxSize) equals: destination position description: 'Last progress data should be the number of bytes read'.
+ 			1 to: destination position do: [ :i |
+ 				(destination originalContents at: i) = (source originalContents at: i) ifFalse: [ "This comparison is the same as the next assertion but it's significantly cheaper."
+ 					self assert: (source originalContents at: maxSize - bytesToStream + i) equals: (destination originalContents at: i) description: 'Copied data doesn''t match source.' ] ] ] ]!

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