[Pkg] The Trunk: Files-eem.187.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Thu Mar 4 18:21:32 UTC 2021

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Files to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Files-eem.187
Author: eem
Time: 4 March 2021, 10:21:30.924262 am
UUID: f14c3a5e-9f1b-4aff-9c3d-b239a4c9a5e9
Ancestors: Files-ul.186

Robustness with drop events.
Put colleting directories and streams in a utility method for headless apps (drop events can be launch events on OSs such as macOS).
Fix a speeling roore.

=============== Diff against Files-ul.186 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: FileDirectory class>>dropFilesAndDirectories: (in category 'dnd requests') -----
+ dropFilesAndDirectories: numFiles
+ 	"Answer a sequence of directories and/or streams for a drop event.
+ 	 The collect5ion may be empty."
+ 	^(1 to: numFiles)
+ 		collect:
+ 			[:index |
+ 			(self requestDropDirectory: index) ifNil:
+ 				[FileStream requestDropStream: index]]
+ 		thenSelect: [:directoryOrStreamOrNil| directoryOrStreamOrNil notNil]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileDirectory class>>requestDropDirectory: (in category 'dnd requests') -----
  requestDropDirectory: dropIndex
  	^(FileStream primDropRequestFileName: dropIndex) ifNotNil:
+ 		[:dropFileName| | potentialDirectory | 
+ 		potentialDirectory := self on: dropFileName.
- 		[:dropFileDirdectoryName| | potentialDirectory | 
- 		potentialDirectory := self on: dropFileDirdectoryName.
  		potentialDirectory exists ifTrue: [potentialDirectory]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StandardFileStream>>requestDropStream: (in category 'dnd requests') -----
  requestDropStream: dropIndex
+ 	"Answer a read-only stream for some file the user has just dropped onto Squeak,
+ 	 or nil if dropIndex does not refer to a file."
+ 	^(self class primDropRequestFileName: dropIndex) ifNotNil:
+ 		[:rawName|
+ 		name := rawName vmPathToSqueakPath.
+ 		fileID := self primDropRequestFileHandle: dropIndex.
+ 		fileID ifNotNil:
+ 			[self register.
+ 			rwmode := false.
+ 			buffer1 := String new: 1.
+ 			self enableReadBuffering.
+ 			self]]!
- 	"Return a read-only stream for some file the user has just dropped onto Squeak."
- 	| rawName |
- 	rawName := self class primDropRequestFileName: dropIndex.
- 	name := rawName vmPathToSqueakPath.
- 	fileID := self primDropRequestFileHandle: dropIndex.
- 	fileID == nil ifTrue:[^nil].
- 	self register.
- 	rwmode := false.
- 	buffer1 := String new: 1.
- 	self enableReadBuffering
- !

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