[Pkg] The Trunk: 60Deprecated-mt.92.mcz

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Mon Mar 15 10:20:58 UTC 2021

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of 60Deprecated to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: 60Deprecated-mt.92
Author: mt
Time: 15 March 2021, 11:20:56.564586 am
UUID: 0255ae66-599c-9a44-94cc-f9979cf1f7c8
Ancestors: 60Deprecated-mt.91

Complements Kernel-mt.1381

Fixes for debugger invocation during code simulation. See  http://forum.world.st/Please-try-out-Fixes-for-debugger-invocation-during-code-simulation-td5127684.html

=============== Diff against 60Deprecated-mt.91 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: DialogWindow>>findInvocationContext (in category '*60Deprecated-private') -----
+ findInvocationContext
+ 	| context |
+ 	context := thisContext.
+ 	[context method selector = #getUserResponse and: [context isMethodContext]]
+ 		whileFalse: [context := context sender].
+ 	^ context!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Process>>debug: (in category '*60Deprecated-System-debugging') -----
+ debug: context
+ 	self flag: #deprecated.
+ 	^ self debug: context title: nil!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Process>>debug:title: (in category '*60Deprecated-System-debugging') -----
+ debug: context title: title
+ 	self flag: #deprecated.
+ 	^ self debug: context title: title full: true!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Process>>debug:title:full: (in category '*60Deprecated-System-debugging') -----
+ debug: context title: title full: bool
+ 	self flag: #deprecated.
+ 	^ self
+ 		debug: context
+ 		title: title
+ 		full: bool
+ 		contents: nil!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Process>>debug:title:full:contents: (in category '*60Deprecated-System-debugging') -----
+ debug: context title: title full: bool contents: contents
+ 	| topCtxt |
+ 	self deprecated: 'ct: Use #debugWithTitle:... to debug the process from its top, "ToolSet debugProcess:..." to customize the entry context, or the debugging protocol on Processor to debug the active process.'.
+ 	"See also the comment in #debugWithTitle:full:contents: on debugging the active process."
+ 	topCtxt := self suspendedContext ifNil: [thisContext].
+ 	(topCtxt hasContext: context) ifFalse: [^ self error: 'context not in process' translated].
+ 	^ ToolSet debugProcess: self context: context label: title contents: contents fullView: bool!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ToolSet class>>debugContext:label:contents: (in category '*60Deprecated-debugging') -----
  debugContext: aContext label: aString contents: contents
+ 	self deprecated: 'ct: Use Processor >> #debugContext:... instead'.
+ 	^ Processor
+ 		debugContext: aContext
+ 		title: aString
+ 		full: false
+ 		contents: contents!
- 	self deprecated.
- 	^  self
- 		debugProcess: Processor activeProcess
- 		context: aContext
- 		label: aString
- 		contents: contents
- 		fullView: false!

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