[Pkg] The Trunk: System-mt.1246.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Thu Nov 18 15:58:24 UTC 2021

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-mt.1246
Author: mt
Time: 18 November 2021, 4:58:20.988305 pm
UUID: 836f218d-5bda-5146-a978-5f6072893f80
Ancestors: System-eem.1245, System-ct.1221

Merges System-ct.1221. 

Extracts confirm-and-remove actions from Tools (e.g., Browser, Debugger, MessageSet) to SystemNavigation to
- remove code duplication
- reduce concept scattering
- clarify the variations in tools themselves.

See Browser >> #removeClass as an example.

=============== Diff against System-eem.1245 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>confirmAndRemoveClass: (in category 'ui') -----
+ confirmAndRemoveClass: aClass
+ 	| allCalls subclasses hasForeignCalls className numberOfMethods allChoices yourChoice remove browse|
+ 	allCalls := self allCallsOnClass: aClass.
+ 	subclasses := aClass subclasses.
+ 	hasForeignCalls := allCalls anySatisfy: [:ea | ea actualClass ~= aClass].
+ 	className := aClass name.
+ 	numberOfMethods := aClass methodDict size + aClass class methodDict size.
+ 	allChoices := OrderedDictionary new.
+ 	allChoices at: 'Yes, remove it' translated put: [remove := true. browse := false].
+ 	(allCalls notEmpty or: [subclasses notEmpty]) ifTrue: [
+ 		allChoices at: 'Yes, remove it, then browse references' translated put: [remove := true. browse := true].
+ 		allChoices at: 'No, don''t remove it, but browse references' translated put: [remove := false. browse := true]].
+ 	allChoices at: 'No, don''t remove it' translated put: [remove := false. browse := false].
+ 	yourChoice := Project uiManager
+ 		chooseFromLabeledValues: allChoices
+ 		title: ('Are you sure that you want to remove\the class\\	{1}\\and all its {2} methods? Maybe save\your image before doing this.{3}{4}' translated withCRs asText format: {
+ 			className asText allBold.
+ 			numberOfMethods asString asText allBold.
+ 			hasForeignCalls ifFalse: [''] ifTrue: [
+ 				'\\(There are {1} references to this class.)' translated withCRs asText
+ 					format: { allCalls size asString asText allBold }].
+ 			subclasses ifEmpty: [''] ifNotEmpty: [
+ 				'\\(There are {1} subclasses, whose superclass\must be updated manually after this.)' translated withCRs asText
+ 					format: { subclasses size asString asText allBold }] }).
+ 	remove := browse := false. "Defaults"
+ 	yourChoice value. "Supports nil because of defaults above."
+ 	remove ifTrue: [
+ 		aClass removeFromSystem].
+ 	browse ifTrue: [
+ 		hasForeignCalls ifTrue: [
+ 			self browseAllCallsOnClass: aClass].
+ 		subclasses ifNotEmpty: [
+ 			self
+ 				browseMessageList: (subclasses collect: [:subclass | MethodReference class: subclass selector: #Definition environment: self environment])
+ 				name: ('Subclasses of {1}' translated format: {className})
+ 				autoSelect: className]].
+ 	^ remove!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>confirmAndRemoveMessageCategory:class: (in category 'ui') -----
+ confirmAndRemoveMessageCategory: aCategory class: aClass
+ 	| categoryList |
+ 	categoryList := aClass organization listAtCategoryNamed: aCategory.
+ 	(categoryList isEmpty
+ 		or: [Project uiManager confirm: ('Are you sure you want to remove\the message category\\	{1}\	from {2}\\and all its {3} methods? Maybe save\your image before doing this.' translated withCRs asText format: {
+ 				aCategory asText allBold.
+ 				aClass name.
+ 				categoryList size asString asText allBold
+ 					}) title: 'Remove Message Category' translated])
+ 		ifFalse: [^ false].
+ 	aClass removeCategory: aCategory.
+ 	^ true!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>confirmAndRemoveSelector:class: (in category 'ui') -----
+ confirmAndRemoveSelector: selector class: aClass
+ 	| method allCalls remove browse |
+ 	method := MethodReference class: aClass selector: selector environment: self environment.
+ 	allCalls := self allCallsOn: selector.
+ 	(allCalls anySatisfy: [:ea | ea ~= method])
+ 		ifFalse: [remove := true. browse := false]
+ 		ifTrue: [ | allChoices yourChoice |
+ 			allChoices := OrderedDictionary new.
+ 			allChoices at: 'Yes, remove it' translated put: [remove := true. browse := false].
+ 			allChoices at: 'Yes, remove it, then browse senders' translated put: [remove := true. browse := true].
+ 			allChoices at: 'No, don''t remove it, but browse senders' translated put: [remove := false. browse := true].
+ 			allChoices at: 'No, don''t remove it' translated put: [remove := false. browse := false].
+ 			yourChoice := Project uiManager
+ 				chooseFromLabeledValues: allChoices
+ 				title: ('Are you sure that you want to remove the message\{1} from {2}?\\The message has {3} senders.' withCRs translated asText format: {
+ 					selector asText allBold.
+ 					aClass name asText allBold.
+ 					allCalls size asString asText allBold }).
+ 			remove := browse := false. "Defaults"
+ 			yourChoice value. "Supports nil because of defaults above."].
+ 	remove ifTrue: [
+ 		aClass removeSelector: selector].
+ 	browse ifTrue: [
+ 		self headingAndAutoselectForLiteral: selector do: [ :label :autoSelect |
+ 			self
+ 				browseMessageList: allCalls
+ 				name: label
+ 				autoSelect: autoSelect]].
+ 	^ remove!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>confirmAndRemoveSystemCategory: (in category 'ui') -----
+ confirmAndRemoveSystemCategory: aCategory
+ 	| systemOrganizer categoryList |
+ 	systemOrganizer := self environment organization.
+ 	categoryList := systemOrganizer listAtCategoryNamed: aCategory.
+ 	(categoryList isEmpty
+ 		or: [Project uiManager
+ 			confirm: ('Are you sure you want to remove\the system category\\	{1}\\and all its {2} classes? Maybe save\your image before doing this.' translated withCRs asText
+ 				format: {
+ 					aCategory asText allBold.
+ 					categoryList size asString asText allBold})
+ 			title: 'Remove System Category' translated])
+ 		ifFalse: [^ false].
+ 	systemOrganizer removeSystemCategory: aCategory.
+ 	^ true!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SystemNavigation>>confirmRemovalOf:on: (in category 'ui') -----
- confirmRemovalOf: aSelector on: aClass 
- 	"Determine if it is okay to remove the given selector. Answer 1 if it  
- 	should be removed, 2 if it should be removed followed by a senders  
- 	browse, and 3 if it should not be removed."
- 	| count answer caption allCalls |
- 	allCalls := self allCallsOn: aSelector.
- 	(count := allCalls size) = 0
- 		ifTrue: [^ 1].
- 	"no senders -- let the removal happen without warning"
- 	count = 1
- 		ifTrue: [(allCalls first actualClass == aClass
- 					and: [allCalls first methodSymbol == aSelector])
- 				ifTrue: [^ 1]].
- 	"only sender is itself"
- 	caption := 'The message "{1}" has {2} sender{3}.' translated format: {aSelector. count. count > 1 ifTrue: ['s'] ifFalse: ['']}.
- 	answer := UIManager default 
- 		chooseFrom: #('Remove it'
- 				'Remove, then browse senders'
- 				'Don''t remove, but show me those senders'
- 				'Forget it -- do nothing -- sorry I asked') title: caption.
- 	answer = 3
- 		ifTrue: [self
- 				browseMessageList: allCalls
- 				name: 'Senders of ' , aSelector
- 				autoSelect: aSelector keywords first].
- 	answer = 0
- 		ifTrue: [answer := 3].
- 	"If user didn't answer, treat it as cancel"
- 	^ answer min: 3!

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