[Pkg] The Trunk: Network-eem.249.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Wed Oct 13 00:04:36 UTC 2021

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Network to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Network-eem.249
Author: eem
Time: 12 October 2021, 5:04:34.016607 pm
UUID: e005ce57-6681-403f-8cea-862ea013cd14
Ancestors: Network-ul.248

Extend HTTPServerDirectory so that it can parse XML descriptions as per e.g. http://files.squeak.org/trunk/.  This works, but could really do with a review from someone intimately familiar with ServerDirectory and subclasses.

Hence the following gets the latest trunk images and unpacks them:
| entries |
entries := (HTTPServerDirectory new type: #http)
			altUrl: 'http://files.squeak.org/trunk/';
#('32bit' '64bit') do:
	[:bitness| | latest |
	latest := (entries select: [:entry| entry name includesSubstring: bitness])
						inject: entries first
						into: [:best :each| | vnb vne |
							vnb := (best name subStrings: '-') second asInteger.
							vne := (each name subStrings: '-') second asInteger.
							vnb > vne
								ifTrue: [best]
								ifFalse: [each]].
	Cursor write showWhile:
		[(Cursor read showWhile:
			[ZipArchive new readFrom: (((HTTPServerDirectory new type: #http)
									altUrl: (latest containingDirectory altUrl, latest name);
									entries) detect: [:entry| entry name endsWith: 'bit.zip']) readStream])
			extractAllTo: FileDirectory default
			informing: nil
			overwrite: true]]

=============== Diff against Network-ul.248 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HTTPServerDirectory>>entries (in category 'file directory') -----
  	| answer ftpEntries |
  	answer := HTTPSocket httpGetDocument: self dirListUrl.
  	answer isString
  		ifTrue: [^self error: 'Listing failed: ' , answer]
  		ifFalse: [answer := answer content].
+ 	answer first = $< ifTrue:
+ 		[(answer first: 5) =  '<?xml' ifTrue:
+ 			[(Smalltalk classNamed: #XMLDOMParser) ifNotNil:
+ 				[^self parseFTPEntriesFromXML: (XMLDOMParser parseDocumentFrom: answer readStream useNamespaces: true)]].
+ 		 self error: 'Listing failed: ' , answer].
- 	answer first = $<
- 		ifTrue: [self error: 'Listing failed: ' , answer].
  	ftpEntries := answer lines.
  	^ ftpEntries 
  		collect:[:ftpEntry | self class parseFTPEntry: ftpEntry]
  		thenSelect: [:entry | entry notNil]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: HTTPServerDirectory>>fileSizeFromString: (in category 'misc') -----
+ fileSizeFromString: aString
+ 	| size |
+ 	size := aString asNumber.
+ 	('KMGTP' indexOf: aString last asUppercase ifAbsent: nil) ifNotNil:
+ 		[:index| size := size * (2 raisedTo: index * 10)]. "1k = 2^10, etc..."
+ 	^size asInteger!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: HTTPServerDirectory>>parseFTPEntriesFromXML: (in category 'misc') -----
+ parseFTPEntriesFromXML: anXMLDocument
+ 	| entries |
+ 	entries := OrderedCollection new.
+ 	anXMLDocument
+ 		tagsNamed: #tr
+ 		ifReceiverDoAndRecurse:
+ 			[:node| | ec |
+ 			((ec := node elementsAndContents) size = 4
+ 			and: [((ec := ec asArray) allSatisfy: [:n| n isTag])
+ 			and: [((ec collect: [:n| n attributeAt: 'class']) sameElements: #('n' 'm' 's' 't'))]]) ifTrue:
+ 				[[:n :m :s :t| | modificationString nameString |
+ 				  (n isTag
+ 				   and: [(modificationString := m string) size > 12 "YYYYMMDDHHSS"
+ 				   and: [modificationString first isDigit]]) ifTrue:
+ 					[nameString := n attributeAt: 'href'.
+ 					 entries addLast:
+ 						(t string = 'Directory' "is-a-directory flag"
+ 							ifTrue:
+ 								[DirectoryEntryDirectory
+ 									directory: self
+ 									name: nameString "file name"
+ 									creationTime: nil
+ 									modificationTime: modificationString asDateAndTime "modification time"
+ 									fileSize: nil]
+ 							ifFalse:
+ 								[DirectoryEntryFile
+ 									directory: self
+ 									name: nameString "file name"
+ 									creationTime: nil
+ 									modificationTime: modificationString asDateAndTime "modification time"
+ 									fileSize: (self fileSizeFromString: s string)])]] valueWithArguments: (ec collect: [:element| element elementsAndContents first])]].
+ 	^entries!

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