[Pkg] The Trunk: SystemReporter-ct.61.mcz

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Sat Apr 2 16:47:48 UTC 2022

Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of SystemReporter to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: SystemReporter-ct.61
Author: ct
Time: 2 April 2022, 6:47:45.377896 pm
UUID: 3f75ee7c-fb80-c24a-a21b-dd095ab761b2
Ancestors: SystemReporter-mt.60

Fixes slip in report of image packages for treated versions.

=============== Diff against SystemReporter-mt.60 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SystemReporter>>reportImagePackages: (in category 'reporting') -----
  reportImagePackages: aStream
  	| organizer trunk treated inbox release releaseRepo attribute others |
  	organizer := PackageOrganizer default.	
  	self header: 'System Categories with Unknown Package' on: aStream.
  	SystemOrganization categories
  		select: [:category | (organizer packageOfSystemCategory: category ifNone: []) isNil]
  		thenDo: [:category | aStream nextPutAll: category; cr].
  	aStream cr.
  	self header: 'Packages with Only Cache Repository' on: aStream.
  	organizer packages 
  		select: [:package |
  			| repos |
  			repos := package mcPackage workingCopy repositoryGroup repositories.
  			repos size = 1 and: [repos first == MCRepository packageCache]]
  		thenDo: [:package | aStream nextPutAll: package mcPackage workingCopy description; cr].
  	aStream cr.
  	self header: 'Official Packages' on: aStream.
  	others := OrderedCollection new.
  	trunk := MCRepository trunk allVersionNames.
  	inbox := MCRepository inbox allVersionNames.
  	treated := MCRepository treated allVersionNames.
  	releaseRepo := [[ReleaseBuilder releaseRepository] valueSupplyingAnswer: {'*'. true}] on: ReleaseBuilderFailed do: [:ex | nil].
  	release := releaseRepo ifNotNil: [:repo | repo allVersionNames] ifNil: [#()].
  	(organizer packages sorted: [:a :b | a packageName <= b packageName])
  		collect: [:package | package mcPackage workingCopy]
  		thenDo: [:workingCopy | | version repo |
  			version := workingCopy ancestry ancestors ifNotEmpty: [:a | a first].
  			version ifNotNil: [version := version name].
  			attribute := TextEmphasis normal.
  			(release includes: version)
  				ifTrue: [repo := releaseRepo]
  				ifFalse: [(trunk includes: version)
  					ifTrue: [repo := MCRepository trunk]
  					ifFalse: [(inbox includes: version)
  						ifTrue: [repo := MCRepository inbox. attribute := TextEmphasis bold]
  						ifFalse: [(treated includes: version)
+ 							ifTrue: [repo := MCRepository treated. attribute := TextColor gray]
- 							ifTrue: [repo := treated. attribute := TextColor gray]
  							ifFalse: [others add: workingCopy]]].
  			repo ifNotNil: [ "Only official packages here."
  				aStream withAttribute: attribute do: [
  						nextPutAll: workingCopy description;
  						nextPutAll: ' --- ';
  						nextPutAll: repo description; cr]]]].
  	aStream cr.
  	self header: 'Other Packages' on: aStream.
  		select: [:workingCopy | workingCopy repositoryGroup repositories size > 1]
  		thenDo: [:workingCopy |
  				nextPutAll: workingCopy description; 
  				nextPutAll: ' --- ';
  				nextPutAll: workingCopy repositoryGroup repositories second description; cr]

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