[Pkg] The Trunk: EToys-tpr.472.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Tue Apr 19 18:40:49 UTC 2022

tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-tpr.472
Author: tpr
Time: 19 April 2022, 11:40:40.377714 am
UUID: 01c22370-cb81-469f-95f1-fc3729928e9c
Ancestors: EToys-ct.471

Use the new ToolBuilder ability to show a list of options - typically a small number, maybe with a cancel button etc - as opposed to an arbitrary list of values. This separates it out from the chooseFrom:... protocol.
Also update "UIManager default" with "Project uiManager"

=============== Diff against EToys-ct.471 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Morph>>abstractAModel (in category '*Etoys-card in a stack') -----
  	"Find data-containing fields in me.  Make a new class, whose instance variables are named for my fields, and whose values are the values I am showing.  Use a CardPlayer for now.  Force the user to name the fields.  Make slots for text, Number Watchers, SketchMorphs, and ImageMorphs."
  	| unnamed ans player twoListsOfMorphs holdsSepData docks oldPlayer instVarNames |
  	(oldPlayer := self player) ifNotNil: 
+ 			[oldPlayer belongsToUniClass ifTrue: 
+ 				["Player"
+ 				oldPlayer class instVarNames ifNotEmpty: 
+ 					[self inform: 'I already have a regular Player, so I can''t have a CardPlayer'.
+ 					^true]]].
- 			[oldPlayer belongsToUniClass 
- 				ifTrue: 
- 					["Player"
- 					oldPlayer class instVarNames notEmpty 
- 						ifTrue: 
- 							[self 
- 								inform: 'I already have a regular Player, so I can''t have a CardPlayer'.
- 							^true]]].
  	twoListsOfMorphs := StackMorph discoverSlots: self.
  	holdsSepData := twoListsOfMorphs first.
  	instVarNames := ''.
  	holdsSepData do: 
  			[:ea | | iVarName | 
  			iVarName := Scanner wellFormedInstanceVariableNameFrom: ea knownName.
+ 			iVarName = ea knownName ifFalse:
+ 				[ea name: iVarName].
- 			iVarName = ea knownName ifFalse: [ea name: iVarName].
  			instVarNames := instVarNames , iVarName , ' '].
  	unnamed := twoListsOfMorphs second.	"have default names"
+ 	instVarNames ifEmpty: 
+ 		[self inform: 'No named fields were found.
- 	instVarNames isEmpty 
- 		ifTrue: 
- 			[self 
- 				inform: 'No named fields were found.
  Please get a halo on each field and give it a name.
  Labels or non-data fields should be named "shared xxx".'.
+ 		^false].
+ 	unnamed ifNotEmpty: 
+ 		[ans := (Project uiManager
+ 				chooseOptionFrom:
+ 					#( 'All other fields are non-data fields'
+ 					'Stop.  Let me give a name to some more fields')
+ 				title: 'Data fields are ' , instVarNames printString 
+ 							, ('\Some fields are not named.  Are they labels or non-data fields?' 
+ 									, '\Please get a halo on each data field and give it a name.') withCRs) = 1.
+ 		ans ifFalse: [^false]].
+ 	unnamed withIndexDo:
+ 		[:mm :ind |
+ 		mm setName: 'shared label ' , ind printString].
- 			^false].
- 	unnamed notEmpty 
- 		ifTrue: 
- 			[ans := (UIManager default
- 					chooseFrom: #(
- 						 'All other fields are non-data fields'
- 						'Stop.  Let me give a name to some more fields'
- 					) title: 'Data fields are ' , instVarNames printString 
- 								, ('\Some fields are not named.  Are they labels or non-data fields?' 
- 										, '\Please get a halo on each data field and give it a name.') withCRs) = 1.
- 			ans ifFalse: [^false]].
- 	unnamed 
- 		withIndexDo: [:mm :ind | mm setName: 'shared label ' , ind printString].
  	"Make a Player with instVarNames.  Make me be the costume"
+ 	player := CardPlayer
+ 				instanceOfUniqueClassWithInstVarString: instVarNames
- 	player := CardPlayer instanceOfUniqueClassWithInstVarString: instVarNames
  				andClassInstVarString: ''.
  	self player: player.
  	player costume: self.
  	"Fill in the instance values.  Make docks first."
  	docks := OrderedCollection new.
  	holdsSepData do: 
  			[:morph | 
  			morph setProperty: #shared toValue: true.	"in case it is deeply embedded"
  			morph setProperty: #holdsSeparateDataForEachInstance toValue: true.
  			player class compileInstVarAccessorsFor: morph knownName.
+ 			morph isSyntaxMorph ifTrue:
+ 				[morph setTarget: player].	"hookup the UpdatingString!!"
- 			morph isSyntaxMorph ifTrue: [morph setTarget: player].	"hookup the UpdatingString!!"
  			docks addAll: morph variableDocks].
  	player class newVariableDocks: docks.
+ 	docks do:
+ 		[:dd |
+ 		dd storeMorphDataInInstance: player].
- 	docks do: [:dd | dd storeMorphDataInInstance: player].
  	"oldPlayer class mdict do: [:assoc | move to player].	move methods to new class?"
  	"oldPlayer become: player."
  	^true	"success"!

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