[Pkg] The Trunk: ToolBuilder-Morphic-tpr.312.mcz

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Tue Apr 19 18:59:20 UTC 2022

tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of ToolBuilder-Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ToolBuilder-Morphic-tpr.312
Author: tpr
Time: 19 April 2022, 11:59:19.483381 am
UUID: 3b32b25c-7cdf-4307-85af-84b0dfd08f1d
Ancestors: ToolBuilder-Morphic-mt.311

Add a ToolBuilder ability to show a list of options - typically a small number, maybe with a cancel button etc - as opposed to an arbitrary list of values. This separates it out from the chooseFrom:... protocol

=============== Diff against ToolBuilder-Morphic-mt.311 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MorphicUIManager>>chooseFrom:lines:title: (in category 'ui requests') -----
  chooseFrom: aList lines: linesArray title: aString 
  	"Choose an item from the given list. Answer the index of the selected item. Cancel value is 0.
+ 	If you are choosing an option from a short list (see for example ZipArchiveMember>>#extractInDirectory:overwrite:) use MorphicUIManager>>#chooseOptionFrom:lines:title: instead."
+ 	self
+ 		askForProvidedAnswerTo: aString
+ 		ifSupplied:
+ 			[:answer | 
+ 			(answer = #cancel or: [answer isNil]) ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 			^ aList indexOf: answer].
- 	There are several (historical) reasons for building a button dialog instead of a list chooser for small lists:
- 	1) Unfortunately, there is existing code that uses this call to create simple confirmation dialogs with a list of #(yes no cancel).
- 	2) Unfortunately, there is existing code that uses this call to mimick a drop-down menu with a (compact) pop-up menu."
- 	self askForProvidedAnswerTo: aString ifSupplied: [:answer | 
- 		(answer = #cancel or: [answer isNil]) ifTrue: [^ 0].
- 		^ aList indexOf: answer].
  	aList ifEmpty: [^ 0].
- 	aList size <= 7 ifTrue: [
- 		| dialog |
- 		dialog := DialogWindow new
- 			title: ListChooser defaultTitle;
- 			message: aString;
- 			filterEnabled: true;
- 			autoCancel: true; "Like a pop-up menu, click anywhere to dismiss."
- 			yourself.
- 		aList withIndexDo: [:ea :index |
- 			dialog createButton: ea value: index].
- 		dialog selectedButtonIndex: 1.
- 		^ dialog getUserResponseAtHand ifNil: [0]].
  	^ ListChooser chooseFrom: aList title: aString!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MorphicUIManager>>chooseFrom:values:lines:title: (in category 'ui requests') -----
  chooseFrom: labelList values: valueList lines: linesArray title: aString 
  	"Choose an item from the given list. Answer the selected item."
  	| index |
+ 	self
+ 		askForProvidedAnswerTo: aString
+ 		ifSupplied:
+ 			[:answer | 
+ 			(answer = #cancel or: [answer isNil]) ifTrue: [^ nil].
+ 			^ valueList at: (labelList indexOf: answer) ifAbsent:
+ 					[answer isNumber 
+ 						ifTrue: [valueList at: answer ifAbsent: [nil]]
+ 						ifFalse: [nil]]].
- 	self askForProvidedAnswerTo: aString ifSupplied: [:answer | 
- 		(answer = #cancel or: [answer isNil]) ifTrue: [^ nil].
- 		^ valueList at: (labelList indexOf: answer) ifAbsent: [
- 				answer isNumber 
- 					ifTrue: [valueList at: answer ifAbsent: [nil]]
- 					ifFalse: [nil]]].
  	index := self chooseFrom: labelList lines: linesArray title: aString.
  	^ index = 0
  		ifTrue: [ nil ]
  		ifFalse: [ valueList at: index ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MorphicUIManager>>chooseOptionFrom:lines:title: (in category 'ui requests') -----
+ chooseOptionFrom: aList lines: linesArray title: aString 
+ 	| dialog |
+ 	"Choose an option from the given list. Answer the index of the selected item. Cancel value is 0.
+ 	There are several (historical) reasons for needing a button dialog instead of a list chooser for small lists:
+ 	1) Unfortunately, there is existing code that uses this call to create simple confirmation dialogs with a list of #(yes no cancel).
+ 	2) Unfortunately, there is existing code that uses this call to mimic a drop-down menu with a (compact) pop-up menu.
+ 	This method *only*  provides the short list UI"
+ 	self
+ 		askForProvidedAnswerTo: aString
+ 		ifSupplied:
+ 			[:answer | 
+ 			(answer = #cancel or: [answer isNil]) ifTrue: [^ 0].
+ 			^ aList indexOf: answer].
+ 	aList ifEmpty: [^ 0].
+ 	dialog := DialogWindow new
+ 		title: ListChooser defaultTitle;
+ 		message: aString;
+ 		filterEnabled: true;
+ 		autoCancel: true; "Like a pop-up menu, click anywhere to dismiss."
+ 		yourself.
+ 	aList withIndexDo: 
+ 		[:ea :index |
+ 		dialog createButton: ea value: index].
+ 	dialog selectedButtonIndex: 1.
+ 	^ dialog getUserResponseAtHand ifNil: [0]!

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