[Pkg] The Trunk: KernelTests-nice.422.mcz

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Wed Apr 27 15:18:04 UTC 2022

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of KernelTests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: KernelTests-nice.422
Author: nice
Time: 26 April 2022, 1:03:31.73252 pm
UUID: e963a1d7-702a-904d-8b40-8dbf96032f0d
Ancestors: KernelTests-nice.421

Complex tests associated with that suggestion: complex arithmetic should detect case of overflow in intermediate computations and fallback to securedely scaled operations if it's the case.

=============== Diff against KernelTests-nice.421 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ComplexTest>>testDivision1 (in category 'tests') -----
  	"self run: #testDivision1"
  	"self debug: #testDivision1"
  	| c1 c2 quotient |
  	c1 := 2.0e252 + 3.0e70 i.
  	c2 := c1.
  	quotient := c1 / c2.
-  	self deny: (quotient - 1) isZero.
+ 	"This used to fail when / was not protected against floating point overflow in intermediate computations
+ 	but it should now work correctly if divideSecureBy: is correctly used as fallback case"
+  	self assert: (quotient - 1) isZero
- 	"This test fails due to the wonders of floating point arithmetic. 
- 	 Please have a look at Complex>>divideSecureBy: and #divideFastAndSecureBy:
- 	how this can be avoided."

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ComplexTest>>testMultiplyDoesNotOverflow (in category 'tests') -----
+ testMultiplyDoesNotOverflow
+ 	| c1 c2 product smallProduct scale |
+ 	c1 := (1 + 1 i) sqrt * Float fmax sqrt.
+ 	product := c1 squared.
+ 	self assert: product real isFinite.
+ 	self assert: product imaginary isFinite.
+ 	self assert: (product real - Float fmax) / Float fmax ulp < 3.
+ 	self assert: (product imaginary - Float fmax) / Float fmax ulp < 3.
+ 	"a more tricky case"
+ 	c1 := 1.0 + 0.25 i.
+ 	c2 := 1.125+ 0.5 i.
+ 	smallProduct := c1 * c2.
+ 	"check that we will not overflow in precondition"
+ 	self assert: smallProduct real abs <= 1.
+ 	self assert: smallProduct imaginary abs <= 1.
+ 	"now retry with a large scale"
+ 	scale := Float fmax.
+ 	product := c1 * scale * c2.
+ 	self assert: product real isFinite.
+ 	self assert: product imaginary isFinite.
+ 	self assert: (scale * smallProduct real - product real) / (scale * smallProduct real) ulp < 3.
+ 	self assert: (scale * smallProduct imaginary - product imaginary) / (scale * smallProduct imaginary) ulp < 3.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ComplexTest>>testReciprocalDoesNotOverflow (in category 'tests') -----
+ testReciprocalDoesNotOverflow
+ 	"Note: intermediate overflow might cause the answer to be zero in careless implementation"
+ 	| c scale cScaled cScaledInv expected |
+ 	c := (1 + 1i).
+ 	scale := Float fmax.
+ 	cScaled := c * scale.
+ 	cScaledInv := cScaled reciprocal.
+ 	expected := c reciprocal real / scale + (c reciprocal imaginary / scale) i.
+ 	self assert: (expected real- cScaledInv real) abs / expected real ulp < 3.
+ 	self assert: (expected imaginary - cScaledInv imaginary) abs / expected imaginary ulp < 3.!

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