[Pkg] The Treated Inbox: Speech-ct.11.mcz

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Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of Speech to project The Treated Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Speech-ct.11
Author: ct
Time: 18 September 2021, 4:08:09.405753 pm
UUID: 2a0c4fff-4f32-a442-a771-2d504dc76307
Ancestors: Speech-md.9

Fix deprecation warnings by switching from #clone to #copy. Ensure order of class initializations.

==================== Snapshot ====================

SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Speech-Events'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Speech-Gestures'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Speech-Klatt'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Speech-Phoneme Recognizer'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Speech-Phoneme Recognize-Test'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Speech-Phonetics'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Speech-Support'!
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Speech-TTS'!

EllipseMorph subclass: #EyeMorph
	instanceVariableNames: 'iris'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Gestures'!

----- Method: EyeMorph>>closeEyelid (in category 'actions') -----
	self iris delete.
	self position: self position + (0 @ (self extent y // 2)).
	self extent: self extent x @ 2!

----- Method: EyeMorph>>defaultColor (in category 'initialization') -----
"answer the default color/fill style for the receiver"
	^ Color
		r: 1.0
		g: 0.968
		b: 0.935!

----- Method: EyeMorph>>dilate: (in category 'actions') -----
dilate: amount
	| irisCenter |
	irisCenter := self iris center.
	self iris extent: self iris extent * amount.
	self iris position: irisCenter - self iris center + self iris position!

----- Method: EyeMorph>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	"initialize the state of the receiver"
	super initialize.
	self extent: 30 @ 37.
	self addMorphFront: (iris := EllipseMorph new extent: 6 @ 6;
					 borderWidth: 0;
					 color: Color black).
	self lookAtFront!

----- Method: EyeMorph>>iris (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ iris!

----- Method: EyeMorph>>lookAt: (in category 'actions') -----
lookAt: aPoint
	| theta scale |
	(self containsPoint: aPoint) ifTrue: [self iris align: iris center with: aPoint. ^ self].
	theta := (aPoint - self center) theta.
	scale := (aPoint - self center) r / 100.0 min: 1.0.
	self iris align: self iris center with: self center + (theta cos @ theta sin * self extent / 3.0 * scale) rounded!

----- Method: EyeMorph>>lookAtFront (in category 'actions') -----
	self iris position: self center - self iris center + self iris position!

----- Method: EyeMorph>>lookAtMorph: (in category 'actions') -----
lookAtMorph: aMorph
	self lookAt: aMorph center!

----- Method: EyeMorph>>openEyelid (in category 'actions') -----
	self extent: self extent x @ (self extent x * 37.0 / 30.0) rounded.
	self position: self position - (0 @ (self extent y // 2)).
	self addMorphFront: self iris!

----- Method: EyeMorph>>openness: (in category 'actions') -----
openness: aNumber
	| previousCenter |
	previousCenter := self center.
	self extent: self extent x @ (self extent x * 37.0 / 30.0 * aNumber) rounded.
	self align: self center with: previousCenter.
	(self containsPoint: self iris center) ifFalse: [self lookAtFront]!

EllipseMorph subclass: #HeadMorph
	instanceVariableNames: 'face queue'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Gestures'!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>addAfroHair (in category 'furnitures') -----
	| hair |
	hair := CurveMorph
		vertices: {115 at 4. 144 at 20. 166 at 79. 132 at 131. 116 at 93. 88 at 85. 54 at 94. 40 at 134. 2 at 79. 31 at 16. 79 at 1}
		color: self randomHairColor
		borderWidth: 1
		borderColor: Color black.
	hair extent: (hair extent * (self width / hair width * 1.9)) rounded.
	hair align: hair center with: self center x @ self top.
	self addMorphFront: hair!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>addBeret (in category 'furnitures') -----
	| beret pompon |
	beret := CurveMorph
		vertices: {66 at 1. 90 at 14. 106 at 22. 114 at 35. 98 at 43. 55 at 35. 20 at 46. 2 at 38. 8 at 23. 23 at 13. 39 at 7}
		color: Color random
		borderWidth: 1
		borderColor: Color black.
	beret extent: (beret extent * (self width / beret width * 4 / 3)) rounded.
	beret align: beret center x @ beret bottom with: self center x @ self face top.
	pompon := EllipseMorph new color: beret color; borderWidth: 1; borderColor: Color black; extent: beret height // 2.
	pompon align: pompon center with: beret center x @ beret top.
	beret addMorphFront: pompon.
	self addMorphFront: beret!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>addEars (in category 'furnitures') -----
	| leftEar rightEar |
	leftEar := EllipseMorph new color: self color; extent: self height // 10 @ (self height // 7).
	rightEar := leftEar copy.
	leftEar align: leftEar center with: self left @ self center y.
	rightEar align: rightEar center with: self right @ self center y.
	self addMorphBack: leftEar; addMorphBack: rightEar!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>addGlasses (in category 'furnitures') -----
	| glass glass2 diameter |
	diameter := self face leftEye height * 2 // 3.
	glass := EllipseMorph new extent: diameter @ diameter; color: (Color yellow alpha: 0.5).
	glass2 := glass copy.
	glass align: glass center with: self face leftEye center.
	glass2 align: glass2 center with: self face rightEye center.
	self addMorph: glass; addMorph: glass2!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>addHighHat (in category 'furnitures') -----
	| hat |
	hat := CurveMorph
		vertices: {70 at 3. 98 at 11. 94 at 46. 112 at 50. 96 at 58. 53 at 50. 18 at 61. 2 at 58. 24 at 48. 30 at 6. 47 at 6}
		color: Color random
		borderWidth: 1
		borderColor: Color black.
	hat extent: (hat extent * (self width / hat width * 4 / 3)) rounded.
	hat align: hat center x @ hat bottom with: self center x @ self face top.
	self addMorphFront: hat!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>addLargeMustache (in category 'furnitures') -----
	| mustache |
	mustache := CurveMorph
		vertices: {48 at 4. 75 at 3. 93 at 15. 48 at 9. 3 at 19. 17 at 5}
		color: self randomHairColor
		borderWidth: 1
		borderColor: Color black.
	mustache extent: (mustache extent * (self width / mustache width)) rounded.
	mustache align: mustache center with: self face mustachePosition.
	self addMorphFront: mustache!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>addRandomFurnitures (in category 'furnitures') -----

	self perform: #(#yourself #addBeret #addHighHat #addAfroHair #addShortHair #addSpikyHair ) atRandom.
	self perform: #(#yourself #yourself #addShortMustache ) atRandom!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>addShortHair (in category 'furnitures') -----
	| hair |
	hair := CurveMorph
		vertices: {81 at 3. 101 at 22. 105 at 48. 93 at 65. 76 at 32. 54 at 32. 28 at 35. 11 at 64. 2 at 52. 10 at 15. 45 at 2}
		color: self randomHairColor
		borderWidth: 1
		borderColor: Color black.
	hair extent: (hair extent * (self width / hair width * 1.15)) rounded.
	hair align: hair center x @ (hair top * 4 + hair bottom // 5) with: self center x @ self top.
	self addMorphFront: hair!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>addShortMustache (in category 'furnitures') -----
	| mustache |
	mustache := CurveMorph
		vertices: {29 at 1. 54 at 14. 30 at 11. 1 at 15}
		color: self randomHairColor
		borderWidth: 1
		borderColor: Color black.
	mustache extent: (mustache extent * (self width / mustache width * 0.5)) rounded.
	mustache align: mustache center with: self face mustachePosition.
	self addMorphFront: mustache!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>addSpikyHair (in category 'furnitures') -----
	| hair |
	hair := PolygonMorph
		vertices: {83 at 3. 81 at 30. 91 at 27. 111 at 23. 97 at 32. 112 at 37. 99 at 45. 114 at 52. 95 at 53. 55 at 43. 10 at 50. 1 at 40. 14 at 40. 8 at 26. 24 at 37. 15 at 11. 29 at 29. 30 at 16. 36 at 30. 41 at 6. 49 at 31. 54 at 8. 61 at 32. 64 at 1. 70 at 27}
		color: self randomHairColor
		borderWidth: 1
		borderColor: Color black.
	hair extent: (hair extent * (self width / hair width * 1.15)) rounded.
	hair align: hair center with: self center x @ self top.
	self addMorphFront: hair!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>addWhiteHat (in category 'furnitures') -----
	| stage1 stage2 |
	stage1 := CurveMorph
		vertices: {18 at 1. 93 at 18. 91 at 45. 8 at 40}
		color: (Color r: 1.0 g: 0.968 b: 0.935)
		borderWidth: 1
		borderColor: Color black.
	stage1 extent: (stage1 extent * (self width / stage1 width * 1.20)) rounded.

	stage2 := CurveMorph
		vertices: {27 at 7. 81 at 5. 111 at 34. 11 at 28}
		color: stage1 color
		borderWidth: 1
		borderColor: Color black.
	stage2 extent: (stage2 extent * (self width / stage2 width * 1.20)) rounded.

	stage1 align: stage1 center with: self center x @ self top.
	stage2 align: stage2 center with: stage1 center x @ stage1 top.

	stage1 addMorphFront: stage2.
	self addMorphFront: stage1!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>defaultColor (in category 'initialization') -----
	"answer the default color/fill style for the receiver"

	^ {Color
		r: 0.258
		g: 0.161
		b: 0.0. Color
		r: 0.452
		g: 0.258
		b: 0.0. Color
		r: 0.516
		g: 0.323
		b: 0.0. Color
		r: 1.0
		g: 0.935
		b: 0.645. Color
		r: 1.0
		g: 0.806
		b: 0.548} atRandom!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>face (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ face!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>face: (in category 'accessing') -----
face: aFaceMorph
	face notNil ifTrue: [face delete].
	self addMorphFront: (face := aFaceMorph)!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	"initialize the state of the receiver"
	super initialize.

	self face: FaceMorph new.
	self extent: self face extent * (1.5 @ 1.7).
	self face align: self face center with: self center + (0 @ self height // 10).
	self addRandomFurnitures.
	queue := SharedQueue new!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>playEvent:at: (in category 'accessing') -----
playEvent: event at: time
	self queue nextPut: time -> event!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>queue (in category 'accessing-private') -----
	^ queue!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>randomHairColor (in category 'furnitures') -----
	| hairColors |
	hairColors := {Color r: 0.613 g: 0.161 b: 0.0. "red"
		Color r: 0.323 g: 0.226 b: 0.0. "dark brown"
		Color r: 0.774 g: 0.548 b: 0.0. "light brown"
		Color r: 0.968 g: 0.871 b: 0.0. "yellow"
		Color r: 0.581 g: 0.581 b: 0.581. "gray"
		Color black}.
	self submorphs do: [ :each | (hairColors includes: each color) ifTrue: [^ each color]].
	^ hairColors atRandom!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>step (in category 'stepping and presenter') -----
	| now |
	super step.
	now := Time millisecondClockValue.
	[queue isEmpty not and: [now >= queue peek key]]
		whileTrue: [queue next value actOn: self].
	self face lips updateShape!

----- Method: HeadMorph>>stepTime (in category 'testing') -----
	^ 0!

PolygonMorph subclass: #LipsMorph
	instanceVariableNames: 'newVertices newScale'
	classVariableNames: 'PhoneticArticulations'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Gestures'!

----- Method: LipsMorph class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
	LipsMorph initialize
	| o u a e i m n p t s |
	a := {22 at 2. 39 at 4. 45 at 16. 23 at 23. 2 at 15. 9 at 4}.
	e := {23 at 2. 41 at 3. 45 at 15. 21 at 19. 2 at 14. 6 at 3}.
	i := {21 at 2. 40 at 4. 45 at 14. 23 at 16. 2 at 13. 8 at 4}.
	o := {18 at 1. 31 at 5. 31 at 20. 16 at 24. 3 at 19. 5 at 5}.
	u := {14 at 1. 23 at 6. 22 at 16. 11 at 20. 2 at 14. 3 at 4}.
	m := {17 at 2. 31 at 2. 27 at 4. 15 at 3. 2 at 4. 6 at 2}.
	n := {20 at 3. 33 at 2. 39 at 8. 19 at 9. 2 at 8. 7 at 2}.
	p := {7 at 1. 16 at 3. 12 at 5. 6 at 6. 1 at 4}.
	t := {14 at 2. 29 at 3. 21 at 7. 12 at 8. 1 at 3}.
	s := {19 at 2. 32 at 4. 35 at 10. 18 at 13. 2 at 10. 9 at 3}.
	PhoneticArticulations := Dictionary new.
	PhonemeSet initialize. "arpabet needs to be initialized first"
	PhonemeSet arpabet do: [ :each | PhoneticArticulations at: each put: p].
	PhonemeSet arpabet do: [ :each |
		each name first = $a ifTrue: [PhoneticArticulations at: each put: a].
		each name first = $e ifTrue: [PhoneticArticulations at: each put: e].
		each name first = $i ifTrue: [PhoneticArticulations at: each put: i].
		each name first = $o ifTrue: [PhoneticArticulations at: each put: o].
		each name first = $u ifTrue: [PhoneticArticulations at: each put: u].
		each name first = $w ifTrue: [PhoneticArticulations at: each put: u]].
		at: (PhonemeSet arpabet at: 'm') put: m;
		at: (PhonemeSet arpabet at: 'n') put: n;
		at: (PhonemeSet arpabet at: 't') put: t;
		at: (PhonemeSet arpabet at: 's') put: s;
		at: (PhonemeSet arpabet at: 'sh') put: s;
		at: (PhonemeSet arpabet at: 'sh') put: s;
		at: (PhonemeSet arpabet at: 'zh') put: s;
		at: (PhonemeSet arpabet at: 'th') put: s;
		at: (PhonemeSet arpabet at: 'jh') put: s;
		at: (PhonemeSet arpabet at: 'dh') put: s;
		at: (PhonemeSet arpabet at: 'd') put: s;
		at: (PhonemeSet arpabet at: 'z') put: s!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>articulate: (in category 'actions') -----
articulate: aPhoneme
	self newVerticesCentered: (PhoneticArticulations at: aPhoneme ifAbsent: [^ self]) scaled: 0.5!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>defaultBorderColor (in category 'initialization') -----
	"answer the default border color/fill style for the receiver"
	^ Color black!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>defaultBorderWidth (in category 'initialization') -----
	"answer the default border width for the receiver"
	^ 1!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>defaultColor (in category 'initialization') -----
	"answer the default color/fill style for the receiver"
	^ Color black!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>grin (in category 'actions') -----
	self newVerticesCentered: {17 at 5. 30 at 7. 33 at 12. 16 at 14. 2 at 10. 5 at 2}!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>hideTongue (in category 'actions') -----
	self submorphs do: [ :each | each delete]!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>horror (in category 'actions') -----
	self newVerticesCentered: {21 at 3. 37 at 5. 36 at 19. 19 at 19. 3 at 19. 5 at 4}!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	"initialize the state of the receiver"
	super initialize.
	self beSmoothCurve.
	vertices := {11 @ 3. 35 @ 1. 60 @ 5. 67 @ 17. 34 @ 24. 3 @ 17}.
	closed := true.
	self neutral; updateShape!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>neutral (in category 'actions') -----
	self newVerticesCentered: {13 at 1. 22 at 4. 12 at 6. 1 at 4}!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>newVerticesCentered: (in category 'actions') -----
newVerticesCentered: anArray
	self newVerticesCentered: anArray scaled: 0.5!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>newVerticesCentered:scaled: (in category 'actions') -----
newVerticesCentered: anArray scaled: aNumber
	newVertices := anArray.
	newScale := aNumber!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>openness: (in category 'actions') -----
openness: amount
	self newVerticesCentered: {40 at -3. 74 at 8. 59@ (21 * amount). 38@ (20 * amount). 22@ (21 * amount). 3 at 8}!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>sad (in category 'actions') -----
	self newVerticesCentered: {26 at 4. 50 at 10. 41 at 4. 27 at 2. 14 at 3. 1 at 10}!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>showTongue (in category 'actions') -----
	| tongue |
	self hideTongue.
	tongue := CurveMorph vertices: {10 at 2. 21 at 5. 16 at 23. 10 at 27. 5 at 23. 2 at 4} color: Color red borderWidth: 0 borderColor: Color black.
	tongue position: self center - (10 @ 0).
	self addMorphFront: tongue!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>smile (in category 'actions') -----
	self newVerticesCentered: {26 at 11. 43 at 7. 51 at 2. 44 at 12. 26 at 19. 8 at 14. 2 at 4. 12 at 9}!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>surprise (in category 'actions') -----
	self newVerticesCentered:  {22 at 3. 38 at 7. 37 at 21. 20 at 26. 4 at 21. 6 at 6}!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>updateShape (in category 'actions') -----
	| center median |
	newVertices isNil ifTrue: [^ self].
	median := 0 @ 0.
	newVertices do: [ :each | median := median + each].
	median := median / newVertices size.
	center := self center.
	self setVertices: (newVertices collect: [ :each | (each - median) * newScale + median]).
	self position: self position - self center + center.
	newVertices := nil!

----- Method: LipsMorph>>verticesString (in category 'accessing') -----
	| stream first |
	stream := WriteStream with: ''.
	stream nextPut: ${.
	first := true.
	vertices do: [ :each |
		first ifFalse: [stream nextPutAll: '. '].
		stream print: (each - self position) rounded.
		first := false].
	stream nextPut: $}.
	^ stream contents!

SharedPool subclass: #KlattResonatorIndices
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: 'R1c R1vp R2c R2fp R2vp R3c R3fp R3vp R4c R4fp R4vp R5c R5fp R6c R6fp R7c R8c Rnpc Rnpp Rnz Rout Rtpc Rtpp Rtz'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Klatt'!

----- Method: KlattResonatorIndices class>>initialize (in category 'pool initialization') -----
	"KlattResonatorIndices initialize"
	Rnpp := 1.
	Rtpp := 2.
	R1vp := 3.
	R2vp := 4.
	R3vp := 5.
	R4vp := 6.
	R2fp := 7.
	R3fp := 8.
	R4fp := 9.
	R5fp := 10.
	R6fp := 11.
	R1c := 12.
	R2c := 13.
	R3c := 14.
	R4c := 15.
	R5c := 16.
	R6c := 17.
	R7c := 18.
	R8c := 19.
	Rnpc := 20.
	Rnz := 21.
	Rtpc := 22.
	Rtz := 23.
	Rout := 24.!

FloatArray variableWordSubclass: #KlattFrame
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Klatt'!

!KlattFrame commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
My instances are frames of parameters which are inputs for KlattSynthesizers. See the class method category 'documentation' for more details.!

----- Method: KlattFrame class>>default (in category 'instance creation') -----
	KlattFrame default edit
	^ self new
		f0: 133;
		flutter: 0; jitter: 0; shimmer: 0; diplophonia: 0;
		voicing: 62;
		ro: 0.4; ra: 0.01; rk: 0.25;
		aspiration: 0;
		friction: 0;
		turbulence: 0;
		f1: 500;		b1: 60;
		df1: 0;		db1: 0;
		f2: 1500;		b2: 90;
		f3: 2800;	b3: 150;
		f4: 3250;	b4: 200;
		f5: 3700;	b5: 200;
		f6: 4990;	b6: 500;
		fnp: 280;	bnp: 90;
		fnz: 280;	bnz: 90;
		ftp: 2150;	btp: 180;
		ftz: 2150;	btz: 180;
		a2f: 52.5;	b2f: 200;
		a3f: 39.3;	b3f: 350;
		a4f: 25.4;	b4f: 500;
		a5f: 0;		b5f: 600;
		a6f: 0;		b6f: 800;
		bypass: 0;
		anv: 0;
		a1v: 60.3;
		a2v: 52.5;
		a3v: 39.3;
		a4v: 25.4;
		atv: 0;
		gain: 62!

----- Method: KlattFrame class>>defaultForParameter: (in category 'documentation') -----
defaultForParameter: aSymbol
	^ self default perform: aSymbol asSymbol!

----- Method: KlattFrame class>>descriptionForParameter: (in category 'documentation') -----
descriptionForParameter: aSymbol
	^ (self parameterData detect: [ :one | one first = aSymbol]) at: 4!

----- Method: KlattFrame class>>example1 (in category 'examples') -----
	KlattFrame example1.
	KlattFrame example2.
	KlattFrame example3
	| frame |
	frame := self default
		voicing: 62;
		anv: 0; a1v: 0; a2v: 0; a3v: 0; a4v: 0;
	(KlattSynthesizer new cascade: 6; millisecondsPerFrame: 1000; soundFromFrames: {frame}) play!

----- Method: KlattFrame class>>example2 (in category 'examples') -----
	KlattFrame example2
	| frame |
	frame := self default
		voicing: 62;
		anv: 0; a1v: 62; a2v: 62; a3v: 62; a4v: 62;
	(KlattSynthesizer new cascade: 6; millisecondsPerFrame: 1000; soundFromFrames: {frame}) play!

----- Method: KlattFrame class>>example3 (in category 'examples') -----
	KlattFrame example3
	| frame |
	frame := self default
		voicing: 62;
		anv: 0; a1v: 62; a2v: 62; a3v: 62; a4v: 62;
	(KlattSynthesizer new cascade: 0; millisecondsPerFrame: 1000; soundFromFrames: {frame}) play!

----- Method: KlattFrame class>>fromArray: (in category 'instance creation') -----
fromArray: anArray
	| answer |
	answer := self new.
	anArray doWithIndex: [ :each :i | answer at: i put: each].
	^ answer!

----- Method: KlattFrame class>>fromString: (in category 'instance creation') -----
fromString: aString
	^ self fromArray: (aString substrings collect: [ :each | each asNumber])!

----- Method: KlattFrame class>>generateAccessors (in category 'code generation') -----
	KlattFrame generateAccessors
	| crtab getter setter |
	crtab := String with: Character cr with: Character tab.
	self parameterNames
		doWithIndex: [ :selector :i |
			getter := selector, crtab, '^ self at: ', i printString.
			setter := selector, ': aNumber', crtab, 'self at: ', i printString,' put: aNumber'.
			self compile: getter classified: 'accessing'.
			self compile: setter classified: 'accessing']!

----- Method: KlattFrame class>>maximumForParameter: (in category 'documentation') -----
maximumForParameter: aSymbol
	^ (self parameterData detect: [ :one | one first = aSymbol]) at: 3!

----- Method: KlattFrame class>>minimumForParameter: (in category 'documentation') -----
minimumForParameter: aSymbol
	^ (self parameterData detect: [ :one | one first = aSymbol]) at: 2!

----- Method: KlattFrame class>>new (in category 'instance creation') -----
	^ super new: 52!

----- Method: KlattFrame class>>parameterData (in category 'documentation') -----
	"This is a table describing the Klatt parameters. The columns are: parameter name, minimum value, maximum, parameter description, unit."
	^ #(
	"Excitation source (voice, aspiration and friction):"
		(f0 20 1000 'Fundamental frequency (hz)' hz)
		(flutter 0 1 'Amount of flutter' value)
		(jitter 0 1 'Amount of jitter' value)
		(shimmer 0 1 'Amount of shimmer' value)
		(diplophonia 0 1 'Amount of diplophonia' value)
		(voicing 0 80 'Amplitude of voicing' hz)
		(ro 0.01 1 'Relative duration of open phase of voicing waveform = Te/T0 (0.01 - 1)' value)
		(ra 0.01 0.2 'Relative duration of return phase of voicing waveform = Ta/T0 (0.01 - 1)' value)
		(rk 0.01 1 'Simmetry of the glottal pulse = (Te-Tp)/Tp (0.01 - 1)' value)
		(aspiration 0 80 'Amplitude of aspiration' dB)
		(friction 0 80 'Amplitude of friction' dB)
		(turbulence 0 80 'Amplitude of turbulence (in open glottal phase)' dB)

	"Formants frequencies and bandwidths:"	
		(f1 200 1300 'Frequency of 1st formant' hz)
		(b1 40 1000 'Bandwidth of 1st formant' hz)
		(df1 0 100 'Change in F1 during open portion of period' hz)
		(db1 0 400 'Change in B1 during open portion of period' hz)
		(f2 550 3000 'Frequency of 2nd formant' hz)
		(b2 40 1000 'Bandwidth of 2nd formant' hz)
		(f3 1200 4999 'Frequency of 3rd formant' hz)
		(b3 40 1000 'Bandwidth of 3rd formant' hz)
		(f4 1200 4999 'Frequency of 4th formant' hz)
		(b4 40 1000 'Bandwidth of 4th formant' hz)
		(f5 1200 4999 'Frequency of 5th formant' hz)
		(b5 40 1000 'Bandwidth of 5th formant' hz)
		(f6 1200 4999 'Frequency of 6th formant' hz)
		(b6 40 1000 'Bandwidth of 6th formant' hz)
		(fnp 248 528 'Frequency of nasal pole' hz)
		(bnp 40 1000 'Bandwidth of nasal pole' hz)
		(fnz 248 528 'Frequency of nasal zero' hz)
		(bnz 40 1000 'Bandwidth of nasal zero' hz)
		(ftp 300 3000 'Frequency of tracheal pole' hz)
		(btp 40 1000 'Bandwidth of tracheal pole' hz)
		(ftz 300 3000 'Frequency of tracheal zero' hz)
		(btz 40 2000 'Bandwidth of tracheal zero' hz)

	"Parallel Friction-Excited:"
		(a2f 0 80 'Amplitude of friction-excited parallel 2nd formant' dB)
		(a3f 0 80 'Amplitude of friction-excited parallel 3rd formant' dB)
		(a4f 0 80 'Amplitude of friction-excited parallel 4th formant' dB)
		(a5f 0 80 'Amplitude of friction-excited parallel 5th formant' dB)
		(a6f 0 80 'Amplitude of friction-excited parallel 6th formant' dB)
		(bypass 0 80 'Amplitude of friction-excited parallel bypass path' dB)
		(b2f 40 1000 'Bandwidth of friction-excited parallel 2nd formant' hz)
		(b3f 60 1000 'Bandwidth of friction-excited parallel 2nd formant' hz)
		(b4f 100 1000 'Bandwidth of friction-excited parallel 2nd formant' hz)
		(b5f 100 1500 'Bandwidth of friction-excited parallel 2nd formant' hz)
		(b6f 100 4000 'Bandwidth of friction-excited parallel 2nd formant' hz)

	"Parallel Voice-Excited:"
		(anv 0 80 'Amplitude of voice-excited parallel nasal formant' dB)
		(a1v 0 80 'Amplitude of voice-excited parallel 1st formant' dB)
		(a2v 0 80 'Amplitude of voice-excited parallel 2nd formant' dB)
		(a3v 0 80 'Amplitude of voice-excited parallel 3rd formant' dB)
		(a4v 0 80 'Amplitude of voice-excited parallel 4th formant' dB)
		(atv 0 80 'Amplitude of voice-excited parallel tracheal formant' dB)

	"Overall gain:"
		(gain 0 80 'Overall gain' dB))!

----- Method: KlattFrame class>>parameterNames (in category 'documentation') -----
	^ self parameterData collect: [ :each | each first]!

----- Method: KlattFrame class>>unitForParameter: (in category 'documentation') -----
unitForParameter: aSymbol
	^ (self parameterData detect: [ :one | one first = aSymbol]) at: 5!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a1v (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 47!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a1v: (in category 'accessing') -----
a1v: aNumber
	self at: 47 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a2f (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 35!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a2f: (in category 'accessing') -----
a2f: aNumber
	self at: 35 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a2v (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 48!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a2v: (in category 'accessing') -----
a2v: aNumber
	self at: 48 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a3f (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 36!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a3f: (in category 'accessing') -----
a3f: aNumber
	self at: 36 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a3v (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 49!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a3v: (in category 'accessing') -----
a3v: aNumber
	self at: 49 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a4f (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 37!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a4f: (in category 'accessing') -----
a4f: aNumber
	self at: 37 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a4v (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 50!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a4v: (in category 'accessing') -----
a4v: aNumber
	self at: 50 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a5f (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 38!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a5f: (in category 'accessing') -----
a5f: aNumber
	self at: 38 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a6f (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 39!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>a6f: (in category 'accessing') -----
a6f: aNumber
	self at: 39 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>anv (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 46!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>anv: (in category 'accessing') -----
anv: aNumber
	self at: 46 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>aspiration (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 10!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>aspiration: (in category 'accessing') -----
aspiration: aNumber
	self at: 10 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>atv (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 51!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>atv: (in category 'accessing') -----
atv: aNumber
	self at: 51 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b1 (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 14!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b1: (in category 'accessing') -----
b1: aNumber
	self at: 14 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b2 (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 18!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b2: (in category 'accessing') -----
b2: aNumber
	self at: 18 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b2f (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 41!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b2f: (in category 'accessing') -----
b2f: aNumber
	self at: 41 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b3 (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 20!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b3: (in category 'accessing') -----
b3: aNumber
	self at: 20 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b3f (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 42!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b3f: (in category 'accessing') -----
b3f: aNumber
	self at: 42 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b4 (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 22!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b4: (in category 'accessing') -----
b4: aNumber
	self at: 22 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b4f (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 43!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b4f: (in category 'accessing') -----
b4f: aNumber
	self at: 43 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b5 (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 24!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b5: (in category 'accessing') -----
b5: aNumber
	self at: 24 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b5f (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 44!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b5f: (in category 'accessing') -----
b5f: aNumber
	self at: 44 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b6 (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 26!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b6: (in category 'accessing') -----
b6: aNumber
	self at: 26 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b6f (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 45!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>b6f: (in category 'accessing') -----
b6f: aNumber
	self at: 45 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>bnp (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 28!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>bnp: (in category 'accessing') -----
bnp: aNumber
	self at: 28 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>bnz (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 30!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>bnz: (in category 'accessing') -----
bnz: aNumber
	self at: 30 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>btp (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 32!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>btp: (in category 'accessing') -----
btp: aNumber
	self at: 32 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>btz (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 34!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>btz: (in category 'accessing') -----
btz: aNumber
	self at: 34 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>bypass (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 40!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>bypass: (in category 'accessing') -----
bypass: aNumber
	self at: 40 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>db1 (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 16!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>db1: (in category 'accessing') -----
db1: aNumber
	self at: 16 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>df1 (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 15!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>df1: (in category 'accessing') -----
df1: aNumber
	self at: 15 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>diplophonia (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 5!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>diplophonia: (in category 'accessing') -----
diplophonia: aNumber
	self at: 5 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>edit (in category 'editing') -----
	^ KlattFrameMorph new
		frame: self;

----- Method: KlattFrame>>f0 (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 1!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>f0: (in category 'accessing') -----
f0: aNumber
	self at: 1 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>f1 (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 13!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>f1: (in category 'accessing') -----
f1: aNumber
	self at: 13 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>f2 (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 17!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>f2: (in category 'accessing') -----
f2: aNumber
	self at: 17 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>f3 (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 19!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>f3: (in category 'accessing') -----
f3: aNumber
	self at: 19 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>f4 (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 21!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>f4: (in category 'accessing') -----
f4: aNumber
	self at: 21 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>f5 (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 23!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>f5: (in category 'accessing') -----
f5: aNumber
	self at: 23 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>f6 (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 25!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>f6: (in category 'accessing') -----
f6: aNumber
	self at: 25 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>flutter (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 2!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>flutter: (in category 'accessing') -----
flutter: aNumber
	self at: 2 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>fnp (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 27!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>fnp: (in category 'accessing') -----
fnp: aNumber
	self at: 27 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>fnz (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 29!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>fnz: (in category 'accessing') -----
fnz: aNumber
	self at: 29 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>friction (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 11!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>friction: (in category 'accessing') -----
friction: aNumber
	self at: 11 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>ftp (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 31!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>ftp: (in category 'accessing') -----
ftp: aNumber
	self at: 31 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>ftz (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 33!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>ftz: (in category 'accessing') -----
ftz: aNumber
	self at: 33 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>gain (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 52!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>gain: (in category 'accessing') -----
gain: aNumber
	self at: 52 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>jitter (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 3!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>jitter: (in category 'accessing') -----
jitter: aNumber
	self at: 3 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>play (in category 'playing') -----
	(KlattSynthesizer new cascade: 6; millisecondsPerFrame: 1000; soundFromFrames: {self}) play!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	self class parameterNames do: [ :each |
			nextPutAll: each;
			nextPut: $=; 
			print: (self perform: each);

----- Method: KlattFrame>>ra (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 8!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>ra: (in category 'accessing') -----
ra: aNumber
	self at: 8 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>rk (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 9!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>rk: (in category 'accessing') -----
rk: aNumber
	self at: 9 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>ro (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 7!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>ro: (in category 'accessing') -----
ro: aNumber
	self at: 7 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>shimmer (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 4!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>shimmer: (in category 'accessing') -----
shimmer: aNumber
	self at: 4 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>turbulence (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 12!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>turbulence: (in category 'accessing') -----
turbulence: aNumber
	self at: 12 put: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>voicing (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 6!

----- Method: KlattFrame>>voicing: (in category 'accessing') -----
voicing: aNumber
	self at: 6 put: aNumber!

Morph subclass: #FaceMorph
	instanceVariableNames: 'leftEye leftEyebrow rightEye rightEyebrow lips'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Gestures'!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>closeEyelids (in category 'actions') -----
	leftEye closeEyelid.
	rightEye closeEyelid!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>defaultColor (in category 'initialization') -----
	"answer the default color/fill style for the receiver"
	^ Color transparent!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>drawNoseOn: (in category 'drawing') -----
drawNoseOn: aCanvas
	| nosePosition |
	nosePosition := self center * 2 + self lips center // 3.
	aCanvas fillOval: (nosePosition- (3 at 0) extent: 2 @ 2) color: Color black.
	aCanvas fillOval: (nosePosition + (3 at 0) extent: 2 @ 2) color: Color black!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>drawOn: (in category 'drawing') -----
drawOn: aCanvas
	super drawOn: aCanvas.
	self drawNoseOn: aCanvas!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>grin (in category 'actions') -----
	self leftEye openness: (0.2 to: 1.0 by: 0.1) atRandom.
	self rightEye openness: (0.2 to: 1.0 by: 0.1) atRandom.
	self lips grin!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>happy (in category 'actions') -----
	self lips smile!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>hideTonge (in category 'actions') -----
	self lips hideTonge!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	"initialize the state of the receiver"
	super initialize.
	self addMorph: (leftEye := EyeMorph new);
	  addMorph: (rightEye := EyeMorph new);
	  addMorph: (lips := LipsMorph new).
	leftEye position: self position.
	rightEye position: leftEye extent x @ 0 + leftEye position.
	lips position: 0 @ 20 + (leftEye bottomRight + rightEye bottomLeft - lips extent // 2).
	self bounds: self fullBounds!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>leftEye (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ leftEye!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>lips (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ lips!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>lookAt: (in category 'actions') -----
lookAt: aPoint
	self leftEye lookAt: aPoint.
	self rightEye lookAt: aPoint!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>lookAtFront (in category 'actions') -----
	self leftEye lookAtFront.
	self rightEye lookAtFront!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>lookAtHand (in category 'actions') -----
	| hand |
	self isInWorld ifFalse: [^ self].
	hand := (self world activeHand) ifNil: [self world primaryHand].
	self lookAtMorph: hand!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>lookAtMorph: (in category 'actions') -----
lookAtMorph: aMorph
	self leftEye lookAtMorph: aMorph.
	self rightEye lookAtMorph: aMorph!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>mustachePosition (in category 'geometry') -----
	^ self nosePosition + self lips center // 2!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>neutral (in category 'actions') -----
	self lips neutral!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>nosePosition (in category 'geometry') -----
	^ self center * 2 + self lips center // 3!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>openEyelids (in category 'actions') -----
	leftEye openEyelid.
	rightEye openEyelid!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>rightEye (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ rightEye!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>say: (in category 'actions') -----
say: aString
	self lips showBalloon: aString!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>step (in category 'stepping and presenter') -----
	| amount |
	super step.
	10 atRandom = 1
		ifTrue: [[self lips perform: #(smile horror surprise sad grin) atRandom.
				 (Delay forMilliseconds: 2000 atRandom) wait.
				 self lips perform: #(neutral neutral smile sad) atRandom] fork].
	5 atRandom = 1
		ifTrue: [[self closeEyelids.
				 (Delay forMilliseconds: 180) wait.
				 self openEyelids.
				 2 atRandom = 1 ifTrue: [self lookAtFront]] fork.
				^ self].
	"20 atRandom = 1 ifTrue: [(self perform: #(leftEye rightEye) atRandom) closeEyelid]."
	20 atRandom = 1 ifTrue: [amount := (0.2 to: 1.0 by: 0.01) atRandom.
							 self leftEye openness: amount. self rightEye openness: amount].
	3 atRandom = 1 ifTrue: [self lookAtHand. ^ self].
	3 atRandom = 1 ifTrue: [self lookAtFront. ^ self].
	3 atRandom = 1 ifTrue: [self lookAtMorph: self world submorphs atRandom]!

----- Method: FaceMorph>>stepTime (in category 'testing') -----
	^ 1000!

ClassTestCase subclass: #PhonemeRecognizerTest
	instanceVariableNames: 'recognizer'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Phoneme Recognize-Test'!

!PhonemeRecognizerTest commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
This is the unit test for the class PhonemeRecognizer.!

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerTest>>setUp (in category 'initialize-release') -----
	recognizer := PhonemeRecognizer new initialize.
	recognizer phonemes add: PhonemeRecordTest sampleOne; add: PhonemeRecordTest sampleTwo.!

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerTest>>testFindMatchFor (in category 'testing') -----
	| soundBuffer bestMatch |
	soundBuffer := SoundBuffer fromArray: (Array new: 512 withAll: 0).
	bestMatch := recognizer findMatchFor: soundBuffer samplingRate: 22050.
	"Because the sound buffer is empty, the recognizer should find nothing but an empty  phoneme record."
	self assert: bestMatch name = '...'.

ClassTestCase subclass: #PhonemeRecordTest
	instanceVariableNames: 'phoneme'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Phoneme Recognize-Test'!

----- Method: PhonemeRecordTest class>>sampleOne (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
	^ PhonemeRecord new name: 'a'; mouthPosition: 1; features: #(221 341 240 128 22 8 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 3).!

----- Method: PhonemeRecordTest class>>sampleTwo (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
	^ PhonemeRecord new name: 'a'; mouthPosition: 2; features: #(632 232 28 11 6 15 5 7 3 2 3 4 5 3 3 1 2 2 2 4 5 2 2 7).!

----- Method: PhonemeRecordTest>>setUp (in category 'initialize-release') -----
	phoneme := PhonemeRecordTest sampleOne.!

----- Method: PhonemeRecordTest>>testDistanceToPhoneme (in category 'testing') -----
	| p distance |
	p := PhonemeRecordTest sampleTwo.
	distance := phoneme distanceToPhoneme: p.
	self assert: distance > 0.
	distance := phoneme distanceToPhoneme: phoneme.
	self assert: distance = 0.!

----- Method: PhonemeRecordTest>>testFeatures (in category 'testing') -----
	self deny: phoneme features isEmptyOrNil.!

----- Method: PhonemeRecordTest>>testMouthPosition (in category 'testing') -----
	| p |
	p := PhonemeRecordTest sampleOne.
	self assert: phoneme mouthPosition = p mouthPosition.
	phoneme mouthPosition: 3.
	self assert: phoneme mouthPosition = 3.!

----- Method: PhonemeRecordTest>>testName (in category 'testing') -----
	| p |
	p := PhonemeRecordTest sampleOne.
	self assert: phoneme name = p name.
	phoneme name: 'p3'.
	self assert: phoneme name = 'p3'.!

AlignmentMorph subclass: #KlattFrameMorph
	instanceVariableNames: 'frame lastSnapshot glottal'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Klatt'!

----- Method: KlattFrameMorph>>addSliderForParameter:target:min:max:description: (in category 'initialization') -----
addSliderForParameter: parameter target: target min: min max: max description: description
	self addMorphFront: (self newSliderForParameter: parameter target: target min: min max: max description: description)!

----- Method: KlattFrameMorph>>addSlidersForParameters: (in category 'initialization') -----
addSlidersForParameters: params
	| left right container current slider |
	params size < 10
		ifTrue: [left := right := self]
		ifFalse: [container := AlignmentMorph new color: self color; listDirection: #leftToRight.
				left := container copy listDirection: #topToBottom.
				right := left copy.
				container addMorphBack: left; addMorphBack: right.
				self addMorphBack: container].
	params do: [ :each |
		current := current == left ifTrue: [right] ifFalse: [left].
		slider := self newSliderNamed: each min: (KlattFrame minimumForParameter: each) max: (KlattFrame maximumForParameter: each).
		slider setBalloonText: (KlattFrame descriptionForParameter: each).
		current addMorphBack: slider]!

----- Method: KlattFrameMorph>>addTestButton (in category 'initialization') -----
	self addMorphBack: (SimpleButtonMorph new target: self; actWhen: #buttonDown; actionSelector:  #playTest; labelString: 'play')!

----- Method: KlattFrameMorph>>defaultColor (in category 'initialization') -----
"answer the default color/fill style for the receiver"
	^ Color
		r: 0.452
		g: 0.935
		b: 0.548!

----- Method: KlattFrameMorph>>frame: (in category 'initialization') -----
frame: aKlattFrame
	self frame: aKlattFrame edit: KlattFrame parameterNames!

----- Method: KlattFrameMorph>>frame:edit: (in category 'initialization') -----
frame: aKlattFrame edit: params
	frame := aKlattFrame.
	self addSlidersForParameters: params.
	(params detect: [ :one | #(ro ra rk) includes: one] ifNone: []) notNil
		ifTrue: [glottal := GraphMorph new extent: 210 @ 100.
				glottal setBalloonText: 'Glottal pulse'.
				self addMorphBack: glottal]!

----- Method: KlattFrameMorph>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	super initialize.
	self listDirection: #topToBottom.
	self layoutInset: 6; cellInset: 4.
	self hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.!

----- Method: KlattFrameMorph>>newSliderForParameter:target:min:max:description: (in category 'initialization') -----
newSliderForParameter: parameter target: target min: min max: max description: description
	| r slider m |
	r := AlignmentMorph newRow.
	r color: self color; borderWidth: 0; layoutInset: 0.
	r hResizing: #spaceFill; vResizing: #shrinkWrap; extent: 5 at 20; wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #leftCenter; cellInset: 4 at 0.

	slider := SimpleSliderMorph new
		color: (Color r: 0.065 g: 0.548 b: 0.645);
		extent: 120 at 2;
		target: target;
		actionSelector: (parameter, ':') asSymbol;
		minVal: min;
		maxVal: max;
		adjustToValue: (target perform: parameter asSymbol).
	r addMorphBack: slider.

	m := StringMorph new contents: parameter, ': '; hResizing: #rigid.
	r addMorphBack: m.
	m := UpdatingStringMorph new
		target: target; getSelector: parameter asSymbol; putSelector: (parameter, ':') asSymbol;
		width: 60; growable: false; floatPrecision: (max - min / 100.0 min: 1.0); vResizing: #spaceFill; step.
	r addMorphBack: m.
	r setBalloonText: description.
	^ r!

----- Method: KlattFrameMorph>>newSliderNamed:min:max: (in category 'initialization') -----
newSliderNamed: name min: min max: max
	^ self newSliderForParameter: name target: frame min: min max: max description: ''!

----- Method: KlattFrameMorph>>playTest (in category 'menu') -----
	| synth |
	synth := KlattSynthesizer new.
	synth millisecondsPerFrame: 1000; cascade: 8.
	(SampledSound samples: (synth samplesFromFrames: {frame}) samplingRate: synth samplingRate) play!

----- Method: KlattFrameMorph>>step (in category 'stepping and presenter') -----
	| lf |
	lastSnapshot = frame ifTrue: [^ self].
	lastSnapshot := frame copy.
	lf := LiljencrantsFant new
		t0: 1 / frame f0 ro: frame ro rk: frame rk ra: frame ra samplingRate: 44000.
	glottal data: lf init samples!

----- Method: KlattFrameMorph>>stepTime (in category 'testing') -----
	^ 500!

AlignmentMorph subclass: #PhonemeRecognizerMorph
	instanceVariableNames: 'recognizer soundInput statusLight levelMeter phonemeDisplay currentPhoneme'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Phoneme Recognizer'!

!PhonemeRecognizerMorph commentStamp: 'dd 2/18/2005 17:45' prior: 0!
I provide a morph for controlling a phoneme recognizer.

The first step is to plan how many different mouth positions will be used by the animation, and which phonemes map to which mouth positions. Traditional animators might draw four mouth positions for vowels and four to six for consonants.

The person whose speech is to be recognized then records phoneme examples for the phonemes to be recognized. For animation, these phonems might consist of the vowel sounds "eh", "ee", "ah", "o", "u" and the consonants "n", "r", "s", "sh", "th", "z", "l", "r", "w", and "m". In some cases "f" and "v" might also be included. The consonants "b" and "p" are also significant in animation, since these sounds, like "m", bring the lips together. Unfortunately, "b" and "p" are tricky to recognize with the scheme used here because they are actually two things in quick succession: a momentary silence followed by the sound of the released breath. However, if the mouth position for silence is drawn with the mouth closed, then the animation of "b" and "p" will probably look okay.

Each phoneme example is recorded by clicking the "add" button and speaking the phoneme into the microphone. Leading and trailing silence is automatically removed. The user is prompted for the phoneme name and a mouth position index. The name is just a mnemonic for the user. The index can be used to select a costume from a holder during animation. It is handy to list and number the mouth positions before recording the phoneme example set.

A phoneme can be reviewed with the "play phoneme" menu command. If it contains noise, includes slides between several different sounds, or doesn't sound like a representative example of the phoneme, delete it and record it again. English contains a number of "diphthongs"--vowel sounds that are actually slides between two different vowel sounds, as in the words "boy" or "boat". It is best to record each component of a diphthong individually. You can also set the name and mouth position index for the "silence" phoneme, the phoneme that is reported whenever the input sound falls below a certain threshold. A graphical view of the features vector for a given phoneme can be generated by selecting "show phoneme features" from the menu. A phoneme set can be saved to a file and restored later.

Once you have recorded your phoneme examples, you can try them by clicking the "run" button and speaking into the microphone. You should see the phoneme display update to report the current match. The "match sound file" menu command can be used to analyze an entire AIFF or a WAV sound file at once. The resulting phoneme stream is currently reported by opening an inspector on the phoneme list. There is one phoneme in this list for each 1/24th of a second window of sound in the sound file.

To allow use of the phoneme recognizer in tile scripts, the "mouth position tile" menu command creates a tile that reports the current phonemes mouth position index. This can be used to set the cursor of a holder containing the set of mouth position drawings. A two-line tile script can thus drive the mouth of an animated character. On a reasonably fast machine, the current phoneme can be watched by a program and used to drive real-time mouth animation.!

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>addButtonRows (in category 'private') -----
	"Create and add my button row."

	| r |
	r := AlignmentMorph newRow vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
	r addMorphBack: ((self buttonName: 'Menu' action: #invokeMenu)
		actWhen: #buttonDown).
	r addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: 4 at 1; color: Color transparent).
	r addMorphBack: (self buttonName: 'Add' action: #addPhoneme).
	r addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: 4 at 1; color: Color transparent).
	r addMorphBack: (self buttonName: 'Run' action: #startRecognizing).
	r addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: 4 at 1; color: Color transparent).
	r addMorphBack: (self buttonName: 'Stop' action: #stopRecognizing).
	r addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: 4 at 1; color: Color transparent).
	r addMorphBack: self makeStatusLight.
	self addMorphBack: r.

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>addLevelSlider (in category 'private') -----
	"Create and add a slider to set the sound input level. This level is used both when recognizing and adding phonemes."

	| levelSlider r |
	levelSlider := SimpleSliderMorph new
		color: color;
		extent: 100 at 2;
		target: soundInput;
		actionSelector: #recordLevel:;
		adjustToValue: soundInput recordLevel.
	r := AlignmentMorph newRow
		color: color;
		layoutInset: 0;
		wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #leftCenter;
		hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
		vResizing: #rigid;
		height: 24.
	r addMorphBack: (StringMorph contents: '0 ').
	r addMorphBack: levelSlider.
	r addMorphBack: (StringMorph contents: ' 10').
	self addMorphBack: r.

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>addPhoneme (in category 'button and menu commands') -----
	"Record and add a new phoneme example to my phoneme set. Prompt the user for its name and mouth position."

	| phoneme |
	self stopRecognizing.
		informUser: 'Press and hold the mouse button while speaking the phoneme.'
		during: [Sensor waitButton].
	soundInput isRecording ifTrue: [self stop].
	phoneme := PhonemeRecord new initialize.
	phoneme recordWithLevel: soundInput recordLevel.
	phoneme samples size < 10000 ifTrue: [
		^ self inform: 'Nothing recorded; check the record input source and adjust the level'].

	self promptForDetailsOfPhoneme: phoneme.
	recognizer phonemes add: phoneme.

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>addPhonemeDisplay (in category 'private') -----
	"Add a display to show the currently matching phoneme."

	| font r |
	font := StrikeFont familyName: 'Helvetica' size: 36.
	phonemeDisplay := StringMorph contents: '...' font: font.
	r := AlignmentMorph newColumn
		color: color;
		layoutInset: 0;
		wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #topCenter;
		hResizing: #spaceFill;
		vResizing: #rigid;
		height: 20.
	r addMorphBack: phonemeDisplay.
	self addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: 5 at 8; color: Color transparent).  "spacer"
	self addMorphBack: r.

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>addTitle (in category 'private') -----
	"Add a title."

	| font title r |
	font := StrikeFont familyName: Preferences standardEToysFont familyName size: 20.
	title := StringMorph contents: 'Phoneme Recognizer' font: font.
	r := AlignmentMorph newColumn
		color: color;
		layoutInset: 0;
		wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #topCenter;
		hResizing: #spaceFill;
		vResizing: #rigid;
		height: 20.
	r addMorphBack: title.
	self addMorphBack: r.
	self addMorphBack: (Morph new extent: 5 at 8; color: Color transparent).  "spacer"

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>buttonName:action: (in category 'private') -----
buttonName: aString action: aSymbol
	"Create a button of the given name to send myself the given unary message."

	^ SimpleButtonMorph new
		target: self;
		label: aString;
		actionSelector: aSymbol

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>changePhonemeDetails (in category 'button and menu commands') -----
	"Change the name and mouth position index of a phoneme specified by the user."

	| phoneme |
	phoneme := self selectPhonemeFromMenu: 'Phoneme to rename'.
	phoneme ifNotNil: [self promptForDetailsOfPhoneme: phoneme].

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>currentPhonemeMouthPosition (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the mouth position index (a position integer) of the currently matching phoneme."

	^ currentPhoneme mouthPosition

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>currentPhonemeName (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the name of the currently matching phoneme."

	^ currentPhoneme name

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>deletePhoneme (in category 'button and menu commands') -----
	"Delete a phoneme specified by the user."

	| phoneme |
	phoneme := self selectPhonemeFromMenu: 'Phoneme to delete'.
	phoneme ifNotNil: [
		recognizer phonemes remove: phoneme ifAbsent: [] ].

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>getMouthPosition (in category 'e-toy support') -----
	"Answer the mouth position index (a position integer) of the currently matching phoneme. Sent by tile scripts."

	^ currentPhoneme mouthPosition

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>getPhonemeName (in category 'e-toy support') -----
	"Answer the name (a string) of the currently matching phoneme. Used by script tile."
	^ currentPhoneme name!

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	"PhonemeRecognizerMorph new openInWorld."
	| r |
	super initialize.

	soundInput := SoundInputStream new samplingRate: 22050.
	recognizer := PhonemeRecognizer new.

	borderWidth := 2.
	self listDirection: #topToBottom.
	"Morph must be told how to resize before adding submorphs, not after."
	self hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
	self addTitle.
	self addButtonRows.
	self addLevelSlider.
	r := AlignmentMorph newRow vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
	r addMorphBack: self makeLevelMeter.
	self addMorphBack: r.
	self addPhonemeDisplay.!

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>invokeMenu (in category 'button and menu commands') -----
	"Invoke the settings menu."

	| aMenu |
	aMenu := CustomMenu new.
	aMenu title: 'Phoneme Recognizer'.
	aMenu addList:	#(
		('add phoneme'				addPhoneme)
		('play phoneme'				playPhoneme)
		('show phoneme features'	showPhonemeFeatures)
		('change phoneme name'	changePhonemeDetails)
		('set phoneme for silence'	setSilentPhoneme)
		('delete phoneme'			deletePhoneme)
		('mouth position tile'		makeTile)
		('phoneme name tile'		makePhonemeNameTile)
		('match sound file'			matchSoundFile)
		('save phonemes to file'		savePhonemes)
		('read phonemes from file'	readPhonemes)
		('help'						presentHelp)).
	aMenu invokeOn: self defaultSelection: nil.

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>makeLevelMeter (in category 'private') -----
	"Create a recording level meter."

	| outerBox |
	outerBox := RectangleMorph new extent: 125 at 14; color: Color lightGray.
	levelMeter := Morph new extent: 2 at 10; color: Color yellow.
	levelMeter position: outerBox topLeft + (2 at 2).
	outerBox addMorph: levelMeter.
	^ outerBox


----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>makePhonemeNameTile (in category 'button and menu commands') -----
	"Make a scripting tile to fetch the current phoneme's name."
	self makeTile: #getPhonemeName ofType: #String.!

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>makeStatusLight (in category 'private') -----
	"Create a status light to show when the recognizer is running."

	| s |
	statusLight := RectangleMorph new extent: 24 at 19.
	statusLight color: Color gray.
	s := StringMorph contents: 'On'.
	s position: statusLight center - (s extent // 2).
	statusLight addMorph: s.
	^ statusLight

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>makeTile (in category 'button and menu commands') -----
	"Make a scripting tile to fetch the current phoneme's mouth position."
	self makeTile: #getMouthPosition ofType: #Number.!

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>makeTile:ofType: (in category 'private') -----
makeTile: anOperator ofType: aType
	"Make a scripting tile to fetch an operator. Attach it to the hand, allowing the user to drop it directly into a tile script."

	| tile argTile |
	tile := PhraseTileMorph new setSlotRefOperator: anOperator type: aType.
	argTile := self tileToRefer.
	argTile bePossessive.
	tile firstSubmorph addMorph: argTile.
	tile enforceTileColorPolicy.
	ActiveHand attachMorph: tile

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>matchSoundFile (in category 'button and menu commands') -----
	"Process an AIFF or WAV sound file and generate a sequence of phoneme matches for that file in the Transcript. When done, open an inspector on the resulting collection of phonemes."

	| fileName snd phonemes |
	fileName := Utilities
		chooseFileWithSuffixFromList: #('.aif' '.aiff' '.wav')
		withCaption: 'Sound file?'.
	fileName = #none ifTrue: [^ self inform: 'No sound files.'].

	('*aif*' match: fileName) ifTrue:
		[snd := SampledSound fromAIFFfileNamed: fileName].
	('*wav' match: fileName) ifTrue:
		[snd := SampledSound fromWaveFileNamed: fileName].

	phonemes := recognizer findMatchesFor: snd.
	phonemes collect: [ :p | Transcript show: p name. ].
	phonemes inspect.!

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>playPhoneme (in category 'button and menu commands') -----
	"Play a phoneme specified by the user."

	| phoneme |
	phoneme := self selectPhonemeFromMenu: 'Phoneme to play'.
	phoneme ifNotNil: [
		"Stop recognizing otherwise I can't play the phoneme"
		self stopRecognizing.
		"Play the phoneme"
		phoneme play.

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>presentHelp (in category 'initialization') -----
	self class organization classComment asString openInWorkspaceWithTitle: 'About Phoneme Recognizer'.!

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>promptForDetailsOfPhoneme: (in category 'private') -----
promptForDetailsOfPhoneme: phoneme
	"Prompt the user for the name and mouth position of the given phoneme."

	| response |
	response := FillInTheBlank
		request: 'Phoneme name?'
		initialAnswer: phoneme name.
	response ifNotNil: [phoneme name: response].

	response := FillInTheBlank
		request: 'Mouth Position Index?'
		initialAnswer: phoneme mouthPosition printString.
	response ifNotNil: [phoneme mouthPosition: response asNumber asInteger].


----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>readPhonemes (in category 'button and menu commands') -----
	"Read a previously saved phoneme set from a file."

	| fname s newPhonemes |
	fname := Utilities chooseFileWithSuffixFromList: #('.pho' '.phonemes')
				withCaption: 'Phoneme file?'.
	fname isNil ifTrue: [^self].
	fname ifNil: [^self].
	s := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fname.
	newPhonemes := s fileInObjectAndCode.
	s close.
	recognizer phonemes: newPhonemes!

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>savePhonemes (in category 'button and menu commands') -----
	"Save the current phoneme set in a file."

	| fname refStream |
	fname := FillInTheBlank request: 'Phoneme file name?'.
	fname isEmpty ifTrue: [^ self].
	((fname endsWith: '.pho') or: [fname endsWith: '.phonemes'])
		ifFalse: [fname := fname, '.phonemes'].
	refStream := SmartRefStream fileNamed: fname.
	refStream nextPut: recognizer phonemes.
	refStream close.

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>selectPhonemeFromMenu: (in category 'private') -----
selectPhonemeFromMenu: title
	"Answer the phone selected by the user from a menu of the current phoneme records. Answer nil if the user does not select any phoneme."

	| aMenu |
	recognizer phonemes isEmpty ifTrue: [self inform: 'The phoneme database is empty.'. ^ nil].
	aMenu := CustomMenu new title: title.
	recognizer phonemes do: [:phoneme |
		aMenu add: phoneme name action: phoneme].
	^ aMenu startUp

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>setSilentPhoneme (in category 'button and menu commands') -----
	"Prompt the user for the name and mouth position associated with silence."

	self promptForDetailsOfPhoneme: recognizer silentPhoneme.
	phonemeDisplay contents: recognizer silentPhoneme name.

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>showPhonemeFeatures (in category 'button and menu commands') -----
	"Show a graph of the features array for the phoneme selected by the user."

	| phoneme m |
	phoneme := self selectPhonemeFromMenu: 'Show Features'.
	phoneme ifNotNil: [
		m := ImageMorph new image: phoneme featuresGraph.
		self world firstHand attachMorph: m].

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>startRecognizing (in category 'button and menu commands') -----
	"Start recognizing phonemes from the sound input."

	self stopRecognizing.
	soundInput bufferSize: (PhonemeRecord fftSize).
	soundInput startRecording.

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>step (in category 'stepping and presenter') -----
	"Update the record light, level meter, and display."

	| w buf |
	"update the record light and level meter"
	soundInput isRecording
		ifTrue: [statusLight color: Color yellow]
		ifFalse: [statusLight color: Color gray].
	w := ((121 * soundInput meterLevel) // 100) max: 1.
	levelMeter width ~= w ifTrue: [levelMeter width: w].

	soundInput isRecording ifTrue: [
		[soundInput bufferCount > 0] whileTrue: [
			"skip to the most recent buffer"
			buf := soundInput nextBufferOrNil].
		buf ifNotNil: [
			currentPhoneme := recognizer findMatchFor: buf samplingRate: soundInput samplingRate.
			phonemeDisplay contents: currentPhoneme name]].


----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>stepTime (in category 'testing') -----

	^ 30

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>stopRecognizing (in category 'button and menu commands') -----
	"Stop listening."

	soundInput stopRecording.
	currentPhoneme := recognizer silentPhoneme.

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizerMorph>>stopStepping (in category 'stepping and presenter') -----
	"Turn off recording."

	super stopStepping.
	soundInput stopRecording.

Object subclass: #Clause
	instanceVariableNames: 'string phrases accent'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-TTS'!

!Clause commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
My instances are clauses. They can carry a phrase accent (applicable to their last phrase) and a boundary tone: 'L- L%' (for declarative sentences in American English), 'H- H%' (for Yes-No questions), etc.!

----- Method: Clause>>accent (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ accent!

----- Method: Clause>>accent: (in category 'accessing') -----
accent: aString
	accent := aString!

----- Method: Clause>>accept: (in category 'accessing') -----
accept: anObject
	anObject clause: self!

----- Method: Clause>>events (in category 'accessing') -----
	| answer |
	answer := CompositeEvent new.
	self phrases do: [ :each | answer addAll: each events].
	^ answer!

----- Method: Clause>>eventsDo: (in category 'enumarating') -----
eventsDo: aBlock
	self phrases do: [ :phrase | phrase eventsDo: aBlock]!

----- Method: Clause>>lastSyllable (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self phrases last lastSyllable!

----- Method: Clause>>phrases (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ phrases!

----- Method: Clause>>phrases: (in category 'accessing') -----
phrases: aCollection
	phrases := aCollection!

----- Method: Clause>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	self phrases do: [ :each | aStream print: each; nextPutAll: '- ']!

----- Method: Clause>>string (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ string!

----- Method: Clause>>string: (in category 'accessing') -----
string: aString
	string := aString!

----- Method: Clause>>syllablesDo: (in category 'enumarating') -----
syllablesDo: aBlock
	self wordsDo: [ :each | each syllables do: aBlock]!

----- Method: Clause>>wordsDo: (in category 'enumarating') -----
wordsDo: aBlock
	self phrases do: [ :each | each words do: aBlock]!

Object subclass: #CosineInterpolator
	instanceVariableNames: 'origin points stack'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Support'!

----- Method: CosineInterpolator class>>fromArray: (in category 'instance creation') -----
fromArray: anArray
	| answer |
	answer := self new.
	1 to: anArray size by: 2 do: [ :each | answer at: (anArray at: each) put: (anArray at: each + 1)].
	^ answer!

----- Method: CosineInterpolator>>at: (in category 'accessing') -----
at: time
	"Answer the value of the receiver at a given time. (Do linear interpolation.)"
	^ self cosineAt: time + self origin!

----- Method: CosineInterpolator>>at:put: (in category 'accessing') -----
at: time put: value
	self points add: time + self origin -> value.
	^ value!

----- Method: CosineInterpolator>>cleanBetween:and: (in category 'private') -----
cleanBetween: start and: end
	self points: (self points reject: [ :each | each key between: start and: end])!

----- Method: CosineInterpolator>>commit (in category 'accessing') -----
	self cleanBetween: stack first key and: stack last key.
	self points addAll: stack.
	stack := SortedCollection new!

----- Method: CosineInterpolator>>cosineAt: (in category 'private') -----
cosineAt: time
	"Answer the value of the receiver at a given time. (Do cosine interpolation.)"
	| xVal count x1 x2 y1 y2 |
	points isNil ifTrue: [^ nil].
	xVal := points first key.
	count := 1.
	[xVal < time]
		whileTrue: [count := count + 1.
					count > points size ifTrue: [^ points last value].
					xVal := (points at: count) key].
	xVal = time ifTrue: [^ (points at: count) value].
	count = 1 ifTrue: [^ points first value].
	x1 := (points at: count - 1) key.
	x2 := (points at: count) key.
	y1 := (points at: count - 1) value.
	y2 := (points at: count) value.
	^ ((time - x1 / (x2 - x1) * Float pi) cos - 1 / -2.0) * (y2 - y1) + y1!

----- Method: CosineInterpolator>>duration (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self points last key - self points first key!

----- Method: CosineInterpolator>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	points := SortedCollection new.
	stack := SortedCollection new.
	origin := 0!

----- Method: CosineInterpolator>>linearAt: (in category 'private') -----
linearAt: time
	"Answer the value of the receiver at a given time. (Do linear interpolation.)"
	| xVal count x1 x2 y1 y2 |
	points isNil ifTrue: [^ nil].
	xVal := points first key.
	count := 1.
	[xVal < time]
		whileTrue: [count := count + 1.
					count > points size ifTrue: [^ points last value].
					xVal := (points at: count) key].
	xVal = time ifTrue: [^ (points at: count) value].
	count = 1 ifTrue: [^ points first value].
	x1 := (points at: count - 1) key.
	x2 := (points at: count) key.
	y1 := (points at: count - 1) value.
	y2 := (points at: count) value.
	^ (time - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + y1!

----- Method: CosineInterpolator>>origin (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ origin!

----- Method: CosineInterpolator>>origin: (in category 'accessing') -----
origin: aNumber
	origin := aNumber!

----- Method: CosineInterpolator>>points (in category 'private') -----
	^ points!

----- Method: CosineInterpolator>>points: (in category 'private') -----
points: aCollection
	points := aCollection!

----- Method: CosineInterpolator>>x:y: (in category 'accessing') -----
x: x y: y
	stack add: x + self origin -> y!

Object subclass: #DECTalkReader
	instanceVariableNames: 'stream phonemes durations events currentDuration currentPitch f0Contour'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Support'!

----- Method: DECTalkReader class>>daisy (in category 'examples') -----
	DECTalkReader daisy playOn: KlattVoice new delayed: 10000
	^ self eventsFromString: '_<50,22>dey<400,22>ziy<400,19>dey<400,15>ziy<400,10>

----- Method: DECTalkReader class>>eventsFromStream: (in category 'instance creation') -----
eventsFromStream: aStream
	^ self new stream: aStream; read; events!

----- Method: DECTalkReader class>>eventsFromString: (in category 'instance creation') -----
eventsFromString: aString
	^ self eventsFromStream: (ReadStream on: aString)!

----- Method: DECTalkReader class>>flower (in category 'examples') -----
	DECTalkReader flower playOn: KlattVoice new delayed: 15000
	^ self eventsFromString: '_<25,22>ow<200,22>flaw<400,22>rax<200,20>vskao<400,18>
yu<200,13>rwiy<400,20>bih<200,20>t hxih<200,20>ih<200,18>
geh<600,18>nst hxih<800,13>m<200,13>
ae<200,22>ndseh<200,23>eh<200,22>nt hxih<200,20>mhxow<300,22>
geh<400,18>eh<200,18>nst hxih<800,13>m<200,13>
ae<200,22>ndseh<200,23>eh<200,22>nt hxih<200,20>mhxow<300,22>
geh<600,18>nst hxih<800,13>m<200,13>
ae<200,22>ndseh<200,23>eh<200,22>nt hxih<200,20>mhxow<300,22>

----- Method: DECTalkReader class>>great (in category 'examples') -----
	(DECTalkReader great pitchBy: 0.5) playOn: (KlattVoice new tract: 19; flutter: 0.5) delayed: 10000
	^ self eventsFromString: '_<50,20>ax<200,20>_<1>ax<500,22>_<10>ow<300,20>yxeh<1000,17>

----- Method: DECTalkReader class>>hawaii (in category 'examples') -----
	DECTalkReader hawaii playOn: (KlattVoice new tract: 14.4) delayed: 10000
	^ self eventsFromString: '_<300> naa<600,23> ay<300,23>t ae<300,22>nd yuw<1200,23> ,<600>
bluw<900,25> hxah<300,24> waa<940,23> aa<240,22> aa<240,21> iy<1200,20>
,<600> dhah<600,32> naa<600,33> ay<300,33>t ih<300,32>z hxeh<900,30>
veh<300,22>n liy<1200,25>
,<600> ae<300,30> ae<300,31>nd yu<900,32> aa<300,30>rx
hxeh<440,28> veh<440,28>n tuw<440,25> miy<2400,23> ,<600> lah<900,23>v
liy<300,22> yuw<1200,23> ,<600> ae<600,24>nd bluw<900,25> hxah<300,24>
,<600> wih<600,32>dh ao<900,33>lx dhih<300,32>s lah<880,30> v<40,30>
liy<300,22> neh<1200,25>s
,<600> dheh<300,30> eh<300,31>rx shuh<900,32>d biy<300,27>
lah<4140,28> v<60,28> ,<600> kah<900,25>m wih<300,32>dh miy<1800,30> ,<600>
waa<400,28> ay<200,28>lx dhah<600,25> muw<300,28>n ih<300,25>z aa<300,28>n
dhah<300,25> siy<2400,23> ,<600> dhah<600,24> naa<600,25> ay<300,25>t
ih<300,32>z yxah<1200,30>nx ,<600> ae<600,28>nd sow<600,25>
aa<600,28>rx-wiy<4200,30> ,<600> driy<900,23>mz kah<300,22>m truw<1000,23>
uw<200,23> ,<600> ih<600,24>n
bluw<900,25> hxah<300,24> waa<940,23> aa<240,22> aa<240,21> iy<1200,20>
,<600> ae<600,32>nd maa<600,33> iy<300>n kuh<300,32>d ao<900,30>lx
kah<300,22>m truw<1200,25> ,<600> dhih<300,30> ih<300,31>s mae<900,32>
jhih<330,27>k naa<600,28> ay<350,28>t ah<350,27>v naa<600,28> ay<350,28>ts
,<40> wih<380,27>dh yuw<1000,28>-uw<600,455>-uw<1800,35>.'!

----- Method: DECTalkReader class>>silentNightDuetExample (in category 'examples') -----
	DECTalkReader silentNightDuetExample

	| song1 song2 voice1 voice2 time |
	song1 := DECTalkReader silentNightVoice1.
	song2 := DECTalkReader silentNightVoice2.
	voice1 := KlattVoice new tract: 14.4.
	voice2 := KlattVoice new tract: 18.5; turbulence: 59.
	time := Time millisecondClockValue + 30000. "give it 30 secounds for precomputing"
	song1 playOn: voice1 at: time.
	song2 playOn: voice2 at: time!

----- Method: DECTalkReader class>>silentNightDuetExample2 (in category 'examples') -----
	DECTalkReader silentNightDuetExample2

	| song1 song2 voice1 voice2 time |
	song1 := DECTalkReader silentNightVoice1 pitchBy: 0.5.
	song2 := DECTalkReader silentNightVoice2 pitchBy: 0.5.
	voice1 := KlattVoice new tract: 14.4.
	voice2 := KlattVoice new tract: 18.5; turbulence: 59.
	time := Time millisecondClockValue + 30000. "give it 30 secounds for precomputing"
	song1 playOn: voice1 at: time.
	song2 playOn: voice2 at: time!

----- Method: DECTalkReader class>>silentNightDuetExample3 (in category 'examples') -----
	DECTalkReader silentNightDuetExample3

	| song1 song2 voice1 voice2 time |
	song1 := DECTalkReader silentNightVoice1 pitchBy: 0.25.
	song2 := DECTalkReader silentNightVoice2 pitchBy: 0.25.
	voice1 := KlattVoice new tract: 18.5; turbulence: 59.
	voice2 := KlattVoice new tract: 20; flutter: 0.5.
	time := Time millisecondClockValue + 30000. "give it 30 secounds for precomputing"
	song1 playOn: voice1 at: time.
	song2 playOn: voice2 at: time!

----- Method: DECTalkReader class>>silentNightDuetExample4 (in category 'examples') -----
	DECTalkReader silentNightDuetExample4

	| song1 song2 voice1 voice2 gestural1 gestural2 time |
	song1 := DECTalkReader silentNightVoice1 pitchBy: 0.5.
	song2 := DECTalkReader silentNightVoice2 pitchBy: 0.5.
	gestural1 := GesturalVoice new.
	gestural1 newHead position: 1 @ 50.
	voice1 := (KlattVoice new tract: 14.4) + gestural1.
	gestural2 := GesturalVoice new.
	gestural2 newHead position: 150 @ 50.
	voice2 := (KlattVoice new tract: 18.5; turbulence: 59) + gestural2.
	time := Time millisecondClockValue + 30000. "give it 30 secounds for precomputing"
	song1 playOn: voice1 at: time.
	song2 playOn: voice2 at: time!

----- Method: DECTalkReader class>>silentNightVoice1 (in category 'examples') -----
	(DECTalkReader silentNightVoice1 pitchBy: 0.5) playOn: KlattVoice new delayed: 1000

	^ self eventsFromString: 'sae<600,32>ay<200,34>leh<400,32>nt nae<600,29>ay<400>t.
hxow<600,32>ow<200,34>liy<400,32> nae<600,29>ay<400>t.
ao<600,39>l ih<200>z kaa<800,36>lm.
ao<600,37>l ih<200>z bray<800,32>t.
raw<600,34>nd yah<400>ng ver<600,37>er<200,36>jhah<400,34>n
mah<600,32>dher<200,32> ae<400>nd chah<600,29>ay<200>ld.
hxow<800,34>liy<400> ih<600,37>nfah<200,36>nt
sow<400,34> teh<600,32>nder<400,34> ae<400,32>nd may<600,29>ld.
sliy<600,39>p ah<400>n hxeh<400,42>vah<400,39>nliy<400,36> piy<1000,37>iy<800,41>s.
sliy<400,37>iy<400,32>p ah<400,29>n hxeh<400,32>vah<400,30>nliy<600,27> piy<1800,25>s.'!

----- Method: DECTalkReader class>>silentNightVoice2 (in category 'examples') -----
	(DECTalkReader silentNightVoice2 pitchBy: 0.5) playOn: KlattVoice new delayed: 1000

	^ self eventsFromString: 'sae<600,29>ay<200,30>leh<400,29>nt nae<600,25>ay<400>t.
hxow<600,29>ow<200,30>liy<400,29> nae<600,25>ay<400>t.
ao<600,30>l ih<200>z kaa<800,27>lm.
ao<600,29>l ih<200>z bray<800,29>t.
raw<600,30>nd yah<400>ng ver<600,34>er<200,32>jhah<400,30>n
mah<600,29>dher<200,30> ae<400,29>nd chah<600,25>ay<200>ld.
hxow<800,30>liy<400> ih<600,34>nfah<200,32>nt
sow<400,30> teh<600,29>nder<400,30> ae<400,29>nd may<600,25>ld.
sliy<600,30>p ah<400>n hxeh<400,27>vah<400,30>nliy<400,27> piy<1000,29>iy<800,32>s.
sliy<400,29>iy<400,29>p ah<400,25>n hxeh<400,24>vah<400,24>nliy<600,24> piy<1800,25>s.'!

----- Method: DECTalkReader class>>startrek (in category 'examples') -----
	DECTalkReader startrek playOn: KlattVoice new delayed: 15000
	^ self eventsFromString: '_<50,17>dhey<400,17>rsklih<100,17>nxao<100,17>nzao<100,17>










----- Method: DECTalkReader class>>startrek1 (in category 'examples') -----
	DECTalkReader startrek1 playOn: KlattVoice new delayed: 5000
	^ self eventsFromString: '_<50,17>dhey<400,17>rsklih<100,17>nxao<100,17>nzao<100,17>

----- Method: DECTalkReader class>>vermont (in category 'examples') -----
	(DECTalkReader vermont pitchBy: 0.5) playOn: (KlattVoice new tract: 18.5; turbulence: 59) delayed: 15000
	^ self eventsFromString: 'peh<400,25> niy<400,23>z ih<400,20>n ah<400,18> striy<1200,20>m
,<400> fao<400,25> lih<400,23>nx liy<500,20>vz ,<100> ah<200,16>v 
sih<200,18> kah<200,20> mao<1000,12>rx ,<200> muw<400,20>n lay<400,18>t
ih<400,16>n vrr<400,13> maa<1200,16>nt ,<400> ay<400,25> siy<400,23> 
fih<400,20>nx grr<400,18> wey<1200,20>vz ,<400> skiy<400,25> trae<300,23>lxz  
,<100> aa<600,20>n ah<200,16> maw<200,18>n tih<200,20>n 
saa<800,12>-ay<200,12>d ,<200> snow<400,20> lay<400,18>t
ih<400,16>n vrr<400,13> maa<1200,16>nt ,<400> teh<200,15> lah<200,15>
grae<200,15>f key<400,15> bah<300,15>lxz ,<100> dhey<200,15> sih<200,15>nx 
daw<400,15>n dhah<200,15> hxay<200,15> wey<300,15> ,<100> ae<200,15>nd
trae<200,15> vuh<200,15>lx iy<200,15>ch beh<500,27>nd,<100> ih<200,25>n 
dhah<200,27> row<1200,24>d ,<400> piy<200,16> pah<200,16>lx hxuw<200,16>
miy<200,16>t ,<200> 
ih<400,16>n-dhih<200,16>s-row<200,16>-mae<400,16>n-tih<160,16>k ,<40> 
seh<200,16> tih<300,16>nx ,<100> aa<200,16>rx sow<200,16>
hxih<200,16>p nah<200,16> tay<400,28>zd ,<200> bay<200,26> dhah<200,28>
lah<900,25>v liy<700,24> ,<200> iy<400,25>v nih<400,23>nx sah<400,20>
mrr<400,18> briy<1200,20>z ,<400> wao<400,25>rx blih<400,23>nx ah<400,20>v
,<200> ah<200,16> meh<200,18> dow<200,20> laa<800,12>rxk ,<400> muw<400,20>n
lay<400,18>t ih<400,16>n vrr<400,13> maa<1300,16>nt ,<400>
iy<40,12>-yuw<280,12> ae<350,13>n day<420,16> ,<60> ae<340,20>nd
muw<380,25>n lay<340,27>t ,<100> ih<500,24>n vrr<540,26> maa<2000,23>nt.'!

----- Method: DECTalkReader>>addPitches (in category 'reading') -----
	| offset |
	offset := 0.0.
	events do: [ :each |
		each pitchPoints: (self pitchesBetween: offset and: offset + each duration).
		offset := offset + each duration].!

----- Method: DECTalkReader>>defaultDurationFor: (in category 'accessing') -----
defaultDurationFor: aPhoneme
	^ durations at: aPhoneme ifAbsent: [0.080]!

----- Method: DECTalkReader>>events (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ events!

----- Method: DECTalkReader>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	phonemes := PhonemeSet dectalkToArpabet.
	events := CompositeEvent new.
	currentDuration := 80.
	currentPitch := 100.
	f0Contour := CosineInterpolator new.
	durations := Dictionary new.
	('ae'	230.0	80.0)
	('aa'	240.0	100.0)
	('ax'	120.0	60.0)
	('er'	180.0	80.0)
	('ay'	250.0	150.0)
	('aw'	240.0	100.0)
	('b'		85.0		60.0)
	('ch'	70.0		50.0)
	('d'		75.0		50.0)
	('dh'	50.0		30.0)
	('eh'	150.0	70.0)
	('ea'	270.0	130.0)
	('ey'	180.0	100.0)
	('f'		100.0	80.0)
	('g'		80.0		60.0)
	('hh'	80.0		20.0)
	('ih'	135.0	40.0)
	('ia'	230.0	100.0)
	('iy'	155.0	55.0)
	('jh'	70.0		50.0)
	('k'		80.0		60.0)
	('l'		80.0		40.0)
	('m'		70.0		60.0)
	('n'		60.0		50.0)
	('ng'	95.0		60.0)
"	('oh'	240.0	130.0)"
	('oy'	280.0	150.0)
	('ao'	240.0	130.0)
	('ow'	220.0	80.0)
	('p'		90.0		50.0)
	('r'		80.0		30.0)
	('s'		105.0	60.0)
	('sh'	105.0	80.0)
	('t'		75.0		50.0)
	('th'	90.0		60.0)
	('uh'	210.0	70.0)
	('ua'	230.0	110.0)
	('ah'	160.0	60.0)
	('uw'	230.0	150.0)
	('v'		60.0		40.0)
	('w'		80.0		60.0)
	('y'		80.0		40.0)
	('z'		75.0		40.0)
	('zh'	70.0		40.0)
	('sil'	100.0	100.0)) do: [ :each |
		durations at: (PhonemeSet arpabet at: each first) put: each second / 1000.0]!

----- Method: DECTalkReader>>nextPhoneme (in category 'reading') -----
	| try try2 phon |
	try := stream next asString.
	(',.;-' includes: try first) ifTrue: [^ phonemes at: 'sil'].
	try2 := try, stream peek asString.
	(phon := phonemes at: try2 ifAbsent: []) notNil ifTrue: [stream next. ^ phon].
	^ phonemes at: try!

----- Method: DECTalkReader>>phonemes (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ phonemes!

----- Method: DECTalkReader>>pitchesBetween:and: (in category 'reading') -----
pitchesBetween: t1 and: t2
	| step |
	step := (t2 - t1 / 0.035) asInteger + 1. "step small enough"
	^ (t1 to: t2 by: t2 - t1 / step) collect: [ :each | each - t1 @ (f0Contour at: each)]!

----- Method: DECTalkReader>>read (in category 'reading') -----
	| phoneme time |
	time := 0.
	[stream skipSeparators; atEnd]
		whileFalse: [phoneme := self nextPhoneme.
					currentDuration := self defaultDurationFor: phoneme.
					stream peek = $< ifTrue: [self readPitchAndDuration].
					f0Contour at: time + (currentDuration / 2.0 min: 0.1) put: currentPitch.
					time := time + currentDuration.
					f0Contour at: time put: currentPitch.
					events add: (PhoneticEvent new phoneme: phoneme; duration: currentDuration; loudness: 1.0)].
	self addPitches!

----- Method: DECTalkReader>>readPitchAndDuration (in category 'reading') -----
	| tokens code |
	stream next.
	tokens := (stream upTo: $>) findTokens: ','.
	currentDuration := tokens first asNumber / 1000.0.
	tokens size > 1 ifFalse: [^ self].
	code := tokens last asNumber.
	currentPitch := code > "37" 64 ifTrue: [code] ifFalse: [AbstractSound pitchForMIDIKey: 35 + code]!

----- Method: DECTalkReader>>stream: (in category 'accessing') -----
stream: aStream
	stream := aStream!

Object subclass: #KlattSegment
	instanceVariableNames: 'name features rank duration parameters'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Klatt'!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>addParameter: (in category 'accessing') -----
addParameter: aKlattSegmentParameter
	^ self parameters at: aKlattSegmentParameter selector put: aKlattSegmentParameter!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>compileOn: (in category 'printing') -----
compileOn: aClass
	| stream |
	stream := WriteStream on: ''.
	self methodPrintOn: stream.
	aClass compile: stream contents classified: 'default segments'!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>cosine:with:time:duration: (in category 'processing') -----
cosine: a with: b time: time duration: dur
	time <= 0 ifTrue: [^ a].
	time >= dur ifTrue: [^ b].
	^ ((time / dur * Float pi) cos - 1 / -2.0) * (b - a) + a!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>doesNotUnderstand: (in category 'message dispatching') -----
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
	| sel |
	(parameters includesKey: (sel := (aMessage selector copyWith: $:) asSymbol))
		ifTrue: [^ parameters at: sel].
	^ super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>dominates: (in category 'testing') -----
dominates: aKlattSegment
	"Answer true if the receiver dominates the argument,
	i.e. if the receiver has greater rank than the argument."

	^ self rank > aKlattSegment rank!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>duration (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ duration!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>duration: (in category 'accessing') -----
duration: aNumber
	duration := aNumber!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>features (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ features!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>features: (in category 'accessing') -----
features: aCollection
	features := aCollection!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	self parameters: Dictionary new!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>interpolate:with:mid:time:speed: (in category 'processing') -----
interpolate: slope1 with: slope2 mid: mid time: time speed: speed
	| steady p1 p2 |
	steady := self duration * speed - (slope1 x + slope2 x).
	steady < 0 "steady state cannot be reached"
		ifTrue: [p1 := self linear: slope1 y with: mid time: time duration: slope1 x.
				p2 := self linear: slope2 y with: mid time: self duration * speed - time duration: slope2 x.
				^ p2 - p1 * time / (self duration * speed) + p1].
	time < slope1 x
		ifTrue: [^ self linear: slope1 y with: mid time: time duration: slope1 x].
	^ time - slope1 x <= steady "steady state reached"
		ifTrue: [mid]
		ifFalse: [self linear: mid with: slope2 y time: time - slope1 x - steady duration: slope2 x]!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>left:right:speed:pattern: (in category 'processing') -----
left: left right: right speed: speed pattern: patternFrame
	| frames leftSlope rightSlope value |
	frames := (1 to: self duration * speed) collect: [ :each | patternFrame copy].
	self parameters do: [ :each |
		leftSlope := self slopeWith: left selector: each selector speed: speed.
		rightSlope := self slopeWith: right selector: each selector speed: speed.
		0 to: self duration * speed - 1 do: [ :time |
			value := self interpolate: leftSlope with: rightSlope mid: each steady time: time speed: speed.
			(frames at: (time + 1) asInteger) perform: each selector with: value]].
	^ frames!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>linear:with:time:duration: (in category 'processing') -----
linear: a with: b time: time duration: dur
	time <= 0 ifTrue: [^ a].
	time >= dur ifTrue: [^ b].
	^ b - a * time / dur + a!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>methodPrintOn: (in category 'printing') -----
methodPrintOn: aStream
	| param |
	aStream print: self name; cr;
		tab; nextPutAll: '^ self segmentFromArray: '; cr;
		tab; tab; nextPutAll: '"name	rank	duration	features"'; cr;
		tab; tab; nextPutAll: '#('; print: self name; tab; tab; print: self rank; tab; tab; print: self duration; tab; tab; tab; print: (self features ifNil: [#()]); cr;
		tab; tab; nextPutAll: '"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"'.
	KlattFrame parameterNames do: [ :each |
		(param := self parameters at: (each, ':') asSymbol ifAbsent: [])
			ifNotNil: [aStream cr; tab; tab.
					param methodPrintOn: aStream]].
	aStream nextPut: $)!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>methodString (in category 'printing') -----
	| stream |
	stream := WriteStream on: ''.
	self methodPrintOn: stream.
	^ stream contents!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>name (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ name!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>name: (in category 'accessing') -----
name: aString
	name := aString!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>parameters (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ parameters!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>parameters: (in category 'accessing') -----
parameters: aDictionary
	parameters := aDictionary!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: self name!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>rank (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ rank!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>rank: (in category 'accessing') -----
rank: aNumber
	rank := aNumber!

----- Method: KlattSegment>>slopeWith:selector:speed: (in category 'processing') -----
slopeWith: aKlattSegment selector: selector speed: speed
	| me other |
	me := self parameters at: selector.
	other := aKlattSegment parameters at: selector.
	^ (self dominates: aKlattSegment)
		ifTrue: [me slopeWithDominated: other speed: speed]
		ifFalse: [me slopeWithDominant: other speed: speed]!

Object subclass: #KlattSegmentParameter
	instanceVariableNames: 'selector steady fixed proportion internal external'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Klatt'!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>external (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ external!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>external: (in category 'accessing') -----
external: aNumber
	external := aNumber!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>fixed (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ fixed!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>fixed: (in category 'accessing') -----
fixed: aNumber
	fixed := aNumber!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>internal (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ internal!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>internal: (in category 'accessing') -----
internal: aNumber
	internal := aNumber!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>methodPrintOn: (in category 'printing') -----
methodPrintOn: aStream
	aStream nextPut: $(; print: self selector; tab.
	self selector size < 4 ifTrue: [aStream tab].
	self selector size < 8 ifTrue: [aStream tab].
	aStream print: self steady; tab; tab; print: self fixed; tab; tab; print: self proportion; tab; tab; print: self external; tab; tab; print: self internal; nextPut: $)!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: self selector; space; print: self steady!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>proportion (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ proportion!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>proportion: (in category 'accessing') -----
proportion: aNumber
	proportion := aNumber!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>selector (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ selector!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>selector: (in category 'accessing') -----
selector: aSymbol
	selector := aSymbol asSymbol!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>slopeWith:dominant:speed: (in category 'processing') -----
slopeWith: parameter dominant: dominant speed: speed
	| dominated time value |
	dominated := self == dominant ifTrue: [parameter] ifFalse: [self].
	time := dominant == self ifTrue: [dominant internal] ifFalse: [dominant external].
	time := time * speed.
	value := time ~= 0
		ifTrue: [dominant proportion * dominated steady * 0.01 + dominant fixed]
		ifFalse: [dominated steady].
	^ time @ value!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>slopeWithDominant:speed: (in category 'processing') -----
slopeWithDominant: parameter speed: speed
	^ self slopeWith: parameter dominant: parameter speed: speed!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>slopeWithDominated:speed: (in category 'processing') -----
slopeWithDominated: parameter speed: speed
	^ self slopeWith: parameter dominant: self speed: speed!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>steady (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ steady!

----- Method: KlattSegmentParameter>>steady: (in category 'accessing') -----
steady: aNumber
	steady := aNumber!

Object subclass: #KlattSegmentSet
	instanceVariableNames: 'phonemes segments'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Klatt'!

!KlattSegmentSet commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
My instances are sets of KlattSegments, and they map phonemes to actual KlattSegments. The default segments are adapted from rsynth 2.0, a public domain TTS.!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet class>>arpabet (in category 'instance creation') -----
	^ self new initializeArpabet!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>a (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(a		2		4			(cnt mdl unr vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			490		230.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			1480		710.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		47.25		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		40.25		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		47.25		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		40.25		21.0		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>aa (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(aa		2		5			(fnt low unr vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			790		410.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			130		65.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			1780		950.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		61.25		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		52.5		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		45.5		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		61.25		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		52.5		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		45.5		21.0		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>ai (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(ai		2		6			(fnt lmd unr vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			640		290.0		50		5		5)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		5		5)
		(f2:			1600		830.0		50		5		5)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		5		5)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		59.5		28.0		50		5		5)
		(a3f:		49		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a4f:		43.75		21.0		50		5		5)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		5		5)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		5		5)
		(a2v:		59.5		28.0		50		5		5)
		(a3v:		49		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a4v:		43.75		21.0		50		5		5))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>air (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(air		2		6			(fnt lmd unr vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			640		350.0		50		5		5)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		5		5)
		(f2:			2020		1070.0		50		5		5)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		5		5)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		56		28.0		50		5		5)
		(a3f:		52.5		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a4f:		45.5		21.0		50		5		5)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		5		5)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		5		5)
		(a2v:		56		28.0		50		5		5)
		(a3v:		52.5		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a4v:		45.5		21.0		50		5		5))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>ar (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(ar		2		15			(bck low unr vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			790		410.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			880		470.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		63		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		43.75		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		36.75		17.5		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		63		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		43.75		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		36.75		17.5		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>at: (in category 'accessing') -----
at: aPhoneme
	^ self segments at: aPhoneme!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>at:ifAbsent: (in category 'accessing') -----
at: aPhoneme ifAbsent: aBlock
	^ self segments at: aPhoneme ifAbsent: aBlock!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>aw (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(aw		2		10			(bck lmd rnd vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			490		230.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			820		470.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		59.5		28.0		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		36.75		17.5		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		31.5		14.0		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		59.5		28.0		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		36.75		17.5		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		31.5		14.0		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>b (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(b		26		12			(blb stp vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		110.0		50		2		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		2		2)
		(f2:			760		350.0		50		2		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		2		2)
		(f3:			2500		0.0		100		0		2)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		0		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		2		2)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		0		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>by (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(by		29		1			(blb stp vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b1:			60		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f2:			760		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2:			90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f3:			2500		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		63		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		57.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		52.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		63		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		57.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		52.5		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>bz (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(bz		26		0			(blb stp vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		110.0		50		2		0)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		2		0)
		(f2:			760		350.0		50		2		0)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		2		0)
		(f3:			2500		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		2		0)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>ch (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(ch		23		4			(alv stp vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		110.0		50		2		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		2		2)
		(f2:			1780		950.0		50		2		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		2		2)
		(f3:			2680		2680.0		0		2		2)
		(b3:			150		150.0		0		2		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		2		2)
		(b3f:		150		150.0		0		2		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>ci (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(ci		18		8			(frc pla vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			400		170.0		50		3		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		2)
		(f2:			2020		1190.0		50		3		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(f3:			2560		0.0		100		3		2)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		45.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		56		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		45.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		45.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		56		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		45.5		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>d (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(d		26		8			(alv stp vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		110.0		50		2		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		2		2)
		(f2:			1780		950.0		50		2		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		2		2)
		(f3:			2680		2680.0		0		2		2)
		(b3:			150		150.0		0		2		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		2		2)
		(b3f:		150		150.0		0		2		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		45.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>dh (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(dh		20		4			(dnt frc vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	36		18.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			280		170.0		50		3		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		2)
		(f2:			1600		1190.0		50		3		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(f3:			2560		0.0		100		3		2)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		45.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		42		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:	54		27.0		50		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		43.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		45.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		42		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>di (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(di		20		4			(dnt frc vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			280		170.0		50		3		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		2)
		(f2:			1600		1190.0		50		3		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(f3:			2560		0.0		100		3		2)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		45.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		42		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		43.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		45.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		42		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>do: (in category 'enumerating') -----
do: aBlock
	self segments do: [ :each | each do: aBlock]!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>dy (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(dy		29		1			(alv stp vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b1:			60		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f2:			1780		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2:			90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f3:			2680		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		52.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		49		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		59.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		52.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		52.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		49		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		59.5		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>dz (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(dz		26		1			(alv stp vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		110.0		50		2		0)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		2		0)
		(f2:			1780		950.0		50		2		0)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		2		0)
		(f3:			2680		2680.0		0		2		0)
		(b3:			150		150.0		0		2		0)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		42		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		49		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		2		0)
		(b3f:		150		150.0		0		2		0)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		52.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		42		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		49		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>e (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(e		2		4			(fnt lmd unr vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			640		350.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			2020		1070.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		56		28.0		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		52.5		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		45.5		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		56		28.0		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		52.5		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		45.5		21.0		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>ee (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(ee		2		7			(fnt hgh unr vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			250		110.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			2320		1190.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			3200		1580.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		47.25		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		50.75		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		45.5		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		47.25		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		50.75		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		45.5		21.0		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>end (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(end		31		5			(0 )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			490		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b1:			60		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f2:			1480		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2:			90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f3:			2500		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		3		3)
		(a2f:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0)
		(a3f:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0)
		(a4f:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		3		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		3		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		3		0)
		(b2f:		90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(anv:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0)
		(a1v:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0)
		(a2v:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0)
		(a3v:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0)
		(a4v:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>er (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(er		2		16			(cnt lmd unr vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			580		290.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			1420		710.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		59.5		28.0		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		47.25		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		40.25		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		59.5		28.0		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		47.25		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		40.25		21.0		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>f (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(f		18		12			(frc lbd vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	32		16.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	54		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			400		170.0		50		3		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		2)
		(f2:			1420		350.0		50		3		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(f3:			2560		980.0		50		3		2)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		3		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		14		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		14		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:	54		27.0		50		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		3		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		14		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		14		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>g (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(g		26		12			(stp vcd vel )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		110.0		50		3		3)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		3)
		(f2:			1480		1550.0		50		3		3)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		3)
		(f3:			2620		1580.0		50		3		3)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		3		3)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		3)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		3		3)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		49		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>gy (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(gy		29		1			(stp vcd vel )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b1:			60		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f2:			1480		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2:			90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f3:			2620		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		59.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		49		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		59.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>gz (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(gz		26		2			(stp vcd vel )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		110.0		50		3		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		2)
		(f2:			1480		1550.0		50		3		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(f3:			2620		1580.0		50		3		2)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		3		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		49		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		43.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		28		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		3		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		49		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		49		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		43.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		28		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>h (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(h		9		10			(apr glt )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			490		0.0		100		0		7)
		(b1:			60		0.0		100		0		7)
		(f2:			1480		0.0		100		0		7)
		(b2:			90		0.0		100		0		7)
		(f3:			2500		0.0		100		0		7)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		0		7)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		50.75		-14.0		100		0		7)
		(a3f:		40.25		-7.0		100		0		7)
		(a4f:		36.75		-3.5		100		0		7)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		7)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		7)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		7)
		(b2f:		90		0.0		100		0		7)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		0		7)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		7)
		(a1v:		49		-14.0		100		0		7)
		(a2v:		50.75		-14.0		100		0		7)
		(a3v:		40.25		-7.0		100		0		7)
		(a4v:		36.75		-3.5		100		0		7))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>i (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(i		2		6			(fnt smh unr vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			400		170.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			2080		1070.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			2560		1340.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		50.75		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		49		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		43.75		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		50.75		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		49		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		43.75		21.0		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>ia (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(ia		2		6			(fnt smh unr vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			310		170.0		50		5		5)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		5		5)
		(f2:			2200		1070.0		50		5		5)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(f3:			2920		1460.0		50		5		5)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		49		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a3f:		50.75		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a4f:		45.5		21.0		50		5		5)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		5		5)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		5		5)
		(a2v:		49		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a3v:		50.75		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a4v:		45.5		21.0		50		5		5))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>ib (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(ib		2		6			(fnt low unr vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			490		230.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			1480		710.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		47.25		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		40.25		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		47.25		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		40.25		21.0		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>ie (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(ie		2		6			(cnt low unr vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			790		410.0		50		5		5)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		5		5)
		(f2:			880		470.0		50		5		5)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		5		5)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		63		31.5		50		5		5)
		(a3f:		43.75		21.0		50		5		5)
		(a4f:		36.75		17.5		50		5		5)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		5		5)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		5		5)
		(a2v:		63		31.5		50		5		5)
		(a3v:		43.75		21.0		50		5		5)
		(a4v:		36.75		17.5		50		5		5))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>initializeArpabet (in category 'initialization') -----
	phonemes := PhonemeSet arpabet.
	segments := Dictionary new.
	#(('p'	(p py pz))
	('t'		(t ty tz))
	('k'		(k ky kz))
	('b'		(b by bz))
	('d'		(d dy dz))
	('g'		(g gy gz))
	('m'		(m))
	('n'		(n))
	('ng'	(ng))
	('f'		(f))
	('th'	(th))
	('s'		(s))
	('sh'	(sh))
	('hh'	(h))
	('v'		(v qq v))
	('dh'	(dh qq di))
	('z'		(z qq zz))
	('zh'	(zh qq zh))
	('ch'	(ch ci))
	('jh'	(j jy qq jy))
	('l'		(l))
	('r'		(r))
	('w'		(w))
	('q'		(qq)) "stop-ness - not quite glottal stop"
	('y'		(y))
	('ih'	(i))
	('eh'	(e))
	('ae'	(aa))
	('ah'	(u))
"	('oh'	(o))	????????????????????????"
	('uh'	(oo))
	('ax'	(a))
	('iy'	(ee))
	('er'	(er))
	('aa'	(ar))
	('ao'	(aw))
	('uw'	(uu))
	('ey'	(ai i))
	('ay'	(ie i))
	('oy'	(oi i))
	('aw'	(ou ov))
	('ow'	(oa ov))
	('ia'	(ia ib))
	('ea'	(air ib))
	('ua'	(oor ib))
	('sil'	(q))
	('ll'		(ll))
	('wh'	(w))
	('ix'		(a))
	('el'		(l))
	('rx'	(rx))) do: [ :each |
		segments at: (phonemes at: each first)
		put: (each last collect: [ :selector | self perform: selector])]!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>j (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(j		26		4			(alv stp vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		110.0		50		2		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		2		2)
		(f2:			1780		950.0		50		2		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		2		2)
		(f3:			2680		2680.0		0		2		2)
		(b3:			150		150.0		0		2		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		2		2)
		(b3f:		150		150.0		0		2		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		45.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>jy (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(jy		20		3			(frc pla vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			280		170.0		50		3		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		2)
		(f2:			2020		1190.0		50		3		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(f3:			2560		0.0		100		3		2)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		50.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		43.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		50.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>k (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(k		23		8			(stp vel vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		110.0		50		3		3)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		3)
		(f2:			1480		1550.0		50		3		3)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		3)
		(f3:			2620		1580.0		50		3		3)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		3		3)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		3)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		3		3)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>ky (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(ky		29		1			(stp vel vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b1:			60		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f2:			1480		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2:			90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f3:			2620		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		64.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		64.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		43.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		64.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		64.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		43.75		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>kz (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(kz		23		4			(stp vel vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		110.0		50		3		3)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		3)
		(f2:			1480		1550.0		50		3		3)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		3)
		(f3:			2620		1580.0		50		3		3)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		3		3)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		33.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		3)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		3		3)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		33.25		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>l (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(l		11		8			(alv lat vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			460		230.0		50		6		0)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		6		0)
		(f2:			1480		710.0		50		6		0)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		6		0)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		6		0)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		6		0)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		35		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		6		0)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		6		0)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		50.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		35		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>ll (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(ll		11		8			(alv lat vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			460		230.0		50		6		0)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		6		0)
		(f2:			940		470.0		50		6		0)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		6		0)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		6		0)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		6		0)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		35		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		6		0)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		6		0)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		50.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		35		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>m (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(m		15		8			(blb nas )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		2		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		2		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		2		0)
		(f1:			480		480.0		0		3		0)
		(b1:			40		20.0		50		3		0)
		(f2:			1000		350.0		50		3		0)
		(b2:			175		87.0		50		3		0)
		(f3:			2200		0.0		100		5		0)
		(b3:			120		0.0		100		5		0)
		(fnz:		360		360.0		0		3		0)
		(a2f:		44		-10.0		100		3		0)
		(a3f:		47		-10.0		100		3		0)
		(a4f:		-16		-10.0		100		3		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		3		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		3		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		3		0)
		(b2f:		175		87.0		50		3		0)
		(b3f:		120		0.0		100		5		0)
		(anv:		56		28.0		50		3		0)
		(a1v:		40		-10.0		100		3		0)
		(a2v:		44		-10.0		100		3		0)
		(a3v:		47		-10.0		100		3		0)
		(a4v:		-16		-10.0		100		3		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>n (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(n		15		8			(alv nas )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		2		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		2		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		2		0)
		(f1:			480		480.0		0		3		0)
		(b1:			40		20.0		50		3		0)
		(f2:			1780		950.0		50		3		3)
		(b2:			300		150.0		50		3		3)
		(f3:			2620		2680.0		0		3		0)
		(b3:			260		130.0		50		3		0)
		(fnz:		450		450.0		0		3		0)
		(a2f:		49		-10.0		100		3		0)
		(a3f:		49		-10.0		100		3		0)
		(a4f:		34		-10.0		100		3		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		3		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		3		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		3		0)
		(b2f:		300		150.0		50		3		3)
		(b3f:		260		130.0		50		3		0)
		(anv:		56		28.0		50		3		0)
		(a1v:		49		-10.0		100		3		0)
		(a2v:		49		-10.0		100		3		0)
		(a3v:		49		-10.0		100		3		0)
		(a4v:		34		-10.0		100		3		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>ng (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(ng		15		8			(nas vel )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	52		26.0		50		2		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		2		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		2		0)
		(f1:			480		480.0		0		3		0)
		(b1:			160		80.0		0		5		0)
		(f2:			820		1550.0		50		5		3)
		(b2:			150		75.0		50		5		3)
		(f3:			2800		1580.0		50		3		3)
		(b3:			100		50.0		50		3		0)
		(fnz:		360		360.0		0		3		0)
		(a2f:		44		0.0		100		3		0)
		(a3f:		49		0.0		100		3		0)
		(a4f:		14		0.0		100		3		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		3		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		3		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		3		0)
		(b2f:		150		75.0		50		5		3)
		(b3f:		100		50.0		50		3		0)
		(anv:		56		28.0		50		3		3)
		(a1v:		34		0.0		100		3		0)
		(a2v:		44		0.0		100		3		0)
		(a3v:		49		0.0		100		3		0)
		(a4v:		14		0.0		100		3		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>o (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(o		2		6			(bck low rnd vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			610		290.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			880		470.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		61.25		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		36.75		17.5		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		29.75		14.0		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		61.25		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		36.75		17.5		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		29.75		14.0		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>oa (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(oa		2		6			(cnt mdl unr vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			490		230.0		50		5		5)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		5		5)
		(f2:			1480		710.0		50		5		5)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		5		5)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		64.75		31.5		50		5		5)
		(a3f:		47.25		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a4f:		40.25		21.0		50		5		5)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		5		5)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		5		5)
		(a2v:		64.75		31.5		50		5		5)
		(a3v:		47.25		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a4v:		40.25		21.0		50		5		5))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>oi (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(oi		2		6			(bck rnd umd vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			490		230.0		50		5		5)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		5		5)
		(f2:			820		350.0		50		5		5)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		5		5)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		59.5		28.0		50		5		5)
		(a3f:		36.75		17.5		50		5		5)
		(a4f:		31.5		14.0		50		5		5)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		5		5)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		5		5)
		(a2v:		59.5		28.0		50		5		5)
		(a3v:		36.75		17.5		50		5		5)
		(a4v:		31.5		14.0		50		5		5))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>oo (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(oo		2		4			(bck rnd smh vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			370		170.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			1000		470.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		56		28.0		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		42		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		36.75		17.5		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		56		28.0		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		42		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		36.75		17.5		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>oor (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(oor		2		6			(bck rnd smh vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			370		170.0		50		5		5)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		5		5)
		(f2:			1000		470.0		50		5		5)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		5		5)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		56		28.0		50		5		5)
		(a3f:		42		21.0		50		5		5)
		(a4f:		36.75		14.0		50		5		5)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		5		5)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		5		5)
		(a2v:		56		28.0		50		5		5)
		(a3v:		42		21.0		50		5		5)
		(a4v:		36.75		14.0		50		5		5))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>or (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(or		2		6			(bck lmd rnd vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			490		230.0		50		5		5)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		5		5)
		(f2:			820		470.0		50		5		5)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		5		5)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		59.5		28.0		50		5		5)
		(a3f:		36.75		17.5		50		5		5)
		(a4f:		31.5		14.0		50		5		5)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		5		5)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		5		5)
		(a2v:		59.5		28.0		50		5		5)
		(a3v:		36.75		17.5		50		5		5)
		(a4v:		31.5		14.0		50		5		5))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>ou (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(ou		2		6			(cnt low unr vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			790		410.0		50		5		5)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		5		5)
		(f2:			1300		590.0		50		5		5)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		5		5)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		61.25		31.5		50		5		5)
		(a3f:		49		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a4f:		42		21.0		50		5		5)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		5		5)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		5		5)
		(a2v:		61.25		31.5		50		5		5)
		(a3v:		49		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a4v:		42		21.0		50		5		5))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>ov (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(ov		2		6			(bck rnd smh vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			370		170.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			1000		470.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		56		28.0		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		42		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		36.75		17.5		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		56		28.0		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		42		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		36.75		17.5		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>p (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(p		23		8			(blb stp vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		110.0		50		2		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		2		2)
		(f2:			760		350.0		50		2		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		2		2)
		(f3:			2500		0.0		100		0		2)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		0		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		2		2)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		0		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>parameterFromArray: (in category 'segments creation') -----
parameterFromArray: anArray
	| answer |
	answer := KlattSegmentParameter new.
	#(selector: steady: fixed: proportion: external: internal:)
		doWithIndex: [ :each :index | answer perform: each with: (anArray at: index)].
	^ answer!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>phonemes (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ phonemes!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>phonemes: (in category 'accessing-private') -----
phonemes: aPhonemeSet
	phonemes := aPhonemeSet!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>py (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(py		29		1			(blb stp vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b1:			60		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f2:			760		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2:			90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f3:			2500		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		63		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		57.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		52.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		63		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		57.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		52.5		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>pz (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(pz		23		2			(blb stp vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		110.0		50		2		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		2		2)
		(f2:			760		350.0		50		2		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		2		2)
		(f3:			2500		0.0		100		2		2)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		2		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		52.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		47.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		42		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		2		2)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		2		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		52.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		47.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		42		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>q (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(q		29		6			(0 )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			490		0.0		100		3		3)
		(b1:			60		0.0		100		3		3)
		(f2:			1480		0.0		100		3		3)
		(b2:			90		0.0		100		3		3)
		(f3:			2500		0.0		100		3		3)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		3		3)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		3		3)
		(a2f:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0)
		(a3f:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0)
		(a4f:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		3		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		3		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		3		0)
		(b2f:		90		0.0		100		3		3)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		3		3)
		(anv:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0)
		(a1v:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0)
		(a2v:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0)
		(a3v:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0)
		(a4v:		-16		-10.5		100		3		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>qq (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(qq		30		0			(frc vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			280		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b1:			60		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f2:			1420		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2:			90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f3:			2560		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		50.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		47.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		43.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		50.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		47.25		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>r (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(r		10		11			(alv apr )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			490		0.0		100		0		5)
		(b1:			60		0.0		100		0		5)
		(f2:			1180		590.0		50		5		5)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(f3:			1600		740.0		50		5		5)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		49		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a3f:		49		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a4f:		-16		7.0		50		5		5)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		5		5)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		5		5)
		(a1v:		56		28.0		50		5		5)
		(a2v:		49		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a3v:		49		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a4v:		-16		7.0		50		5		5))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>rx (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(rx		10		10			(rzd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	50		25.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			490		0.0		100		0		5)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		0		5)
		(f2:			1180		0.0		100		0		5)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(f3:			1600		1600.0		0		5		5)
		(b3:			70		35.0		50		5		5)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		49		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a3f:		49		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a4f:		-16		7.0		50		5		5)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		5		5)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		5		5)
		(b3f:		70		35.0		50		5		5)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		5		5)
		(a1v:		56		28.0		50		5		5)
		(a2v:		49		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a3v:		49		24.5		50		5		5)
		(a4v:		-16		7.0		50		5		5))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>s (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(s		18		12			(alv frc vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	32		16.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			400		170.0		50		3		2)
		(b1:			200		100.0		50		3		2)
		(f2:			1720		950.0		50		3		2)
		(b2:			96		48.0		50		3		2)
		(f3:			2620		0.0		100		3		2)
		(b3:			220		0.0		100		3		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		42		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		42		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		96		48.0		50		3		2)
		(b3f:		220		0.0		100		3		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		42		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		42		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>segmentFromArray: (in category 'segments creation') -----
segmentFromArray: anArray
	| answer |
	answer := KlattSegment new.
	#(name: rank: duration: features:)
		doWithIndex: [ :each :index | answer perform: each with: (anArray at: index)].
	5 to: anArray size do: [ :each | answer addParameter: (self parameterFromArray: (anArray at: each))].
	^ answer!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>segments (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ segments!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>segments: (in category 'accessing-private') -----
segments: aDictionary
	segments := aDictionary!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>sh (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(sh		18		12			(frc pla vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			400		170.0		50		3		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		2)
		(f2:			2200		1190.0		50		3		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(f3:			2560		0.0		100		3		2)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		45.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		56		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		45.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		45.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		56		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		45.5		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>silence (in category 'accessing') -----
	self phonemes do: [ :each | each isSilence ifTrue: [^ self at: each]].
	self error: 'silence segment not found'!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>t (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(t		23		6			(alv stp vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		110.0		50		2		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		2		2)
		(f2:			1780		950.0		50		2		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		2		2)
		(f3:			2680		2680.0		0		0		2)
		(b3:			150		150.0		0		0		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		2		2)
		(b3f:		150		150.0		0		0		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>th (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(th		18		15			(dnt frc vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			400		170.0		50		3		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		2)
		(f2:			1780		1190.0		50		3		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(f3:			2680		2680.0		0		3		2)
		(b3:			150		150.0		0		3		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		42		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		36.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(b3f:		150		150.0		0		3		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		42		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		36.75		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>ty (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(ty		29		1			(alv stp vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b1:			60		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f2:			1780		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2:			90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(f3:			2680		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		52.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		64.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		0		0)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		52.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		64.75		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>tz (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(tz		23		2			(alv stp vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		110.0		50		2		1)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		2		1)
		(f2:			1780		950.0		50		2		1)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		2		1)
		(f3:			2680		2680.0		0		2		0)
		(b3:			150		150.0		0		2		0)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		42		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		2		1)
		(b3f:		150		150.0		0		2		0)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		42		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>u (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(u		2		6			(bck lmd unr vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			700		350.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			1360		710.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			2500		1220.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		57.75		28.0		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		45.5		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		38.5		17.5		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		57.75		28.0		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		45.5		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		38.5		17.5		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>uu (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(uu		2		9			(bck hgh rnd vwl )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			250		110.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			880		470.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			2200		1100.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		52.5		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		31.5		14.0		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		24.5		10.5		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		52.5		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		31.5		14.0		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		24.5		10.5		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>v (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(v		20		4			(frc lbd vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			280		170.0		50		3		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		2)
		(f2:			1420		350.0		50		3		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(f3:			2560		980.0		50		3		2)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		3		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		50.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		47.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		3		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		43.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		50.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		47.25		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>w (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(w		10		8			(apr lbv vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		50.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			760		350.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			2020		980.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		42		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		35		17.5		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		-16		7.0		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		57.75		28.0		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		42		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		35		17.5		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		-16		7.0		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>x (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(x		18		12			(frc vel vls )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			190		110.0		50		3		3)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		3)
		(f2:			1480		1550.0		50		3		3)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		3)
		(f3:			2620		1580.0		50		3		3)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		3		3)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		33.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		3)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		3		3)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		54.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		33.25		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>y (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(y		10		7			(apr pal vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			250		110.0		50		4		4)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		4		4)
		(f2:			2500		1190.0		50		4		4)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(f3:			2980		1460.0		50		4		4)
		(b3:			150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		47.25		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a3f:		52.5		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4f:		45.5		21.0		50		4		4)
		(a5f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(a6f:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(bypass:		-16		-8.0		50		4		4)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		4		4)
		(b3f:		150		75.0		50		4		4)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		4		4)
		(a1v:		64.75		31.5		50		4		4)
		(a2v:		47.25		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a3v:		52.5		24.5		50		4		4)
		(a4v:		45.5		21.0		50		4		4))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>z (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(z		20		4			(alv frc vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	40		20.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	60		30.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			280		170.0		50		3		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		2)
		(f2:			1720		950.0		50		3		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(f3:			2560		0.0		100		3		2)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		50.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		43.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		50.75		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>zh (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(zh		20		4			(frc pla vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			280		170.0		50		3		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		2)
		(f2:			2020		1190.0		50		3		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(f3:			2560		0.0		100		3		2)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		50.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		43.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		50.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		40.25		0.0		100		0		0))!

----- Method: KlattSegmentSet>>zz (in category 'default segments') -----
	^ self segmentFromArray: 
		"name	rank	duration	features"
		#(zz		20		4			(alv frc vcd )
		"selector		steady	fixed	prop	extern	intern"
		(voicing:	62		31.0		50		0		0)
		(aspiration:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(friction:	0		0.0		50		0		0)
		(f1:			280		170.0		50		3		2)
		(b1:			60		30.0		50		3		2)
		(f2:			1720		950.0		50		3		2)
		(b2:			90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(f3:			2560		0.0		100		3		2)
		(b3:			150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(fnz:		270		135.0		50		0		0)
		(a2f:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3f:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4f:		50.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a5f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a6f:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(bypass:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(b2f:		90		45.0		50		3		2)
		(b3f:		150		0.0		100		3		2)
		(anv:		-16		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a1v:		43.75		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a2v:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a3v:		38.5		0.0		100		0		0)
		(a4v:		50.75		0.0		100		0		0))!

Object subclass: #KlattSynthesizer
	instanceVariableNames: 'resonators frame pitch t0 nper nopen nmod a1 a2 x1 x2 b1 c1 glast vlast nlast periodCount samplesCount seed cascade samplesPerFrame samplingRate'
	classVariableNames: 'Epsilon'
	poolDictionaries: 'KlattResonatorIndices'
	category: 'Speech-Klatt'!

!KlattSynthesizer commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
My instances are Klatt-style cascade/parallel formant synthesizers, first described by Dennis Klatt in [1]. An updated version of the model was described in [2]. This version implements the LF (Liljencrants-Fant) glottal pulse model from [3], and the jitter and shimmer parameters suggested in [4]. For a description of the Klatt parameters, see KlattFrame.

	[1] Klatt,D.H. "Software for a cascade/parallel formant synthesizer", in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, pages 971-995, volume 67, number 3, March 1980.
	[2] Klatt,D.H. and Klatt, L.C. "Analysis, synthesis and perception of voice quality variations among female and male talkers". In the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, pages 820-857, volume 87, number 2. February 1990.
	[3] Fant, G., Liljencrants, J., & Lin, Q. "A four-parameter model of glottal flow", Speech Transmission Laboratory Qurterly Progress Report 4/85, KTH.
	[4] Alwan, A., Bangayan, P., Kreiman, J., and Long, C. "Time and Frequency Synthesis Parameters of Severely Pathological Voice Qualities."!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
	KlattSynthesizer initialize
	Epsilon := 1.0e-04.

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>antiResonator:frequency:bandwidth: (in category 'accessing-resonators') -----
antiResonator: index frequency: freq bandwidth: bw
	"Set up an anti-resonator"
	| arg r a b c |
	arg := 0.0 - Float pi / samplingRate * bw.
	r := arg exp.
	c := 0.0 - (r * r).
	arg := Float pi * 2.0 / samplingRate * freq.
	b := r * arg cos * 2.0.
	a := 1.0 - b - c.
	a := 1.0 / a.
	b := 0.0 - b * a.
	c := 0.0 - c * a.
	self resonatorA: index put: a.
	self resonatorB: index put: b.
	self resonatorC: index put: c!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>antiResonator:value: (in category 'accessing-resonators') -----
antiResonator: index value: aFloat
	| answer p1 |
	answer := (self resonatorA: index) * aFloat
			+ ((self resonatorB: index) * (p1 := self resonatorP1: index))
			+ ((self resonatorC: index) * (self resonatorP2: index)).
	self resonatorP2: index put: p1.
	self resonatorP1: index put: aFloat.
	^ answer!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>cascade (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the number of formants in the cascade branch."
	^ cascade!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>cascade: (in category 'accessing') -----
cascade: anInteger
	"Set the number of formants in the cascade branch."
	cascade := anInteger!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>defaultMillisecondsPerFrame (in category 'initialization') -----
	"Default is 10 milliseconds per frame."
	^ 10!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	"Initialize the Klatt synthesizer."

	"Seed for noise generation:"
	seed := 17.
	"Sampling rate and millseconds per frame:"
	self samplingRate: 22025.
	self millisecondsPerFrame: self defaultMillisecondsPerFrame.
	"Number of formants in the cascade branch: (0 to 8)"
	self cascade: 0!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>initializeResonators (in category 'initialization') -----
	resonators := FloatArray new: 24 * 5		"24 resonators, 5 floats each"!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>initializeState (in category 'initialization') -----
	self initializeResonators.
	pitch := 110.0.
	t0 := (samplingRate / pitch) asInteger.
	nper := 0.
	nopen := 0.
	nmod := 0.
	periodCount := 0.
	samplesCount := 0.
	vlast := 0.0.
	glast := 0.0.
	nlast := 0.0.

	self ro: 0.25 ra: 0.01 rk: 0.25!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>isAllParallel (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is not using the cascade branch."
	^ self cascade = 0!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>millisecondsPerFrame (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ 1000.0 / self samplingRate * self samplesPerFrame!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>millisecondsPerFrame: (in category 'accessing') -----
millisecondsPerFrame: aNumber
	self samplesPerFrame: (aNumber * self samplingRate / 1000) asInteger!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>qu:phi:cosphi:sinphi:rphid: (in category 'processing-LF') -----
qu: u phi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid
	| expuphi |
	expuphi := (u * phi) exp.
	^ expuphi * ((rphid * (u*u + 1.0) + u) * sinphi - cosphi) + 1.0!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>resonator:frequency:bandwidth: (in category 'accessing-resonators') -----
resonator: index frequency: freq bandwidth: bw
	"Convert formant frequencies and bandwidth into
	resonator difference equation coefficients."
	| arg r a b c |
	arg := 0.0 - Float pi / samplingRate * bw.
	r := arg exp.
	c := 0.0 - (r * r).
	arg := Float pi * 2.0 / samplingRate * freq.
	b := r * arg cos * 2.0.
	a := 1.0 - b - c.
	self resonatorA: index put: a.
	self resonatorB: index put: b.
	self resonatorC: index put: c!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>resonator:frequency:bandwidth:gain: (in category 'accessing-resonators') -----
resonator: index frequency: freq bandwidth: bw gain: gain
	"Convert formant frequencies and bandwidth into
	resonator difference equation coefficients."
	self resonator: index frequency: freq bandwidth: bw.
	self resonatorA: index put: (self resonatorA: index) * gain!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>resonator:value: (in category 'accessing-resonators') -----
resonator: index value: aFloat
	| answer p1 |
	answer := (self resonatorA: index) * aFloat
			+ ((self resonatorB: index) * (p1 := self resonatorP1: index))
			+ ((self resonatorC: index) * (self resonatorP2: index)).
	self resonatorP2: index put: p1.
	self resonatorP1: index put: answer.
	^ answer!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>resonatorA: (in category 'accessing-resonators') -----
resonatorA: index
	^resonators at: index * 5 - 4!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>resonatorA:put: (in category 'accessing-resonators') -----
resonatorA: index put: aFloat
	resonators at: index*5-4 put: aFloat!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>resonatorB: (in category 'accessing-resonators') -----
resonatorB: index
	^resonators at: index*5-3!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>resonatorB:put: (in category 'accessing-resonators') -----
resonatorB: index put: aFloat
	resonators at: index*5-3 put: aFloat!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>resonatorC: (in category 'accessing-resonators') -----
resonatorC: index
	^resonators at: index*5-2!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>resonatorC:put: (in category 'accessing-resonators') -----
resonatorC: index put: aFloat
	resonators at: index*5-2 put: aFloat!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>resonatorP1: (in category 'accessing-resonators') -----
resonatorP1: index
	^resonators at: index*5-1!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>resonatorP1:put: (in category 'accessing-resonators') -----
resonatorP1: index put: aFloat
	resonators at: index*5-1 put: aFloat!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>resonatorP2: (in category 'accessing-resonators') -----
resonatorP2: index
	^resonators at: index*5!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>resonatorP2:put: (in category 'accessing-resonators') -----
resonatorP2: index put: aFloat
	resonators at: index*5 put: aFloat!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>ro:ra:rk: (in category 'processing-LF') -----
ro: roNumber ra: raNumber rk: rkNumber
	| r d phi cosphi sinphi rphid u theta rho gamma gammapwr te ro ra rk |
	te := (t0 * roNumber) asInteger.
	ro := te asFloat / t0 asFloat.
	rk := rkNumber.
	ra := raNumber.

	ra <= 0.0
		ifTrue: [d := 1.0]
		ifFalse: [r := 1.0 - ro / ra.
				d := 1.0 - (r / (r exp - 1.0))].

	phi := Float pi * (rk + 1.0).
	cosphi := phi cos.
	sinphi := phi sin.
	rphid := ra / ro * phi * d.

	u := self zeroQphi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid.
	theta := phi / te.
	rho := (u * theta) exp.
	a1 := 2.0 * theta cos * rho.
	a2 := 0.0 - (rho * rho).
	x2 := 0.0.
	x1 := rho * theta sin.

	gamma := (-1.0 / (ra * t0)) exp.
	gammapwr := gamma raisedTo: t0 - te.

	b1 := gamma.
	c1 := (1.0 - gamma) * gammapwr / (1.0 - gammapwr)!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>samplesFromFrames: (in category 'processing') -----
samplesFromFrames: aCollection
	| buffer index |
	buffer := SoundBuffer newMonoSampleCount: aCollection size * samplesPerFrame.
	index := 1.
	aCollection do: [ :each |
		self synthesizeFrame: each into: buffer startingAt: index.
		index := samplesPerFrame + index].
	^ buffer!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>samplesPerFrame (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ samplesPerFrame!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>samplesPerFrame: (in category 'accessing') -----
samplesPerFrame: anInteger
	samplesPerFrame := anInteger!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>samplingRate (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ samplingRate!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>samplingRate: (in category 'accessing') -----
samplingRate: anInteger
	samplingRate := anInteger.
	self initializeState!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>soundFromFrames: (in category 'processing') -----
soundFromFrames: aCollection
	^ SampledSound samples: (self samplesFromFrames: aCollection) samplingRate: samplingRate!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>synthesizeFrame:into:startingAt: (in category 'processing') -----
synthesizeFrame: aKlattFrame into: aSoundBuffer startingAt: index
	<primitive: 'primitiveSynthesizeFrameIntoStartingAt' module: 'Klatt'>
	^(Smalltalk at: #KlattSynthesizerPlugin ifAbsent:[^self primitiveFail])
		doPrimitive: 'primitiveSynthesizeFrameIntoStartingAt'!

----- Method: KlattSynthesizer>>zeroQphi:cosphi:sinphi:rphid: (in category 'processing-LF') -----
zeroQphi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid
	| qzero ua ub qa qb uc qc |
	qzero := self qu: 0 phi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid.

	qzero > 0
		ifTrue: [ua := 0. ub := 1.
				qa := qzero. qb := self qu: ub phi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid.
				[qb > 0]
					whileTrue: [ua := ub. qa := qb.
								ub := ub * 2. qb := self qu: ub phi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid]]
		ifFalse: [ua := -1. ub := 0.
				qa := self qu: ua phi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid. qb := qzero.
				[qa < 0]
					whileTrue: [ub := ua. qb := qa.
								ua := ua * 2. qa := self qu: ua phi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid]].
	[ub - ua > Epsilon]
		whileTrue: [uc := ub + ua / 2. qc := self qu: uc phi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid.
					qc > 0 ifTrue: [ua := uc. qa := qc] ifFalse: [ub := uc. qb := qc]].
	^ ub + ua / 2!

Object subclass: #LiljencrantsFant
	instanceVariableNames: 'ro ra rk a1 a2 x1 x2 b1 c1 n0 ne'
	classVariableNames: 'Epsilon'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Klatt'!

!LiljencrantsFant commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
This is the LF glottal-pulse model. Actually this is here only for pedagogical purposes. The LF model is again implemented in KlattSynthesizer (and as primitive in the KlattSynthesizerPluggin). For more details on the LF model see:
	Fant, G., Liljencrants, J., & Lin, Q. "A four-parameter model of glottal flow", Speech Transmission Laboratory Qurterly Progress Report 4/85, KTH.

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant class>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') -----
	LiljencrantsFant initialize
	Epsilon := 1.0e-04!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>computeSamplesInto: (in category 'processing') -----
computeSamplesInto: aFloatArray
	| s0 s1 s2 |
	aFloatArray at: 1 put: x1.
	s2 := x1.
	aFloatArray at: 2 put: x2.
	s1 := x2.
	3 to: ne - 1 do: [ :each |
		s0 := a1 * s1 + (a2 * s2).
		aFloatArray at: each put: s0.
		s2 := s1.
		s1 := s0].
	ne to: n0 do: [ :each | aFloatArray at: each put: b1 * (aFloatArray at: each - 1) - c1]!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>d (in category 'processing') -----
	| r |
	ra <= 0.0 ifTrue: [^ 1.0].
	r := 1.0 - ro / ra.
	^ 1.0 - (r / (r exp - 1.0))!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>example1 (in category 'processing') -----
	Utilities plot: LiljencrantsFant new example1
	self t0: 1 / 133 * 4 ro: 0.25 rk: 0.25 ra: 0.01 samplingRate: 22025.
	self init.
	^ self samples!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>init (in category 'processing') -----
	| d phi cosphi sinphi rphid u theta rho gamma gammapwr |
	d := self d.
	phi := Float pi * (rk + 1.0).
	cosphi := phi cos.
	sinphi := phi sin.
	rphid := ra / ro * phi * d.

	u := self zeroQphi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid.
	theta := phi / ne.
	rho := (u * theta) exp.
	a1 := 2.0 * theta cos * rho.
	a2 := 0.0 - (rho * rho).
	x1 := 0.0.
	x2 := rho * theta sin.

	gamma := (-1.0 / (ra * n0)) exp.
	gammapwr := gamma raisedTo: n0 - ne.

	b1 := gamma.
	c1 := (1.0 - gamma) * gammapwr / (1.0 - gammapwr)!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>n0: (in category 'accessing') -----
n0: anInteger
	n0 := anInteger!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>ne: (in category 'accessing') -----
ne: anInteger
	ne := anInteger!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>qu:phi:cosphi:sinphi:rphid: (in category 'processing') -----
qu: u phi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid
	| expuphi |
	expuphi := (u * phi) exp.
	^ expuphi * ((rphid * (u*u + 1.0) + u) * sinphi - cosphi) + 1.0!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>ra (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ ra!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>ra: (in category 'accessing') -----
ra: aNumber
	ra := aNumber!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>rk (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ rk!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>rk: (in category 'accessing') -----
rk: aNumber
	rk := aNumber!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>ro (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ ro!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>ro: (in category 'accessing') -----
ro: aNumber
	ro := aNumber!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>samples (in category 'processing') -----
	| answer |
	answer := FloatArray new: n0.
	self computeSamplesInto: answer.
	^ answer!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>t0:ro:rk:ra:samplingRate: (in category 'processing') -----
t0: t0 ro: roNumber rk: rkNumber ra: raNumber samplingRate: samplingRate
	| doubleN0 |
	doubleN0 := samplingRate * t0.
	n0 := doubleN0 asInteger.
	ne := (doubleN0 * roNumber) asInteger.
	ro := ne asFloat / n0 asFloat.
	rk := rkNumber.
	ra := raNumber!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>t0:tp:te:ta:samplingRate: (in category 'processing') -----
t0: t0 tp: tp te: te ta: ta samplingRate: samplingRate
	self t0: t0 ro: te / t0 rk: te - tp / tp ra: ta / t0 samplingRate: samplingRate!

----- Method: LiljencrantsFant>>zeroQphi:cosphi:sinphi:rphid: (in category 'processing') -----
zeroQphi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid
	| qzero ua ub qa qb uc qc |
	qzero := self qu: 0 phi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid.

	qzero > 0
		ifTrue: [ua := 0. ub := 1.
				qa := qzero. qb := self qu: ub phi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid.
				[qb > 0]
					whileTrue: [ua := ub. qa := qb.
								ub := ub * 2. qb := self qu: ub phi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid]]
		ifFalse: [ua := -1. ub := 0.
				qa := self qu: ua phi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid. qb := qzero.
				[qa < 0]
					whileTrue: [ub := ua. qb := qa.
								ua := ua * 2. qa := self qu: ua phi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid]].
	[ub - ua > Epsilon]
		whileTrue: [uc := ub + ua / 2. qc := self qu: uc phi: phi cosphi: cosphi sinphi: sinphi rphid: rphid.
					qc > 0 ifTrue: [ua := uc. qa := qc] ifFalse: [ub := uc. qb := qc]].
	^ ub + ua / 2!

Object subclass: #PHOReader
	instanceVariableNames: 'stream phonemes events pitches time'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Support'!

!PHOReader commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
My instances read PHO files with lines of the form 'phoneme duration time0 pitch0 time1 pitch1 ...'. Time is in milliseconds, and pitch is in hertz. Files on this format are used as inputs for the MBROLA synthesizer, and there are lots of them available on the web. Here's an example:

_  120 0 105
m  60 33 105
E  70 42 102
r  50 20 108
I  50 20 125 100 142
k  100
r  50 80 137
I  50 80 121
s  70
m  50
@  90 33 111 88 108
s  90

----- Method: PHOReader class>>aliceExample (in category 'examples') -----
	| events |
	events := self eventsFromString: self aliceExampleString.
	events do: [ :each | each pitchBy: 0.63489].
	^ events!

----- Method: PHOReader class>>aliceExampleFemale (in category 'examples') -----
	| events |
	events := self eventsFromString: self aliceExampleString.
	events do: [ :each | each pitchBy: 1.3].
	^ events!

----- Method: PHOReader class>>aliceExampleMale (in category 'examples') -----
	| events |
	events := self eventsFromString: self aliceExampleString.
	events do: [ :each | each pitchBy: 0.63489].
	^ events!

----- Method: PHOReader class>>aliceExampleString (in category 'examples-private') -----
	^ '_ 48 0 222
{ 80 40 222 90 235
l 72 44 250 66 250
I 80
s 88
w 40 80 235
@ 40 80 210
z 64 12 210 50 181 75 181
b 72 33 173 88 181
I 56 71 181
g 56 28 153 100 166
I 64 62 160
n 40 60 160
I 88 27 166
N 40 100 166
t 80 20 160
U 40 40 181 80 166
g 48 100 166
E 104 38 153 76 137
t 56
v 48
E 72 11 166 66 153
r 88 18 160 63 166
i 112.8 14 166 49 173 77 173
t 104.8 98 137
AI 178.4 21 148 70 148 92 137
r= 108 25 137 62 133 98 129
d 49
@ 59.2 6 137 73 133
v 46
s 89
I 40 40 173
t 40 40 166
I 64 62 166
N 72 22 160 77 153
b 40 40 142 100 153
AI 136 29 142
h 80 30 142 100 148
r= 64 62 153 100 153
s 125
I 64 37 210 100 190
s 72 11 190
t 72
r= 104 30 160 69 142
O 72
n 40 40 142
D 40 40 153
@ 40 40 160
b 40 40 153 100 160
{ 216 18 166 51 166 70 153 88 137 100 133
n 40
k 56
_ 144 94 129 100 100
_ 100 0 137
{ 40
n 88 9 137 36 137 72 142
t 40 40 137 60 133
@ 48 16 148 100 148
h 40 100 142
{ 48 83 148
v 48 16 142
I 56 14 148 85 137
N 56 71 137
n 64 37 137 100 142
O 96 41 137 83 153 100 153
T 64
I 56 42 166
N 64 12 160 75 153
t 80 30 142
@ 56 28 166 100 148
d 56 71 137
u 160 15 160 45 160 70 153 95 142
w 136 23 137 58 137 88 148
A 112 21 153 57 160 92 173
n 64 50 166 62 153
s 56
O 48 50 153
r 40 40 142 100 133
t 130
w 56 57 166
AI 168 9 173 33 166 57 153 80 148 100 148
s 88
_ 300
S 92
i 48 50 235
h 40 40 235 100 250
@ 40 60 210 100 210
d 40
p 40
i 150
k 56
d 56
I 72 44 222 100 210
n 40 80 210
t 56
@ 48 83 181
D 40 39 173 99 173
@ 39.2 100 160
b 104 30 153 100 153
U 112 35 153 85 153 100 153
k 72
h 56
r= 48 50 200
s 136 5 181
I 64 25 166 87 142
s 56 14 137
t 56
r= 56 28 173 100 173
w 56 71 166
@ 56 42 181
z 48 16 181 50 173
r 120 73 181
i 104 7 190 69 190 100 181
d 40
I 112 7 166 50 137 85 129
N 80 30 114 50 111
_ 56 83 111 100 100
_ 140 0 153
b 40 60 153 100 153
U 64 75 148
4 40 80 148 100 142
I 40
t 40 40 148
h 40 40 142
{ 48 33 137
d 136 5 133 11 129 88 148
n 48 66 148
@U 144 16 160 44 173 72 190 100 210
p 80
I 96 75 190 100 181
k 56
tS 96
r= 104 30 190 69 181
z 72 11 181 33 173
O 40 60 173
r 64 37 160 100 153
k 72 11 153
O 152 63 190 89 200
n 40 60 181
v 40 60 166
r= 40 60 160
s 104 15 142
EI 120 20 190 53 190 86 210
S 104 7 210
@ 56 28 181 100 160
n 64 62 153 100 137
z 40
I 56 14 148 85 133
n 40 100 133
I 96 41 129 83 125
t 80
_ 64 85 125 100 100
_ 140 0 222
{ 56 14 222 28 220 42 235 85 235 100 220
n 96 33 222 75 235 100 235
w 48 33 222 66 250
O 90
4 48 50 222 66 252
I 48 33 250
z 64 12 235 62 210
D 56
@ 56 71 190
j 104 23 166 61 166 100 181
u 112 35 190 42 210 71 210 100 210
s 150
@ 56 42 200
v 40 20 160 60 148
@ 64 25 153 87 142
b 136 23 133 47 137
U 96 8 160 50 173 91 181 100 181
k 56
_ 56
T 56
O 119.2 20 166 53 142 80 137
4 40 20 133
{ 136 5 137 35 129 64 125
l 48 16 125 100 133
I 80 50 153 100 181
s 120
_ 40
_ 40
w 88 9 166 54 142
I 40 40 142
D 40 40 137
aU 62.4 38 137 63 133
t 80
p 55
I 72 16 210 38 210
k 40
tS 75.2 99 173
r= 136 29 160 64 160 76 166
z 48
O 44 90 185
r 60 6 198 46 200 72 190
k 40
O 81.6 12 148 61 133
n 40 20 133
v 48 33 133
r= 56 28 181 100 181
s 120 6 173
EI 136 11 222 41 210 94 210
S 120
@ 128 12 190 43 148 75 137
n 64 12 129 50 125
_ 80 88 125 100 100'!

----- Method: PHOReader class>>aliceShortExample (in category 'examples') -----
	| events |
	events := self eventsFromString: self aliceShortExampleString.
	events do: [ :each | each pitchBy: 1.3].
	^ events!

----- Method: PHOReader class>>aliceShortExampleMale (in category 'examples') -----
	| events |
	events := self eventsFromString: self aliceShortExampleString.
	events do: [ :each | each pitchBy: 0.4].
	^ events!

----- Method: PHOReader class>>aliceShortExampleString (in category 'examples-private') -----
	^ '_ 48 0 222
{ 80 40 222 90 235
l 72 44 250 66 250
I 80
s 88
w 40 80 235
@ 40 80 210
z 64 12 210 50 181 75 181
b 72 33 173 88 181
I 56 71 181
g 56 28 153 100 166
I 64 62 160
n 40 60 160
I 88 27 166
N 40 100 166
t 80 20 160
U 40 40 181 80 166
g 48 100 166
E 104 38 153 76 137
t 56
v 48
E 72 11 166 66 153
r 88 18 160 63 166
i 112.8 14 166 49 173 77 173
t 104.8 98 137
AI 178.4 21 148 70 148 92 137
r= 108 25 137 62 133 98 129
d 49
@ 59.2 6 137 73 133
v 46
s 89
I 40 40 173
t 40 40 166
I 64 62 166
N 72 22 160 77 153
b 40 40 142 100 153
AI 136 29 142
h 80 30 142 100 148
@ 60 50 150
r= 64 62 153 100 153
s 125
I 64 37 210 100 190
s 72 11 190
t 72
r= 104 30 160 69 142
O 72
n 40 40 142
D 40 40 153
@ 40 40 160
b 40 40 153 100 160
{ 216 18 166 51 166 70 153 88 137 100 133
n 40
k 56
_ 144 94 129 100 100'!

----- Method: PHOReader class>>eventsFromStream: (in category 'instance creation') -----
eventsFromStream: aStream
	^ self new stream: aStream; read; events!

----- Method: PHOReader class>>eventsFromString: (in category 'instance creation') -----
eventsFromString: aString
	^ self eventsFromStream: (ReadStream on: aString)!

----- Method: PHOReader class>>mbrolaExample (in category 'examples') -----
	^ self eventsFromString:
'_ 50
E 40 0 102
m 50
b 50
r 30
@U 80 5 119 35 126 70 140
l 50
@ 50 50 173
w 100 75 133
V 30 85 114
z 60 75 101
d 60
@ 40
v 40 85 105
E 60 75 121
l 50 70 121
@ 60 60 150
p 50
d 70
b 70 0 90
AI 130 85 101
T 70
j 50 0 180
E 120 0 185 95 131
r 40
i 90 85 135
d 80 60 134
@ 50 0 119 50 114
t 70
w 70 10 117 65 127 85 115
A 180 0 102 55 91 95 85
_ 100
_ 100
I 80 18 111
t 80
s 50
@ 30
s 70
p 80
i 80 25 171 85 200
tS 110
s 70
I 30 35 112
n 40
T 80
@ 40 85 108
s 80
AI 130 80 115
z 70 90 125
r= 120 75 111
b 80
EI 80 95 133
z 70
d 50
A 40
n 30
D 60
@ 30 65 121
k 90
A 30
n 30 100 140
k 80
{ 70 5 170
t 70
@ 40 50 186
n 40 75 163
EI 100 90 173
S 130
@ 40
n 30 65 153
V 40
v 70 0 148
d 60
AI 130 5 112 80 109
f 110
@U 160 87 88
n 70
z 210 88 82
_ 80
_ 100
I 40 0 140
t 50
t 100
EI 60 50 221
k 70
s 80
@ 30 0 190
l 50
I 30 65 180
s 110
t 70
V 50 20 171
v 50
f 90
@U 140 25 157
n 30
i 60 66 160
m 50 60 130
z 80
@ 40 62 78
z 80
I 70 78 134
n 50 70 163
p 120
U 90 15 119 75 98
t 90
_ 140
_ 100
t 60 0 111
u 50 80 119
g 70
E 50 90 145
D 50
r= 50 40 139 90 163
w 90
I 30 15 114
D 50
_ 40
p 50
r 30 0 102
@ 30 65 110
s 120
A 50 90 148
d 80
I 50 50 178
k 80
I 50 66 167
n 60
f 50
r= 50 90 125
m 50
EI 140 95 96
S 140
@ 80 35 168
n 100 95 142
_ 190
{ 90 0 133
n 30
d 30
p 80
r 40
@ 40 0 97 65 103
d 70
j 20
u 60 65 150
s 90
I 30 50 210
z 50
s 140
p 70
i 130 0 138 95 98
tS 160
{ 70 0 127
t 50
D 50
@ 30 15 93
s 140
{ 30 35 127
m 50
p 70
l 50
I 30 35 184
N 70
f 70
r 60
i 90 30 125
k 40
w 30
@ 30 15 185
n 30
s 100
i 50 20 148 70 142
V 30 5 148
v 40
D 80
@ 40 25 106
d 80
AI 150 95 115
f 90
@U 130 95 114
n 70
d 80
EI 80 80 137
4 50
@ 30
b 100
EI 120 95 78
s 210
_ 80'!

----- Method: PHOReader class>>plotPitchFromStream: (in category 'instance creation') -----
plotPitchFromStream: aStream
	^ self new stream: aStream; read; plotPitch!

----- Method: PHOReader class>>plotPitchFromString: (in category 'instance creation') -----
plotPitchFromString: aString
	^ self plotPitchFromStream: (ReadStream on: aString)!

----- Method: PHOReader class>>pushExample (in category 'examples') -----
	^ self eventsFromString:
'_  60 0 137
p  50 100 137
u  110 90 137
S  100 10 121
D  90
@  70 57 114 100 102
s  70
t  50
A 100 57 121 64 121
r 40
t  50
b  110
V  140 21 117 57 100 92 100
_ 3
n  130 25 102 50 105
t  60
u  70 28 129 71 111
b  70
i  70 50 102
g  20 10 100 80 102
i  130 25 117 66 114
n  260 3 111 23 105 42 97 61 93 73 93
_  140 92 93 100 100'!

----- Method: PHOReader class>>pushExampleFemale (in category 'examples') -----
	| events |
	events := self pushExample.
	events do: [ :each | each pitchBy: 1.93489].
	^ events!

----- Method: PHOReader class>>pushShortExample (in category 'examples') -----
	^ self eventsFromString:
'i  70 50 102
g  20 10 100 80 102
i  130 25 117 66 114
n  260 3 111 23 105 42 97 61 93 73 93'.
':= 3
n  130 25 102 50 105
t  60
u  70 28 129 71 111
b  70
i  70 50 102
g  20 10 100 80 102
i  130 25 117 66 114
n  260 3 111 23 105 42 97 61 93 73 93
:=  140 92 93 100 100'"!

----- Method: PHOReader class>>xmasExample (in category 'examples') -----
	^ self eventsFromString:
'_  120 0 105
m  60 33 105
E  70 42 102
r  50 20 108
I  50 20 125 100 142
k  100
r  50 80 137
I  50 80 121
s  70
m  50
@  90 33 111 88 108
s  90
{  70
n  100 50 105 100 97
d  50 80 93
h  50 20 93
{  50 20 102 60 114
p  50
i  50 100 125
n  60 83 121
u 100
j  130 7 121 23 121 100 108
r=  250 41 102 83 97
_  210 95 86 100 100'

----- Method: PHOReader class>>xmasKidExample (in category 'examples') -----
	| events |
	events := self xmasExample.
	events do: [ :each | each pitchBy: 1.6].
	^ events!

----- Method: PHOReader>>addPitches (in category 'accessing') -----
	| offset |
	offset := 0.0.
	events do: [ :each |
		each pitchPoints: (self pitchesBetween: offset and: offset + each duration).
		offset := offset + each duration].!

----- Method: PHOReader>>events (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ CompositeEvent new addAll: events; yourself!

----- Method: PHOReader>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	events := OrderedCollection new.
	pitches := OrderedCollection new.
	time := 0.0.
	phonemes := PhonemeSet sampaToArpabet!

----- Method: PHOReader>>nextEvent (in category 'accessing') -----
	| line phonemeName phoneme duration answer ptime pitch |
	line := ReadStream on: stream nextLine.
	phonemeName := line upTo: Character space.
	phoneme := phonemes at: phonemeName.
	[line peek isSeparator] whileTrue: [line next].
	duration := (line upTo: Character space) asNumber / 1000.0.
	answer := PhoneticEvent new phoneme: phoneme; duration: duration; loudness: 1.0.
	[line atEnd]
		whileFalse: [ptime := (line upTo: Character space) asNumber * duration / 100.0.
					pitch := (line upTo: Character space) asNumber asFloat.
					pitches add: time + ptime @ pitch].
	time := time + duration.
	^ answer!

----- Method: PHOReader>>pitchAt: (in category 'accessing') -----
pitchAt: t
	"Answer the pitch of the receiver at a given time. (Do linear interpolation.)"
	| xVal count x1 x2 y1 y2 |
	xVal := pitches first x.
	count := 1.
	[xVal < t]
		whileTrue: [count := count + 1.
					count > pitches size ifTrue: [^ pitches last y].
					xVal := (pitches at: count) x].
	xVal = t ifTrue: [^ (pitches at: count) y].
	count = 1 ifTrue: [^ pitches first y].
	x1 := (pitches at: count - 1) x.
	x2 := (pitches at: count) x.
	y1 := (pitches at: count - 1) y.
	y2 := (pitches at: count) y.
	^ (t - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + y1!

----- Method: PHOReader>>pitchesBetween:and: (in category 'accessing') -----
pitchesBetween: t1 and: t2
	| step |
	step := (t2 - t1 / 0.035) asInteger + 1. "step small enough"
	^ (t1 to: t2 by: t2 - t1 / step) collect: [ :each | each - t1 @ (self pitchAt: each)]!

----- Method: PHOReader>>plotPitch (in category 'accessing') -----
	Utilities plot: ((0 to: time by: 0.050) collect: [ :each | self pitchAt: each])!

----- Method: PHOReader>>read (in category 'accessing') -----
	stream reset.
	[stream atEnd] whileFalse: [events add: self nextEvent].
	self addPitches!

----- Method: PHOReader>>stream: (in category 'accessing') -----
stream: aStream
	stream := aStream!

Object subclass: #Phoneme
	instanceVariableNames: 'name properties'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Phonetics'!

!Phoneme commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
My instances are phonemes. See also PhonemeSet class.!

----- Method: Phoneme class>>name: (in category 'instance creation') -----
name: aString
	^ self new name: aString!

----- Method: Phoneme class>>name:example: (in category 'instance creation') -----
name: aString example: anotherString
	^ self new name: aString; example: anotherString!

----- Method: Phoneme class>>name:example:features: (in category 'instance creation') -----
name: aString example: anotherString features: anArray
	| answer |
	answer := self new name: aString; example: anotherString.
	anArray do: [ :each | answer addProperty: each].
	^ answer!

----- Method: Phoneme>>= (in category 'comparing') -----
= aPhoneme
	^ self species == aPhoneme species and: [self name = aPhoneme name]!

----- Method: Phoneme>>addProperty: (in category 'properties') -----
addProperty: anObject
	self at: anObject put: #nothing!

----- Method: Phoneme>>at: (in category 'properties') -----
at: anObject
	^ properties at: anObject!

----- Method: Phoneme>>at:ifAbsent: (in category 'properties') -----
at: anObject ifAbsent: aBlock
	properties isNil ifFalse: [^ properties at: anObject ifAbsent: aBlock].
	^ aBlock value!

----- Method: Phoneme>>at:put: (in category 'properties') -----
at: anObject put: anotherObject
	properties isNil ifTrue: [properties := IdentityDictionary new].
	^ properties at: anObject put: anotherObject!

----- Method: Phoneme>>copy (in category 'copying') -----
	^ super copy properties: properties copy!

----- Method: Phoneme>>example (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: #example ifAbsent: []!

----- Method: Phoneme>>example: (in category 'accessing') -----
example: aString
	self at: #example put: aString!

----- Method: Phoneme>>hasFeature: (in category 'testing') -----
hasFeature: aSymbol
	^ self hasProperty: aSymbol!

----- Method: Phoneme>>hasProperty: (in category 'properties') -----
hasProperty: anObject
	^ properties notNil and: [properties includesKey: anObject]!

----- Method: Phoneme>>hash (in category 'comparing') -----
	^ self name hash!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isAffricate (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is an affricate phoneme."
	^ self hasFeature: #affricate!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isBackVowel (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a back vowel phoneme."
	^ self isVowel and: [self hasFeature: #back]!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isConsonant (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a consonant phoneme."
	^ self hasFeature: #consonant!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isContinuant (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a continuant phoneme."
	^ self hasFeature: #continuant!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isDiphthong (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a diphthong phoneme."
	^ self hasFeature: #diphthong!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isFricative (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a fricative phoneme."
	^ self hasFeature: #fricative!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isFrontVowel (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a front vowel phoneme."
	^ self isVowel and: [self hasFeature: #front]!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isGlide (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a glide phoneme."
	^ self hasFeature: #glide!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isLiquid (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a liquid phoneme."
	^ self hasFeature: #liquid!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isMidVowel (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a mid vowel phoneme."
	^ self isVowel and: [self hasFeature: #mid]!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isNasal (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is an nasal phoneme."
	^ self hasFeature: #nasal!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isNonContinuant (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a noncontinuant phoneme."
	^ self isContinuant not!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isObstruent (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is an obstruent phoneme."
	^ self isStop or: [self isFricative or: [self isAffricate]]!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isSemivowel (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a semivowel phoneme."
	^ self hasFeature: #semivowel!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isSilence (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is the silence phoneme."
	^ self hasFeature: #silence!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isSonorant (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a sonorant phoneme."
	^ self isObstruent not!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isStop (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a stop phoneme."
	^ self hasFeature: #stop!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isSyllabic (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a syllabic consonant (or a vowel)."
	^ self isVowel or: [self isDiphthong]!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isUnvoiced (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is an uvoiced phoneme."
	^ self hasFeature: #unvoiced!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isVoiced (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a voiced phoneme."
	^ self hasFeature: #voiced!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isVoicedConsonant (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a voiced consonant."
	^ self isVoiced and: [self isConsonant]!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isVowel (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is a vowel phoneme."
	^ self hasFeature: #vowel!

----- Method: Phoneme>>isWhisper (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if the receiver is an whisper phoneme."
	^ self hasFeature: #whisper!

----- Method: Phoneme>>name (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ name!

----- Method: Phoneme>>name: (in category 'accessing') -----
name: aString
	name := aString!

----- Method: Phoneme>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	name isNil ifTrue: [^ super printOn: aStream].
	aStream nextPutAll: name.
	self stress > 0 ifTrue: [aStream print: self stress]!

----- Method: Phoneme>>properties (in category 'properties') -----
	^ properties!

----- Method: Phoneme>>properties: (in category 'properties') -----
properties: anIdentityDictionary
	properties := anIdentityDictionary!

----- Method: Phoneme>>stress (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the stress level of the receiver."
	^ self at: #stress ifAbsent: [0]!

----- Method: Phoneme>>stress: (in category 'accessing') -----
stress: aNumber
	"Set the stress level of the receiver."
	self at: #stress put: aNumber!

----- Method: Phoneme>>stressed: (in category 'transforming') -----
stressed: aNumber
	^ self copy stress: aNumber!

Object subclass: #PhonemeRecognizer
	instanceVariableNames: 'phonemeRecords silentPhoneme'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Phoneme Recognizer'!

!PhonemeRecognizer commentStamp: 'dd 2/18/2005 17:43' prior: 0!
I am experimental phoneme recognizer. My approach to phoneme recognition is fairly crude, but the goal is not full speech recognition, but merely a close enough approximation to drive the mouth of an animated character from speech input.

The phoneme recognizer has a collection of phoneme examples that were recorded in advance. Each of these phomemes has a "features vector" that describes that phoneme. Currently, feature vectors are basically a simplified version of the frequency spectrum measuring the sound energy in about two dozen frequency bands up to around 4000 Hz. The exact parameters are described in the class initialization method of PhonemeRecord and can be tweaked.

To do phoneme recognition, a short window of sound is analyzed via FFT, and its feature vector is extracted. This feature vector is then compared to the feature vectors of all phonemes in the example set. The phoneme that matches most closely is considered the currently sounding phoneme. This phoneme matching approach is similar to some of the earliest speech recognition work. However, current speech recognition software is generally driven by features derived from a linear predictive or vocal tract model of speech, rather than the raw spectrum data.!

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizer>>findMatchFor:samplingRate: (in category 'analysis') -----
findMatchFor: aSoundBuffer samplingRate: samplingRate
	"Find the phoneme whose features most closesly match those of the given sound buffer."

	| unknown bestMatch bestDistance d |
	unknown := PhonemeRecord new
		samples: aSoundBuffer samplingRate: samplingRate.
	unknown peakLevel > 1500
		ifTrue: [
			unknown computeFeatures.
			bestMatch := silentPhoneme.
			bestDistance := SmallInteger maxVal.
			phonemeRecords do: [:p |
				d := p featureDistanceFrom: unknown features to: p features.
				d < bestDistance ifTrue: [
					bestMatch := p.
					bestDistance := d]]]
		ifFalse: [bestMatch := silentPhoneme].
	^ bestMatch!

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizer>>findMatchesFor: (in category 'analysis') -----
findMatchesFor: aSampledSound
	"Process a sampled sound and return a sequence of phoneme matches for that sound."

	| out fftSize samplesPerInterval startIndex buf p |

	out := OrderedCollection new: 1000.
	fftSize := PhonemeRecord fftSize.
	samplesPerInterval := aSampledSound samplingRate / 24.0.
	1 to: (aSampledSound samples size - fftSize) + 1 by: samplesPerInterval do: [:i |
		startIndex := i truncated.
		buf := aSampledSound samples copyFrom: startIndex to: startIndex + fftSize - 1.
		p :=	self findMatchFor: buf samplingRate: aSampledSound samplingRate.
		out addLast: p.
	^ out asArray.!

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizer>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') -----
	phonemeRecords := OrderedCollection new.
	silentPhoneme := PhonemeRecord new initialize name: '...'.

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizer>>phonemes (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer all phonemes available in the phoneme set."
	^ phonemeRecords !

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizer>>phonemes: (in category 'accessing') -----
phonemes: newPhonemes
	"Replace the phoneme set with new phonemes."
	phonemeRecords := newPhonemes !

----- Method: PhonemeRecognizer>>silentPhoneme (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer a silent phoneme."
	^ silentPhoneme!

Object subclass: #PhonemeRecord
	instanceVariableNames: 'name mouthPosition samples samplingRate features'
	classVariableNames: 'AverageFeatures CutoffFreq FFTSize FilterBandwidth HighFreqWeight'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Phoneme Recognizer'!

!PhonemeRecord commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
I represent a single phoneme. I contain the phoneme's name and an integer that represents the mouth position associated with this phoneme. This integer can be used as an index to select the mouth shape for an animated character. I also contain a 'features vector' derived from an analysis of my sound; this 'features vector' is the basis of matching during phoneme recognition. I also retain the original sound from which the features were computed so that it can be re-analyzed to create a new feature vector when the analysis algorithm is changed.

----- Method: PhonemeRecord class>>fftSize (in category 'class initialization') -----
	"Answer the FFT size for frequency analysis. It must be a power of two."

	^ FFTSize

----- Method: PhonemeRecord class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
	"Initialize the parameter used to extract phoneme features. After changing these parameters, execute 'PhonemeRecord initialize'. The features vectors of any existing phoneme records will be cleared and recomputed as needed."
	"PhonemeRecord initialize"

	FFTSize := 512.			"size of FFT for analysis; this must be a power of two"
	CutoffFreq := 4000.		"boundary between fine and coarse ranges"
	FilterBandwidth := 160.	"bandwidth of each frequency band in the fine range"
	HighFreqWeight := 5.		"weighting of energy above the cutoff frequency"
	AverageFeatures := false.
		"If AverageFeatures is true, then average features over the phoneme recording. Otherwise, extract features from the center of the recording."

	"clear all cached feature vectors"
	PhonemeRecord allInstancesDo: [:p | p clearFeatures].

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>averageFeatures (in category 'feature analysis') -----
	"Compute the average features vector across my sound samples."

	| startI endI featureVectors |
	"skip the first and last bits"
	startI := (samplingRate // 5).
	endI := samples monoSampleCount - (samplingRate // 5).
	endI - startI < FFTSize ifTrue: [^ self extractFeaturesAt: endI].

	featureVectors := (startI to: endI by: FFTSize)
		collect: [:i | (self extractFeaturesAt: i)].
	^ self prunedAverageFeatures: featureVectors

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>clearFeatures (in category 'feature analysis') -----
	"Clear my features vector cache. This must be done when new sample data is recorded or when the analysis algorithm is changed."

	features := nil.

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>computeFeatures (in category 'feature analysis') -----
	"Compute and record a features vector take from the start of my samples. This method is typically used to analyze a single buffer during recognition."

	self features: (self extractFeaturesAt: 1).

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>distanceToPhoneme: (in category 'feature analysis') -----
distanceToPhoneme: otherPhoneme
	"Answer the distance in feature space between this phoneme and the given phoneme."

	^ self featureDistanceFrom: self features to: otherPhoneme features

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>extractFeaturesAt: (in category 'feature analysis') -----
extractFeaturesAt: startIndex
	"Extract a features vector from the given point in my samples."

	| spectrum cutoffIndex binSize s i avg unscaledFeatures total |
	spectrum := (FFT new: FFTSize)
		transformDataFrom: samples
		startingAt: (startIndex min: (samples monoSampleCount - FFTSize + 1)).

	cutoffIndex := ((CutoffFreq * spectrum size) / (samplingRate / 2)) rounded.
	binSize := ((FilterBandwidth * spectrum size) / (samplingRate / 2)) rounded.

	s := WriteStream on: (Array new: 50).
	i := 2. "skip first bin of FFT data, which just contains the D.C. component"
	[i < cutoffIndex] whileTrue: [
		avg := (spectrum copyFrom: i to: i + binSize - 1) sum / binSize.
		s nextPut: avg.
		i := i + binSize].

	"final entry of feature vector sums all energy above the cutoff frequency"
	s nextPut: HighFreqWeight *
		((spectrum copyFrom: i to: spectrum size) sum / (spectrum size + 1 - i)).

	unscaledFeatures := s contents.
	total := unscaledFeatures sum.
	^ unscaledFeatures collect: [:n | (1000.0 * n) // total].

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>featureDistanceFrom:to: (in category 'feature analysis') -----
featureDistanceFrom: featuresVec1 to: featuresVec2
	"Answer the distance between the given two feature vectors. The lower this value, the closer the phonemes match."

	| sumOfSquares |
	sumOfSquares := 0.
	1 to: featuresVec1 size do: [:i |
		 sumOfSquares := sumOfSquares +
			((featuresVec1 at: i) - (featuresVec2 at: i)) squared].
	^ sumOfSquares sqrt

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>features (in category 'access') -----
	"Answer the features vector for this phoneme, an array of numbers used in the phoneme matching process. Compute the features if necessary."

	features ifNil: [
			ifTrue: [features := self averageFeatures]
			ifFalse: [features := self featuresAtCenter]].
	^ features

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>features: (in category 'access') -----
features: anObject

	features := anObject.

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>featuresAtCenter (in category 'feature analysis') -----
	"Answer the features vector computed from a single FFT window taken from the center of my samples."

	^ self extractFeaturesAt: (samples monoSampleCount // 2)

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>featuresGraph (in category 'other') -----
	"Answer a Form containing a pictorial view of my features vector."

	| labelForm graphHeight barWidth bottom f min max scale x h |
	labelForm := name asParagraph asForm.
	graphHeight := 100.
	barWidth := 5.
	bottom := graphHeight + 2.  "2 pixel border"
	f := Form
		extent: (self features size * barWidth) @ (graphHeight + labelForm height + 5)
		depth: 16.
	f fillWhite: f boundingBox.
	f border: f boundingBox width: 2.

	min := 1.0e30.
	max := -1.0e30.
	features do: [:v |
		v < min ifTrue: [min := v].
		v > max ifTrue: [max := v]].
	scale := (graphHeight - 1) asFloat / (max - min).
	x := 2.
	self features do: [:v |
		h := (scale * (v - min)) asInteger.
		f fill: ((x@(bottom - h)) extent: barWidth at h) fillColor: (Color r: 0.581 g: 0.581 b: 0.0).
		x := x + barWidth].
	f fillBlack: ((0 at bottom) extent: (f width at 1)).
	labelForm displayOn: f
		at: ((f width - labelForm width) // 2)@bottom
		rule: Form paint.
	^ f

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----

	name := ''.
	mouthPosition := 1.
	samples := SoundBuffer new.
	samplingRate := 22050.
	features := nil.

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>mouthPosition (in category 'access') -----
	"Answer the mouth position associated with this phoneme, a positive integer that can be used to index into a collection of frames for an animation."

	^ mouthPosition!

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>mouthPosition: (in category 'access') -----
mouthPosition: anInteger

	mouthPosition := anInteger.

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>name (in category 'access') -----
	"Answer the name the user gave this phoneme."

	^ name!

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>name: (in category 'access') -----
name: anObject

	name := anObject.!

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>peakLevel (in category 'feature analysis') -----
	"Answer the absolute value of the peak sample value my buffer."

	| maxVal v |
	maxVal := 0.
	1 to: samples size do: [:i |
		v := samples at: i.
		v < 0 ifTrue: [v := 0 - v].
		v > maxVal ifTrue: [maxVal := v]].
	^ maxVal

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>phonemeDistanceTo: (in category 'feature analysis') -----
phonemeDistanceTo: otherPhoneme
	"Answer the distance in feature space between this phoneme and the given phoneme."

	^ self featureDistanceFrom: self features to: otherPhoneme features

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>play (in category 'other') -----
	"Playback my samples."

	(SampledSound samples: samples samplingRate: samplingRate) play.

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>prunedAverageFeatures: (in category 'feature analysis') -----
prunedAverageFeatures: featureVectors
	"Compute the average of the given collection of feature vectors, then discard the outliers and average the remainding feature vectors. The result is an average of the most typical feature vectors in the given collection."

	| centroid sum vectorsWithErrors filtered |
	"compute the average of all the feature vectors"
	centroid := (1 to: featureVectors first size) collect: [:i |
		sum := 0.
		1 to: featureVectors size do: [:j | sum := sum + ((featureVectors at: j) at: i)].
		(sum asFloat / featureVectors size) rounded].

	"sort vectors by their distance from the centroid"
	vectorsWithErrors := SortedCollection sortBlock: [:e1 :e2 | e1 last < e2 last].
	featureVectors do: [:v |
		vectorsWithErrors add: (Array with: v with: (self featureDistanceFrom: v to: centroid))].

	"reject outlying feature vectors"
	filtered := (1 to: (0.8 * vectorsWithErrors size) rounded)
		collect: [:i | (vectorsWithErrors at: i) first].

	"answer the average of the remaining feature vectors"
	^ (1 to: filtered first size) collect: [:i |
		sum := 0.
		1 to: filtered size do: [:j | sum := sum + ((filtered at: j) at: i)].
		(sum asFloat / filtered size) rounded].


----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>recordWithLevel: (in category 'other') -----
recordWithLevel: recordLevel
	"Initialize my sound samples by recording a snippet of sound while the mouse is held down. Trim off leading and trailing silence, and normalize the level of the recording."

	| recorder |
	"record the sound"
	recorder := SoundRecorder new
		samplingRate: samplingRate;
		recordLevel: recordLevel;
		informUser: 'Recording a phoneme. Release the mouse button when done.'
		during: [
			recorder resumeRecording.
			Sensor waitNoButton.
			recorder stopRecording].
		informUser: 'Removing leading/trailing silence...'
		during: [
			samples := recorder condensedSamples.
			samples size > 0 ifTrue: [
				samples := self trimAndNormalize: samples]].

	self clearFeatures.

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>samples (in category 'access') -----
	"Answer the SoundBuffer containing my sampled sound data."

	^ samples

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>samples:samplingRate: (in category 'access') -----
samples: aSoundBuffer samplingRate: aNumber
	"Set my samples and sampling rate, and clear my cached features vector."

	samples := aSoundBuffer.
	samplingRate := aNumber.
	self clearFeatures.

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>samplingRate (in category 'access') -----
	"Answer the sampling rate used to record my samples."

	^ samplingRate

----- Method: PhonemeRecord>>trimAndNormalize: (in category 'other') -----
trimAndNormalize: aSoundBuffer
	"Trim leading and trailing silence and normalize the sound level of the given samples."

	| lastSampleIndex maxLevel v threshold startI endI adjust count result |
	"skip the sound of the terminating mouse click..."
	lastSampleIndex := (aSoundBuffer monoSampleCount - (samplingRate // 10)) max: 1.

	"find maximum level"
	maxLevel := 0.

	1 to: lastSampleIndex do: [:i |
		v := aSoundBuffer at: i.
		v < 0 ifTrue: [v := 0 - v].
		v > maxLevel ifTrue: [maxLevel := v]].

	"find indices of start and end"
	threshold := (0.1 * maxLevel) asInteger.
	startI := 1.
	[(aSoundBuffer at: startI) < threshold]
		whileTrue: [startI := startI + 1].  "scan for starting point"
	endI := lastSampleIndex.
	[(aSoundBuffer at: endI) < threshold]
		whileTrue: [endI := endI - 1].  "scan for ending point"

	"extend range by a twentieth of a second on both ends"
	startI := (startI - (samplingRate // 20)) max: 1.
	endI := (endI + (samplingRate // 20)) min: aSoundBuffer monoSampleCount.

	adjust := (10000 * (30000 / maxLevel)) asInteger.  "fixed point constant for speed"
	count := (endI - startI) + 1.
	result := SoundBuffer newMonoSampleCount: (endI - startI) + 1.
	1 to: count do: [:i |
		v := (adjust * (aSoundBuffer at: (startI + i - 1))) // 10000.
		result at: i put: v].

	^ result

Object subclass: #PhonemeSet
	instanceVariableNames: 'name description phonemes specials'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Phonetics'!
PhonemeSet class
	instanceVariableNames: 'arpabet'!

!PhonemeSet commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
My instances are phoneme sets, i.e. phonetic alphabets.
There are several "standard" phoneme sets used among phoneticians. We choosed ARPABET to be the default phoneme set in this system, but other examples are implemented, such as DARPA (radio), MRPA and SAMPA. As well, mappings from those phoneme sets to ARPABET are provided.!
PhonemeSet class
	instanceVariableNames: 'arpabet'!

----- Method: PhonemeSet class>>arpabet (in category 'examples') -----
	"Answer the ARPAbet phoneme set."
	^ arpabet!

----- Method: PhonemeSet class>>arpabetToSampa (in category 'examples') -----
	"Answer a dictionary with ARPAbet phonemes
	as keys and SAMPA phoneme names as values."

	| answer |
	answer := Dictionary new.
	self sampaToArpabet associationsDo: [ :each | answer at: each value put: each key].
	^ answer!

----- Method: PhonemeSet class>>darpa (in category 'examples') -----
	"Answer the DARPA phoneme set."
	^ self radio!

----- Method: PhonemeSet class>>dectalkToArpabet (in category 'examples') -----
	"Answer a dictionary with DECTalk phoneme names
	as keys and ARPAbet phonemes as values."

	| answer |
	answer := Dictionary new.
	self arpabet do: [ :each | answer at: each name put: each].
		('nx'	'ng')
		('yx'	'jh')
		('lx'		'l')
		('rr'	'r')
		('u'		'uw')
		('hx'	'hh')
		('h'		'hh')
		('_'		'sil')) do: [ :each | answer at: each first put: (self arpabet at: each last)].
	^ answer!

----- Method: PhonemeSet class>>default (in category 'examples') -----
	^ self arpabet!

----- Method: PhonemeSet class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
	PhonemeSet initialize
	arpabet := self new name: 'ARPAbet'; description: 'This is the ARPAbet phonetic alphabet.'.
	#("Name"	"Example"	"Features"
		('iy'	'heed'		#(continuant vowel front))
		('ih'	'hid'		#(continuant vowel front))
		('ey'	'hayed'		#(continuant vowel front))
		('eh'	'head'		#(continuant vowel front))
		('ae'	'had'		#(continuant vowel front))
		('aa'	'hod'		#(continuant vowel back))
		('ao'	'hawed'		#(continuant vowel back))
		('ow'	'hoed'		#(continuant vowel back))
		('uh'	'hood'		#(continuant vowel back))
		('uw'	'who''d'		#(continuant vowel back))
		('er'	'heard'		#(continuant vowel mid))
		('ax'	'ago'		#(continuant vowel mid))
		('ah'	'mud'		#(continuant vowel mid))
		('ay'	'hide'		#(diphthong))
		('aw'	'how''d'		#(diphthong))
		('oy'	'boy'		#(diphthong))
		('ix'		'roses'		#())
		('p'		'pea'		#(consonant stop unvoiced))
		('b'		'bat'		#(consonant stop voiced))
		('t'		'tea'		#(consonant stop unvoiced))
		('d'		'deep'		#(consonant stop voiced))
		('k'		'kick'		#(consonant stop unvoiced))
		('g'		'go'			#(consonant stop voiced))
		('f'		'five'		#(continuant consonant fricative unvoiced))
		('v'		'vice'		#(continuant consonant fricative voiced))
		('th'	'thing'		#(continuant consonant fricative unvoiced))
		('dh'	'then'		#(continuant consonant fricative voiced))
		('s'		'so'			#(continuant consonant fricative unvoiced))
		('z'		'zebra'		#(continuant consonant fricative voiced))
		('sh'	'show'		#(continuant consonant fricative unvoiced))
		('zh'	'measure'	#(continuant consonant fricative voiced))
		('hh'	'help'		#(continuant consonant whisper))
		('m'		'mom'		#(continuant consonant nasal))
		('n'		'noon'		#(continuant consonant nasal))
		('ng'	'sing'		#(continuant consonant nasal))		"old name: nx"
		('l'		'love'		#(semivowel liquid))
		('el'		'cattle')
		('em'	'some')
		('en'	'son')
		('dx'	'batter')
		('q'		'[glottal stop]')
		('w'		'want'		#(continuant semivowel glide))
		('y'		'yard'		#(continuant semivowel glide))
		('r'		'race'		#(continuant semivowel liquid))
		('ch'	'church'	#(continuant consonant affricate))
		('jh'	'just'		#(continuant consonant affricate))
		('wh'	'when'		#(semivowel liquid))
	"not found in the original:"
		('sil'	'[silence]'	#(silence))
		('ll'		'')	"dark l"
		('ai'	''			#(vowel))	"what is this?"
		('ia'	''			#(vowel))
		('ea'	''			#(vowel))
		('ua'	''			#(vowel))
		('aor'	'')
		('rx'	''			#())
	) do: [ :each |
		arpabet add: (each size > 2
						ifTrue: [Phoneme name: each first example: each second features: each last]
						ifFalse: [Phoneme name: each first example: each last])].
	arpabet specials at: #silence put: (arpabet at: 'sil')!

----- Method: PhonemeSet class>>mactalkToArpabet (in category 'examples') -----
	"Answer a dictionary with MacTalk phoneme names
	as keys and ARPAbet phonemes as values."

	| answer |
	answer := Dictionary new.
		('IY'	'iy')
		('IH'	'ih')
		('EY'	'ey')
		('EH'	'eh')
		('AE'	'ae')
		('AA'	'aa')
		('AO'	'ao')
		('OW'	'ow')
		('UH'	'uh')
		('UW'	'uw')
"		(''	'er')"
		('AX'	'ax')
		('AH'	'ah')
		('AY'	'ay')
		('AW'	'aw')
		('OY'	'oy')
"		(''	'ix')"
		('p'		'p')
		('b'		'b')
		('t'		't')
		('d'		'd')
		('k'		'k')
		('g'		'g')
		('f'		'f')
		('v'		'v')
		('T'		'th')
		('D'		'dh')
		('s'		's')
		('z'		'z')
		('S'		'sh')
		('Z'		'zh')
		('h'		'hh')
		('m'		'm')
		('n'		'n')
		('N'		'ng')
		('l'		'l')
		('w'		'w')
		('y'		'y')
		('r'		'r')
		('C'		'ch')
		('J'		'jh')
		('UX'	'ax')
		('_'		'sil')
		('~'		'sil')) do: [ :each | answer at: each first put: (self arpabet at: each last)].
	^ answer!

----- Method: PhonemeSet class>>mrpa (in category 'examples') -----
	"Answer the MRPA phoneme set."
	self notYetImplemented!

----- Method: PhonemeSet class>>mrpaToArpabet (in category 'examples') -----
	"Answer a dictionary with MRPA phoneme names
	as keys and ARPAbet Phonemes as values."

	self notYetImplemented!

----- Method: PhonemeSet class>>radio (in category 'examples') -----
	"Answer the radio phoneme set, named after the BU RADIO FM corpus."
	self notYetImplemented!

----- Method: PhonemeSet class>>sampa (in category 'examples') -----
	"Answer the sampa phoneme set."
	| answer mapping |
	mapping := self sampaToArpabet.
	answer := self new.
	mapping keysDo: [ :each | answer add: ((self arpabet at: (mapping at: each)) copy name: each)].
	^ answer!

----- Method: PhonemeSet class>>sampaToArpabet (in category 'examples') -----
	"Answer a dictionary with SAMPA phoneme names
	as keys and ARPAbet phonemes as values."

	| answer |
	answer := Dictionary new.
	#(	('p'		'p')
		('b'		'b')
		('t'		't')
		('d'		'd')
		('k'		'k')
		('m'		'm')
		('n'		'n')
		('l'		'l')
		('r'		'r')
		('f'		'f')
		('v'		'v')
		('s'		's')
		('z'		'z')
		('h'		'hh')
		('w'		'w')
		('g'		'g')
		('tS'		'ch')
		('dZ'	'jh')
		('N'		'ng')
		('T'		'th')
		('D'		'dh')
		('S'		'sh')
		('Z'		'zh')
		('j'		'y')
		('i:'		'iy')
		('i'		'iy')
		('A:'	'aa')
		('A'		'aa')
		('O:'	'ao')
		('O'		'ao')
		('u:'	'uw')
		('u'		'uw')
		('3:'		'er')
		('r='	'er')
		('I'		'ih')
		('e'		'eh')
		('E'		'eh')
		('{'		'ae')
		('V'		'ah')
		"	('Q'		'oh')"
		('U'		'uh')
		('@'		'ax')
		('eI'		'ey')
		('aI'	'ay')
		('OI'	'oy')
		('@U'	'ow')
		('aU'	'aw')
		('I@'	'ia')
		('e@'	'ea')
		('U@'	'ua')
		('AI'	'ay')
		('EI'		'ey')
		('4'		't')
		('_'		'sil')) do: [ :each | answer at: each first put: (self arpabet at: each last)].
	^ answer!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>add: (in category 'accessing') -----
add: aPhoneme
	^ phonemes at: aPhoneme name put: aPhoneme!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>at: (in category 'accessing') -----
at: aString
	^ phonemes at: aString!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>at:ifAbsent: (in category 'accessing') -----
at: aString ifAbsent: aBlock
	^ phonemes at: aString ifAbsent: aBlock!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>copy (in category 'copying') -----
	^ self class new addAll: self phonemes; yourself!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>description (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ description!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>description: (in category 'accessing') -----
description: aString
	description := aString!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>do: (in category 'enumerating') -----
do: aBlock
	phonemes do: aBlock!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	phonemes := Dictionary new.
	specials := Dictionary new!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>name (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ name!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>name: (in category 'accessing') -----
name: aString
	name := aString!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>names (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the names of all the phonemes."
	^ phonemes keys!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>pause (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self silence!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>phonemes (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ phonemes values!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	name isNil ifTrue: [^ super printOn: aStream].
	aStream nextPutAll: name, ' phoneme set'!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>silence (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self specials at: #silence!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>specials (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ specials!

----- Method: PhonemeSet>>transcriptionOf: (in category 'transcribing') -----
transcriptionOf: aString
	^ (aString findTokens: '/ ')
		collect: [ :each |
			each last isDigit
				ifTrue: [(self at: (each copyFrom: 1 to: each size - 1))
							stressed: each last asString asNumber]
				ifFalse: [self at: each]]!

Object subclass: #PhoneticRule
	instanceVariableNames: 'left text right phonemes'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Phonetics'!

!PhoneticRule commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
My instances are letter-to-sound rules for perform automatic text-to-phonemes transcription. (See the PhoneticTranscriber class comment too.)

Rules are made up of four parts: (1) left context pattern, (2) the text to match, (3) the right context pattern, and (4) the phonemes to substitute for the matched text.

The transcription procedure begins separating each block of letters (apostrophes included) and adding a space on each side. For each unmatched letter in the word, look through the rules where the text to match starts with the letter in the word. If the text to match if found and the right and left contexts patterns also match, output the phonemes for that rule and skip to the next unmatched letter.

Context patterns special characters:
	#	One or more vowels
	:	Zero or more consonants
	^	One consonant
	.	One of B, D, V, G, J, L, M, N, R, W, or Z (voiced consonants)
	%	One of ER, E, ES, ED, ING, ELY (a suffix)	[ONLY FOR RIGHT CONTEXT]
	+	One of E, I or Y (a "front" vowel)
Furthermore, the space character means any separator (space, comma, colon, etc), and any other character means that character it self.

The english example is derived from: "Automatic Translation of English Text to Phonetics by Means of Letter-To-Sound Rules", NRL Report 7948, January 21st, 1976, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. Published by the National Technical Information Service as document "AD/A021 929".

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>english (in category 'examples-english') -----
	"Answer the english phonetic rules."
	| answer |
	answer := OrderedCollection new.
		englishARules englishBRules englishCRules englishDRules englishERules
		englishFRules englishGRules englishHRules englishIRules englishJRules
		englishKRules englishLRules englishMRules englishNRules englishORules
		englishPRules englishQRules englishRRules englishSRules englishTRules
		englishURules englishVRules englishWRules englishXRules englishYRules
		englishZRules) do: [ :each | answer addAll: (self perform: each)].
	^ answer asArray!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishARules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		'a'		' '		'ax')
		(' '		'are'	' '		'aa/r')
		(' '		'ar'		'o'		'ax/r')
		(''		'ar'		'#'		'eh/r')
		('^'		'as'		'#'		'ey/s')
		(''		'a'		'wa'	'ax')
		(''		'aw'	''		'ao')
		(' :'		'any'	''		'eh/n/iy')
		(''		'a'		'^+#'	'ey')
		('#:'	'ally'	''		'ax/l/iy')
		(' '		'al'		'#'		'ax/l')
		(''		'again'	''		'ax/g/eh/n')
		('#:'	'ag'		'e'		'ih/jh')
		(''		'a'		'^+:#'	'ae')
		(' :'		'a'		'^+ '	'ey')
		(' '		'arr'	''		'ax/r')
		(''		'arr'	''		'ae/r')
		(' :'		'ar'		' '		'aa/r')
		(''		'ar'		' '		'er')
		(''		'ar'		''		'aa/r')
		(''		'air'	''		'eh/r')
		(''		'ai'		''		'ey')
		(''		'ay'		''		'ey')
		(''		'au'		''		'ao')
		('#:'	'al'		' '		'ax/l')
		('#:'	'als'	' '		'ax/l/z')
		(''		'alk'	''		'ao/k')
		(''		'al'		'^'		'ao/l')
		(' :'		'able'	''		'ey/b/ax/l')
		(''		'able'	''		'ax/b/ax/l')
		(''		'ang'	'+'		'ey/n/jh')
		('^'		'a'		'^#'		'ey')
		(''		'a'		''		'ae')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishBRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((' '		'be'		'^#'		'b/ih')
		(''		'being'	''		'b/iy/ih/ng')
		(' '		'both'	''		'b/ow/th')
		(' '		'bus'	'#'		'b/ih/z')
		(''		'buil'	''		'b/ih/l')
		(''		'b'		''		'b')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishCRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((' '		'ch'		'^'		'k')
		('^e'	'ch'		''		'k')
		(''		'ch'		''		'ch')
		(' s'		'ci'		'#'		's/ay')
		(''		'ci'		'a'		'sh')
		(''		'ci'		'o'		'sh')
		(''		'ci'		'en'		'sh')
		(''		'c'		'+'		's')
		(''		'ck'		''		'k')
		(''		'com'	'%'		'k/ah/m')
		(''		'c'		''		'k')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishDRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #(('#:'	'ded'	' '		'd/ih/d')
		('.e'		'd'		' '		'd')
		('#:^e'	'd'		' '		't')
		(' '		'de'		'^#'		'd/ih')
		(' '		'do'		' '		'd/uw')
		(' '		'does'	''		'd/ah/z')
		(' '		'doing'	''		'd/uw/ih/ng')
		(' '		'dow'	''		'd/aw')
		(''		'du'		'a'		'jh/uw')
		(''		'd'		''		'd')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishERules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #(('#:'	'e'		' '		'')
		(''':^'	'e'		' '		'')
		(' :'		'e'		' '		'iy')
		('#'		'ed'		' '		'd')
		('#:'	'e'		'd'		'')
		(''		'ev'		'er'		'eh/v')
		(''		'e'		'^%'		'iy')
		(''		'eri'	'#'		'iy/r/iy')
		(''		'eri'	''		'eh/r/ih')
		('#:'	'er'		'#'		'er')
		(''		'er'		'#'		'eh/r')
		(''		'er'		''		'er')
		(' '		'even'	''		'iy/v/eh/n')
		('#:'	'e'		'w'		'')
		('t'		'ew'	''		'uw')
		('s'		'ew'	''		'uw')
		('r'		'ew'	''		'uw')
		('d'		'ew'	''		'uw')
		('l'		'ew'	''		'uw')
		('z'		'ew'	''		'uw')
		('n'		'ew'	''		'uw')
		('j'		'ew'	''		'uw')
		('th'	'ew'	''		'uw')
		('ch'	'ew'	''		'uw')
		('sh'	'ew'	''		'uw')
		(''		'ew'	''		'y/uw')
		(''		'e'		'o'		'iy')
		('#:s'	'es'		' '		'ih/z')
		('#:c'	'es'		' '		'ih/z')
		('#:g'	'es'		' '		'ih/z')
		('#:z'	'es'		' '		'ih/z')
		('#:x'	'es'		' '		'ih/z')
		('#:j'	'es'		' '		'ih/z')
		('#:ch'	'es'		' '		'ih/z')
		('#:sh'	'es'		' '		'ih/z')
		('#:'	'e'		's'		'')
		('#:'	'ely'	' '		'l/iy')
		('#:'	'ement'	''		'm/eh/n/t')
		(''		'eful'	''		'f/uh/l')
		(''		'ee'		''		'iy')
		(''		'earn'	''		'er/n')
		(' '		'ear'	'^'		'er')
		(''		'ead'	''		'eh/d')
		('#:'	'ea'		' '		'iy/ax')
		(''		'ea'		'su'		'eh')
		(''		'ea'		''		'iy')
		(''		'eigh'	''		'ey')
		(''		'ei'		''		'iy')
		(' '		'eye'	''		'ay')
		(''		'ey'		''		'iy')
		(''		'eu'		''		'y/uw')
		(''		'e'		''		'eh')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishFRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		'ful'	''		'f/uh/l')
		(''		'f'		''		'f')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishGRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		'giv'	''		'g/iy/v')
		(' '		'g'		'i^'		'g')
		(''		'ge'		't'		'g/eh')
		('su'	'gges'	''		'g/jh/eh/s')
		(''		'gg'		''		'g')
		(' b#'	'g'		''		'g')
		(''		'g'		'+'		'jh')
		(''		'great'	''		'g/r/ey/t')
		('#'		'gh'		''		'')
		(''		'g'		''		'g')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishHRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((' '		'hav'	''		'hh/ae/v')
		(' '		'here'	''		'hh/iy/r')
		(' '		'hour'	''		'aw/er')
		(''		'how'	''		'hh/aw')
		(''		'h'		'#'		'hh')
		(''		'h'		''		'')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishIRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((' '		'in'		''		'ih/n')
		(' '		'i'		' '		'ay')
		(''		'in'		'd'		'ay/n')
		(''		'ier'	''		'iy/er')
		('#:r'	'ied'	''		'iy/d')
		(''		'ied'	' '		'ay/d')
		(''		'ien'	''		'iy/eh/n')
		(''		'ie'		't'		'ay/eh')
		(' :'		'i'		'%'		'ay')
		(''		'i'		'%'		'iy')
		(''		'ie'		''		'iy')
		(''		'i'		'^+:#'	'ih')
		(''		'ir'		'#'		'ay/r')
		(''		'iz'		'%'		'ay/z')
		(''		'is'		'%'		'ay/z')
		(''		'i'		'd%'		'ay')
		('+^'	'i'		'^+'		'ih')
		(''		'i'		't%'		'ay')
		('#:^'	'i'		'^+'		'ih')
		(''		'i'		'^+'		'ay')
		(''		'ir'		''		'er')
		(''		'igh'	''		'ay')
		(''		'ild'		''		'ay/l/d')
		(''		'ign'	' '		'ay/n')
		(''		'ign'	'^'		'ay/n')
		(''		'ign'	'%'		'ay/n')
		(''		'ique'	''		'iy/k')
		(''		'i'		''		'ih')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishJRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		'j'		''		'jh')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishKRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		'k'		'n'		'')
		(''		'k'		''		'k')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishLRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		'lo'		'c#'		'l/ow')
		('l'		'l'		''		'')
		('#:^'	'l'		'%'		'ax/l')
		(''		'lead'	''		'l/iy/d')
		(''		'l'		''		'l')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishMRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		'mov'	''		'm/uw/v')
		(''		'm'		''		'm')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishNRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #(('e'		'ng'		'+'		'n/jh')
		(''		'ng'		'r'		'ng/g')
		(''		'ng'		'#'		'ng/g')
		(''		'ngl'	'%'		'ng/g/ax/l')
		(''		'ng'		''		'ng')
		(''		'nk'		''		'ng/k')
		(' '		'now'	' '		'n/aw')
		(''		'n'		''		'n')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishORules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		'of'		' '		'ax/v')
		(''		'orough'	''	'er/ow')
		('#:'	'or'		' '		'er')
		('#:'	'ors'	' '		'er/z')
		(''		'or'		''		'ao/r')
		(' '		'one'	''		'w/ah/n')
		(''		'ow'	''		'ow')
		(' '		'over'	''		'ow/v/er')
		(''		'ov'		''		'ah/v')
		(''		'o'		'^%'		'ow')
		(''		'o'		'^en'	'ow')
		(''		'o'		'^i#'	'ow')
		(''		'ol'		'd'		'ow/l')
		(''		'ought'	''		'ao/t')
		(''		'ough'	''		'ah/f')
		(' '		'ou'		''		'aw')
		('h'		'ou'		's#'		'aw')
		(''		'ous'	''		'ax/s')
		(''		'our'	''		'ao/r')
		(''		'ould'	''		'uh/d')
		('^'		'ou'		'^l'		'ah')
		(''		'oup'	''		'uw/p')
		(''		'ou'		''		'aw')
		(''		'oy'		''		'oy')
		(''		'oing'	''		'ow/ih/ng')
		(''		'oi'		''		'oy')
		(''		'oor'	''		'ao/r')
		(''		'ook'	''		'uh/k')
		(''		'ood'	''		'uh/d')
		(''		'oo'		''		'uw')
		(''		'o'		'e'		'ow')
		(''		'o'		' '		'ow')
		(''		'oa'		''		'ow')
		(' '		'only'	''		'ow/n/l/iy')
		(' '		'once'	''		'w/ah/n/s')
		(''		'on''t'	''		'ow/n/t')
		('c'		'o'		'n'		'aa')
		(''		'o'		'ng'		'ao')
		(' :^'	'o'		'n'		'ah')
		('i'		'on'		''		'ax/n')
		('#:'	'on'		' '		'ax/n')
		('#^'	'on'		''		'ax/n')
		(''		'o'		'st '		'ow')
		(''		'of'		'^'		'ao/f')
		(''		'other'	''		'ah/dh/er')
		(''		'oss'	' '		'ao/s')
		('#:^'	'om'	''		'ah/m')
		(''		'o'		''		'aa')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishPRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		'ph'		''		'f')
		(''		'peop'	''		'p/iy/p')
		(''		'pow'	''		'p/aw')
		(''		'put'	' '		'p/uh/t')
		(''		'p'		''		'p')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishPunctuationRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #(('.'		'''s'		''		'z')
		('#:.e'	'''s'		''		'z')
		('#'		'''s'		''		'z')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishQRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		'quar'	''		'k/w/ao/r')
		(''		'qu'		''		'k/w')
		(''		'q'		''		'k')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishRRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		're'		'^#'		'r/iy')
		(''		'r'		''		'r')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishSRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		'sh'		''		'sh')
		('#'		'sion'	''		'zh/ax/n')
		(''		'some'	''		's/ah/m')
		('#'		'sur'	'#'		'zh/er')
		(''		'sur'	'#'		'sh/er')
		('#'		'su'		'#'		'zh/uw')
		('#'		'ssu'	'#'		'sh/uw')
		('#'		'sed'	' '		'z/d')
		('#'		's'		'#'		'z')
		(''		'said'	''		's/eh/d')
		('^'		'sion'	''		'sh/ax/n')
		(''		's'		's'		'')
		('.'		's'		' '		'z')
		('#:.e'	's'		' '		'z')
		('#:^##'	's'		' '		'z')
		('#:^#'	's'		' '		's')
		('u'		's'		' '		's')
		(' :#'	's'		' '		'z')
		(' '		'sch'	''		's/k')
		(''		's'		'c+'		'')
		('#'		'sm'		''		'z/m')
		('#'		'sn'		''''		'z/ax/n')
		(''		's'		''		's')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishTRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((' '		'the'	' '		'dh/ax')
		(''		'to'		' '		't/uw')
		(''		'that'	' '		'dh/ae/t')
		(' '		'this'	' '		'dh/ih/s')
		(' '		'they'	''		'dh/ey')
		(' '		'there'	''		'dh/eh/r')
		(''		'ther'	''		'dh/er')
		(''		'their'	''		'dh/eh/r')
		(' '		'than'	' '		'dh/ae/n')
		(' '		'them'	' '		'dh/eh/m')
		(''		'these'	' '		'dh/iy/z')
		(' '		'then'	''		'dh/eh/n')
		(''		'through'	''	'th/r/uw')
		(''		'those'	''		'dh/ow/z')
		(''		'though'	' '	'dh/ow')
		(' '		'thus'	''		'dh/ah/s')
		(''		'th'		''		'th')
		('#:'	'ted'	' '		't/ih/d')
		('s'		'ti'		'#n'	'ch')
		(''		'ti'		'o'		'sh')
		(''		'ti'		'a'		'sh')
		(''		'tien'	''		'sh/ax/n')
		(''		'tur'	'#'		'ch/er')
		(''		'tu'		'a'		'ch/uw')
		(''		'two'	''		't/uw')
		(''		't'		''		't')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishURules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((' '		'un'	'i'		'y/uw/n')
		(' '		'un'	''		'ah/n')
		(' '		'upon'	''		'ax/p/ao/n')
		('t'		'ur'		'#'		'uh/r')
		('s'		'ur'		'#'		'uh/r')
		('r'		'ur'		'#'		'uh/r')
		('d'		'ur'		'#'		'uh/r')
		('l'		'ur'		'#'		'uh/r')
		('z'		'ur'		'#'		'uh/r')
		('n'		'ur'		'#'		'uh/r')
		('j'		'ur'		'#'		'uh/r')
		('th'	'ur'		'#'		'uh/r')
		('ch'	'ur'		'#'		'uh/r')
		('sh'	'ur'		'#'		'uh/r')
		(''		'ur'		'#'		'y/uh/r')
		(''		'ur'		''		'er')
		(''		'u'		'^'		'ah')
		(''		'u'		'^^'		'ah')
		(''		'uy'	''		'ay')
		(' g'	'u'		'#'		'')
		('g'		'u'		'%'		'')
		('g'		'u'		'#'		'w')
		('#n'	'u'		''		'y/uw')
		('t'		'u'		''		'uw')
		('s'		'u'		''		'uw')
		('r'		'u'		''		'uw')
		('d'		'u'		''		'uw')
		('l'		'u'		''		'uw')
		('z'		'u'		''		'uw')
		('n'		'u'		''		'uw')
		('j'		'u'		''		'uw')
		('th'	'u'		''		'uw')
		('ch'	'u'		''		'uw')
		('sh'	'u'		''		'uw')
		(''		'u'		''		'y/uw')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishVRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		'view'	''		'v/y/uw')
		(''		'v'		''		'v')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishWRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((' '		'were'	''		'w/er')
		(''		'wa'	's'		'w/aa')
		(''		'wa'	't'		'w/aa')
		(''		'where'	''		'wh/eh/r')
		(''		'what'	''		'wh/aa/t')
		(''		'whol'	''		'hh/ow/l')
		(''		'who'	''		'hh/uw')
		(''		'wh'	''		'wh')
		(''		'war'	''		'w/ao/r')
		(''		'wor'	'^'		'w/er')
		(''		'wr'	''		'r')
		(''		'w'		''		'w')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishXRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		'x'		''		'k/s')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishYRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		'young'	''		'y/ah/ng')
		(' '		'you'	''		'y/uw')
		(' '		'yes'	''		'y/eh/s')
		(' '		'y'		''		'y')
		('#:^'	'y'		' '		'iy')
		('#:^'	'y'		'i'		'iy')
		(' :'		'y'		''		'ay')
		(' :'		'y'		'#'		'ay')
		(' :'		'y'		'^+:#'	'ih')
		(' :'		'y'		'^#'		'ay')
		(''		'y'		''		'ih')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>englishZRules (in category 'examples-english') -----
	^ #((''		'z'		''		'z')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>fromArray: (in category 'instance creation') -----
fromArray: anArray
	^ self fromArray: anArray phonemes: PhonemeSet arpabet!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>fromArray:phonemes: (in category 'instance creation') -----
fromArray: anArray phonemes: aPhonemeSet
	^ self new
		left: (anArray at: 1);
		text: (anArray at: 2);
		right: (anArray at: 3);
		phonemes: (aPhonemeSet transcriptionOf: (anArray at: 4)) asArray!

----- Method: PhoneticRule class>>spanish (in category 'examples') -----
	"Answer the spanish phonetic rules."
	| phonemes |
	phonemes := PhonemeSet spanish.
	^ #(
		(''		'a'		''		'a')
		(''		'b'		''		'b')
		(''		'ch'		''		'ch')
		(''		'c'		'i'		'z')
		(''		'c'		'e'		'z')
		(''		'c'		''		'k')
		(''		'd'		''		'd')
		(''		'e'		''		'e')
		(''		'f'		''		'f')
		(''		'g'		'e'		'j')
		(''		'g'		'i'		'j')
		(''		'gu'		'e'		'g')
		(''		'gu'		'i'		'g')
		(''		'g'		''		'g')
		(''		'h'		''		'')
		(''		'i'		''		'i')
		(''		'j'		''		'j')
		(''		'k'		''		'k')
		(''		'll'		''		'y')
		(''		'l'		''		'l')
		(''		'm'		''		'm')
		(''		'n'		''		'n')
		(''		'o'		''		'o')
		(''		'p'		''		'p')
		(''		'qu'		''		'k')
		(''		'rr'		''		'rx')
		(' '		'r'		''		'rx')
		(''		'r'		''		'r')
		(''		's'		''		's')
		(''		't'		''		't')
		(''		'u'		''		'u')
		(''		'v'		''		'v')
		(''		'w'		''		'w')
		(''		'x'		''		'k/s')
		(''		'y'		' '		'i')
		(''		'y'		''		'y')
		(''		'z'		''		'z')
	) collect: [ :each | self fromArray: each phonemes: phonemes]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>= (in category 'comparing') -----
= anObject

	self species == anObject species ifFalse: [^ false].
	^ anObject left = self left
		and: [anObject right = self right
			and: [anObject text = self text
				and: [anObject phonemes = self phonemes]]]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>hash (in category 'comparing') -----
	^ self text hash!

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>left (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ left!

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>left: (in category 'accessing') -----
left: aString
	left := aString!

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>leftMatches:at: (in category 'private') -----
leftMatches: aString at: anInteger
	| leftindex textindex pattern |
	left isEmpty ifTrue: [^ true].
	leftindex := left size.
	textindex := anInteger - 1.
	[leftindex >= 1 and: [textindex >= 1]] whileTrue: [
		pattern := left at: leftindex.
		"first check for simple text or apostrophe:"
		(pattern isAlphaNumeric or: [pattern = $'])
			ifTrue: [(aString at: textindex) asLowercase ~= pattern asLowercase
						ifTrue: [^ false].
					textindex := textindex - 1].
		pattern = Character space
			ifTrue: [((aString at: textindex) isSeparator
						or: ['.,;:' includes: (aString at: textindex)]) ifFalse: [^ false].
					textindex := textindex - 1].
		"one or more vowels:"
		pattern = $#
			ifTrue: [(aString at: textindex) isVowel ifFalse: [^ false].
					textindex := textindex - 1.
					[textindex >= 1 and: [(aString at: textindex) isVowel]]
						whileTrue: [textindex := textindex - 1]].
		"zero or more consonants:"
		pattern = $:
			ifTrue: [[textindex >= 1
						and: ['bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'
								includes: (aString at: textindex) asLowercase]]
							whileTrue: [textindex := textindex - 1]].
		"one consonant:"
		pattern = $^
			ifTrue: [('bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz' includes: (aString at: textindex))
						ifFalse: [^ false].
					textindex := textindex - 1].
		"b, d, v, g, j, l, m, n, r, w, z (voiced consonants):"
		pattern = $.
			ifTrue: [('bdvgjlmnrwz' includes: (aString at: textindex) asLowercase)
						ifFalse: [^ false].
					textindex := textindex - 1].
		"e, i or y (front vowels)"
		pattern = $+
			ifTrue: [('eiy' includes: (aString at: textindex) asLowercase)
						ifFalse: [^ false].
					textindex := textindex - 1].
		leftindex := leftindex - 1].
	^ true!

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>matches:at: (in category 'testing') -----
matches: aString at: anInteger
	^ (self textMatches: aString at: anInteger)
		and: [(self leftMatches: aString at: anInteger)
			and: [self rightMatches: aString at: anInteger]]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>phonemes (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ phonemes!

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>phonemes: (in category 'accessing') -----
phonemes: aCollection
	phonemes := aCollection!

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
		nextPut: $[; print: left; nextPut: $,; print: text; nextPut: $,; print: right; nextPut: $];
		nextPutAll: ' -> '.
	phonemes isEmpty ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: '{}'] ifFalse: [aStream nextPut: $/].
	phonemes do: [ :each | aStream nextPutAll: each name; nextPut: $/]!

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>right (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ right!

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>right: (in category 'accessing') -----
right: aString
	right := aString!

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>rightMatches:at: (in category 'private') -----
rightMatches: aString at: anInteger
	| rightindex textindex pattern |
	right isEmpty ifTrue: [^ true].
	rightindex := 1.
	textindex := anInteger + text size.
	[rightindex <= right size and: [textindex <= aString size]] whileTrue: [
		pattern := right at: rightindex.
		"first check for simple text or apostrophe:"
		(pattern isAlphaNumeric or: [pattern = $'])
			ifTrue: [(aString at: textindex) asLowercase ~= pattern asLowercase
						ifTrue: [^ false].
					textindex := textindex + 1].
		pattern = Character space
			ifTrue: [((aString at: textindex) isSeparator
						or: ['.,;:' includes: (aString at: textindex)]) ifFalse: [^ false].
					textindex := textindex + 1].
		"one or more vowels:"
		pattern = $#
			ifTrue: [(aString at: textindex) isVowel ifFalse: [^ false].
					textindex := textindex + 1.
					[textindex <= aString size and: [(aString at: textindex) isVowel]]
						whileTrue: [textindex := textindex + 1]].
		"zero or more consonants:"
		pattern = $:
			ifTrue: [[textindex <= aString size
						and: ['bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'
								includes: (aString at: textindex) asLowercase]]
							whileTrue: [textindex := textindex + 1]].
		"one consonant:"
		pattern = $^
			ifTrue: [('bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz' includes: (aString at: textindex))
						ifFalse: [^ false].
					textindex := textindex + 1].
		"b, d, v, g, j, l, m, n, r, w, z (voiced consonants):"
		pattern = $.
			ifTrue: [('bdvgjlmnrwz' includes: (aString at: textindex) asLowercase)
						ifFalse: [^ false].
					textindex := textindex + 1].
		"e, i or y (front vowels):"
		pattern = $+
			ifTrue: [('eiy' includes: (aString at: textindex) asLowercase)
						ifFalse: [^ false].
					textindex := textindex + 1].
		"er, e, es, ed, ing, ely (a suffix):"
		pattern = $%
			ifTrue: [(aString at: textindex) asLowercase = $e
						ifTrue: [textindex := textindex + 1.
								(textindex < aString size and: [(aString at: textindex) asLowercase = $l])
									ifTrue: [textindex := textindex + 1.
											(textindex < aString size and: [(aString at: textindex) asLowercase = $y])
												ifTrue: [textindex := textindex + 1]
												ifFalse: [textindex := textindex - 1]]
									ifFalse: [('rsd' includes: (aString at: textindex) asLowercase)
												ifTrue: [textindex := textindex + 1]]]
						ifFalse: [(textindex + 2 <= aString size
									and: [(aString at: textindex) asLowercase = $i
										and: [(aString at: textindex + 1) asLowercase = $n
											and: [(aString at: textindex + 2) asLowercase = $g]]])
									ifTrue: [textindex := textindex + 3]
									ifFalse: [^ false]]].
		rightindex := rightindex + 1].
	^ true!

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>species (in category 'comparing') -----
	^PhoneticRule !

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>text (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ text!

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>text: (in category 'accessing') -----
text: aString
	text := aString!

----- Method: PhoneticRule>>textMatches:at: (in category 'private') -----
textMatches: aString at: anInteger
	text size > (aString size - anInteger + 1) ifTrue: [^ false].
	1 to: text size do: [ :each |
		(text at: each) asLowercase = (aString at: anInteger + each - 1) asLowercase ifFalse: [^ false]].
	^ true!

Object subclass: #PhoneticTranscriber
	instanceVariableNames: 'phonemes rules lexicon'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Phonetics'!

!PhoneticTranscriber commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
My instances perform automatic words-to-phonemes transcription. (See the PhoneticRule class comment too.)

Each transcriber must have a collection of PhoneticRules, and optionally a lexicon. When a transcriber is asked for the transcription of a word, it searches for the word in the lexicon first, and if the word is not found then the rules are used.

Rules are made up of four parts: (1) left context pattern, (2) the text to match, (3) the right context pattern, and (4) the phonemes to substitute for the matched text.

The transcription procedure begins when a text is provided to a transcriber. For each unmatched letter in the word, look through the rules where the text to match starts with the letter in the word. If one matching rule is found, then the rule is applied, writing the corresponding phonemes in the output and moving forward to the next unmatched position. If no rule is found for a position in the text, then the unmatched position is logged. At the end of the transcription, the phonemes extracted are provided in a collection and so are the unmatched positions.

----- Method: PhoneticTranscriber class>>default (in category 'examples') -----
	^ self english!

----- Method: PhoneticTranscriber class>>english (in category 'examples') -----
	"Answer an english phonetic transcriber."
	^ self new rules: PhoneticRule english; phonemes: PhonemeSet arpabet; lexicon: self englishLexicon!

----- Method: PhoneticTranscriber class>>englishLexicon (in category 'examples') -----
	^ Dictionary new
		add: 'HOW' -> 'HH AW1';
		add: 'YOU' -> 'Y UW1';
		add: 'ARE' -> 'AA1 R';
		add: 'DOING' -> 'D UW1 IH0 NG';
		add: 'THIS' -> 'DH IH1 S';
		add: 'IS' -> 'IH1 Z';
		add: 'MY' -> 'M AY1';
		add: 'HI' -> 'HH AY1';
		add: 'VOICE' -> 'V OY1 S';
		add: 'FAST' -> 'F AE1 S T';
		add: 'SLOW' -> 'S L OW1';
		add: 'I' -> 'AY1';
		add: 'AM' -> 'AE1 M';
		add: 'A' -> 'AH0';
		add: 'AN' ->  'AE1 N';
		add: 'LOW' -> 'L OW1';
		add: 'SPEAKER' -> 'S P IY1 K ER0';
		add: 'ANSWER' -> 'AE1 N S ER0';
		add: 'RECEIVER' -> 'R AH0 S IY1 V ER0';
		add: 'OBJECT' -> 'AA1 B JH EH0 K T';
		add: 'READ' -> 'R IY1 D';
		add: 'WRITE' -> 'R AY1 T';
		add: 'SQUEAK' -> 'S K W IY1 K';
		add: 'SMALLTALK' -> ' S M AO1 L T AO2 K';
		add: 'CLASS' -> 'K L AE1 S';
		add: 'WOMAN' -> 'W UH1 M AH0 N';
		add: 'BICYCLIC' ->  'B AY1 S IH0 K L IH0 K';
		add: 'LISTEN' -> 'L IH1 S AH0 N';
		add: 'ZERO' -> 'Z IY1 R OW';
		add: 'SEVEN' -> 'S EH1 V EH N';
		add: 'ELEVEN' -> 'EH1 L EH1 V EH N';
		add: 'SEVENTEEN' -> 'S EH1 V EH N T IY N';
		add: 'SEVENTY' -> 'S EH1 V EH N T IH';
		add: 'NINETEEN' -> 'N AH1 N T IY N';
		add: 'NINETY' -> 'N AH1 N T IH';

----- Method: PhoneticTranscriber class>>spanish (in category 'examples') -----
	"Answer a spanish phonetic transcriber."
	^ self new rules: PhoneticRule spanish; phonemes: PhonemeSet arpabet!

----- Method: PhoneticTranscriber>>lexicon (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ lexicon!

----- Method: PhoneticTranscriber>>lexicon: (in category 'accessing-private') -----
lexicon: aDictionary
	lexicon := aDictionary!

----- Method: PhoneticTranscriber>>phonemes (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ phonemes!

----- Method: PhoneticTranscriber>>phonemes: (in category 'accessing-private') -----
phonemes: aPhonemeSet
	phonemes := aPhonemeSet!

----- Method: PhoneticTranscriber>>rules (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ rules!

----- Method: PhoneticTranscriber>>rules: (in category 'accessing-private') -----
rules: aCollection
	rules := aCollection!

----- Method: PhoneticTranscriber>>transcriptionOf: (in category 'computing') -----
transcriptionOf: aString
	"Answer the phonetic transcription of the word in aString."
	| rule string index transcription stressed |
	(transcription := self tryLexicon: aString) isNil ifFalse: [^ transcription].
	transcription := OrderedCollection new.
	string := ' ', aString,' '.
	index := 2.
	[index < string size] whileTrue: [
		rule := self rules
			detect: [ :one | one matches: string at: index]
			ifNone: [].
		rule isNil
			ifTrue: ["unmatched character" index := index+1]
			ifFalse: [index := index + rule text size.
					transcription addAll: rule phonemes]].
	stressed := false.
	^ transcription collect: [ :each |
		(stressed not and: [each isVowel or: [each isDiphthong]])
			ifTrue: [stressed := true. each stressed: 1] ifFalse: [each]]!

----- Method: PhoneticTranscriber>>tryLexicon: (in category 'computing-private') -----
tryLexicon: aWord
	| string |
	self lexicon isNil ifTrue: [^ nil].
	string := self lexicon at: aWord asUppercase ifAbsent: [^ nil].
	^ self phonemes transcriptionOf: string asLowercase!

Object subclass: #Phrase
	instanceVariableNames: 'string words accent'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-TTS'!

!Phrase commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
My instances are phrases. They can carry a phrase accent ('H-' or 'L-') and a boundary tone ('H%', 'L%', '%H').!

----- Method: Phrase>>accent (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ accent!

----- Method: Phrase>>accent: (in category 'accessing') -----
accent: aString
	accent := aString!

----- Method: Phrase>>accept: (in category 'accessing') -----
accept: anObject
	anObject phrase: self!

----- Method: Phrase>>events (in category 'accessing') -----
	| answer |
	answer := CompositeEvent new.
	self words do: [ :each | answer addAll: each events].
	^ answer!

----- Method: Phrase>>eventsDo: (in category 'enumarating') -----
eventsDo: aBlock
	self words do: [ :word | word eventsDo: aBlock]!

----- Method: Phrase>>lastSyllable (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self words last lastSyllable!

----- Method: Phrase>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	self words do: [ :each | aStream print: each; space]!

----- Method: Phrase>>string (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ string!

----- Method: Phrase>>string: (in category 'accessing') -----
string: aString
	string := aString!

----- Method: Phrase>>syllablesDo: (in category 'enumarating') -----
syllablesDo: aBlock
	self words do: [ :each | each syllables do: aBlock]!

----- Method: Phrase>>words (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ words!

----- Method: Phrase>>words: (in category 'accessing') -----
words: aCollection
	words := aCollection!

Object subclass: #Speaker
	instanceVariableNames: 'pitch range loudness speed transcriber voice visitors'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-TTS'!

----- Method: Speaker class>>bicyclic (in category 'examples') -----
	Speaker bicyclic say: 'This is my voice. I am a woman with bicyclic voice.'

	^ self new
		pitch: 200.0;
		voice: (KlattVoice new diplophonia: 0.4; tract: 14.4)!

----- Method: Speaker class>>bigMan (in category 'examples') -----
	Speaker bigMan say: 'I am the child? No. I am the big man speaking.'

	^ self new
		pitch: 90.0;
		range: 0.5;
		voice: (KlattVoice new tract: 20)!

----- Method: Speaker class>>breathy (in category 'examples') -----
	Speaker breathy say: 'This is my breathy voice.'

	^ self new
		pitch: 100.0;
		voice: (KlattVoice new ro: 0.6; turbulence: 70)!

----- Method: Speaker class>>child (in category 'examples') -----
	Speaker child say: 'Hello. I am a child speaking.'

	^ self new
		pitch: 320.0;
		voice: (KlattVoice new tract: 12)!

----- Method: Speaker class>>creaky (in category 'examples') -----
	Speaker creaky say: 'This is my creaky voice with hight jitter and shimmer.'

	^ self new
		pitch: 90.0;
		speed: 0.5;
		voice: (KlattVoice new jitter: 0.5; shimmer: 0.5)!

----- Method: Speaker class>>default (in category 'examples') -----
	Speaker default say: 'This is the default voice.'

	^ self new voice: KlattVoice new!

----- Method: Speaker class>>exorsist (in category 'examples') -----
	Speaker exorsist say: 'This is an scary voice. Boo.'

	^ self new
		pitch: 40.0;
		speed: 0.5;
		voice: (KlattVoice new tract: 10; diplophonia: 0.4; jitter: 0.3; shimmer: 0.5; turbulence: 50)!

----- Method: Speaker class>>fly (in category 'examples') -----
	Speaker fly say: 'Haaaaaalp.'

	^ self new
		pitch: 650.0;
		loudness: 0.5;
		speed: 0.8;
		voice: (KlattVoice new flutter: 1.0; tract: 1)!

----- Method: Speaker class>>kid (in category 'examples') -----
	Speaker kid say: 'Do you like my voice? I am the kid speaking.'

	^ self new
		pitch: 170.0;
		range: 0.4;
		voice: (KlattVoice new tract: 16)!

----- Method: Speaker class>>man (in category 'examples') -----
	Speaker man say: 'Listen to my voice. I am a man speaking.'

	^ self default pitch: 90.0!

----- Method: Speaker class>>manWithEditor (in category 'examples-others') -----
	Speaker manWithEditor say: 'With this editor you can change my voice.'

	^ self man edit!

----- Method: Speaker class>>manWithHead (in category 'examples-others') -----
	Speaker manWithHead say: 'This is my voice. Can you see my lips?'

	^ self man newHead!

----- Method: Speaker class>>notPressed (in category 'examples') -----
	Speaker notPressed say: 'This is a non pressed voice.'

	^ self new
		pitch: 100.0;
		voice: (KlattVoice new ro: 0.9)!

----- Method: Speaker class>>pressed (in category 'examples') -----
	Speaker pressed say: 'This is a pressed voice.'

	^ self new
		pitch: 100.0;
		voice: (KlattVoice new ro: 0.1)!

----- Method: Speaker class>>whispery (in category 'examples') -----
	Speaker whispery say: 'This is my whispery voice.'

	^ self new
		voice: (KlattVoice new breathiness: 1.0)!

----- Method: Speaker class>>woman (in category 'examples') -----
	Speaker woman say: 'Do you listen? I am a woman speaking.'

	^ self new
		pitch: 230.0;
		range: 0.5;
		speed: 0.7;
		voice: (KlattVoice new flutter: 0.5; ro: 0.3; ra: 0.003; tract: 14.4)!

----- Method: Speaker>>clauseFromString: (in category 'parsing') -----
clauseFromString: aString
	^ Clause new
		string: aString;
		phrases: ((aString findTokens: '!!?.,;()') collect: [ :each | self phraseFromString: each])!

----- Method: Speaker>>edit (in category 'editing') -----
	| answer buttons |
	answer := (self findAVoice: KlattVoice) editor.
	buttons := AlignmentMorph new listDirection: #leftToRight; color: answer color.
		addMorphFront: (SimpleButtonMorph new target: self; actWhen: #buttonDown; actionSelector:  #newHead; labelString: 'new head');
		addMorphFront: (SimpleButtonMorph new target: self; actWhen: #buttonDown; actionSelector:  #saySomething; labelString: 'test').
		addSliderForParameter: #speed target: self min: 0.1 max: 2.0 description: 'Speed';
		addSliderForParameter: #loudness target: self min: 0.0 max: 1.0 description: 'Loudness';
		addSliderForParameter: #range target: self min: 0.0 max: 1.0 description: 'Pitch Range';
		addSliderForParameter: #pitch target: self min: 20.0 max: 800.0 description: 'Pitch';
		addMorphFront: buttons;

----- Method: Speaker>>eventsFromString: (in category 'parsing') -----
eventsFromString: aString
	| clause |
	clause := self clauseFromString: aString.
	clause phrases do: [ :each | each lastSyllable events add: (PhoneticEvent new phoneme: self phonemes silence; duration: 0.1)].
	clause lastSyllable events last duration: 0.5.
	visitors do: [ :each | each speaker: self. clause accept: each].
	clause eventsDo: [ :each | each loudness: self loudness].
	^ clause events!

----- Method: Speaker>>findAVoice: (in category 'editing') -----
findAVoice: aClass
	(self voice isKindOf: aClass) ifTrue: [^ self voice].
	(self voice isKindOf: CompositeVoice)
		ifTrue: [self voice do: [ :each | (each isKindOf: aClass) ifTrue: [^ each]]].
	^ nil!

----- Method: Speaker>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	self pitch: 100.0; range: 0.3; loudness: 1.0; speed: 0.6; "normalizer: TextNormalizer new;" transcriber: PhoneticTranscriber default; visitors: {IntonationVisitor default. DurationsVisitor default. F0RenderingVisitor default}!

----- Method: Speaker>>loudness (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ loudness!

----- Method: Speaker>>loudness: (in category 'accessing') -----
loudness: aNumber
	loudness := aNumber!

----- Method: Speaker>>makeGestural (in category 'editing') -----
	(self findAVoice: GesturalVoice) isNil ifFalse: [^ self].
	self voice: self voice + GesturalVoice new!

----- Method: Speaker>>newHead (in category 'editing') -----
	self makeGestural.
	(self findAVoice: GesturalVoice) newHead!

----- Method: Speaker>>numberSignDelay (in category 'playing') -----
	"Answer the number of milliseconds that a # symbol in the string given to say: will generate."

----- Method: Speaker>>phonemes (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the phoneme set of the receiver."
	^ self transcriber phonemes!

----- Method: Speaker>>phraseFromString: (in category 'parsing') -----
phraseFromString: aString
	^ Phrase new
		string: aString;
		words: ((aString findTokens: ' !!?.,;()') collect: [ :each | self wordFromString: each])!

----- Method: Speaker>>pitch (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the average pitch."
	^ pitch!

----- Method: Speaker>>pitch: (in category 'accessing') -----
pitch: aNumber
	"Set the average pitch."
	pitch := aNumber!

----- Method: Speaker>>range (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the pitch range (variation)."
	^ range!

----- Method: Speaker>>range: (in category 'accessing') -----
range: aNumber
	"Set the pitch range (variation)."
	range := aNumber!

----- Method: Speaker>>say: (in category 'playing') -----
say: aString 
	"aString may contain characters and punctuation.
	You may also include the # symbol in aString;
	for each one of these, a 200msec delay will be generated."

	| events stream string token delay |

	stream := ReadStream
				on: ((aString
						copyReplaceAll: '-'
						with: ' '
						asTokens: false)
						findTokens: '?# '
						keep: '?#').
	string := ''.
	delay := 0.
	[stream atEnd]
		whileFalse: [token := stream next.
			token = '#'
				ifTrue: [ self voice playSilenceMSecs: self numberSignDelay.
					delay := delay + self numberSignDelay ]
				ifFalse: [string := string , ' ' , token.
					(token = '?' or: [stream atEnd])
						ifTrue: [
							events := CompositeEvent new.
							events addAll: (self eventsFromString: string).
							events playOn: self voice delayed: delay.
							delay := delay + (events duration * 1000).
							string := ''  ]]].
	self voice flush!

----- Method: Speaker>>saySomething (in category 'editing') -----
	self say: #('This is my voice.' 'I am speaking.' 'Do you like my voice?' 'Listen to my voice.' 'Hello.' 'Hay. What are you doing?' 'How are you?' 'Is this my voice?' 'Are you there?' 'Help, please.' 'Howdy.' 'Ha ha he he hi.') atRandom!

----- Method: Speaker>>speed (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ speed!

----- Method: Speaker>>speed: (in category 'accessing') -----
speed: aNumber
	speed := aNumber!

----- Method: Speaker>>syllabizationOf: (in category 'parsing') -----
syllabizationOf: phonemes
	| syllable stream last answer |
	answer := OrderedCollection new.
	syllable := Syllable new phonemes: (OrderedCollection new: 4).
	stream := ReadStream on: phonemes.
	[stream atEnd]
		whileFalse: [syllable phonemes add: (last := stream next).
					(stream atEnd not and: [last isConsonant not and: [stream peek isConsonant]])
						ifTrue: [answer add: syllable. syllable := Syllable new phonemes: (OrderedCollection new: 4)]].
	syllable phonemes isEmpty ifFalse: [answer add: syllable].
	^ answer!

----- Method: Speaker>>transcriber (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ transcriber!

----- Method: Speaker>>transcriber: (in category 'accessing') -----
transcriber: aPhoneticTranscriber
	transcriber := aPhoneticTranscriber!

----- Method: Speaker>>visitors (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ visitors!

----- Method: Speaker>>visitors: (in category 'accessing') -----
visitors: aCollection
	visitors := aCollection!

----- Method: Speaker>>voice (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ voice!

----- Method: Speaker>>voice: (in category 'accessing') -----
voice: aVoice
	voice := aVoice!

----- Method: Speaker>>wordFromString: (in category 'parsing') -----
wordFromString: aString
	^ Word new
		string: aString;
		syllables: (self syllabizationOf: (self transcriber transcriptionOf: aString))!

Object subclass: #Syllable
	instanceVariableNames: 'phonemes accent events'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-TTS'!

!Syllable commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
My instances are syllables. They can carry a pitch accent: 'H*', 'L*', etc.!

----- Method: Syllable>>accent (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ accent!

----- Method: Syllable>>accent: (in category 'accessing') -----
accent: aString
	accent := aString!

----- Method: Syllable>>accept: (in category 'accessing') -----
accept: anObject
	anObject syllable: self!

----- Method: Syllable>>events (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ events ifNil: [events := CompositeEvent new addAll: (self phonemes collect: [ :each | PhoneticEvent new phoneme: each; duration: 0.080]); yourself]!

----- Method: Syllable>>eventsDo: (in category 'enumarating') -----
eventsDo: aBlock
	self events do: aBlock!

----- Method: Syllable>>hasPrimaryStress (in category 'testing') -----
	^ self stress = 1!

----- Method: Syllable>>hasSecondaryStress (in category 'testing') -----
	^ self stress = 2!

----- Method: Syllable>>isAccented (in category 'testing') -----
	^ self accent notNil!

----- Method: Syllable>>phonemes (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ phonemes!

----- Method: Syllable>>phonemes: (in category 'accessing') -----
phonemes: aCollection
	phonemes := aCollection!

----- Method: Syllable>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	| first |
	aStream nextPut: $[.
	first := true.
	self phonemes do: [ :each |
		first ifFalse: [aStream space].
		aStream print: each.
		first := false].
	aStream nextPut: $]!

----- Method: Syllable>>stress (in category 'accessing') -----
	self phonemes do: [ :each | each stress > 0 ifTrue: [^ each stress]].
	^ 0!

Object subclass: #UtteranceVisitor
	instanceVariableNames: 'clause phrase word syllable'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-TTS'!

UtteranceVisitor subclass: #DurationsVisitor
	instanceVariableNames: 'inherents lowers speed'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-TTS'!

!DurationsVisitor commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
This is an implementation of the Klatt rule system as described in chapter 9 of "From text to speech: The MITalk system", Allen, Hunnicutt and Klatt.!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor class>>default (in category 'examples') -----
	| phonemes inherents lowers |
	phonemes := PhonemeSet arpabet.
	inherents := Dictionary new.
	lowers := Dictionary new.
	('ae'	230.0	80.0)
	('aa'	240.0	100.0)
	('ax'	120.0	60.0)
	('er'	180.0	80.0)
	('ay'	250.0	150.0)
	('aw'	240.0	100.0)
	('b'		85.0		60.0)
	('ch'	70.0		50.0)
	('d'		75.0		50.0)
	('dh'	50.0		30.0)
	('eh'	150.0	70.0)
	('ea'	270.0	130.0)
	('ey'	180.0	100.0)
	('f'		100.0	80.0)
	('g'		80.0		60.0)
	('hh'	80.0		20.0)
	('ih'	135.0	40.0)
	('ia'	230.0	100.0)
	('iy'	155.0	55.0)
	('jh'	70.0		50.0)
	('k'		80.0		60.0)
	('l'		80.0		40.0)
	('m'		70.0		60.0)
	('n'		60.0		50.0)
	('ng'	95.0		60.0)
"	('oh'	240.0	130.0)"
	('oy'	280.0	150.0)
	('ao'	240.0	130.0)
	('ow'	220.0	80.0)
	('p'		90.0		50.0)
	('r'		80.0		30.0)
	('s'		105.0	60.0)
	('sh'	105.0	80.0)
	('t'		75.0		50.0)
	('th'	90.0		60.0)
	('uh'	210.0	70.0)
	('ua'	230.0	110.0)
	('ah'	160.0	60.0)
	('uw'	230.0	150.0)
	('v'		60.0		40.0)
	('w'		80.0		60.0)
	('y'		80.0		40.0)
	('z'		75.0		40.0)
	('zh'	70.0		40.0)
	('sil'	100.0	100.0)) do: [ :each |
		inherents at: (phonemes at: each first) put: each second / 1000.0.
		lowers at: (phonemes at: each first) put: each last / 1000.0].
	^ self inherents: inherents lowers: lowers!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor class>>inherents:lowers: (in category 'instance creation') -----
inherents: aDictionary lowers: anotherDictionary
	^ self new inherents: aDictionary; lowers: anotherDictionary!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>clause: (in category 'visiting') -----
clause: aClause
	| min |
	super clause: aClause.

	self rule2.

	clause wordsDo: [ :eachWord |
		eachWord events do: [ :each |
			min := self lowerDurationAt: each phoneme.
			eachWord isAccented ifFalse: [min := min / 2.0].
			each duration: each duration + min / 1.4 / self speed]].
	clause syllablesDo: [ :each | each events recomputeTimes]!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>defaultDurationFor: (in category 'accessing') -----
defaultDurationFor: aPhoneme
	"Some hardcoded durations for phonemes."
	aPhoneme isVoiced ifTrue: [^ 0.0565].
	aPhoneme isUnvoiced ifTrue: [^ 0.0751].
	aPhoneme isConsonant ifTrue: [^ 0.06508].
	aPhoneme isDiphthong ifTrue: [^ 0.1362].
	^ 0.0741!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>inherentDurationAt: (in category 'accessing') -----
inherentDurationAt: aPhoneme
	^ self inherents at: aPhoneme ifAbsent: [Transcript show: ' default duration for ', aPhoneme name. self defaultDurationFor: aPhoneme]!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>inherents (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ inherents!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>inherents: (in category 'accessing') -----
inherents: aDictionary
	inherents := aDictionary!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>lowerDurationAt: (in category 'accessing') -----
lowerDurationAt: aPhoneme
	^ self lowers at: aPhoneme ifAbsent: [self inherentDurationAt: aPhoneme]!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>lowers (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ lowers!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>lowers: (in category 'accessing') -----
lowers: aDictionary
	lowers := aDictionary!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>phrase: (in category 'visiting') -----
phrase: aPhrase
	super phrase: aPhrase.
	self rule3; rule3b!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>rule10 (in category 'rules') -----
	"Rule 10: Shortening in clusters."
	| current next previous stream |
	phrase lastSyllable == syllable ifTrue: [^ self].
	stream := ReadStream on: syllable events.
	current := nil.
	next := stream next.
	[stream atEnd]
		whileFalse: [previous := current.
					current := next.
					next := stream next.
					current phoneme isVowel
						ifTrue: [next phoneme isVowel
									ifTrue: [current stretch: 1.2]
									ifFalse: [(previous notNil and: [previous phoneme isVowel])
												ifTrue: [current stretch: 0.7]]]
						ifFalse: [next phoneme isConsonant
									ifTrue: [(previous notNil and: [previous phoneme isConsonant])
												ifTrue: [current stretch: 0.5]
												ifFalse: [current stretch: 0.7]]
									ifFalse: [(previous notNil and: [previous phoneme isConsonant])
												ifTrue: [current stretch: 0.5]]]]!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>rule2 (in category 'rules') -----
	"Rule 2: Clause Final Lengthening."

	clause lastSyllable events stretch: 1.4!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>rule3 (in category 'rules') -----
	"Rule 3: Non-phrase-final shortening.
	Syllabic segments are shortened by 60 if not in a phrase-final syllable."

	phrase syllablesDo: [ :each |
		phrase lastSyllable == each
			ifFalse: [each events do: [ :event | event phoneme isSyllabic ifTrue: [event stretch: 0.6]]]]!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>rule3b (in category 'rules') -----
	"A phrase-final postvocalic liquid or nasal is lengthened by 140"

	phrase lastSyllable events do: [ :each | (each phoneme isNasal or: [each phoneme isLiquid]) ifTrue: [each stretch: 1.4]]!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>rule4 (in category 'rules') -----
	"Rule 4: Non-word-final shortening.
	Syllabic segments are shortened by 85 if not in a word-final syllable."

	word lastSyllable == syllable ifTrue: [^ self].
	syllable events do: [ :each | each phoneme isSyllabic ifTrue: [each stretch: 0.85]]!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>rule5 (in category 'rules') -----
	"Rule 5: Polysyllabic Shortening.
	Syllabic segments in a polysyllabic word are shortened by 80."

	word isPolysyllabic ifFalse: [^ self].
	syllable events do: [ :each | each phoneme isSyllabic ifTrue: [each stretch: 0.8]]!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>rule6 (in category 'rules') -----
	"Rule 6: Non-initial-consonant shortening."

	| nonInitial |
	nonInitial := false.
	word events do: [ :each |
		(nonInitial and: [each phoneme isConsonant]) ifTrue: [each stretch: 0.85].
		nonInitial := true]!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>rule7 (in category 'rules') -----
	"Rule 7: Unstressed shortening."

	word syllables
		do: [ :each |
			each stress > 0
				ifFalse: [each events do: [ :event | event phoneme isSyllabic ifTrue: [event stretch: 0.5]].
						each events first phoneme isSyllabic ifTrue: [each events first stretch: 0.7 / 0.5].
						(each events last phoneme isSyllabic and: [each events size > 1]) ifTrue: [each events last stretch: 0.7 / 0.5]]]

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>rule8 (in category 'rules') -----
	"Rule 8: Lengthening for emphasis."

	word isAccented
		ifTrue: [word events do: [ :each | each phoneme isVowel ifTrue: [each stretch: 1.4]]]!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>rule9a (in category 'rules') -----
	"Rule 9a: Postvocalic context of vowels."

	| events current next nextnext |
	phrase lastSyllable == syllable ifTrue: [^ self].
	events := syllable events.
	1 to: events size do: [ :i |
		current := events at: i.
		next := i + 1 <= events size ifTrue: [(events at: i + 1) phoneme].
		nextnext := i + 2 <= events size ifTrue: [(events at: i + 2) phoneme].
		current stretch: (self rule9a: current phoneme next: next nextnext: nextnext)]!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>rule9a:next:nextnext: (in category 'rules') -----
rule9a: current next: next nextnext: nextnext
	"Rule 9a: Postvocalic context of vowels."

	current isVowel
		ifTrue: [next isNil ifTrue: [^ 1.2].
				nextnext isNil ifTrue: [^ self subRule9a: next].
				(next isSonorant and: [nextnext isObstruent]) ifTrue: [^ self subRule9a: nextnext]]
		ifFalse: [current isSonorant
					ifTrue: [next isNil ifTrue: [^ 1.2].
							next isObstruent ifTrue: [^ self subRule9a: next]]].
	^ 1.0!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>rule9b (in category 'rules') -----
	"Rule 9b: Postvocalic context of vowels."

	| events current next nextnext |
	phrase lastSyllable == syllable ifFalse: [^ self].
	events := syllable events.
	1 to: events size do: [ :i |
		current := events at: i.
		next := i + 1 <= events size ifTrue: [(events at: i + 1) phoneme].
		nextnext := i + 2 <= events size ifTrue: [(events at: i + 2) phoneme].
		current stretch: 0.3 * (self rule9a: current phoneme next: next nextnext: nextnext) + 0.7]!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>speaker: (in category 'visiting') -----
speaker: aSpeaker
	self speed: aSpeaker speed!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>speed (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ speed!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>speed: (in category 'accessing') -----
speed: aNumber
	speed := aNumber!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>subRule9a: (in category 'rules') -----
subRule9a: aPhoneme
	"Sub-rule 9a, independent of segment position."
	aPhoneme isVoiced ifFalse: [^ aPhoneme isStop ifTrue: [0.7] ifFalse: [1.0]].
	aPhoneme isFricative ifTrue: [^ 1.6].
	aPhoneme isStop ifTrue: [^ 1.2].
	aPhoneme isNasal ifTrue: [^ 0.85].
	^ 1.0!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>syllable: (in category 'visiting') -----
syllable: aSyllable
	super syllable: aSyllable.

	syllable events do: [ :each | each duration: (self inherentDurationAt: each phoneme) - (self lowerDurationAt: each phoneme)].
	self rule4; rule5; rule9a; rule9b; rule10!

----- Method: DurationsVisitor>>word: (in category 'visiting') -----
word: aWord
	super word: aWord.

	self rule6; rule7; rule8!

UtteranceVisitor subclass: #F0RenderingVisitor
	instanceVariableNames: 'pitch range contour'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-TTS'!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor class>>default (in category 'examples') -----
	^ self new!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>assignF0ToEvents (in category 'private') -----
	| time |
	time := 0.
	clause events do: [ :each |
		each pitchPoints: (self pitchesBetween: time and: time + each duration).
		time := time + each duration]!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>boundaryStartTime (in category 'rendering-boundary tones') -----
	^ self timeForEvent: (phrase ifNil: [clause phrases last]) words last events first!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>boundaryStopTime (in category 'rendering-boundary tones') -----
	| lastEvent |
	lastEvent := (phrase ifNil: [clause phrases last]) lastSyllable events last.
	^ (self timeForEvent: lastEvent) + lastEvent duration!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>clause: (in category 'visiting') -----
clause: aClause
	contour := CosineInterpolator new at: 0 put: pitch; yourself.

	super clause: aClause.
	self renderPhraseAccentOrBoundaryTone: clause accent.

	self assignF0ToEvents!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>highPitch (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ pitch + (pitch * range)!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>initialStopTime (in category 'rendering-boundary tones') -----
	| lastEvent |
	lastEvent := 	clause phrases first words first lastSyllable events last.
	^ (self timeForEvent: lastEvent) + lastEvent duration!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>lowPitch (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ pitch - (pitch * range)!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>phrase: (in category 'visiting') -----
phrase: aPhrase
	super phrase: aPhrase.

	self renderPhraseAccentOrBoundaryTone: phrase accent!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>phraseAccentStartTime (in category 'rendering-phrase accents') -----
	| syl |
	syl := nil.
	(phrase ifNil: [clause phrases last]) syllablesDo: [ :each | (syl isNil or: [syl isAccented]) ifTrue: [syl := each]].
	^ self timeForEvent: syl events last!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>phraseAccentStopTime (in category 'rendering-phrase accents') -----
	| lastEvent |
	lastEvent := (phrase ifNil: [clause phrases last]) lastSyllable events last.
	^ (self timeForEvent: lastEvent) + lastEvent duration!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>pitchesBetween:and: (in category 'private') -----
pitchesBetween: t1 and: t2
	| step |
	step := (t2 - t1 / 0.035) asInteger + 1. "step small enough"
	^ (t1 to: t2 by: t2 - t1 / step) collect: [ :each | each - t1 @ (contour at: each)]!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>renderHighBoundary (in category 'rendering-boundary tones') -----
	"Render a H% boundary tone."
	| start stop |
	start := self boundaryStartTime.
	stop := self boundaryStopTime.
	self time: start
		startingF0: (contour at: start)
		amplitude: self highPitch - (contour at: start)
		duration: stop - start
		peakPosition: stop - start
		tilt: 1.0!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>renderHighInitial (in category 'rendering-boundary tones') -----
	"Render a %H tone."
	| start stop |
	start := 0.
	stop := self initialStopTime.
	self time: start
		startingF0: (contour at: start)
		amplitude: self highPitch - (contour at: start) * 2
		duration: stop - start
		peakPosition: start
		tilt: 0.0!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>renderHighPhraseAccent (in category 'rendering-phrase accents') -----
	"Render a H- accent."
	| start stop |
	start := self phraseAccentStartTime.
	stop := self phraseAccentStopTime.
	self time: start
		startingF0: (contour at: start)
		amplitude: self highPitch - (contour at: start)
		duration: stop - start
		peakPosition: stop - start
		tilt: 1.0!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>renderLowAccent (in category 'rendering-pitch accents') -----
	"Render a L* accent."
	| start stop peakPosition |
	start := self syllableStartTime.
	stop := self syllableStopTime.
	peakPosition := (syllable events detect: [ :one | one phoneme isSyllabic] ifNone: [syllable events first]) duration / 2.0.
	self time: start
		startingF0: (contour at: start)
		amplitude: (contour at: start) - self lowPitch
		duration: stop - start
		peakPosition: peakPosition
		tilt: 0.0!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>renderLowBoundary (in category 'rendering-boundary tones') -----
	"Render a L% boundary tone."
	| start stop |
	start := self boundaryStartTime.
	stop := self boundaryStopTime.
	self time: start
		startingF0: (contour at: start)
		amplitude: (contour at: start) - self lowPitch
		duration: stop - start
		peakPosition: stop - start
		tilt: -1.0!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>renderLowPhraseAccent (in category 'rendering-phrase accents') -----
	"Render a L- accent."
	| start stop |
	start := self phraseAccentStartTime.
	stop := self phraseAccentStopTime.
	self time: start
		startingF0: (contour at: start)
		amplitude: (contour at: start) - self lowPitch
		duration: stop - start
		peakPosition: stop - start
		tilt: -0.5!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>renderPeakAccent (in category 'rendering-pitch accents') -----
	"Render a H* accent."
	| start stop peakPosition |
	start := self syllableStartTime.
	stop := self syllableStopTime.
	peakPosition := (syllable events detect: [ :one | one phoneme isSyllabic] ifNone: [syllable events first]) duration / 2.0.
	self time: start
		startingF0: (contour at: start)
		amplitude: self highPitch - (contour at: start)
		duration: stop - start
		peakPosition: peakPosition
		tilt: 0.0!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>renderPhraseAccentOrBoundaryTone: (in category 'visiting') -----
renderPhraseAccentOrBoundaryTone: aStringOrNil
	aStringOrNil isNil ifTrue: [^ self].
	(aStringOrNil findTokens: ' ') do: [ :each |
		each = 'H-' ifTrue: [self renderHighPhraseAccent].
		each = 'L-' ifTrue: [self renderLowPhraseAccent].
		each = 'H%' ifTrue: [self renderHighBoundary].
		each = 'L%' ifTrue: [self renderLowBoundary].
		each = '%H' ifTrue: [self renderHighInitial].
		each = '%r' ifTrue: [self notYetImplemented]]!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>renderRisingPeakAccent (in category 'rendering-pitch accents') -----
	"Render a L+H* accent."

	self notYetImplemented!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>renderScoopedAccent (in category 'rendering-pitch accents') -----
	"Render a L*+H accent."

	self notYetImplemented!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>speaker: (in category 'visiting') -----
speaker: aSpeaker
	pitch := aSpeaker pitch.
	range := aSpeaker range!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>syllable: (in category 'visiting') -----
syllable: aSyllable
	super syllable: aSyllable.

	aSyllable isAccented ifFalse: [^ self].
	aSyllable accent = 'H*' ifTrue: [^ self renderPeakAccent].
	aSyllable accent = 'L*' ifTrue: [^ self renderLowAccent].
	aSyllable accent = 'L*+H' ifTrue: [^ self renderScoopedAccent].
	aSyllable accent = 'L+H*' ifTrue: [^ self renderRisingPeakAccent]!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>syllableStartTime (in category 'rendering-pitch accents') -----
	^ self timeForEvent: syllable events first!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>syllableStopTime (in category 'rendering-pitch accents') -----
	^ self syllableStartTime + syllable events duration!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>time:startingF0:amplitude:duration:peakPosition:tilt: (in category 'private') -----
time: time startingF0: startingF0 amplitude: amplitude duration: duration peakPosition: peakPosition tilt: tilt
	| vowelStart riseAmplitude fallAmplitude |
	vowelStart := self timeOfFirstVowelAfter: time.
	riseAmplitude := tilt + 1.0 * amplitude / 2.0.
	fallAmplitude := amplitude - riseAmplitude.
		x: time y: startingF0;
		x: vowelStart + peakPosition y: ((startingF0 + riseAmplitude max: self lowPitch) min: self highPitch);
		x: time + duration y: ((startingF0 + riseAmplitude - fallAmplitude max: self lowPitch) min: self highPitch);

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>timeForEvent: (in category 'accessing') -----
timeForEvent: aVoiceEvent
	| time |
	time := 0.
	clause eventsDo: [ :each | aVoiceEvent == each ifTrue: [^ time] ifFalse: [time := time + each duration]]!

----- Method: F0RenderingVisitor>>timeOfFirstVowelAfter: (in category 'private') -----
timeOfFirstVowelAfter: time
	| currentTime |
	currentTime := 0.
	clause events do: [ :each |
		(currentTime >= time and: [each phoneme isSyllabic]) ifTrue: [^ currentTime].
		currentTime := currentTime + each duration].
	^ time "if not found, answer the time itself"!

UtteranceVisitor subclass: #IntonationVisitor
	instanceVariableNames: 'functionWords'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-TTS'!

----- Method: IntonationVisitor class>>default (in category 'examples') -----
	^ self english!

----- Method: IntonationVisitor class>>english (in category 'examples') -----
	^ self new functionWords: self englishFunctionWords!

----- Method: IntonationVisitor class>>englishFunctionWords (in category 'examples') -----
	^ #('a' 'about' 'above' 'across' 'after' 'ago' 'all' 'along' 'although' 'am' 'among'
		'an' 'and' 'any' 'apart' 'are' 'aren''t' 'around' 'as' 'aside' 'at' 'away'
		'back' 'be' 'because' 'been' 'before' 'behind' 'below' 'between' 'both'
		'but' 'by' 'can' 'can''t' 'could' 'couldn''t' 'down' 'each' 'either' 'every'
		'few' 'for' 'forever' 'forward' 'fro' 'from' 'has' 'hasn''t' 'have' 'haven''t'
		'he' 'her' 'here' 'him' 'his' 'home' 'how' 'however' 'i' 'if' 'immediately'
		'in' 'inside' 'is' 'it' 'its' 'least' 'less' 'like' 'little' 'many' 'more' 'most' 'much'
		'my' 'neither' 'no' 'none' 'nor' 'not' 'now' 'of' 'off' 'on' 'once' 'only' 'or'
		'our' 'out' 'outside' 'over' 'part' 'plenty' 'right' 'round' 'several' 'she'
		'should' 'shouldn''t' 'since' 'so' 'some' 'than' 'that' 'the' 'their' 'theirs'
		'then' 'there' 'these' 'they' 'this' 'those' 'though' 'through' 'till' 'to' 'together'
		'unless' 'until' 'up' 'upon' 'was' 'wasn''t' 'we' 'were' 'weren''t' 'what'
		'whatever' 'when' 'where' 'whereas' 'whether' 'which' 'while' 'who' 'whom'
		'whose' 'why' 'will' 'with' 'without' 'would' 'wouldn''t' 'yet' 'you' 'your' 'yours'
	) asSet!

----- Method: IntonationVisitor>>clause: (in category 'visiting') -----
clause: aClause
	super clause: aClause.

	self isYesNoQuestionClause ifTrue: [^ clause accent: 'L- H%'].
	self isWHQuestionClause ifTrue: [^ clause accent: '%H H- L%'].
	clause accent: 'L- L%' "it's a declarative phrase"!

----- Method: IntonationVisitor>>functionWords (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ functionWords!

----- Method: IntonationVisitor>>functionWords: (in category 'accessing') -----
functionWords: aCollection
	functionWords := aCollection!

----- Method: IntonationVisitor>>isQuestionClause (in category 'visiting') -----
	^ clause string includes: $?!

----- Method: IntonationVisitor>>isWHQuestionClause (in category 'visiting') -----
	| firstWordString |
	self isQuestionClause ifFalse: [^ false].
	firstWordString := clause phrases first words first string asLowercase.
	^ (firstWordString beginsWith: 'wh') or: [firstWordString = 'how']!

----- Method: IntonationVisitor>>isYesNoQuestionClause (in category 'visiting') -----
	^ self isQuestionClause and: [self isWHQuestionClause not]!

----- Method: IntonationVisitor>>phrase: (in category 'visiting') -----
phrase: aPhrase
	super phrase: aPhrase.

"	phrase == clause phrases last ifFalse: [phrase accent: 'L- H%']"!

----- Method: IntonationVisitor>>word: (in category 'visiting') -----
word: aWord
	| accent |
	super word: aWord.

	((self functionWords includes: word string asLowercase) and: [phrase words first ~~ word]) ifTrue: [^ self].
	self isYesNoQuestionClause ifTrue: [accent := 'L*'] ifFalse: [accent := 'H*'].
	(word syllables detect: [ :one | one stress > 0] ifNone: [word syllables first]) accent: accent!

----- Method: UtteranceVisitor>>clause: (in category 'visiting') -----
clause: aClause
	clause := aClause.
	clause phrases do: [ :each | each accept: self].
	phrase := word := syllable := nil!

----- Method: UtteranceVisitor>>phrase: (in category 'visiting') -----
phrase: aPhrase
	phrase := aPhrase.
	phrase words do: [ :each | each accept: self].
	word := syllable := nil!

----- Method: UtteranceVisitor>>speaker: (in category 'visiting') -----
speaker: aSpeaker
	^ self!

----- Method: UtteranceVisitor>>syllable: (in category 'visiting') -----
syllable: aSyllable
	syllable := aSyllable!

----- Method: UtteranceVisitor>>word: (in category 'visiting') -----
word: aWord
	word := aWord.
	word syllables do: [ :each | each accept: self].
	syllable := nil!

Object subclass: #Voice
	instanceVariableNames: 'name sound'
	classVariableNames: 'Voices'
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Events'!

!Voice commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
I am an abstract class for speaking voices that know how to play VoiceEvents.!

Voice subclass: #CompositeVoice
	instanceVariableNames: 'voices'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Events'!

----- Method: CompositeVoice>>add: (in category 'accessing') -----
add: aVoice
	^ self voices add: aVoice!

----- Method: CompositeVoice>>do: (in category 'enumerating') -----
do: aBlock
	self voices do: aBlock!

----- Method: CompositeVoice>>flush (in category 'playing') -----
	"Play all the events in the queue."
	super flush.
	self do: [ :each | each flush]!

----- Method: CompositeVoice>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	super initialize.
	self voices: OrderedCollection new!

----- Method: CompositeVoice>>playGesturalEvent:at: (in category 'playing') -----
playGesturalEvent: event at: time
	self do: [ :each | each playGesturalEvent: event at: time]!

----- Method: CompositeVoice>>playPhoneticEvent:at: (in category 'playing') -----
playPhoneticEvent: event at: time
	self do: [ :each | each playPhoneticEvent: event at: time]!

----- Method: CompositeVoice>>reset (in category 'playing') -----
	"Reset the state of the receiver."
	super reset.
	self do: [ :each | each reset]!

----- Method: CompositeVoice>>voices (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ voices!

----- Method: CompositeVoice>>voices: (in category 'accessing') -----
voices: aCollection
	voices := aCollection!

Voice subclass: #GesturalVoice
	instanceVariableNames: 'head'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Gestures'!

!GesturalVoice commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
My instances are speaking voices with a head that acts in response to gestural events.!

----- Method: GesturalVoice>>face (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self head face!

----- Method: GesturalVoice>>head (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ head!

----- Method: GesturalVoice>>head: (in category 'accessing') -----
head: aHeadMorph
	head notNil ifTrue: [aHeadMorph position: head position. head delete].
	head := aHeadMorph!

----- Method: GesturalVoice>>lips (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self face lips!

----- Method: GesturalVoice>>newHead (in category 'accessing') -----
	| m |
	m := HeadMorph new.
	self head: m.
	m openInWorld.
	^ m!

----- Method: GesturalVoice>>playGesturalEvent:at: (in category 'playing') -----
playGesturalEvent: event at: time
	self head playEvent: event at: time!

----- Method: GesturalVoice>>playPhoneticEvent:at: (in category 'playing') -----
playPhoneticEvent: event at: time
	(TalkGesturalEvent new phoneme: event phoneme) playOn: self at: time!

Voice subclass: #KlattVoice
	instanceVariableNames: 'segments lastEvent lastEventTime left current right synthesizer patternFrame breathiness tract'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Klatt'!

!KlattVoice commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
My instances are voices that play PhoneticEvents using a KlattSynthesizer and KlattSegments. There are many controls to change voice personalities, such as vocal tract length, breathiness, jitter, shimmer and glottal pulse shape.!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>breathiness (in category 'personality') -----
	^ breathiness!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>breathiness: (in category 'personality') -----
breathiness: aNumber
	breathiness := aNumber!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>currentFramesCount: (in category 'playing-private') -----
currentFramesCount: n
	| answer |
	answer := current left: left right: right speed: n / current duration asFloat pattern: self patternFrame.
	answer size > 0 ifTrue: [self patternFrame: answer last].
	^ answer!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>dBFromLinear: (in category 'playing-private') -----
dBFromLinear: aNumber
	^ aNumber log / 2 log * 6.0 + 87.0!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>defaultPatternFrame (in category 'initialization') -----
	^ KlattFrame default copy
		f0: 133;
		flutter: 0; jitter: 0; shimmer: 0; diplophonia: 0;
		voicing: 60;
		aspiration: 0;
		friction: 0;
		bypass: 0;
		turbulence: 0;
		ro: 0.5; rk: 0.25; ra: 0.01;
		f1: 500;		b1: 60;
		f2: 1500;		b2: 90;
		f3: 2800;	b3: 150;
		f4: 3250;	b4: 200;
		f5: 3700;	b5: 200;
		f6: 4990;	b6: 500;
		fnz: 270;	bnz: 100;
		fnp: 270;	bnp: 100;
		b2f: 200;
		b3f: 350;
		b4f: 500;
		b5f: 600;
		b6f: 800;
		anv: 0;
		gain: 61!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>diplophonia (in category 'personality') -----
	^ self patternFrame diplophonia!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>diplophonia: (in category 'personality') -----
diplophonia: aNumber
	self patternFrame diplophonia: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>durationsForEvent:segments: (in category 'playing-private') -----
durationsForEvent: event segments: segs
	| scale |
	scale := event duration / ((segs inject: 0 into: [ :result :each | result + each duration]) * 10 / 1000.0).
	^ segs collect: [ :each | (each duration * scale) rounded]!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>edit (in category 'editing') -----
	self editor openInWorld!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>editor (in category 'editing') -----
	^ KlattFrameMorph new
		frame: self patternFrame edit: #(flutter jitter shimmer diplophonia ro rk ra turbulence gain);
		addSliderForParameter: #breathiness target: self min: 0.0 max: 1.0 description: 'Amount of breathiness';
		addSliderForParameter: #tract target: self min: 10.0 max: 20.0 description: 'Vocal tract length (average male=17.3, average female=14.4)'!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>flush (in category 'playing') -----
	"Play all the events in the queue, and then reset."
	| lastEventSegments |
	lastEvent isNil
		ifFalse: [lastEventSegments := self segments at: lastEvent phoneme ifAbsent: [self segments silence].
				self playEvent: lastEvent segments: lastEventSegments boundary: self segments end at: lastEventTime].
	super flush.
	self reset!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>flutter (in category 'personality') -----
	^ self patternFrame flutter!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>flutter: (in category 'personality') -----
flutter: aNumber
	self patternFrame flutter: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>formantScale (in category 'playing-private') -----
	self flag: #fixThis. "NOTE: this approximation is good only for vocal-tract lengths near 14.4 and 17.3 (and between them)... but it is certainly wrong for lengths such as 10 or 20."
	^ (17.3 - self tract) / (17.3 - 14.4) * 0.175 + 1.0!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	super initialize.
	synthesizer := KlattSynthesizer new cascade: 0.
	self segments: KlattSegmentSet arpabet.
	self patternFrame: self defaultPatternFrame.
	self breathiness: 0.0.
	self tract: 17.3. "Set a male vocal tract."
	self reset!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>jitter (in category 'personality') -----
	^ self patternFrame jitter!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>jitter: (in category 'personality') -----
jitter: aNumber
	self patternFrame jitter: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>linearFromdB: (in category 'playing-private') -----
linearFromdB: aNumber
	^ (2 raisedTo: (aNumber-87/6.0))!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>patternFrame (in category 'accessing-private') -----
	^ patternFrame!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>patternFrame: (in category 'accessing-private') -----
patternFrame: aKlattFrame
	patternFrame isNil ifTrue: [patternFrame := aKlattFrame. ^ self].
	patternFrame replaceFrom: 1 to: patternFrame size with: aKlattFrame!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>phonemes (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self segments phonemes!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>playEvent:frames:at: (in category 'playing-private') -----
playEvent: event frames: frames at: time
	| frame breathyAspiration formantScale |
	breathyAspiration := self dBFromLinear: (self linearFromdB: 68) * self breathiness.
	formantScale := self formantScale.
	1 to: frames size do: [ :each |
		frame := frames at: each.
		frame gain: (self dBFromLinear: (self linearFromdB: frame gain) * event loudness).
		frame f0: (event pitchAt: each - 1 * event duration / frames size).
		frame voicing: (self dBFromLinear: (self linearFromdB: frame voicing) * (1.0 - self breathiness)).
		frame aspiration: (frame aspiration max: breathyAspiration).
			f1: frame f1 * formantScale;
			f2: frame f2 * formantScale;
			f3: frame f3 * formantScale;
			f4: frame f4 * formantScale;
			f5: frame f5 * formantScale;
			f6: frame f6 * formantScale].
	"Transcript cr; show: (event duration * 1000 / frames size) printString."
	synthesizer millisecondsPerFrame: event duration * 1000 / frames size.
	self playBuffer: (synthesizer samplesFromFrames: frames) at: time!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>playEvent:segments:boundary:at: (in category 'playing-private') -----
playEvent: event segments: segs boundary: boundarySegment at: time
	| frames stream dur durations |
	frames := OrderedCollection new.
	stream := ReadStream on: segs.
	durations := ReadStream on: (self durationsForEvent: event segments: segs).
	[stream atEnd]
		whileFalse: [current := stream next.
					dur := durations next.
					dur > 0
						ifTrue: [right := stream atEnd ifTrue: [boundarySegment] ifFalse: [stream peek].
								frames addAll: (self currentFramesCount: dur)].
					left := current].
	frames isEmpty ifTrue: [^ self].
	self playEvent: event frames: frames at: time!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>playPhoneticEvent:at: (in category 'playing') -----
playPhoneticEvent: event at: time
	| lastEventSegments boundarySegment |
	"Play an event."
	lastEvent isNil
		ifFalse: [lastEventSegments := self segments at: lastEvent phoneme ifAbsent: [self segments silence].
				boundarySegment := (self segments at: event phoneme ifAbsent: [self segments silence]) first.
				self playEvent: lastEvent segments: lastEventSegments boundary: boundarySegment at: lastEventTime].
	lastEvent := event.
	lastEventTime := time!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>ra (in category 'personality') -----
	^ self patternFrame ra!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>ra: (in category 'personality') -----
ra: aNumber
	self patternFrame ra: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>reset (in category 'playing') -----
	"Reset the state of the receiver."
	super reset.
	lastEvent := lastEventTime := nil.
	current := right := left := self segments end!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>rk (in category 'personality') -----
	^ self patternFrame rk!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>rk: (in category 'personality') -----
rk: aNumber
	self patternFrame rk: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>ro (in category 'personality') -----
	^ self patternFrame ro!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>ro: (in category 'personality') -----
ro: aNumber
	self patternFrame ro: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>samplingRate (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self synthesizer samplingRate!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>segments (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ segments!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>segments: (in category 'accessing') -----
segments: aKlattSegmentSet
	segments := aKlattSegmentSet!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>shimmer (in category 'personality') -----
	^ self patternFrame shimmer!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>shimmer: (in category 'personality') -----
shimmer: aNumber
	self patternFrame shimmer: aNumber!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>synthesizer (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ synthesizer!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>tract (in category 'personality') -----
	^ tract!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>tract: (in category 'personality') -----
tract: aNumber
	tract := aNumber!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>turbulence (in category 'personality') -----
	^ self patternFrame turbulence!

----- Method: KlattVoice>>turbulence: (in category 'personality') -----
turbulence: aNumber
	self patternFrame turbulence: aNumber!

----- Method: Voice class>>addVoice: (in category 'accessing') -----
addVoice: aVoice
	^ self voices add: aVoice!

----- Method: Voice class>>default (in category 'instance creation') -----
	self voices isEmpty ifTrue: [^ KlattVoice new].
	^ self voices detect: [ :one | one name = 'Kurt']
		ifNone: [self voices detect: [ :one | one samplingRate >= 16000]
					ifNone: [self voices anyOne]]!

----- Method: Voice class>>doesNotUnderstand: (in category 'accessing') -----
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
	self voices do: [ :each | each name asLowercase = aMessage selector asString ifTrue: [^ each]].
	^ super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage!

----- Method: Voice class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
	Voice initialize

	Voices := Set new!

----- Method: Voice class>>named: (in category 'accessing') -----
named: aString
	^ self voices detect: [ :one | one name = aString]!

----- Method: Voice class>>voices (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ Voices!

----- Method: Voice>>+ (in category 'converting') -----
+ aVoice
	"Answer the composition of the receiver with the argument."
	^ CompositeVoice new add: self; add: aVoice; yourself!

----- Method: Voice>>flush (in category 'playing') -----
	"Play all the events in the queue."
	sound notNil ifTrue: [sound done: true; play. sound := nil]!

----- Method: Voice>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
	name := 'anonymous'!

----- Method: Voice>>name (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ name!

----- Method: Voice>>name: (in category 'accessing') -----
name: aString
	name := aString!

----- Method: Voice>>playBuffer:at: (in category 'playing') -----
playBuffer: buffer at: time
	| tail |
	tail := SampledSound samples: buffer samplingRate: self samplingRate.
	sound isNil
		ifTrue: [sound := QueueSound new startTime: time - SoundPlayer bufferMSecs.
				sound add: tail; play]
		ifFalse: [sound add: tail]!

----- Method: Voice>>playGesturalEvent:at: (in category 'playing') -----
playGesturalEvent: event at: time
	^ self!

----- Method: Voice>>playPhoneticEvent:at: (in category 'playing') -----
playPhoneticEvent: event at: time
	^ self!

----- Method: Voice>>playSilenceMSecs: (in category 'playing') -----
playSilenceMSecs: msecs
	Transcript cr; show: 'silence ', msecs printString, 'msecs'.
	sound isNil ifTrue: [^ self].
	sound add: (RestSound dur: msecs / 1000.0)!

----- Method: Voice>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: self class name; nextPutAll: ' ('; nextPutAll: self name; nextPut: $)!

----- Method: Voice>>reset (in category 'playing') -----
	"Reset the state of the receiver."
	sound notNil ifTrue: [sound done: true. sound := nil]!

----- Method: Voice>>sound (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ sound!

Object subclass: #VoiceEvent
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Events'!

!VoiceEvent commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
I am an abstract class for all events to be played on speaking Voices, such as PhoneticEvents or GesturalEvents.!

VoiceEvent subclass: #CompositeEvent
	instanceVariableNames: 'timedEvents'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Events'!

----- Method: CompositeEvent class>>new (in category 'instance creation') -----
	^ self new: 10!

----- Method: CompositeEvent class>>new: (in category 'instance creation') -----
new: anInteger
	^ self basicNew initialize: anInteger!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>add: (in category 'accessing') -----
add: aVoiceEvent
	^ self add: aVoiceEvent at: self lastTime!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>add:at: (in category 'accessing') -----
add: aVoiceEvent at: time
	^ self timedEvents add: time -> aVoiceEvent!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>add:delayed: (in category 'accessing') -----
add: aVoiceEvent delayed: time
	^ self add: aVoiceEvent at: self lastTime + time!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>addAll: (in category 'accessing') -----
addAll: aCollection
	aCollection do: [ :each | self add: each].
	^ aCollection!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>asArray (in category 'converting') -----
	^ (1 to: self size) collect: [ :each | self at: each]!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>asPHOString (in category 'converting') -----
	| stream |
	stream := WriteStream on: String new.
	self do: [ :each | stream nextPutAll: each asPHOString; nextPut: Character cr].
	^ stream contents!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>at: (in category 'accessing') -----
at: anInteger
	^ (self timedEvents at: anInteger) value!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>compress: (in category 'transforming') -----
compress: aNumber
	self stretch: aNumber reciprocal!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>copy (in category 'copying') -----
	| answer |
	answer := self class new: self size.
	self timedEvents do: [ :each | answer add: each value copy at: each key].
	^ answer!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>delay: (in category 'transforming') -----
delay: time
	self timedEvents do: [ :each | each key: each key + time]!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>detect: (in category 'enumerating') -----
detect: aBlock
	self detect: aBlock ifNone: [self error: 'event not found']!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>detect:ifNone: (in category 'enumerating') -----
detect: aBlock ifNone: exceptionBlock
	self do: [ :each | (aBlock value: each) ifTrue: [^ each]].
	^ exceptionBlock value!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>do: (in category 'enumerating') -----
do: aBlock
	self timedEvents do: [ :each | aBlock value: each value]!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>duration (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the duration (in seconds) of the receiver."
	^ self lastTime / 1000.0!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>first (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: 1!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>initialize: (in category 'initialization') -----
initialize: anInteger
	timedEvents := SortedCollection new: anInteger!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>isEmpty (in category 'testing') -----
	^ self timedEvents isEmpty!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>last (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self at: self size!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>lastTime (in category 'accessing') -----
	| last |
	self isEmpty ifTrue: [^ 0].
	last := self timedEvents last.
	^ last key + (last value duration * 1000) rounded!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>pitchBy: (in category 'transforming') -----
pitchBy: aNumber
	self do: [ :each | each pitchBy: aNumber]!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>playOn:at: (in category 'playing') -----
playOn: aVoice at: time
	self timedEvents do: [ :each | each value playOn: aVoice at: each key + time].
	aVoice flush!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>recomputeTimes (in category 'private') -----
	| oldTimedEvents |
	oldTimedEvents := timedEvents.
	timedEvents := SortedCollection new: oldTimedEvents size.
	oldTimedEvents do: [ :each | self add: each value]!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>size (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self timedEvents size!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>stretch: (in category 'transforming') -----
stretch: aNumber
	self do: [ :each | each stretch: aNumber].
	self timedEvents do: [ :each | each key: (each key * aNumber) rounded]!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>timedEvents (in category 'accessing-private') -----
	^ timedEvents!

----- Method: CompositeEvent>>timedEvents: (in category 'accessing-private') -----
timedEvents: aCollection
	timedEvents := aCollection!

VoiceEvent subclass: #GesturalEvent
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Events'!

GesturalEvent subclass: #GazeGesturalEvent
	instanceVariableNames: 'point'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Events'!

----- Method: GazeGesturalEvent>>actOn: (in category 'playing') -----
actOn: aHeadMorph
	aHeadMorph face lookAt: self point!

----- Method: GazeGesturalEvent>>point (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ point!

----- Method: GazeGesturalEvent>>point: (in category 'accessing') -----
point: aPoint
	point := aPoint!

----- Method: GazeGesturalEvent>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: 'look at '; print: self point!

----- Method: GesturalEvent>>actOn: (in category 'playing') -----
actOn: aHeadMorph
	self subclassResponsibility!

----- Method: GesturalEvent>>isGestural (in category 'testing') -----
	^ true!

----- Method: GesturalEvent>>playOn:at: (in category 'playing') -----
playOn: aVoice at: time
	aVoice playGesturalEvent: self at: time!

----- Method: GesturalEvent>>voice (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the default voice for the reciever."
	^ Voice voices detect: [ :one | one class == GesturalVoice] ifNone: [super voice]!

GesturalEvent subclass: #MoodGesturalEvent
	instanceVariableNames: 'state'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Events'!

----- Method: MoodGesturalEvent>>actOn: (in category 'playing') -----
actOn: aHeadMorph
	aHeadMorph face perform: self state!

----- Method: MoodGesturalEvent>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: 'set ', self state, ' mood'!

----- Method: MoodGesturalEvent>>state (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ state!

----- Method: MoodGesturalEvent>>state: (in category 'accessing') -----
state: aSymbol
	state := aSymbol asSymbol!

GesturalEvent subclass: #TalkGesturalEvent
	instanceVariableNames: 'phoneme'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Events'!

----- Method: TalkGesturalEvent>>actOn: (in category 'playing') -----
actOn: aHeadMorph
	aHeadMorph face lips articulate: self phoneme!

----- Method: TalkGesturalEvent>>phoneme (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ phoneme!

----- Method: TalkGesturalEvent>>phoneme: (in category 'accessing') -----
phoneme: aPhoneme
	phoneme := aPhoneme!

----- Method: TalkGesturalEvent>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: 'articulate '; print: self phoneme!

VoiceEvent subclass: #PhoneticEvent
	instanceVariableNames: 'phoneme pitchPoints duration loudness'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-Events'!

!PhoneticEvent commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
My instances are events for a Voice.!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>asPHOString (in category 'converting') -----
	| stream |
	stream := WriteStream on: String new.
		nextPutAll: (PhonemeSet arpabetToSampa at: self phoneme); space;
		print: (self duration * 1000) rounded.
	self pitchPoints do: [ :each | stream space; print: (each x * 1000) rounded; space; print: each y rounded].
	^ stream contents!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>averagePitch (in category 'accessing') -----
	| sum previous |
	self pitchPoints size = 1 ifTrue: [^ self pitchPoints first y].
	sum := 0.0.
	self pitchPoints do: [ :each |
		previous isNil ifFalse: [sum := (each y + previous y) / 2.0 * (each x - previous x) + sum].
		previous := each].
	sum := previous y * (self duration - previous x) + sum.
	^ sum / self duration!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>copy (in category 'copying') -----
	^ super copy pitchPoints: self pitchPoints copy!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>duration (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the duration (in seconds) of the receiver."
	^ duration!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>duration: (in category 'accessing') -----
duration: aNumber
	"Set the duration of the receiver (in seconds)."
	((pitchPoints isNil or: [duration isNil]) or: [duration = 0])
		ifFalse: [pitchPoints := pitchPoints collect: [ :each | each x / duration * aNumber @ each y]].
	duration := aNumber!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>hasPitch (in category 'testing') -----
	"Answer true if there is a pitch contour specified for the receiver."
	^ pitchPoints notNil!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>isPhonetic (in category 'testing') -----
	^ true!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>loudness (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ loudness!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>loudness: (in category 'accessing') -----
loudness: aNumber
	loudness := aNumber!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>phoneme (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ phoneme!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>phoneme: (in category 'accessing') -----
phoneme: aPhoneme
	phoneme := aPhoneme!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>pitch: (in category 'accessing') -----
pitch: aNumber
	self pitchPoints: aNumber!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>pitchApply: (in category 'transforming') -----
pitchApply: aBlock
	"Apply aBlock to the pitch points in the receiver."
	self hasPitch ifFalse: [^ self].
	pitchPoints := pitchPoints collect: aBlock!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>pitchAt: (in category 'accessing') -----
pitchAt: time
	"Answer the pitch of the receiver at a given time. (Do linear interpolation.)"
	| xVal count x1 x2 y1 y2 |
	pitchPoints isNil ifTrue: [^ nil].
	xVal := pitchPoints first x.
	count := 1.
	[xVal < time]
		whileTrue: [count := count + 1.
					count > pitchPoints size ifTrue: [^ pitchPoints last y].
					xVal := (pitchPoints at: count) x].
	xVal = time ifTrue: [^ (pitchPoints at: count) y].
	count = 1 ifTrue: [^ pitchPoints first y].
	x1 := (pitchPoints at: count - 1) x.
	x2 := (pitchPoints at: count) x.
	y1 := (pitchPoints at: count - 1) y.
	y2 := (pitchPoints at: count) y.
	^ (time - x1) / (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) + y1!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>pitchAt:put: (in category 'accessing') -----
pitchAt: time put: aNumber
	"Set the pitch of the receiver at a given time."
	pitchPoints isNil ifTrue: [pitchPoints := Array with: time @ aNumber. ^ self].
	pitchPoints := pitchPoints copyWith: time @ aNumber!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>pitchBy: (in category 'transforming') -----
pitchBy: aNumber
	"Multiply the receiver's pitch contour by aNumber."
	self hasPitch ifFalse: [^ self].
	pitchPoints := pitchPoints collect: [ :each | each x @ (each y * aNumber)]!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>pitchPoints (in category 'accessing-private') -----
	^ pitchPoints!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>pitchPoints: (in category 'accessing-private') -----
pitchPoints: p
	pitchPoints := p isNumber
		ifTrue: [((0.0 to: duration by: 0.035) collect: [ :time | time @ p])]
		ifFalse: [p first isPoint ifTrue: [p] ifFalse: [(p collect: [ :each | each first @ each last])]]!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>playOn:at: (in category 'playing') -----
playOn: aVoice at: time
	aVoice playPhoneticEvent: self at: time!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	| first |
	aStream nextPutAll: '#('; print: phoneme; space; print: loudness; space; print: duration.
	self pitchPoints isNil ifTrue: [aStream nextPut: $). ^ self].
	aStream nextPutAll: ' #('.
	first := true.
	self pitchPoints do: [ :each |
		first ifFalse: [aStream space].
		aStream print: each x; space; print: each y.
		first := false].
	aStream nextPutAll: '))'!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>stretch: (in category 'transforming') -----
stretch: aNumber
	self duration: self duration * aNumber!

----- Method: PhoneticEvent>>transposeBy: (in category 'transforming') -----
transposeBy: aNumber
	"Add the given step to the receiver's pitch."
	pitchPoints := pitchPoints collect: [ :each | each x @ (each y + aNumber)]!

----- Method: VoiceEvent>>compress: (in category 'transforming') -----
compress: aNumber
	self stretch: 1.0 / aNumber!

----- Method: VoiceEvent>>duration (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the duration (in seconds) of the receiver."
	^ 0!

----- Method: VoiceEvent>>isGestural (in category 'testing') -----
	^ false!

----- Method: VoiceEvent>>isPhonetic (in category 'testing') -----
	^ false!

----- Method: VoiceEvent>>play (in category 'playing') -----
	^ self playOn: self voice!

----- Method: VoiceEvent>>playAt: (in category 'playing') -----
playAt: time
	^ self playOn: self voice at: time!

----- Method: VoiceEvent>>playDelayed: (in category 'playing') -----
playDelayed: delay
	self playAt: Time millisecondClockValue + delay!

----- Method: VoiceEvent>>playOn: (in category 'playing') -----
playOn: aVoice
	self playOn: aVoice at: Time millisecondClockValue!

----- Method: VoiceEvent>>playOn:at: (in category 'playing') -----
playOn: aVoice at: time
	self subclassResponsibility!

----- Method: VoiceEvent>>playOn:delayed: (in category 'playing') -----
playOn: aVoice delayed: delay
	self playOn: aVoice at: Time millisecondClockValue + delay!

----- Method: VoiceEvent>>stretch: (in category 'transforming') -----
stretch: aNumber
	^ self!

----- Method: VoiceEvent>>voice (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the default voice for the receiver."
	^ Voice default!

Object subclass: #Word
	instanceVariableNames: 'string syllables'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'Speech-TTS'!

----- Method: Word>>accept: (in category 'accessing') -----
accept: anObject
	anObject word: self!

----- Method: Word>>events (in category 'accessing') -----
	| answer |
	answer := CompositeEvent new.
	self syllables do: [ :each | answer addAll: each events].
	^ answer!

----- Method: Word>>eventsDo: (in category 'enumerating') -----
eventsDo: aBlock
	self syllables do: [ :syllable | syllable eventsDo: aBlock]!

----- Method: Word>>isAccented (in category 'testing') -----
	^ (self syllables detect: [ :one | one isAccented] ifNone: []) notNil!

----- Method: Word>>isPolysyllabic (in category 'testing') -----
	^ self syllables size > 1!

----- Method: Word>>lastSyllable (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ self syllables last!

----- Method: Word>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: (self isAccented ifTrue: [self string asUppercase] ifFalse: [self string])!

----- Method: Word>>string (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ string!

----- Method: Word>>string: (in category 'accessing') -----
string: aString
	string := aString!

----- Method: Word>>syllables (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ syllables!

----- Method: Word>>syllables: (in category 'accessing') -----
syllables: aCollection
	syllables := aCollection!

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