[Pkg] The Trunk: Morphic-ct.1841.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Mon Jan 3 21:13:02 UTC 2022

Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of Morphic to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-ct.1841
Author: ct
Time: 3 January 2022, 10:12:56.140397 pm
UUID: 13c07ce7-f89f-7b48-b5e8-baa520ea1951
Ancestors: Morphic-ct.1840

Improves multilingual support at various places.

=============== Diff against Morphic-ct.1840 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FontImporterTool>>buildButtonBarWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') -----
  buildButtonBarWith: builder
  	"Build the button bar"
  	| panelSpec buttonSpec |
  	panelSpec := builder pluggablePanelSpec new.
  		layout: #horizontal;
  		children: OrderedCollection new.
  	buttonSpec := builder pluggableButtonSpec new
  			model: self;
  			label: 'Import' translated; 
+ 			help: 'Include the font data in the image and provide a TextStyle for the font' translated;
- 			help: 'Include the font data in the image and provide a TextStyle for the font';
  			action: #import;
  	panelSpec children addLast: buttonSpec.
  	buttonSpec := builder pluggableButtonSpec new
  			model: self;
  			label: 'Close' translated; 
  			action: #close;
  	panelSpec children addLast: buttonSpec.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FontImporterTool>>import (in category 'actions') -----
  	| megaSize filenames fonts |
  	fonts := self currentSelection.
  	filenames := fonts allFilenames.
  	megaSize := ((filenames inject: 0 into: [ :sum :fn |
  		sum + (FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fn do: [:file | file size])]) / (1024 * 1024)) asFloat.
  	(UIManager default confirm: (
  'About to import {1}{2}.\\This is at least {3} MB of space required in the image.\
  Please respect the copyright and embedding restrictions of the font.\
+ 		withCRs translated format: {
- 		withCRs format: {
  			self currentParent 
  				ifNotNil: [:p| p fontname, ' ', self currentSelection fontname]
  				ifNil: [self currentSelection fontname].
+ 			filenames size > 1 ifTrue: [' ({1} font files)' translated format: {filenames size}] ifFalse: [''].
- 			filenames size > 1 ifTrue: [' (', filenames size, ' font files)'] ifFalse: [''].
  			megaSize printShowingDecimalPlaces: 2}))
  		ifTrue: [ 
  			filenames do: [:filename | | readFonts |
  				readFonts := TTCFontDescription addFromTTFile: filename.
  				readFonts isCollection
  					ifFalse: [TTCFont newTextStyleFromTT: readFonts]
  					ifTrue: [self importFontFamily: readFonts]]].
  	self allFonts: nil. "force redraw"
  	TTCFont registerAll.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FontImporterTool>>link (in category 'actions') -----
  	| filenames fonts |
  	fonts := self currentSelection.
  	self warningSeen ifFalse: [
+ 		(Project uiManager confirm: (
- 		(UIManager default confirm: (
  'Note that linking a font instead of importing may make the
  image un-portable, since the linked font must be present on
  the system the next time the image is run.
+ This warning is only shown once per session.' translated) trueChoice: 'Proceed' translated falseChoice: 'Cancel' translated)
- This warning is only shown once per session.' ) trueChoice: 'Proceed' falseChoice: 'Cancel')
  		ifFalse: [^ self].
  		self warningSeen: true]..
  	filenames := fonts allFilenames.
  	filenames do: [:filename | | readFonts |
  		readFonts := TTFileDescription readFontsFrom: filename.
  		readFonts isCollection
  					ifFalse: [TTCFont newTextStyleFromTT: readFonts]
  					ifTrue: [self importFontFamily: readFonts]].
  	self allFonts: nil. "force redraw"
  	TTCFont registerAll.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>drawOn: (in category 'drawing') -----
  drawOn: aCanvas
  	super drawOn: aCanvas.
+ 		drawString: 'Move your mouse cursor to here and start typing. Try modifiers, too.' translated
- 		drawString: 'Move your mouse cursor to here and start typing. Try modifiers, too.'
  		at: self topLeft
  		font: Preferences standardButtonFont
  		color: Color gray.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>logEvent: (in category 'event handling') -----
  logEvent: evt
  	| eventMorph |
  	evt = self lastEvent
  		ifTrue: [^ self logEventRepetition: evt].
  	eventMorph := evt asMorph.
  		setProperty: #event toValue: evt copy;
+ 		balloonText: ('Click to inspect. Shift+click to explore.\\Virtual key: {8}\Virtual modifiers: {5}\\Physical key: {9}\Physical modifiers: {6}\\Key value: 0x{1} ({2}) \Key character: {3}\Key string: {4}\\{7}' withCRs translated format: {
- 		balloonText: ('Click to inspect. Shift+click to explore.\\Virtual key: {8}\Virtual modifiers: {5}\\Physical key: {9}\Physical modifiers: {6}\\Key value: 0x{1} ({2}) \Key character: {3}\Key string: {4}\\{7}' withCRs format: {
  			evt keyValue printPaddedWith: $0 to: 2 base: 16.
  			evt keyValue.
  			evt isKeystroke ifTrue: [evt keyCharacter printString] ifFalse: ['-'].
  			evt isKeystroke ifTrue: [evt keyString printString] ifFalse: ['-'].
  			(evt virtualModifiers joinSeparatedBy: ' ') asUppercase.
  			(evt physicalModifiers joinSeparatedBy: ' ') asUppercase.
  			evt printString.
  			evt virtualKey printString.
  			evt physicalKey asString printString}).
  		on: #mouseEnter send: #handleEvent:emphasize: to: self;
  		on: #mouseLeave send: #handleEvent:deemphasize: to: self;
  		on: #mouseDown send: #handleEvent:inspect: to: self.
  	self addMorphBack: eventMorph.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: KeyboardExerciser>>logEventRepetition: (in category 'event handling') -----
  logEventRepetition: evt
  	| label lastEvents box |
  	(self submorphs last hasProperty: #repetition)
  		ifTrue: [box := self submorphs last. label := box submorphs first]
  		ifFalse: [
  			box := Morph new
  				setProperty: #repetition toValue: true;
  				color: Color transparent;
  				layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
  				hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  			label := '' asText asMorph lock.
  			box addMorph: label.
  			box setProperty: #event toValue: (OrderedCollection with: self lastEvent).
  			self addMorphBack: box].
  	lastEvents := box valueOfProperty: #event.
  	lastEvents add: evt copy.
  	box setProperty: #event toValue: lastEvents.
  	label newContents: (('x ', (lastEvents size)) asText
  		addAttribute: (TextFontReference toFont: Preferences standardButtonFont);
  	box balloonText: ('{1}{2}'  format: {
+ 		lastEvents size > 10 ifTrue: ['... {1} older events and:\' withCRs translated format: {lastEvents size - 10}] ifFalse: [''].
- 		lastEvents size > 10 ifTrue: ['... ', (lastEvents size - 10), ' older events and:', String cr] ifFalse: [''].
  		(lastEvents last: (10 min: lastEvents size)) joinSeparatedBy: String cr.
  		on: #mouseEnter send: #handleEvent:emphasize: to: self;
  		on: #mouseLeave send: #handleEvent:deemphasize: to: self;
  		on: #mouseDown send: #handleEvent:inspect: to: self.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MenuItemMorph>>debugAction (in category 'browse') -----
  		forBlock: [self doButtonAction]
  		runUntil: [:context | context selector = self effectiveActionSelector])
+ 			debugWithTitle: ('Debug menu action "{1}" in model "{2}"' translated format: {self contents. self target printString}).!
- 			debugWithTitle: ('Debug menu action "{1}" in model "{2}"' format: {self contents. self target printString}).!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MenuMorph>>addItem (in category 'menu') -----
  	| string sel |
+ 	string := Project uiManager request: 'Label for new item?' translated.
- 	string := UIManager default request: 'Label for new item?'.
  	string isEmpty ifTrue: [^ self].
+ 	sel := Project uiManager request: 'Selector?' translated.
- 	sel := UIManager default request: 'Selector?'.
  	sel isEmpty ifFalse: [sel := sel asSymbol].
  	self add: string action: sel.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MenuMorph>>addTitle (in category 'menu') -----
  	| string |
+ 	string := Project uiManager request: 'Title for this menu?' translated.
- 	string := UIManager default request: 'Title for this menu?'.
  	string isEmpty ifTrue: [^ self].
  	self addTitle: string.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MenuMorph>>detachSubMenu: (in category 'menu') -----
  detachSubMenu: evt
  	| possibleTargets item subMenu index |
  	possibleTargets := self items select:[:any| any hasSubMenu].
  	possibleTargets size > 0 ifTrue:[
+ 		index := Project uiManager
- 		index := UIManager default 
  				chooseFrom: (possibleTargets collect:[:t| t contents asString])
+ 				title: 'Which menu?' translated.
- 				title: 'Which menu?'.
  		index = 0 ifTrue:[^self]].
  	item := possibleTargets at: index.
  	subMenu := item subMenu.
  	subMenu ifNotNil: [
  		item subMenu: nil.
  		item delete.
  		subMenu stayUp: true.
  		subMenu popUpOwner: nil.
  		subMenu addTitle: item contents.
  		evt hand attachMorph: subMenu].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MenuMorph>>showKeyboardHelp (in category 'keystroke helpers') -----
  	| help |
  	help := self balloonMorphClass 
+ 		string: 'Enter text to narrow selection\down to matching items ' translated
- 		string: 'Enter text to narrow selection\down to matching items ' withCRs
  		for: self 
  		corner: #topLeft.
  	help popUpAt: self topCenter forHand: self activeHand!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MenuMorph>>toggleStayUp: (in category 'menu') -----
  toggleStayUp: evt
  	"Toggle my 'stayUp' flag and adjust the menu item to reflect its new state."
  	self items do: [:item |
  		item isStayUpItem ifTrue:
  			[self stayUp: stayUp not.	
+ 				ifTrue: [item contents: 'dismiss this menu' translated]
+ 				ifFalse: [item contents: 'keep this menu up' translated]]].
- 				ifTrue: [item contents: 'dismiss this menu']
- 				ifFalse: [item contents: 'keep this menu up']]].
  	evt hand releaseMouseFocus: self.
+ 	stayUp ifFalse: [self topRendererOrSelf delete].!
- 	stayUp ifFalse: [self topRendererOrSelf delete].
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MorphicProject>>loadFromServer: (in category 'file in/out') -----
  loadFromServer: newerAutomatically
  	"If a newer version of me is on the server, load it."
  	| pair resp server |
  	self assureIntegerVersion.
  	self isCurrentProject ifTrue: ["exit, then do the command"
  		^ self armsLengthCommand: #loadFromServer withDescription: 'Loading' translated
  	server := self tryToFindAServerWithMe ifNil: [^ nil].
  	pair := self class mostRecent: self name onServer: server.
  	pair first ifNil: [^ self inform: ('can''t find file on server for {1}' translated format: {self name})].
  	self currentVersionNumber > pair second ifTrue: [
  		^ self inform: ('That server has an older version of the project.' translated)].
  	version = (Project parseProjectFileName: pair first) second ifTrue: [
  		resp := (UIManager default chooseFrom: 
  				(Array with: 'Reload anyway' translated 
  						with: 'Cancel' translated withCRs) 
  				title:  'The only changes are the ones you made here.' translated).
  		resp ~= 1 ifTrue: [^ nil]
  	] ifFalse: [
  		newerAutomatically ifFalse: [
  			resp := (UIManager default 
+ 						chooseFrom: {'Load it' translated. 'Cancel' translated}
+ 						title:  'A newer version exists on the server.' translated).
- 						chooseFrom: #('Load it' 'Cancel') 
- 						title:  'A newer version exists on the server.').
  			resp ~= 1 ifTrue: [^ nil]
  	"let's avoid renaming the loaded change set since it will be replacing ours"
  	self projectParameters at: #loadingNewerVersion put: true.
  	ComplexProgressIndicator new 
  		targetMorph: nil;
  		historyCategory: 'project loading';
  		withProgressDo: [
  				installRemoteNamed: pair first
  				from: server
  				named: self name
  				in: parentProject
+ 		]!
- 		]
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ObjectExplorerWrapper>>asString (in category 'converting') -----
  	| explorerString label separator |
  	explorerString := 
  		[self objectString]
  			on: Error 
+ 			do: ['<error: {1} in {2}: evaluate "{3}" to debug>' translated format: {self object class name. #asExplorerString. self itemName , ' asExplorerString'}].
- 			do: ['<error: ', self object class name, ' in asExplorerString: evaluate "' , self itemName , ' asExplorerString" to debug>'].
  	(explorerString includes: Character cr)
  		ifTrue: [explorerString := explorerString withSeparatorsCompacted].
  	label := self itemName ifNil: [''].
  	(label includes: Character cr)
  		ifTrue: [label := label withSeparatorsCompacted].
  	separator := self class showContentsInColumns
  		ifTrue: [String tab]
  		ifFalse: [label ifEmpty: [''] ifNotEmpty: [': ']].
  	^ '{1}{2}{3}' format: {label. separator. explorerString}!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PasteUpMorph>>saveOnFile (in category 'objects from disk') -----
  	"Ask the user for a filename and save myself on a SmartReferenceStream file.  Writes out the version and class structure.  The file is fileIn-able.  UniClasses will be filed out."
  	| aFileName fileStream |
  	self flag: #bob0302.
  	self isWorldMorph ifTrue: [^self project saveAs].
+ 	aFileName := ('my {1}' translated format: {self class name}) , '.project' asFileName.	"do better?"
- 	aFileName := ('my {1}.project' translated format: {self class name}) asFileName.	"do better?"
  	aFileName := UIManager default saveFilenameRequest: 'File name?' translated 
  			initialAnswer: aFileName.
  	aFileName ifNil: [^ Beeper beep].
  	self allMorphsDo: [:m | m prepareToBeSaved].
  	fileStream := FileStream newFileNamed: aFileName.
  	fileStream fileOutClass: nil andObject: self.	"Puts UniClass definitions out anyway"!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PluggableButtonMorph>>debugAction (in category 'debug menu') -----
  	self updateArguments.
  		forBlock: [self doButtonAction]
  		runUntil: [:context | context selector = self effectiveActionSelector])
+ 			debugWithTitle: ('Debug button action "{1}" in model "{2}"' translated format: {self label. self target printString}).!
- 			debugWithTitle: ('Debug button action "{1}" in model "{2}"' format: {self label. self target printString}).!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PluggableListMorph>>debugGetList (in category 'debug and other') -----
  		forBlock: [model perform: getListSelector]
  		runUntil: [:context | context selector = getListSelector])
+ 			debugWithTitle: ('Debug get-list invocation in model "{1}"' translated format: {model printString}).!
- 			debugWithTitle: ('Debug get-list invocation in model "{1}"' format: {model printString}).!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PolygonMorph>>smoothOrSegmentedPhrase (in category 'access') -----
- 				| lineName |
- 	lineName := (closed
- 						ifTrue: ['outline']
- 						ifFalse: ['line']) translated.
+ 	| lineName |
+ 	lineName := closed
+ 		ifTrue: ['outline' translated]
+ 		ifFalse: ['line' translated].
+ 	^ self isCurve
+ 		ifTrue: ['make segmented {1}' translated format: {lineName}]
+ 		ifFalse: ['make smooth {1}' translated format: {lineName}]!
- 			^ self isCurve
- 				ifTrue: ['make segmented {1}' translated format: {lineName}]
- 				ifFalse: ['make smooth {1}' translated format: {lineName}].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SmalltalkEditor>>tallySelection (in category 'do-its') -----
  	"Treat the current selection as an expression; evaluate it and return the time took for this evaluation"
  	| code result rcvr ctxt v |
  	self lineSelectAndEmptyCheck: [^ self].
  	(model respondsTo: #doItReceiver) 
  		ifTrue: [ rcvr := model doItReceiver.
  				ctxt := model doItContext]
  		ifFalse: [rcvr := ctxt := nil].
  	result := [ | cm |
  		code := self selectionAsStream.
  		cm := rcvr class evaluatorClass new 
  			compiledMethodFor: code
  			in: ctxt
  			to: rcvr
  			notifying: self
  			ifFail: [morph flash. ^ self].
  		Time millisecondsToRun: 
  			[v := cm valueWithReceiver: rcvr arguments: (ctxt ifNil: [#()] ifNotNil: [{ctxt}]) ].
  		on: OutOfScopeNotification 
  		do: [ :ex | ex resume: true].
  	UIManager default
+ 		inform: ('<b>Expression</b>{1}<br>{2}<br><br><b>Time</b> (compile and execute)<br>{3} ms<br><br><b>Result</b><br>{4}' translated format: {
- 		inform: ('<b>Expression</b>{1}<br>{2}<br><br><b>Time</b> (compile and execute)<br>{3} ms<br><br><b>Result</b><br>{4}' format: {
  			rcvr ifNil: [''] ifNotNil: [' (', (rcvr printString truncateWithElipsisTo: 20), ')'].
  			(code contents truncateWithElipsisTo: 200) copyReplaceAll: String cr with: '<br>'.
  			result printString. 
  			v printString truncateWithElipsisTo: 100}) asTextFromHtml.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextAnchor class>>alignmentExamples (in category 'examples') -----
  	"self alignmentExamples"
  	| anchoredMorph textMorph text demoMorph |
  	demoMorph := Morph new
  		color: Color white;
  		hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  		vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  	#(top center bottom) do: [:morphAlignment |
  		#(top center baseline bottom) do: [:textAlignment |
  			anchoredMorph := Morph new.
  			anchoredMorph textAnchorProperties verticalAlignment: {morphAlignment . textAlignment}.
  			anchoredMorph textAnchorProperties padding: (anchoredMorph textAnchorProperties padding top: 10).
  			text := Text streamContents: [ :stream | 
+ 					nextPutAll: ('Here is an {1}, {2} example: ' translated format: {morphAlignment . textAlignment});
- 					nextPutAll: ('Here is an {1}, {2} example: ' format: {morphAlignment . textAlignment});
  					nextPutAll: (Text
  						string: Character startOfHeader asString
  						attributes: {TextAnchor new anchoredMorph: anchoredMorph. 
  							TextColor color: Color transparent});
+ 					nextPutAll: ' with the morph in the text.' translated].
- 					nextPutAll: ' with the morph in the text.'].
  			textMorph := text asMorph.
  			textMorph height: 100.
  			demoMorph addMorph: textMorph]].
  	demoMorph openInWorld!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TextEditor>>findReplace (in category 'menu messages') -----
  	(Project uiManager
+ 		request: 'Find what to replace?' translated
- 		request: 'Find what to replace?'
  		initialAnswer: FindText)
  			ifNotEmpty: [:find |
  				(Project uiManager
+ 					request: ('Replace ''{1}'' with?' translated format: {find})
- 					request: ('Replace ''{1}'' with?' format: {find})
  					initialAnswer: (ChangeText ifEmpty: [find])
  					onCancelReturn: nil)
  						ifNotNil: [:replace |
  							FindText := find.
  							ChangeText := replace.
  							self findReplaceAgainNow]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TheWorldMainDockingBar>>scaleFactorsOn: (in category 'submenu - extras') -----
  scaleFactorsOn: menu
  	| presets currentScaleFactor currentPlatformScaleFactor |
  	currentScaleFactor := (Display relativeUiScaleFactor * 100) rounded.
  	currentPlatformScaleFactor := Display platformScaleFactorKnown
  		ifTrue: [(Display platformScaleFactor * 100) rounded].
  	presets := 100 to: 300 by: 25.
  	presets do: [:scale |
  		scale = 175 ifTrue: [menu addLine]. "TTCFont used after this line..."
  		menu addItem: [:item|
  				contents: ('{1}{2}%{3}' format: {
  					currentScaleFactor = scale ifTrue: ['<yes>'] ifFalse: ['<no>'].
  					DisplayScreen relativeScaleFactorEnabled
  						ifTrue: ['' "macOS"] ifFalse: [
  							scale = currentPlatformScaleFactor
+ 								ifTrue: [' (recommended)' translated] ifFalse: ['']]
- 								ifTrue: [' (recommended)'] ifFalse: ['']]
  				target: Display;
  				selector: #relativeUiScaleFactor:;
  				arguments: {scale / 100}]].
  	menu addLine.
  	menu addItem: [:item |
+ 			contents: ((presets includes: currentScaleFactor) not ifTrue: ['<yes>' , 'Custom: ' translated, currentScaleFactor, '% ...'] ifFalse: ['<no>' , 'Other scale factor...' translated]);
- 			contents: ((presets includes: currentScaleFactor) not ifTrue: ['<yes> Custom: ', currentScaleFactor, '% ...'] ifFalse: ['<no>Other scale factor...']);
  			target: self;
  			selector: #chooseCustomScaleFactor].!

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