[Pkg] The Trunk: SUnitGUI-ct.84.mcz

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Mon Jan 10 18:00:26 UTC 2022

Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of SUnitGUI to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: SUnitGUI-ct.84
Author: ct
Time: 10 January 2022, 7:00:24.041518 pm
UUID: 90e73213-5990-8a48-bfff-1e15ffadf49c
Ancestors: SUnitGUI-mt.83, SUnitGUI-ct.78, SUnitGUI-ct.80

Merge commit.

	Extend the TestRunner to delete selectors from failedList/errorList if they are removed from system.

	Reverts SUnitGUI-cmm.78 which was considered unpleasant by the majority of reviewers (read here: http://forum.world.st/The-Trunk-SUnitGUI-cmm-78-mcz-td5108915.html).

=============== Diff against SUnitGUI-mt.83 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TestRunner>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
  	super initialize.
  	failedList := errorList := Array new.
  	SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance 
  		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Added using: #update;
  		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #category change: #Added using: #update;
  		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Removed using: #update;
  		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #category change: #Removed using: #update;
  		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Renamed using: #update;
  		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #category change: #Renamed using: #update;
  		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class change: #Recategorized using: #update;
+ 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #category change: #Recategorized using: #update;
+ 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #method change: #Removed using: #updateMethods.
- 		notify: self ofSystemChangesOfItem: #category change: #Recategorized using: #update.
  	environment := Environment current.
  	self update; reset!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TestRunner>>representsSameBrowseeAs: (in category 'accessing-ui') -----
  representsSameBrowseeAs: anotherModel 
+ 	^ self class = anotherModel class
+ 	and: [ classesSelected = anotherModel classesSelected ]!
- 	^ true!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TestRunner>>updateMethods (in category 'updating') -----
+ updateMethods
+ 	errorList := errorList select: #isInstalled.
+ 	failedList := failedList select: #isInstalled.
+ 	self
+ 		changed: #failedList;
+ 		changed: #errorList.!

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