[Pkg] The Trunk: SUnit-ct.133.mcz

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Mon Jan 10 18:03:05 UTC 2022

Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of SUnit to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: SUnit-ct.133
Author: ct
Time: 29 December 2021, 6:38:28.060638 pm
UUID: 83af50fb-86e6-d843-8e9e-9abe8e8e379a
Ancestors: SUnit-mt.125

Updates debugging logic of TestCase. Instead of abusing #halt, open a debugger directly on the entrypoint to run the case. Deprecates #openDebuggerOnFailingTestMethod.

Also slightly refactors internal behavior to avoid some duplication, and to get rid of unnecessary semaphores which do not add any value compared to #ensure: unless some really low-level things are broken.

Supersedes SUnit-ct.125. Based on my own experiences from >1.5 years, I have revised #debugAsFailure to always halt right before sending #setUp. This improves a) the explorability of any custom set-up/tear-down logic of the test case and b) the immediacy of opening a debugger if you have a very heavy #setUp implementation. From the user perspective, effectively, you still have to click "Over-into-over-into" to navigate into the actual test method.

Please report back whether you find this behavior acceptable. :-)

=============== Diff against SUnit-mt.125 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TestCase>>assureResourcesDuring: (in category 'private') -----
+ assureResourcesDuring: aBlock
+ 	| resources |
+ 	resources := self resources.
+ 	resources do: [:resource |
+ 		resource isAvailable ifFalse: [
+ 			^ resource signalInitializationError]].
+ 	^ aBlock ensure: [
+ 		resources do: [:resource |
+ 			resource reset]].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TestCase>>debug (in category 'running') -----
+ 	"Run the receiver and open a debugger on the first failure or error."
+ 	^ self assureResourcesDuring: [self runCaseWithoutTimeout]!
- 	self resources do:
- 		[ : res | res isAvailable ifFalse: [ ^ res signalInitializationError ] ].
- 	[ self runCase ] ensure:
- 		[ self resources do:
- 			[ : each | each reset ] ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TestCase>>debugAsFailure (in category 'running') -----
+ 	"Spawn a debugger that is ready to debug the receiver."
+ 	(Process
+ 		forBlock: [self debug]
+ 		runUntil: [:context | context isClosureContext "navigate the process directly to the point where it is about to send #setUp"
+ 			and: [context selector = #runCaseWithoutTimeout]])
+ 				debug.!
- 	| semaphore |
- 	semaphore := Semaphore new.
- 	self resources do: [:res | 
- 		res isAvailable ifFalse: [^res signalInitializationError]].
- 	[semaphore wait. self resources do: [:each | each reset]] fork.
- 	(self class selector: testSelector) runCaseAsFailure: semaphore.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TestCase>>openDebuggerOnFailingTestMethod (in category 'running') -----
+ 	self deprecated: 'ct: Use #debugAsFailure'.
  	"SUnit has halted one step in front of the failing test method. Step over the 'self halt' and 
  	 send into 'self perform: testSelector' to see the failure from the beginning"

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TestCase>>runCaseAsFailure: (in category 'running') -----
  runCaseAsFailure: aSemaphore
+ 	self deprecated: 'ct: Use #runCaseWithoutTimeout and #ensure:'.
+ 	^ [self runCaseWithoutTimeout]
+ 		ensure: [aSemaphore signal]!
- 	[self setUp.
- 	self openDebuggerOnFailingTestMethod] ensure: [
- 		self tearDown.
- 		aSemaphore signal]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: TestCase>>runCaseWithoutTimeout (in category 'running') -----
+ runCaseWithoutTimeout
+ 	[self setUp.
+ 	self performTest]
+ 		ensure: [self tearDown].!

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