[Pkg] The Trunk: 51Deprecated-ct.59.mcz

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Mon Jan 10 20:58:08 UTC 2022

Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of 51Deprecated to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: 51Deprecated-ct.59
Author: ct
Time: 10 January 2022, 9:58:07.120477 pm
UUID: 781c6bd8-50c5-2f4a-85bd-c16982406dd0
Ancestors: 51Deprecated-mt.58

Moves WindowColorSpec from 51Deprecated to 60Deprecated because it is referenced from the latter package already via Object class>>#windowColorSpecification (*60Deprecated-window color). See: http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/2021-April/215018.html

=============== Diff against 51Deprecated-mt.58 ===============

Item was removed:
- Object subclass: #WindowColorSpec
- 	instanceVariableNames: 'classSymbol wording brightColor pastelColor normalColor helpMessage'
- 	classVariableNames: ''
- 	poolDictionaries: ''
- 	category: '51Deprecated-System-Support'!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: WindowColorSpec class>>classSymbol:wording:brightColor:pastelColor:helpMessage: (in category 'instance creation') -----
- classSymbol: sym wording: wrd brightColor: brCol pastelColor: paCol helpMessage: hlpMsg
- 	"Answer a new instance of the receiver with the given slots filled in"
- 	^ self new classSymbol: sym wording: wrd brightColor: brCol pastelColor: paCol helpMessage: hlpMsg!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: WindowColorSpec class>>classSymbol:wording:brightColor:pastelColor:normalColor:helpMessage: (in category 'instance creation') -----
- classSymbol: sym wording: wrd brightColor: brCol pastelColor: paCol normalColor: noCol helpMessage: hlpMsg
- 	^ self new classSymbol: sym wording: wrd brightColor: brCol pastelColor: paCol normalColor: noCol helpMessage: hlpMsg!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: WindowColorSpec>>brightColor (in category 'access') -----
- brightColor
- 	"Answer the brightColor"
- 	^ brightColor!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: WindowColorSpec>>classSymbol (in category 'access') -----
- classSymbol
- 	"Answer the classSymbol"
- 	^ classSymbol!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: WindowColorSpec>>classSymbol:wording:brightColor:pastelColor:helpMessage: (in category 'initialization') -----
- classSymbol: sym wording: wrd brightColor: brCol pastelColor: paCol helpMessage: hlpMsg
- 	"Initialize the receiver's instance variables"
- 	self
- 		classSymbol: sym
- 		wording: wrd
- 		brightColor: brCol
- 		pastelColor: paCol
- 		normalColor: (Color colorFrom: brCol) duller
- 		helpMessage: hlpMsg!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: WindowColorSpec>>classSymbol:wording:brightColor:pastelColor:normalColor:helpMessage: (in category 'initialization') -----
- classSymbol: sym wording: wrd brightColor: brCol pastelColor: paCol normalColor: noCol helpMessage: hlpMsg
- 	"Initialize the receiver's instance variables"
- 	classSymbol := sym.
- 	wording := wrd.
- 	brightColor := brCol.
- 	pastelColor := paCol.
- 	normalColor := noCol.
- 	helpMessage := hlpMsg!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: WindowColorSpec>>helpMessage (in category 'access') -----
- helpMessage
- 	"Answer the helpMessage"
- 	^ helpMessage!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: WindowColorSpec>>normalColor (in category 'access') -----
- normalColor
- 	^ normalColor!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: WindowColorSpec>>pastelColor (in category 'access') -----
- pastelColor
- 	"Answer the pastelColor"
- 	^ pastelColor!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: WindowColorSpec>>printOn: (in category 'printing') -----
- printOn: aStream
- 	"Print the receiver on a stream"
- 	super printOn: aStream.
- 	classSymbol printOn: aStream. 
- 	aStream nextPutAll: ' bright: ', brightColor printString, ' pastel: ', pastelColor printString, ' normal: ', normalColor printString!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: WindowColorSpec>>wording (in category 'access') -----
- wording
- 	"Answer the wording"
- 	^ wording!

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