[Pkg] The Trunk: Tools-mt.1121.mcz

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Sun Jan 30 20:46:27 UTC 2022

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-mt.1121
Author: mt
Time: 30 January 2022, 9:46:23.414064 pm
UUID: 6f4e1943-136a-ab49-80e3-3d3cddb6c525
Ancestors: Tools-mt.1120

Revise Tools-mt.1120. I forgot to show the most important info: code-point range and fall-back code point. :-) (Sorry for the noise.)

=============== Diff against Tools-mt.1120 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: AbstractFont>>browseGlyphsFrom:to: (in category '*Tools-Browsing') -----
  browseGlyphsFrom: firstCodePoint to: lastCodePoint
  	"Browse all glyphs in the given range of code points. Use a fall-back character if an inner code point does not have a glyph. DO NOT TRANSLATE!!"
+ 	| contents first last fallbackChar |
+ 	first := firstCodePoint max: (self minCodePoint max: 32+1 "first printable after space").
+ 	last := lastCodePoint min: self maxCodePoint.
+ 	fallbackChar := Character space.
- 	| contents |
  	contents := String streamContents: [:s |
- 		| first last fallbackChar |
- 		first := firstCodePoint max: (self minCodePoint max: 32+1 "first printable after space").
- 		last := lastCodePoint min: self maxCodePoint.
- 		fallbackChar := Character space.
  		first to: last do: [:codePoint | | char |
  			(self hasGlyphOf: (char := Character value: codePoint))
  				ifTrue: [s nextPut: char]
  				ifFalse: [s nextPut: fallbackChar]]].
  	contents := contents asText addAttribute: (TextFontReference toFont: self); yourself.
+ 	contents := (('Family name: {1}\   Emphasis: {2}\ Point size: {3} ({4}ppi {5}px)\Code points: 16r{6} to: 16r{7}\   Fallback: 16r{8} ({9})\\' withCRs asText format: { self familyName asText addAttribute: (PluggableTextAttribute evalBlock: [self explore]); yourself. self emphasisString. self pointSize. self pixelsPerInch. self pixelSize. first printStringBase: 16 length: 6 padded: true. last printStringBase: 16 length: 6 padded: true. fallbackChar codePoint printStringBase: 16 length: 6 padded: true. fallbackChar storeString}) addAttribute: (TextFontReference toFont: TextStyle defaultFixedFont); yourself),
- 	contents := (('    Family name: {1}\       Emphasis: {2}\     Point size: {3}\Pixels per inch: {4}\     Pixel size: {5}\\' withCRs asText format: { self familyName asText addAttribute: (PluggableTextAttribute evalBlock: [self explore]); yourself. self emphasisString. self pointSize. self pixelsPerInch. self pixelSize }) addAttribute: (TextFontReference toFont: TextStyle defaultFixedFont); yourself),
  	contents editWithLabel: self printString.!

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