[Pkg] The Trunk: System-mt.1314.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Tue Mar 1 14:16:53 UTC 2022

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-mt.1314
Author: mt
Time: 1 March 2022, 3:16:48.93235 pm
UUID: 2d44416b-ecc6-4615-aa00-f7f663e15d7a
Ancestors: System-mt.1313

TrueType fonts: When the user tries to change the system's default point size from 10.5pt to something else, change the #uiScaleFactor instead and inform the user. This way, we ensure that tools' pixel-based components (e.g., grip size or border width) don't have a strange scale relative to what #uiScaleFactor reports. See commentary in #referencePointSize and #referenceHeight.

Note that we currently have pixel-based scaling for small units (i.e., < 4 "px") and point-based scaling for many other things but not all (i.e., myFont widthOf: $m). For example, #initialExtent is also scaled based on pixels because tools are typically a compound mixed of pixel stuff and text/font stuff.

=============== Diff against System-mt.1313 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UserInterfaceTheme class>>makeAllTTCBased (in category 'tools') -----
+ makeAllTTCBased
+ 	"Converts all known themes to only use TrueType fonts. Use #cleanUpAndReset if you want to undo this later."
+ 	self resetAfter: [
+ 		self allThemes copy do: [:uit | uit isGenuine ifFalse: [uit unregister]].
+ 		self allThemes do: [:uit | uit makeTTCBased]].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: UserInterfaceTheme class>>setFont:to: (in category 'tools - fonts') -----
  setFont: symbolicName to: aFont
  	"Set symbolicName to aFont in all known UI themes. If aFont is a TrueType font, transform all themes into TTC-based ones and re-apply the current theme by name."
  	| fontToUse |
  	fontToUse := aFont.
+ 	(symbolicName = #standardSystemFont and: [aFont isTTCFont]) ifTrue: [
+ 		(self allThemes anySatisfy: [:uit | uit isTTCBased not])
+ 			ifTrue: [
+ 				self makeAllTTCBased.
+ 				aFont pointSize ~= TTCFont referencePointSize ifTrue: [	
+ 					"Do not change current #scaleFactor by accident. Use standard point size."
+ 					fontToUse := aFont asPointSize: TTCFont referencePointSize.
+ 					self inform: ((('Your system is now using <b>TrueType</b> fonts. The point size you specified was reset to <b>{1}pt</b> to retain the system''s current scale factor of <b>{2}%.</b>\\You can repeat this if you really want to use <b>{3}pt</b>. However, it is advised to change the <b>system''s scale factor</b> if you want to make all fonts look smaller or larger on your current display.\See the menu <b>Extras > Scale Factor</b>.' translated withCRs format: {fontToUse pointSize. (Display relativeUiScaleFactor * 100) rounded. aFont pointSize}) withNoLineLongerThan: 70) copyReplaceAll: String cr with: '<br>') asTextFromHtml]]
+ 			ifFalse: [ "The user tried to increase the system's overall font size. Increase the scale factor instead. See RealEstateAgent class >> #scaleFactor, which is what all client code uses if it does not scale through font metrics."
+ 				| scaleFactorDelta |
+ 				scaleFactorDelta := ((aFont pointSize asFloat / TTCFont referencePointSize) roundTo: 0.25) - 1.0.
- 	(symbolicName = #standardSystemFont and: [aFont isTTCFont])
- 		ifTrue: [(self allThemes anySatisfy: [:uit | uit isTTCBased not]) ifTrue: [
- 			self resetAfter: [
- 				self allThemes copy do: [:uit | uit isGenuine ifFalse: [uit unregister]].
- 				self allThemes do: [:uit | uit makeTTCBased]].
- 			aFont pointSize ~= TTCFont referencePointSize ifTrue: [	
- 				"Do not change current #scaleFactor by accident. Use standard point size."
  				fontToUse := aFont asPointSize: TTCFont referencePointSize.
+ 				scaleFactorDelta = 0 ifFalse: [
+ 					Display uiScaleFactor: Display uiScaleFactor + scaleFactorDelta.
+ 					self inform: ((('You tried to change the system''s standard font size from <b>{1}pt</b> to <b>{2}pt</b>, which is an increase of about <b>{3}%</b>. As a result, the system''s scale factor was changed to <b>{4}%</b>.\\Other fonts will now appear smaller or larger as well. The system''s standard font size remains at <b>{1}pt</b>. Note that you may also edit the font''s <b>extra glyph scale</b> to make it look smaller or larger at the same point size.'translated withCRs format: {TTCFont referencePointSize. aFont pointSize. (scaleFactorDelta * 100) rounded. (Display relativeUiScaleFactor * 100) rounded.}) withNoLineLongerThan: 70) copyReplaceAll: String cr with: '<br>') asTextFromHtml]] ].
- 				self inform: ((('Your system is now using <b>TrueType</b> fonts. The point size you specified was reset to <b>{1}pt</b> to retain the system''s current scale factor of <b>{2}%.</b>\\You can repeat this if you really want to use <b>{3}pt</b>. However, it is advised to change the <b>system''s scale factor</b> if you want to make all fonts look smaller or larger on your current display.\See the menu <b>Extras > Scale Factor</b>.' translated withCRs format: {fontToUse pointSize. (Display relativeUiScaleFactor * 100) rounded. aFont pointSize}) withNoLineLongerThan: 70) copyReplaceAll: String cr with: '<br>') asTextFromHtml]]].
  	self allThemes do: [:uit |
  		uit setFont: symbolicName to: fontToUse].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: UserInterfaceTheme>>installFixedFont: (in category 'private - fonts') -----
  installFixedFont: aFont
  	"Establish the default fixed text font and style"
  	| aStyle |
  	self flag: #todo. "mt: Support derivatives such as bold and italic."
+ 	aStyle := aFont textStyleOrNil. "mt: Must be installed and thus never be nil!!"
- 	aStyle := aFont textStyle.
  	aStyle defaultFontIndex: (aStyle fontIndexOfPointSize: aFont pointSize "drop emphasis").
  	TextStyle setDefaultFixed: aStyle.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: UserInterfaceTheme>>installSystemFont: (in category 'private - fonts') -----
  installSystemFont: aFont
  	"Establish the default text font and style. Update the #defaultFontIndex in all known text styles to reflect the system's new default point size."
  	| aStyle |
  	self flag: #todo. "mt: Support derivatives such as bold and italic."
+ 	aStyle := aFont textStyleOrNil. "mt: Must be installed and thus never be nil!!"
- 	aStyle := aFont textStyle.
  	aStyle defaultFontIndex: (aStyle fontIndexOfPointSize: aFont pointSize "drop emphasis").
  	TextStyle setDefault: aStyle.
  	TextStyle actualTextStyles "no defaults" do: [:ea |
  		ea isTTCStyle ifTrue: [ea defaultFont asPointSize: aFont pointSize "May generate new pointSize"].
  		ea defaultFontIndex: (ea fontIndexOfPointSize: aFont pointSize)].
  	RealEstateAgent resetScaleFactor.
  	Flaps replaceToolsFlap.
  	ScriptingSystem resetStandardPartsBin.!

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