[Pkg] The Trunk: System-mt.1315.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Tue Mar 1 16:36:58 UTC 2022

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-mt.1315
Author: mt
Time: 1 March 2022, 5:36:54.207136 pm
UUID: ae33a7e8-ebe5-ec4e-bdb8-04890c3a90de
Ancestors: System-mt.1314

Complements TrueType-mt.78

=============== Diff against System-mt.1314 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SARInstaller>>fileInTrueTypeFontNamed: (in category 'client services') -----
  fileInTrueTypeFontNamed: memberOrName
  	| member description |
  	member := self memberNamed: memberOrName.
  	member ifNil: [^self errorNoSuchMember: memberOrName].
+ 	description := TTFontDescription addFromBinaryStream: member contentStream.
- 	description := TTFontDescription addFromTTStream: member contentStream.
  	TTCFont newTextStyleFromTT: description.
  	Project current world doOneCycle.
  	self installed: member!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SqueakTheme class>>addFonts: (in category 'instance creation') -----
  addFonts: theme
  		set: #standardSystemFont to: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Bitmap DejaVu Sans' pointSize: 10.5);
+ 		set: #standardFixedFont to: (TTCFont familyName: #BitstreamVeraSansMonoForSqueak pointSize: 10.5);
- 		set: #standardFixedFont to: (TTCFont familyName: 'BitstreamVeraSansMono' pointSize: 10.5);
  		set: #standardCodeFont to: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Bitmap DejaVu Sans' pointSize: 10.5);
  		set: #standardListFont to: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Bitmap DejaVu Sans' pointSize: 10.5);
  		set: #standardButtonFont to: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Bitmap DejaVu Sans' pointSize: 7.5);
  		set: #standardMenuFont to: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Bitmap DejaVu Sans' pointSize: 10.5);
  		set: #standardFlapFont to: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Bitmap DejaVu Sans' pointSize: 7.5 emphasized: TextEmphasis bold emphasisCode);
  		set: #windowTitleFont to: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Bitmap DejaVu Sans' pointSize: 10.5 emphasized: TextEmphasis bold emphasisCode);
  		set: #balloonHelpFont to: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Bitmap DejaVu Sans' pointSize: 7.5);
  		set: #haloLabelFont to: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Bitmap DejaVu Sans' pointSize: 10.5);
  		set: #wizardStandardFont to: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Darkmap DejaVu Sans' pointSize: 14.5);
  		set: #wizardButtonFont to: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Darkmap DejaVu Sans' pointSize: 14.5);
  		set: #wizardHelpFont to: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Darkmap DejaVu Sans' pointSize: 10.5);
  		set: #wizardTitleFont to: (StrikeFont familyName: 'Darkmap DejaVu Sans' pointSize: 23.5).!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StrikeFont class>>fromUser:allowKeyboard: (in category '*System-Fonts') -----
  fromUser: priorFont allowKeyboard: aBoolean	"StrikeFont fromUser"
  	"Present a menu of available fonts, and if one is chosen, return it.
  	Otherwise return nil. Using ToolBuilder for added abstraction."
  	| fontList fontMenu font builder resultBlock widget style result item |
  	builder := ToolBuilder default.
  	fontList := StrikeFont actualFamilyNames.
  	fontMenu := builder pluggableMenuSpec new.
  	resultBlock := [:value| result := value].
  	fontList do: [:fontName | | active ptMenu |
  		style := TextStyle named: fontName.
  		active := priorFont familyName sameAs: fontName.
  		ptMenu := builder pluggableMenuSpec new.
  		style pointSizes do: [:pt | | label |
  			label := pt printString, ' pt'.
  			item := ptMenu add: label 
  				target: resultBlock
  				selector: #value:
  				argumentList: {{fontName. pt}}.
  			item checked: (active and:[pt = priorFont pointSize]).
  		style isTTCStyle ifTrue: [
  			ptMenu add: 'new size'
  				target: style 
  				selector: #addNewFontSizeDialog: 
  				argumentList: {{fontName. fontMenu}}.
  		item := fontMenu add: fontName action: nil.
  		item subMenu: ptMenu.
  		item checked: active.
- 	TTFileDescription offerNonPortableFonts ifTrue:[
- 		fontMenu addSeparator.
- 		item := fontMenu add: 'More (non-portable) Fonts...' 
- 			target: resultBlock 
- 			selector: #value:
- 			argumentList: #(TTFileDescription).
- 	].
  	widget := builder open: fontMenu.
  	builder runModal: widget.
  	result ifNil:[^nil].
  	"Pick a non-portable font if requested"
  	result == #TTFileDescription ifTrue:[
  		^Smalltalk at: #TTFileDescription ifPresent:[:ttf| 
  			ttf fontFromUser: priorFont allowKeyboard: aBoolean]].
  	style := TextStyle named: result first.
  	style ifNil: [^ self].
  	font := style fonts detect: [:any | any pointSize = result last] ifNone: [nil].
  	^ font!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: UserInterfaceTheme class>>addDefaultFonts: (in category 'initialize-release') -----
  addDefaultFonts: theme
  	"There must be fonts installed in the default theme. Unlike all other theme properties, there are no defaults encoded throughout the system for these properties. That is, there are no #ifNil: checks when requesting a font from the current theme."
  	| defaultBuilder |
+ 	defaultBuilder := TTCFont familyName: #BitstreamVeraSansForSqueak pointSize: TTCFont referencePointSize.
+ 	self knownFontSymbols do: [:symbolicName | theme set: symbolicName to: defaultBuilder].!
- 	defaultBuilder := TTCFont familyName: 'BitstreamVeraSans' pointSize: TTCFont referencePointSize.
- 	#(
- 		standardSystemFont
- 		standardFixedFont
- 		standardCodeFont
- 		standardListFont
- 		standardButtonFont
- 		standardMenuFont
- 		standardFlapFont
- 		windowTitleFont
- 		balloonHelpFont
- 		haloLabelFont
- 		wizardStandardFont
- 		wizardButtonFont
- 		wizardHelpFont
- 		wizardTitleFont
- 	)
- 		do: [:symbolicName | theme set: symbolicName to: defaultBuilder].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: UserInterfaceTheme class>>knownFontSymbols (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ knownFontSymbols
+ 	^ #(
+ 		standardSystemFont
+ 		standardFixedFont
+ 		standardCodeFont
+ 		standardListFont
+ 		standardButtonFont
+ 		standardMenuFont
+ 		standardFlapFont
+ 		windowTitleFont
+ 		balloonHelpFont
+ 		haloLabelFont
+ 		wizardStandardFont
+ 		wizardButtonFont
+ 		wizardHelpFont
+ 		wizardTitleFont
+ 	)!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: UserInterfaceTheme>>ttcFallbackName (in category 'private - display scale') -----
  	"Answer the name of the TTCFont that should be used as a fallback for pre-rendered StrikeFonts that do not have the requested #pointSize available."
+ 	^ #BitstreamVeraSansForSqueak!
- 	^ 'BitstreamVeraSans'!

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