[Pkg] The Trunk: TrueType-mt.89.mcz

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Tue Mar 15 13:19:40 UTC 2022

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of TrueType to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: TrueType-mt.89
Author: mt
Time: 15 March 2022, 2:19:39.426851 pm
UUID: 463bce88-f370-4ebd-9281-4ce1814f54cc
Ancestors: TrueType-mt.88

Fixes robustness when facing fonts with 'CFF ' table or fully unknown subfamily names.

=============== Diff against TrueType-mt.88 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TTFontFileHandle>>fontOfPointSize: (in category 'building') -----
  fontOfPointSize: pointSize
  	"Answers a font that represents the receiver. For top-level descriptions, that font can have derivative for different emphases. NOTE THAT the resulting font is not necessarily installed in the system!!"
  	| handles head tail font |
  	self isInstalled ifTrue: [
  		^ ((TextStyle named: self textStyleName) defaultFont
  			emphasized: self emphasisCode)
  			asPointSize: pointSize].
+ 	self hasChildren ifFalse: [
+ 		"I represent only a single subfamily, which must be supported.
+ 		See #isSubfamilySupported."
+ 		^ self fontDescription
+ 			ifNil: [
+ 				TextStyle defaultTTFont
+ 					asPointSize: pointSize]
+ 			ifNotNil: [:tt |
+ 				TTCFont new
+ 					ttcDescription: tt;
+ 					setPointSize: pointSize familyName: self familyNameAsIs
+ 					extraGlyphScale: ttExtraScale extraLineGap: ttExtraGap;
+ 					yourself]].
- 	self hasChildren ifFalse: ["I represent only a single subfamily"
- 		^ TTCFont new
- 			ttcDescription: self fontDescription;
- 			setPointSize: pointSize familyName: self familyNameAsIs extraGlyphScale: ttExtraScale extraLineGap: ttExtraGap;
- 			yourself].
  	handles := self children select: [:ea | ea isSubfamilySupported].
+ 	handles ifEmpty: [^ self children anyOne fontOfPointSize: pointSize].
+ 	head := handles detect: [:ea | ea isRegular] ifNone: [handles anyOne].
- 	head := handles detect: [:ea | ea isRegular].
  	tail := handles copyWithout: head.
  	head := head fontOfPointSize: pointSize.
  	tail := tail collect: [:ea | ea fontOfPointSize: pointSize].
  	font := head.
  	tail do: [:ea | font derivativeFont: ea].
  	^ font!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TTFontReader>>checkIntegrity (in category 'reading - support') -----
+ 	(self hasTable: 'CFF ') ifTrue: [
- 	(self hasTable: 'CFF') ifTrue: [
  		"Some TTC fonts may actually be collection of PostScript-Based OpenType fonts"
  		^ self error: 'Type 1 fonts are not supported'].
  	'cmap' #noCharacterMappingTableFound
  	'head' #noHeaderTableFound
  	'hhea' #noHorizontalHeaderTableFound
  	'hmtx' #noHorizontalMetricsTableFound
  	'maxp' #noMaximumProfileTableFound
  	'name' #noNamingTableFound
  	"OS/2 -- optional in Squeak"
  	"kern -- optional in Squeak"
  	'loca' #noRelocationTableFound
  	'glyf' #noGlyphDataTableFound
  	) pairsDo: [:tag :errorMessage |
  		(self hasTable: tag) ifFalse: [
  			^ self error: errorMessage]].
  	^ true "Everything is okay."!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TTFontReader>>readNextName (in category 'reading - family name (fast)') -----
  	"Answer the next quad of #(familyName subfamilyName fileName fileOffset). Optimized for speed. Does crazy stuff if there is no 'name' table. Also does crazy stuff if there is not at least a single English entry in the naming table"
+ 	| data fontOffset tableName nameOffset storageOffset numRecords i record |
- 	| data fontOffset nameOffset storageOffset numRecords i record |
  	fontOffset := self offset.
+ 	"1) Find offset of 'name' table. See #checkIntegrity and #readTableDictionary for more details."
- 	"1) Find offset of 'name' table. See #readTableDictionary for more details."
  	self skip: 12. "count??"
+ 	[(tableName := self next: 4) = #[67 70 70 32] "CFF " ifTrue: [^ nil]. 
+ 	tableName = #[110 97 109 101] "name"] whileFalse: [self skip: 12].
- 	[(self next: 4) = #[110 97 109 101] "name"] whileFalse: [self skip: 12].
  	self skipLong.
  	nameOffset := self nextUnsignedLong.
  	"2) Find the English version of familyName and subfamilyName. See #readNamingTable for more details."
  	self offset: nameOffset.
  	self nextUnsignedShort = 0 "Support only format 1 naming tables"
  		ifFalse: [self offset: fontOffset+1. ^ nil].
  	numRecords := self nextUnsignedShort.
  	storageOffset := self nextUnsignedShort + nameOffset.
  	i := 0.
  	data := Array new: 4.
  	[data first notNil and: [data second notNil]] whileFalse: [
  		(i := i + 1) > numRecords ifTrue: [self offset: fontOffset+1. ^ nil "Nothing found :("].
  		record := self
  			readNamingTableRecordWith: storageOffset
  			select: [:platformID :languageID :nameID |
  				(nameID = 1 "familyName" or: [nameID = 2 "subfamilyName" ]) and: [
  					platformID = 0 "Unicode -- Always English by default?"
  						or: [platformID = 3 "Windows" and: [(languageID bitAnd: 16r00FF) = 9]]
  						or: [platformID = 1 "Macintosh" and: [languageID = 1]] ]].
  		record ifNotNil: [data at: record nameID put: record contents]].
  	data at: 3 put: self fileName.
  	data at: 4 put: fontOffset.
  	self offset: fontOffset+1. "Ready for next call to #nextName"
  	^ data!

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