[Pkg] The Trunk: Regex-Core-ct.66.mcz

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Sun Oct 9 23:07:20 UTC 2022

Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of Regex-Core to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Regex-Core-ct.66
Author: ct
Time: 23 August 2021, 7:05:38.221768 pm
UUID: 3ede3098-6d93-0049-bd36-5dd0461903d2
Ancestors: Regex-Core-mt.61

Adds convenience selectors for accessing subexpressions (#allSubexpressions and #subexpressionRanges:). The other changes contain some minor refactorings only.

=============== Diff against Regex-Core-mt.61 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: RxMatcher>>allSubexpressions (in category 'accessing') -----
+ allSubexpressions
+ 	^ (1 to: self subexpressionCount) collect: [:index |
+ 		self subexpressions: index]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: RxMatcher>>hookBranchOf:onto: (in category 'private') -----
  hookBranchOf: regexNode onto: endMarker
+ 	"Private - Recurse down the chain of regexes starting at regexNode, compiling their branches and hooking their tails to the endMarker node."
- 	"Private - Recurse down the chain of regexes starting at
- 	regexNode, compiling their branches and hooking their tails 
- 	to the endMarker node."
+ 	| next rest |
+ 	next := (regexNode branch dispatchTo: self)
+ 		pointTailTo: endMarker; 
+ 		yourself.
+ 	regexNode regex ifNil: [
+ 		"Avoid creating a branch without an alternative."
+ 		^ next].
+ 	rest := self hookBranchOf: regexNode regex onto: endMarker.
+ 	^ RxmBranch new
+ 		next: next;
+ 		alternative: rest;
+ 		yourself!
- 	^regexNode regex 
- 		ifNil: [ "Avoid creating a branch without an alternative."
- 			^(regexNode branch dispatchTo: self)
- 				pointTailTo: endMarker; 
- 				yourself ]
- 		ifNotNil: [ :regex |
- 			| rest |
- 			rest := self hookBranchOf: regex onto: endMarker.
- 			^RxmBranch new
- 				next: ((regexNode branch dispatchTo: self)
- 					pointTailTo: endMarker; 
- 					yourself);
- 				alternative: rest;
- 				yourself ]
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: RxMatcher>>subBeginning: (in category 'accessing') -----
  subBeginning: subIndex
  	subIndex = 1 ifTrue: [
+ 		"beginning of root node"
+ 		^ (markerPositions at: 1)
+ 			ifNil: [#()]
+ 			ifNotNil: [:mp | {mp}] ].
+ 	^ markerPositions at: subIndex * 2 - 1!
- 		(markerPositions at: 1)
- 			ifNil: [ ^#()]
- 			ifNotNil: [ :mp | ^{ mp } ] ].
- 	^markerPositions at: subIndex * 2 - 1!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: RxMatcher>>subEnd: (in category 'accessing') -----
  subEnd: subIndex
  	subIndex = 1 ifTrue: [
+ 		"end of root node"
+ 		^ (markerPositions at: 2)
+ 			ifNil: [#()]
+ 			ifNotNil: [:mp | {mp}] ].
+ 	^ markerPositions at: subIndex * 2!
- 		(markerPositions at: 2)
- 			ifNil: [ ^#()]
- 			ifNotNil: [ :mp | ^{ mp } ] ].
- 	^markerPositions at: subIndex * 2!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: RxMatcher>>subexpression: (in category 'accessing') -----
  subexpression: subIndex
  	"Answer a string that matched the subexpression at the given index.
  	If there are multiple matches, answer the last one.
  	If there are no matches, answer nil. 
  	(NB: it used to answer an empty string but I think nil makes more sense)."
+ 	^ (self subexpressions: subIndex)
+ 		ifNotEmpty: [:expressions | expressions last]
+ 		ifEmpty: [nil]!
- 	| matches |
- 	matches := self subexpressions: subIndex.
- 	^matches isEmpty ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [matches last]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: RxMatcher>>subexpressionRanges: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ subexpressionRanges: subIndex
+ 	"Answer an array of all match ranges of the subexpression at the given index."
+ 	^ (self subBeginning: subIndex)
+ 		with: (self subEnd: subIndex)
+ 		collect: [:start :stop | start to: stop - 1]!

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