[Pkg] The Trunk: JSON-ul.52.mcz

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Thu Sep 8 14:49:45 UTC 2022

Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of JSON to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: JSON-ul.52
Author: ul
Time: 28 March 2020, 5:14:19.385987 am
UUID: ce84535f-78e3-483e-b833-f6ac1d4e0f54
Ancestors: JSON-ul.51

- tightened up the range of possible valid decimal exponents

==================== Snapshot ====================

SystemOrganization addCategory: #JSON!

----- Method: Integer>>jsonWriteOn: (in category '*JSON-writing') -----
jsonWriteOn: aWriteStream
	^ self printOn: aWriteStream base: 10

----- Method: Association>>jsonWriteOn: (in category '*JSON-writing') -----
jsonWriteOn: aStream
	self key asString jsonWriteOn: aStream.
	aStream nextPut: $:; space.
	self value jsonWriteOn: aStream.!

----- Method: False>>jsonWriteOn: (in category '*JSON-writing') -----
jsonWriteOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: 'false'!

----- Method: Number>>jsonWriteOn: (in category '*JSON-writing') -----
jsonWriteOn: aWriteStream 

	self printOn: aWriteStream base: 10!

OrderedDictionary subclass: #OrderedJsonObject
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'JSON'!

----- Method: OrderedJsonObject class>>fromAssociations: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
fromAssociations: collectionOfAssociations

	| result |
	result := self new.
	collectionOfAssociations do: [:each |
		result at: each key put: each value ].
	^ result!

----- Method: OrderedJsonObject>>at: (in category 'accessing') -----
at: aKey

	"make it work more like javascript objects"
	^ self at: aKey ifAbsent: [nil]!

----- Method: OrderedJsonObject>>at:put: (in category 'accessing') -----
at: aString put: anObject

	aString isString ifFalse: [ self error: 'String expected' ].
	super at: aString put: anObject.

----- Method: OrderedJsonObject>>doesNotUnderstand: (in category 'error handling') -----
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage

	| key precedence |
	key := aMessage selector.
	(precedence := key precedence) = 1 ifTrue: [ ^self at: key ifAbsent: nil ].
	(precedence = 3 and: [ (key indexOf: $:) = key size ]) ifTrue: [
			at: key allButLast asSymbol
			put: aMessage arguments first ].
	^super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage!

----- Method: OrderedJsonObject>>name (in category 'accessing') -----
"override 'cause Object defines this"
	^self at: 'name'!

----- Method: OrderedJsonObject>>value (in category 'accessing') -----
"override 'cause Object defines this"
	^self at: 'value'!

----- Method: Time>>jsonWriteOn: (in category '*JSON') -----
jsonWriteOn: stream

	stream nextPut: $".
	self print24: true showSeconds: true on: stream.
	stream nextPut: $"!

----- Method: WriteStream>>jsonPrint: (in category '*json-printing') -----
jsonPrint: anObject
	anObject jsonWriteOn: self!

----- Method: Text>>jsonWriteOn: (in category '*json-printing') -----
jsonWriteOn: aStream
	self string jsonWriteOn: aStream!

----- Method: UndefinedObject>>jsonWriteOn: (in category '*JSON-writing') -----
jsonWriteOn: aWriteStream 
	aWriteStream nextPutAll: 'null'!

Error subclass: #JsonSyntaxError
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'JSON'!

!JsonSyntaxError commentStamp: 'tonyg 4/29/2016 11:06' prior: 0!
Class Json signals (possibly-indirect) instances of me when reading a JSON value from an input stream fails.!

JsonSyntaxError subclass: #JsonIncompleteError
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'JSON'!

!JsonIncompleteError commentStamp: 'tonyg 4/29/2016 11:37' prior: 0!
I signal that reading a JSON value failed because more input is required, but that the input seen so far was not incorrect. Compare to JsonInvalidError.

Be warned that reading numbers directly out of a stream can be ambiguous!!

Consider reading from '1234'. Is the result intended to be 1234, or is there missing input, and the next character will be '5', making the result (possibly) 12345?!

JsonSyntaxError subclass: #JsonInvalidError
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'JSON'!

!JsonInvalidError commentStamp: 'tonyg 4/29/2016 11:06' prior: 0!
I signal that reading a JSON value failed because the input didn't match the (extended)JSON grammar implemented by class Json.!

----- Method: Dictionary>>jsonWriteOn: (in category '*JSON-writing') -----
jsonWriteOn: aStream

	| needComma |
	needComma := false.
	aStream nextPut: ${.
	self associationsDo: [ :assoc |
			ifTrue: [ aStream nextPut: $, ]
			ifFalse: [ needComma := true ].
		assoc key jsonWriteOn: aStream.
		aStream nextPut: $:.
		assoc value jsonWriteOn: aStream ].
	aStream nextPut: $}.!

Dictionary subclass: #JsonObject
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'JSON'!

----- Method: JsonObject class>>fromAssociations: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
fromAssociations: collectionOfAssociations

	| result |
	result := self new.
	collectionOfAssociations do: [:each |
		result at: each key put: each value ].
	^ result!

----- Method: JsonObject>>at: (in category 'accessing') -----
at: aKey

	"make it work more like javascript objects"
	^ self at: aKey ifAbsent: [nil]!

----- Method: JsonObject>>at:put: (in category 'accessing') -----
at: aString put: anObject

	aString isString ifFalse: [ self error: 'String expected' ].
	super at: aString put: anObject.

----- Method: JsonObject>>doesNotUnderstand: (in category 'error handling') -----
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage

	| key precedence |
	key := aMessage selector.
	(precedence := key precedence) = 1 ifTrue: [ ^self at: key ifAbsent: nil ].
	(precedence = 3 and: [ (key indexOf: $:) = key size ]) ifTrue: [
			at: key allButLast asSymbol
			put: aMessage arguments first ].
	^super doesNotUnderstand: aMessage!

----- Method: JsonObject>>name (in category 'accessing') -----
"override 'cause Object defines this"
	^self at: 'name'!

----- Method: JsonObject>>value (in category 'accessing') -----
"override 'cause Object defines this"
	^self at: 'value'!

----- Method: True>>jsonWriteOn: (in category '*JSON-writing') -----
jsonWriteOn: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: 'true'!

NumberParser subclass: #JsonNumberParser
	instanceVariableNames: 'fraction'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'JSON'!

----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>allowPlusSign (in category 'accessing') -----


----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>allowPlusSignInExponent (in category 'accessing') -----


----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>error: (in category 'error') -----
error: aString

	JsonSyntaxError signal: aString!

----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>exponentLetters (in category 'accessing') -----


----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') -----

	super initialize.
	base := 10.
	fraction := Fraction numerator: 0 denominator: 1!

----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>makeFloatFromMantissa:exponent: (in category 'parsing-private') -----
makeFloatFromMantissa: mantissa exponent: exponent

	exponent = 0 ifTrue: [ ^mantissa asFloat ].
	exponent >= 16 ifTrue: [ 
		exponent > 324 ifTrue: [ "(Float emax + 53 * 2 ln / 10 ln) ceiling => 324"
			mantissa isZero ifTrue: [ ^0.0 ].
			mantissa positive ifTrue: [ ^Float infinity ].
			^Float negativeInfinity ].
		^(mantissa * (self tenRaisedTo: exponent)) asFloat ].
	(exponent >= -15 and: [ mantissa highBitOfMagnitude <= 54 ]) ifTrue: [
		exponent >= 1 ifTrue: [ ^mantissa asFloat * (self tenRaisedTo: exponent) asFloat ].
		^mantissa asFloat / (self tenRaisedTo: exponent negated) asFloat ].
	exponent < -324 ifTrue: [ "-1 * (53 - Float emin * 2 ln / 10 ln) ceiling => -324"
		mantissa positive ifTrue: [ ^0.0 ].
		^-0.0 ].
	^(fraction setNumerator: mantissa denominator: (self tenRaisedTo: exponent negated)) asFloat!

----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>nextElementaryLargeInteger (in category 'parsing-large int') -----
	"Form an unsigned integer with incoming digits from sourceStream.
	Return this integer, or zero if no digits found.
	Stop reading if end of digits or if a LargeInteger is formed.
	Count the number of digits and the position of lastNonZero digit and store them in instVar."

	| digit value |
	value := 0.
	nDigits := 0.
	lastNonZero := 0.
		value isLarge ifTrue: [ ^value ].
		((digit := (sourceStream next ifNil: [ ^value ]) asInteger - 48 "$0 asInteger") < 0 
			or: [ digit >= 10 ]) ifTrue: [
			sourceStream skip: -1.
			^value ].
		nDigits := nDigits + 1.
		digit = 0
			ifFalse: [
				(lastNonZero = 0 and: [ nDigits > 1 ]) ifTrue: [ self error: 'Leading zeroes are not allowed.' ].
				lastNonZero := nDigits.
				value := value * 10 + digit ]
			ifTrue: [ value := value * 10 ] ] repeat!

----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>nextNumber: (in category 'parsing-public') -----
nextNumber: negative

	| numberOfTrailingZeroInIntegerPart numberOfTrailingZeroInFractionPart numberOfNonZeroFractionDigits mantissa value |
	integerPart := self nextUnsignedIntegerOrNil ifNil: [ ^self error: 'Missing integer part!!' ].
	numberOfTrailingZeroInIntegerPart := nDigits - lastNonZero.
	(sourceStream peekFor: $.) ifFalse: [ "No fraction part"
		negative ifTrue: [ integerPart := integerPart negated ].
		self readExponent ifFalse: [ ^integerPart ].
		exponent > 0 ifTrue: [ ^integerPart * (self tenRaisedTo: exponent) ].
		^(Fraction numerator: integerPart denominator: (self tenRaisedTo: exponent negated)) asFloat ].
	fractionPart := self nextUnsignedIntegerOrNil ifNil: [ self error: 'Missing fraction part!!' ].
	fractionPart isZero ifTrue: [
		self readExponent ifFalse: [
			negative ifTrue: [
				integerPart isZero ifTrue: [ ^Float negativeZero ].
				^integerPart negated ].
			^integerPart ].
		exponent >= 0 ifTrue: [ 
			negative ifTrue: [ integerPart := integerPart negated ].
			^integerPart * (self tenRaisedTo: exponent) ].
		value := self makeFloatFromMantissa: integerPart exponent: exponent.
		negative ifTrue: [ ^value negated ].
		^value ].
	numberOfTrailingZeroInFractionPart := nDigits - lastNonZero.
	numberOfNonZeroFractionDigits := lastNonZero.
	self readExponent.
	exponent := exponent - numberOfNonZeroFractionDigits.
	mantissa := integerPart * (self tenRaisedTo: numberOfNonZeroFractionDigits) + (fractionPart // (self tenRaisedTo: numberOfTrailingZeroInFractionPart)).
	value := self makeFloatFromMantissa: mantissa exponent: exponent.
	negative ifTrue: [ ^value negated ].

----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>nextUnsignedIntegerOrNil (in category 'parsing-public') -----
	"Form an unsigned integer with incoming digits from sourceStream.
	Answer this integer, or nil if no digit found.
	Count the number of digits and the position of lastNonZero digit and store them in instVar"
	| nPackets high nDigitsHigh lastNonZeroHigh low |
	"read no more digits than one elementary LargeInteger"
	high := self nextElementaryLargeInteger.
	nDigits = 0 ifTrue: [^nil].
	"Not enough digits to form a LargeInteger, stop iteration"
	high isLarge ifFalse: [^high].

	"We now have to engage arithmetic with LargeInteger
	Decompose the integer in a high and low packets of growing size:"
	nPackets := 1.
	nDigitsHigh := nDigits.
	lastNonZeroHigh := lastNonZero.
	low := self nextLargeIntegerBase: 10 nPackets: nPackets .
	high := high * (self tenRaisedTo: nDigits) + low.
	lastNonZero = 0 ifFalse: [lastNonZeroHigh := lastNonZero + nDigitsHigh].
	nDigitsHigh := nDigitsHigh + nDigits.
	low isLarge]
		whileTrue: [nPackets := nPackets * 2].

	nDigits := nDigitsHigh.
	lastNonZero := lastNonZeroHigh.

----- Method: JsonNumberParser>>tenRaisedTo: (in category 'parsing-private') -----
tenRaisedTo: anInteger

	anInteger >= 0 ifFalse: [ ^10 raisedToInteger: anInteger ].
	anInteger >= 16 ifTrue: [ ^10 raisedToInteger: anInteger ].
	^#(1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 10000000 100000000 1000000000 10000000000 100000000000 1000000000000 10000000000000 100000000000000 1000000000000000) at: anInteger + 1!

----- Method: ScaledDecimal>>jsonWriteOn: (in category '*JSON-writing') -----
jsonWriteOn: stream

	self printOn: stream showingDecimalPlaces: scale!

----- Method: Collection>>jsonWriteOn: (in category '*json') -----
jsonWriteOn: aStream
	"By default, use array braces "
	aStream nextPut: $[.
	self do: [:each |
		each jsonWriteOn: aStream
		  ] separatedBy: [ aStream nextPut: $, ].

	aStream nextPut: $]!

TestCase subclass: #JsonTests
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'JSON'!

!JsonTests commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
I provide a number of test cases for class Json.!

----- Method: JsonTests>>assertIncompleteJson: (in category 'helpers') -----
assertIncompleteJson: aString
	self should: [self readFrom: aString] raise: JsonIncompleteError!

----- Method: JsonTests>>assertInvalidJson: (in category 'helpers') -----
assertInvalidJson: aString
	self should: [self readFrom: aString] raise: JsonInvalidError!

----- Method: JsonTests>>json:equals: (in category 'helpers') -----
json: aString equals: aValue
	| readValue |
	readValue := self readFrom: aString.
	self assert: readValue = aValue.!

----- Method: JsonTests>>readFrom: (in category 'helpers') -----
readFrom: aString
	^ (Json newWithConstructors: {JsonDummyTestObject.}) readFrom: aString readStream

----- Method: JsonTests>>render:equals: (in category 'helpers') -----
render: anObject equals: aString
	self assert: (Json render: anObject) = aString!

----- Method: JsonTests>>simpleDummyObject (in category 'helpers') -----
	^ JsonDummyTestObject new a: 1; b: 2; c: 3; yourself!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testArray (in category 'tests') -----
	self json: '[]' equals: #().
	self json: '[[]]' equals: #(#()).
	self json: '[[], []]' equals: #(#() #()).
	self json: '["hi", "there"]' equals: #('hi' 'there').
	self json: '[["a", "b", null]]' equals: #(('a' 'b' nil)).!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testAtomFalse (in category 'tests') -----
	self json: 'false' equals: false.
	self json: '  false' equals: false.
	self json: 'false  ' equals: false.
	self json: '  false  ' equals: false.

----- Method: JsonTests>>testAtomNull (in category 'tests') -----
	self json: 'null' equals: nil.
	self json: '  null' equals: nil.
	self json: 'null  ' equals: nil.
	self json: '  null  ' equals: nil.

----- Method: JsonTests>>testAtomNumber (in category 'tests') -----
	self json: '1' equals: 1.
	self json: '123' equals: 123.
	self should: [ self json: '0123' equals: 123 ] raise: JsonSyntaxError. "No leading zeroes."
	self json: '1.23e2' equals: 123.
	self json: '-1' equals: -1.
	self json: '-0' equals: 0.
	self json: '[-1.2]' equals: #(-1.2).!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testAtomString (in category 'tests') -----
	self json: '"hi"' equals: 'hi'.
	self json: '"\""' equals: '"'.
	self json: '"\\"' equals: '\'.
	self json: '""' equals: ''.
	self json: '"a\u0004b"' equals: ({$a. Character value: 4. $b} as: String).
	self json: '"a\nb"' equals: ({$a. Character lf. $b} as: String).!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testAtomTrue (in category 'tests') -----
	self json: 'true' equals: true.
	self json: '  true' equals: true.
	self json: 'true  ' equals: true.
	self json: '  true  ' equals: true.

----- Method: JsonTests>>testCtor (in category 'tests') -----
	self json: '@JsonDummyTestObject {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}' equals: self simpleDummyObject.
	self json: (Json render: self simpleDummyObject) equals: self simpleDummyObject.!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testDictionary (in category 'tests') -----
	self json: '{}' equals: (JsonObject new).
	self json: '{"a": "a"}' equals: (JsonObject new at: 'a' put: 'a'; yourself).
	self json: '{"a": [[]]}' equals: (JsonObject new at: 'a' put: #(#()); yourself).
	self json: '{"a":"b", "b":"a"}' equals: (JsonObject new add: 'a'->'b'; add: 'b'->'a';yourself).!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testDictionaryClass (in category 'tests') -----

	| parser |
	parser := Json new.
	self assert: (parser readFrom: '{}' readStream) class == JsonObject.
	parser dictionaryClass: OrderedJsonObject.
	self assert: (parser readFrom: '{}' readStream) class == OrderedJsonObject.
	self assert: (parser readFrom: '{"x":{"y":{}}}' readStream) x y class == OrderedJsonObject!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testIncomplete (in category 'tests') -----
	self assertIncompleteJson: ''.
	self assertIncompleteJson: '  '.
	self assertIncompleteJson: '  tr'.
	self assertIncompleteJson: 'tru'.
	self assertIncompleteJson: '['.
	self assertIncompleteJson: '[true'.
	self assertIncompleteJson: '[true,'.
	self assertIncompleteJson: '{'.
	self assertIncompleteJson: '{"hi"'.
	self assertIncompleteJson: '{"hi":'.
	self assertIncompleteJson: '{"hi":true'.
	self assertIncompleteJson: '{"hi":true,'.
	self assertIncompleteJson: '{"hi":true,"'.
	self assertIncompleteJson: '"hello'.
	self assertIncompleteJson: '"hello '.
	self assertIncompleteJson: '"hello\'.
	self assertIncompleteJson: '"\u26'.!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testInvalid (in category 'tests') -----
	self assertInvalidJson: 'x'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '  x'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '  trx'.
	self assertInvalidJson: 'trux'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '.'.
	self assertInvalidJson: ':'.
	self assertInvalidJson: ','.
	self assertInvalidJson: ']'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '}'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '[x'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '[true t'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '[true,]'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '{]'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '{,'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '{"hi",'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '{"hi":x'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '{"hi":,'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '{"hi":true "'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '{"hi":true,}'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '\u263A'.!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testInvalidUnicodeEscapes (in category 'tests') -----
	self assertInvalidJson: '"\u26"'. "Note that naively reading four chars runs off the end here, so we might see JsonIncompleteError, which would be wrong."
	self assertInvalidJson: '"\u2Z"'.
	self assertInvalidJson: '"\u2Z44"'.!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testJsonObjectAtPutReturnsTheObject (in category 'tests') -----

	{ JsonObject. OrderedJsonObject } do: [ :jsonObjectClass |
		| json |
		json := 	jsonObjectClass new.
		self assert: (json at: 'foo' put: 1) == json.
		self assert: (json foo: 1) == json ]!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testMissingCtor (in category 'tests') -----
	self assertInvalidJson: '@Missing[]'!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testMissingCtorNoMap (in category 'tests') -----
		should: [Json new readFrom: '@Missing[]' readStream]
		raise: JsonInvalidError!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testNonStringKeysRaiseError (in category 'tests') -----

	{ JsonObject. OrderedJsonObject } do: [ :jsonObjectClass |
		| json |
		json := 	jsonObjectClass new.
		self should: [ json at: 1 put: 1 ] raise: Error.
		self assert: json isEmpty.
		json at: '1' put: 1.
		self assert: 1 equals: (json at: '1') ]!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testStreaming (in category 'tests') -----
	| j |
	j := Json new stream: 'truefalsetrue[]{}1.234 5.678"A""B"nullnull' readStream.
	self assert: j readAny equals: true.
	self assert: j readAny equals: false.
	self assert: j readAny equals: true.
	self assert: j readAny equals: #().
	self assert: j readAny equals: JsonObject new.
	self assert: j readAny equals: 1.234.
	self assert: j readAny equals: 5.678.
	self assert: j readAny equals: 'A'.
	self assert: j readAny equals: 'B'.
	self assert: j readAny equals: nil.
	self assert: j readAny equals: nil.!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testStringWithUnicode (in category 'tests') -----

	| unicodeString |
	unicodeString := (Unicode value: 16r263A) asString.
	self json: '"\u263A"' equals:unicodeString.
	self json: '"\u263a"' equals:unicodeString.
	self json: '"', unicodeString, '"' equals: unicodeString.
	self render: unicodeString equals: '"', unicodeString, '"'.!

----- Method: JsonTests>>testWriteAssociation (in category 'tests') -----
	self render: 'key' -> 'value' equals: '"key": "value"'.
	self render: 'key' -> 2 equals: '"key": 2'.
	"keys should be strings"
	self render: 42 -> 2 equals: '"42": 2'.
	"try to do _something_ for more complex keys"
	self render: #(42 43 44) -> 2 equals:  '"#(42 43 44)": 2'.

----- Method: JsonTests>>testWriteString (in category 'tests') -----
	self render: '"' equals: '"\""'.
	self render: '\' equals: '"\\"'.
	self render: 'hi' equals: '"hi"'.
	self render: ({$a. Character lf. $b} as: String) equals: '"a\nb"'.
	self render: ({$a. Character value: 4. $b} as: String) equals: '"a\u0004b"'.!

----- Method: String>>asSerializedJson (in category '*JSON') -----
	" Assume that the receiver is a valid serialized json string.
	Return an object that understands #jsonWriteOn: and will
	write this string on its argument. "

	^SerializedJson on: self!

----- Method: String>>jsonWriteOn: (in category '*JSON-writing') -----
jsonWriteOn: aStream

	| index start |
	aStream nextPut: $".
	start := 1.
	[ (index := self indexOfAnyOf: Json escapeSet startingAt: start) = 0 ] whileFalse: [
		aStream next: index - start putAll: self startingAt: start.
		aStream nextPutAll: (Json escapeForCharacter: (self at: index)).
		start := index + 1 ].
	start <= self size ifTrue: [
		aStream next: self size + 1 - start putAll: self startingAt: start ].
	aStream nextPut: $".

----- Method: String>>parseAsJson (in category '*JSON') -----

	^Json readFrom: self readStream!

----- Method: String>>parseAsOrderedJson (in category '*JSON') -----

	^Json new
		dictionaryClass: OrderedJsonObject;
		readFrom: self readStream!

Object subclass: #Json
	instanceVariableNames: 'stream currentCharacter arrayBufferStream stringBufferStream numberParser ctorMap dictionaryClass'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'JSON'!
Json class
	instanceVariableNames: 'escapeArray escapeSet'!

!Json commentStamp: 'ul 3/29/2016 04:38' prior: 0!
I support reading and writing JSON (see http://json.org) formatted data - strings, numbers, boolean, nil, arrays and dictionaries.
The implementation is mainly based on RFC 7159 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc7159.txt). It has been extended with syntax for invoking a prearranged list of constructors on read objects.
Character encoding is not handled here. That's something you have to do before reading or after writing. Mixed processing is possible, but it's entirely your responsibility to keep things correct.

Instance Variables
	stream:				<PositionableStream>
	currentCharacter:	<Character>
	arrayBufferStream:	<WriteStream>
	stringBufferStream: <ReadWriteStream>
	numberParser: <ExtendedNumberParser>
	ctorMap: <Dictionary>

For parsing, stream has to be initialized by sending #readFrom: to my instance. The parser will pre-read one character, which will be stored in currentCharacter, so the stream is expected to support position manipulation, hence it should be a PositionableStream.
arrayBufferStream is WriteStream on an Array, which holds the values during array parsing (see #readArray). When there's a recursive call, this stream is used as a stack to separate the elements parsed in the previous invocation from the current one.
stringBufferStream is a ReadWriteStream on a String, which holds the currently parsed String (see #readString), the currently parsed number (see #readNumber) or the name of the currently parsed constructor (see #readConstructor). Recursion has no effect on this.
numberParser is a cached instance of ExtendedNumberParser. It's initialized on stringBufferStream, so it can quickly parse the number stored in it.
ctorMap is the Dictionary holding the constructor classes by name.

arrayBufferStream, stringBufferStream and numberParser are initialized lazily, and should not be accessed externally. Since these are shared objects, along with stream and currentCharacter, holding state, therefore a single instance of me shouldn't be used to parse multiple streams at the same time.

For writing, you can use the methods in the class-side rendering category. To convert individual objects to a string, you can use #asJsonString, to serialize it on a stream, you can use #jsonWriteOn:.
Json class
	instanceVariableNames: 'escapeArray escapeSet'!

----- Method: Json class>>escapeForCharacter: (in category 'accessing') -----
escapeForCharacter: c
	| asciiValue |
	(asciiValue := c asciiValue) < 128
		ifTrue: [ ^escapeArray at: asciiValue + 1 ].

----- Method: Json class>>escapeSet (in category 'accessing') -----


----- Method: Json class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
	"Json initialize."
	| newEscapeArray newEscapeSet |
	newEscapeArray := Array new: 128.
	newEscapeSet := CharacterSet new.
	(0 to: 31), #(127) do: [ :each |
		newEscapeArray at: each + 1 put: '\u', (each printStringHex padded: #left to: 4 with: $0).
		newEscapeSet add: (Character value: each) ].
		$" -> '\"'.
		$\ -> '\\'.
		$/ -> '\/'. "A hack, so the generated JSON will always be HTML+Javascript compatible, because the generated JSON will not contain the seqence </script>."
		Character backspace -> '\b'.
		Character lf -> '\n'.
		Character newPage -> '\f'.
		Character cr -> '\r'.
		Character tab -> '\t'.
	} do: [ :each |
		newEscapeArray at: each key asciiValue + 1 put: each value.
		newEscapeSet add: each key ].
	escapeArray := newEscapeArray.
	escapeSet := newEscapeSet!

----- Method: Json class>>mimeType (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ 'application/x-json'!

----- Method: Json class>>newWithConstructors: (in category 'instance creation') -----
newWithConstructors: aCollection
	| m |
	m := Dictionary new.
	aCollection do: [:each |
		(each isKindOf: Association)
			ifTrue: [m add: each]
			ifFalse: [m at: each name asString put: each]].
	^ self new ctorMap: m; yourself.!

----- Method: Json class>>readFrom: (in category 'instance creation') -----
readFrom: aStream
	^ self new readFrom: aStream.!

----- Method: Json class>>render: (in category 'rendering') -----
render: anObject

	^String streamContents: [ :stream |
		anObject jsonWriteOn: stream ]!

----- Method: Json class>>render:withConstructor:on: (in category 'rendering') -----
render: anObject withConstructor: aConstructorName on: aStream
	aStream nextPutAll: '@', aConstructorName.
	anObject jsonWriteOn: aStream.

----- Method: Json class>>renderInstanceVariables:of:on: (in category 'rendering') -----
renderInstanceVariables: aCollection of: anObject on: aStream
	| map |
	map := Dictionary new.
	aCollection do: [:ivarName | map at: ivarName put: (anObject instVarNamed: ivarName)].
	self render: map withConstructor: anObject class name asString on: aStream!

----- Method: Json>>arrayBufferStream (in category 'private') -----

	^arrayBufferStream ifNil: [ arrayBufferStream := (Array new: 10) writeStream ]!

----- Method: Json>>consume: (in category 'private') -----
consume: aString

	| message |
	1 to: aString size do: [ :index |
		(currentCharacter := stream next) == (aString at: index) ifFalse: [
			message := 'Expected ', (aString at: index)  printString.
				ifNil: [ self incomplete: message ]
				ifNotNil: [ self invalid: message ] ] ].
	currentCharacter := stream next!

----- Method: Json>>ctorMap (in category 'accessing') -----
	^ ctorMap!

----- Method: Json>>ctorMap: (in category 'accessing') -----
ctorMap: m
	ctorMap := m!

----- Method: Json>>dictionaryClass: (in category 'accessing') -----
dictionaryClass: aClass
	"This method allows you to override the default dictionary class to be created while parsing a stream. Instances of aClass are expected to understand #at:put:."

	dictionaryClass := aClass!

----- Method: Json>>error: (in category 'error handling') -----
error: aString

	(currentCharacter isNil and: [ stream atEnd ])
		ifTrue: [ self incomplete: aString ]
		ifFalse: [ self invalid: aString ]!

----- Method: Json>>incomplete: (in category 'error handling') -----
incomplete: aString

	JsonIncompleteError signal: aString!

----- Method: Json>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') -----
	dictionaryClass := JsonObject

----- Method: Json>>interpretStringEscape: (in category 'private') -----
interpretStringEscape: aCharacter

	aCharacter == $b ifTrue: [ ^Character backspace ].
	aCharacter == $n ifTrue: [ ^Character lf ].
	aCharacter == $f ifTrue: [ ^Character newPage ].
	aCharacter == $r ifTrue: [ ^Character cr ].
	aCharacter == $t ifTrue: [ ^Character tab ].
	aCharacter == $u ifTrue: [ ^self unescapeUnicode ].
	aCharacter == $" ifTrue: [ ^aCharacter ].
	aCharacter == $\ ifTrue: [ ^aCharacter ].
	aCharacter == $/ ifTrue: [ ^aCharacter ].
	self error: 'Unexpected escaped character: ', aCharacter asString

----- Method: Json>>invalid: (in category 'error handling') -----
invalid: aString

	JsonInvalidError signal: aString!

----- Method: Json>>readAny (in category 'private') -----

	self skipWhitespace.
	currentCharacter == ${ ifTrue: [ ^self readDictionary ].
	currentCharacter == $[ ifTrue: [ ^self readArray ].
	currentCharacter == $" ifTrue: [ ^self readString ].
	currentCharacter == $t ifTrue: [ self consume: 'rue'. ^true ].
	currentCharacter == $f ifTrue: [ self consume: 'alse'. ^false ].
	currentCharacter == $n ifTrue: [ self consume: 'ull'. ^nil ].
	currentCharacter == $- ifTrue: [ ^self readNumber: true ].
	(#($0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9) instVarsInclude: currentCharacter) ifTrue: [
		^self readNumber: false ].
	currentCharacter == $@ ifTrue: [ ^self readConstructor ].
	self invalid: 'Unknown Json input'!

----- Method: Json>>readArray (in category 'private') -----

	| initialPosition |
	currentCharacter := stream next.
	self skipWhitespace.
	currentCharacter == $] ifTrue: [
		currentCharacter := stream next.
		^#() ].
	initialPosition := self arrayBufferStream position.
		arrayBufferStream nextPut: self readAny.
		self skipWhitespace.
		currentCharacter == $] ifTrue: [ 
			|  result |
			result := arrayBufferStream originalContents copyFrom: initialPosition + 1 to: arrayBufferStream position.
			arrayBufferStream position: initialPosition.
			currentCharacter := stream next.
			^result ].
		currentCharacter == $, ifFalse: [ self error: 'Unexpected character: ', currentCharacter asString ].
		currentCharacter := stream next ] repeat.

----- Method: Json>>readConstructor (in category 'private') -----

	ctorMap ifNil: [ ^self error: 'No constructors were declared.' ].
	self resetStringBufferStream.
	[ (currentCharacter := stream next) == $. or: [ currentCharacter isLetter ] ] whileTrue: [
		stringBufferStream nextPut: currentCharacter ].
	(ctorMap at: stringBufferStream contents ifAbsent: nil) ifNotNil: [ :constructor |
		^constructor constructFromJson: self readAny ].	
	self error: 'Unknown constructor: ', stringBufferStream contents!

----- Method: Json>>readDictionary (in category 'private') -----

	| result key commaNeeded |
	result := dictionaryClass new.
	commaNeeded := false.
	currentCharacter := stream next.
		self skipWhitespace.
		currentCharacter == $} ifTrue: [ 
			currentCharacter := stream next.
			^result ].
			ifFalse: [ commaNeeded := true ]
			ifTrue: [ 
				currentCharacter == $, ifFalse: [ self error: 'Missing comma' ].
				currentCharacter := stream next.
				self skipWhitespace ].
		currentCharacter == $" ifFalse: [  self error: 'Key in dictionary must be string' ].
		key := self readString.
		self skipWhitespace.
		currentCharacter == $: ifFalse: [ self error: 'Missing colon' ].
		currentCharacter := stream next.
		result at: key put: self readAny ] repeat!

----- Method: Json>>readFrom: (in category 'parsing') -----
readFrom: aStream

	| result |
	stream := aStream.
	numberParser ifNotNil: [ numberParser on: stream ].
	currentCharacter := stream next.
	result := self readAny.
	currentCharacter ifNotNil: [ stream skip: -1 ]. "Undo prereading."

----- Method: Json>>readNumber: (in category 'private') -----
readNumber: negative

	| result |
	negative ifFalse: [ stream skip: -1 ].
	result := (numberParser ifNil: [
		numberParser := JsonNumberParser new
			on: stream;
			failBlock: [ self error: 'Invalid number.' ];
			yourself ])
		nextNumber: negative.
	currentCharacter := stream next.

----- Method: Json>>readString (in category 'private') -----

	self resetStringBufferStream.
		currentCharacter := stream next ifNil: [self incomplete: 'Unexpected end of string' ].
		currentCharacter == $" ifTrue: [ 
			currentCharacter := stream next.
			^stringBufferStream contents ].
		currentCharacter == $\
			ifTrue: [ 
				stringBufferStream nextPut: (self interpretStringEscape: (stream next ifNil: [
					self incomplete: 'Unexpected end of string' ])) ]
			ifFalse: [ stringBufferStream nextPut: currentCharacter ] ] repeat!

----- Method: Json>>resetStringBufferStream (in category 'private') -----

		ifNil: [ stringBufferStream := ReadWriteStream on: (String new: 64) ]
		ifNotNil: [ stringBufferStream resetToStart ]!

----- Method: Json>>skipWhitespace (in category 'private') -----

	currentCharacter ifNil: [
		self incomplete: 'Input stream is empty' ].
	[ currentCharacter isSeparator ] whileTrue: [
		currentCharacter := stream next ifNil: [
			self incomplete: 'Input stream is empty' ]. ]!

----- Method: Json>>stream (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the value of stream"

	^ stream!

----- Method: Json>>stream: (in category 'private') -----
stream: aStream
	"For testing purposes only"

	stream := aStream.
	numberParser ifNotNil: [ numberParser on: stream ].
	currentCharacter := stream next!

----- Method: Json>>unescapeUnicode (in category 'private') -----

	| code digitValue |
	code := 0.
	1 to: 4 do: [ :index |
		(digitValue := (stream next ifNil: [ self incomplete: 'Unexpected end of stream' ]) digitValue) < 0 ifTrue: [
			self invalid: 'Invalid hexadecimal digit' ].
		digitValue < 16
			ifTrue: [ code := code * 16 + digitValue ]
			ifFalse: [ self invalid: 'Invalid hexadecimal digit' ] ].
	^Character value: code!

Object subclass: #JsonDummyTestObject
	instanceVariableNames: 'a b c'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'JSON'!

----- Method: JsonDummyTestObject class>>constructFromJson: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
constructFromJson: j
	^ self new a: (j at: 'a'); b: (j at: 'b'); c: (j at: 'c'); yourself!

----- Method: JsonDummyTestObject>>= (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
= other
	^ other class == self class and: [
		a = other a and: [
		b = other b and: [
		c = other c]]]!

----- Method: JsonDummyTestObject>>a (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the value of a"

	^ a!

----- Method: JsonDummyTestObject>>a: (in category 'accessing') -----
a: anObject
	"Set the value of a"

	a := anObject!

----- Method: JsonDummyTestObject>>b (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the value of b"

	^ b!

----- Method: JsonDummyTestObject>>b: (in category 'accessing') -----
b: anObject
	"Set the value of b"

	b := anObject!

----- Method: JsonDummyTestObject>>c (in category 'accessing') -----
	"Answer the value of c"

	^ c!

----- Method: JsonDummyTestObject>>c: (in category 'accessing') -----
c: anObject
	"Set the value of c"

	c := anObject!

----- Method: JsonDummyTestObject>>jsonWriteOn: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
jsonWriteOn: s
	Json renderInstanceVariables: {#a. #b. #c} of: self on: s

----- Method: Object>>asJsonString (in category '*JSON') -----

	^ String streamContents: [:str |
		self jsonWriteOn: str ]!

Object subclass: #SerializedJson
	instanceVariableNames: 'jsonString'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'JSON'!

----- Method: SerializedJson class>>on: (in category 'instance creation') -----
on: aString

	^self new
		jsonString: aString;

----- Method: SerializedJson>>jsonString (in category 'accessing') -----

----- Method: SerializedJson>>jsonString: (in category 'accessing') -----
jsonString: aString
	jsonString := aString

----- Method: SerializedJson>>jsonWriteOn: (in category 'json-writing') -----
jsonWriteOn: stream

	stream nextPutAll: jsonString!

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