[Pkg] The Trunk: Tools-ct.1175.mcz

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Mon Sep 12 17:11:03 UTC 2022

Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-ct.1175
Author: ct
Time: 12 September 2022, 7:11:01.503585 pm
UUID: 9dd00133-03f0-074f-95da-9aa4bc0bedc0
Ancestors: Tools-ct.1173, Tools-ct.1174

Merges Tools-ct.1173:
	Fixes package pane browser to actually use the package organizer instead of parsing the system category list. Resolves https://github.com/squeak-smalltalk/squeak-object-memory/issues/28.

	Don't use an instance variable for packageOrganizer, as the environment of the browser is already configurable. Remove never-read instvars 'package' and 'packageList'. Update class comment with refined examples.

Thanks to Jakob (jr) for the review!

=============== Diff against Tools-ct.1174 ===============

Item was changed:
  Browser subclass: #PackagePaneBrowser
+ 	instanceVariableNames: 'packageListIndex'
- 	instanceVariableNames: 'package packageListIndex packageList'
  	classVariableNames: ''
  	poolDictionaries: ''
  	category: 'Tools-Browser'!
+ !PackagePaneBrowser commentStamp: 'ct 9/12/2022 19:09' prior: 0!
+ A package browser represents a hierarchical query path through an organization of class and method information. It nests classes into a two-level hierarchy that consists of the package (e.g., Kernel; FFI-Kernel) and the system category (e.g., Exception, Exceptions-Kernel, etc. for package Kernel; Support and empty for FFI-Kernel).
- !PackagePaneBrowser commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0!
- A package browser represents a hierarchical query path through an organization of class and method information.   It parses class categories into a two-level hierarchy on the first '-' character, giving "packages" (e.g.,  Magnitude, Collections, Graphics, etc.), and "categories" (e.g., Magnitude-General and Magnitude-Number).
  Instance Variables:
+ 	packageListIndex	<Integer>	The current selected index in the package list.!
- 	package  <Symbol> the "category header," e.g., #Magnitudes or #Collections
- 	packageListIndex <Integer> The index in the package list
- 	packageList  <OrderedCollection of String> the list of package names
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PackagePaneBrowser>>packageList (in category 'package list') -----
- 	"Answer a list of the packages in the current system organization."
+ 	^ self packageOrganizer packageNames sorted!
- 	| str stream |
- 	str := Set new: 100.
- 	stream := WriteStream on: (Array new: 100).
- 	systemOrganizer categories do:
- 		[ :categ | | cats | 
- 		cats := categ asString copyUpTo: $-.
- 		(str includes: cats) ifFalse: 
- 			[str add: cats.
- 			stream nextPut: cats]].
- 	^stream contents!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PackagePaneBrowser>>packageListIndex: (in category 'package list') -----
  packageListIndex: anInteger 
  	"Set anInteger to be the index of the current package selection."
  	packageListIndex := anInteger.
- 	anInteger = 0
- 		ifFalse: [package := self packageList at: packageListIndex].
  	selectedMessageCategoryName := nil.
  	self selectSystemCategory: nil.
  	selectedMessageName := nil.
  	selectedClassName := nil.
  	self setClassOrganizer.
  	self changed: #packageSelectionChanged.
  	self changed: #packageListIndex.	"update my selection"
  	self changed: #systemCategoryList.	"update the category list"
  	self selectSystemCategory: nil.	"update category list selection"
  	self changed: #classList.	"update the class list"
  	self selectClass: nil.	"update category list selection"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: PackagePaneBrowser>>packageOrganizer (in category 'accessing') -----
+ packageOrganizer
+ 	^ self environment packageOrganizer!

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