[Pkg] The Trunk: EToys-ct.482.mcz

commits at source.squeak.org commits at source.squeak.org
Tue Sep 13 07:07:14 UTC 2022

Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-ct.482
Author: ct
Time: 13 September 2022, 9:00:07.422523 am
UUID: 5c9ae0b6-6679-e448-a2bc-54572f1904b8
Ancestors: EToys-ct.481

Gradually improves high-dpi support for Etoys (TileMorph, ScriptEditorMorph, FileList2). Complements Tools-ct.1176.

=============== Diff against EToys-ct.481 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList2 class>>buildFileTypeButtons:actionRow:fileList: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-blue ui') -----
  buildFileTypeButtons: window actionRow: actionRow fileList: aFileList 
  	| fileTypeInfo fileTypeButtons fileTypeRow aButton |
  	fileTypeInfo := self endingSpecs.
  	fileTypeRow := window addARowCentered: #().
  	fileTypeRow color: ScriptingSystem paneColor.
+ 	fileTypeRow layoutInset: 3 px @ 3 px.
+ 	fileTypeRow cellInset: 2 px @ 0 px.
- 	fileTypeRow layoutInset: 3 @ 3.
- 	fileTypeRow cellInset: 2 @ 0.
  	fileTypeRow hResizing: #spaceFill.
  	fileTypeButtons := fileTypeInfo
  				collect: [:each | 
  					aButton := self
  								buildButtonText: each first
  								balloonText: nil
  								receiver: aFileList
  								selector: #update:fileTypeRow:morphUp:.
  					aButton arguments: {actionRow. fileTypeRow. aButton}.
  					aButton setProperty: #enabled toValue: true.
  					aButton setProperty: #buttonText toValue: each first.
  	fileTypeRow addAllMorphs: fileTypeButtons.
  	aFileList directoryChangeBlock: [:newDir | self
  			enableTypeButtons: fileTypeButtons
  			info: fileTypeInfo
+ 			forDir: newDir].!
- 			forDir: newDir].
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList2 class>>buildLoadButtons:fileList:reallyLoad: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-blue ui') -----
  buildLoadButtons: window fileList: aFileList reallyLoad: aBoolean 
  	| aRow  okButton cancelButton |
  	okButton := self
  				buildButtonText: 'OK' translated
  				balloonText: nil
  				receiver: aFileList
  				selector: (aBoolean
  						ifTrue: [#okHitForProjectLoader]
  						ifFalse: [#okHit]).
+ 	okButton width: 150 px.
- 	okButton width: 150.
  	cancelButton := self
  				buildButtonText: 'Cancel' translated
  				balloonText: nil
  				receiver: aFileList
  				selector: #cancelHit.
+ 	cancelButton width: 150 px.
- 	cancelButton width: 150.
  	"aFileList updateLoginButtonAppearance."
  	aRow := window addARow: {aFileList loginButton. aFileList loginField. okButton. cancelButton}.
  	aRow color: ScriptingSystem paneColor.
  	aRow listCentering: #bottomRight.
+ 	aRow layoutInset: 3 px @ 3 px.
+ 	aRow cellInset: 6 px @ 3 px.
- 	aRow layoutInset: 3 @ 3.
- 	aRow cellInset: 6 @ 3.
  	^ aRow!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList2 class>>buildPane:fileList:window:dirFilterType: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-blue ui') -----
  buildPane: aWorld fileList: aFileList window: window dirFilterType: aSymbol 
  	| treeExtent filesExtent treePane fileListPane pane2a pane2b aRow |
+ 	aWorld width < 800 px
+ 		ifTrue: [treeExtent := 150 px @ 300 px.
+ 			filesExtent := 350 px @ 300 px]
+ 		ifFalse: [treeExtent := 250 px @ 300 px.
+ 			filesExtent := 350 px @ 300 px].
- 	aWorld width < 800
- 		ifTrue: [treeExtent := 150 @ 300.
- 			filesExtent := 350 @ 300]
- 		ifFalse: [treeExtent := 250 @ 300.
- 			filesExtent := 350 @ 300].
  	(treePane := aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: aSymbol) extent: treeExtent;
  		 retractable: false;
  		 borderWidth: 0.
  	fileListPane := aFileList morphicFileListPane extent: filesExtent;
  				 retractable: false;
  				 borderWidth: 0.
+ 	aRow := window addARow: {(window inAColumn: {(pane2a := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {treePane}}) useRoundedCornersInEtoys; layoutInset: 3 px})
+ 					layoutInset: 3 px. (window inAColumn: {(pane2b := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {fileListPane}}) useRoundedCornersInEtoys; layoutInset: 3 px})
+ 					layoutInset: 3 px}.
- 	aRow := window addARow: {(window inAColumn: {(pane2a := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {treePane}}) useRoundedCornersInEtoys; layoutInset: 3})
- 					layoutInset: 3. (window inAColumn: {(pane2b := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {fileListPane}}) useRoundedCornersInEtoys; layoutInset: 3})
- 					layoutInset: 3}.
  	aRow color: ScriptingSystem paneColor.
  	window fullBounds.
  	{pane2a. pane2b}
  		do: [:each | 
+ 			each borderWidth: 1 px.
- 			each borderWidth: 1.
  			each borderColor: ScriptingSystem borderColor].
  	^ treePane.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList2 class>>buildSaveButtons:fileList: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-blue ui') -----
  buildSaveButtons: window fileList: aFileList
  	| buttonData buttons aRow |
  	buttonData := Preferences enableLocalSave
  				ifTrue: [#(#('Save' #okHit 'Save in the place specified above')
  							#('Save on local disk only' #saveLocalOnlyHit 'saves in the Squeaklets folder')
  							#('Cancel' #cancelHit 'return without saving') ) translatedNoop]
  				ifFalse: [#(#('Save' #okHit 'Save in the place specified above')
  							#('Cancel' #cancelHit 'return without saving') ) translatedNoop].
  	buttons := buttonData
  				collect: [:each | self
  						buildButtonText: each first translated
  						balloonText: each third translated
  						receiver: aFileList
  						selector: each second].
  	aFileList updateLoginButtonAppearance.
  	buttons := {aFileList loginButton. aFileList loginField. Morph new color: Color transparent; width: 50}, buttons.
  	aRow := window addARow: buttons.
  	aRow color: ScriptingSystem paneColor.
  	aRow listCentering: #bottomRight.
+ 	aRow layoutInset: 3 px @ 3 px.
+ 	aRow cellInset: 6 px @ 3 px.
- 	aRow layoutInset: 3 @ 3.
- 	aRow cellInset: 6 @ 3.
  	^ aRow!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList2 class>>fontForBlueFileListButtons (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-blue ui') -----
  	"Answer the font to use in the buttons of the blue file-list dialogs used by olpc users of etoys."
+ 	^  Preferences standardButtonFont!
- 	^  Preferences standardEToysFont!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList2>>updateLoginButtonAppearance (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-private') -----
  	| old oldField notLoggedInMessage |
  	notLoggedInMessage := '(not logged in)' translated.
  	old := self loginButton.
  	oldField := self loginField.
  	self loginField: (Morph new color: Color white).
+ 	self loginField borderWidth: 2 px.
- 	self loginField borderWidth: 2.
  	self loginField borderColor: ScriptingSystem baseColor.
  	self loginField beSticky.
+ 	self loginField width: 150 px.
+ 	self loginField height: 30 px.
- 	self loginField width: 150.
- 	self loginField height: 30.
  	self loginField clipSubmorphs: true.
  	EtoysUtilities loggedIn ifTrue: [
  		self loginButton: (self class
  					buildButtonText: 'Logout' translated
  					balloonText: nil
  					receiver: self
  					selector: #logoutHit).
  		self loginButton color: ScriptingSystem baseColor.
  		self loginField addMorphCentered: (StringMorph contents: (Utilities authorNamePerSe ifNil: [notLoggedInMessage]) font: Preferences standardEToysButtonFont).
  		self loginButton setBalloonText: 'Log out from the Squeakland server' translated.
  		self loginField setBalloonText: 'Your Squeakland user name' translated.
  	ifFalse: [
  		self loginButton: (self class
  					buildButtonText: 'Login' translated
  					balloonText: nil
  					receiver: self
  					selector: #loginHit).
  		self loginButton color: ScriptingSystem baseColor.
  		self loginField addMorphCentered: (StringMorph contents: notLoggedInMessage font: Preferences standardEToysButtonFont).
  		self loginButton setBalloonText: 'Log in to share projects on the Squeakland server' translated.
  		self loginField setBalloonText: 'Your Squeakland user name' translated
  	self loginButton setNamePropertyTo: 'login'.
+ 	self loginButton width: 150 px.
- 	self loginButton width: 150.
  	old ifNotNil: [
  		old owner addMorph: self loginButton inFrontOf: old.
  		old delete].
  	oldField ifNotNil: [
  		oldField owner addMorph: self loginField inFrontOf: oldField.
+ 		oldField delete].!
- 		oldField delete].
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>buttonRowForEditor (in category 'buttons') -----
  	"Answer a row of buttons that comprise the header at the top of the Scriptor"
  	| aRow aString aStatusMorph aButton aTile aMorph goldBoxButton aBox |
+ 	aRow := AlignmentMorph newRow color: ScriptingSystem baseColor; layoutInset: 1 px.
- 	aRow := AlignmentMorph newRow color: ScriptingSystem baseColor; layoutInset: 1.
  	aRow hResizing: #spaceFill.
  	aRow vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
  	self addDismissButtonTo: aRow.
+ 	aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 9 px.
- 	aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 9.
  	"Player's name"
  	aString := playerScripted externalName.
  	aMorph := StringMorph contents: aString font: ScriptingSystem fontForTiles.
  	aMorph setNameTo: 'title'.
  	aRow addMorphBack: aMorph.
+ 	aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 6 px.
- 	aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 6.
  	"Script's name"
  	aBox := AlignmentMorph newRow.
  	aBox hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
  	aBox color: (Color r: 0.839 g: 1.0 b: 0.806).
+ 	aBox borderWidth: 1 px.
- 	aBox borderWidth: 1.
  	aBox  borderColor: (Color r: 0.645 g: 0.774 b: 0.613).
  	aButton := UpdatingStringMorph new.
  	aButton useStringFormat;
  		target:  self;
  		getSelector: #scriptTitle;
  		setNameTo: 'script name';
  		font: ScriptingSystem fontForNameEditingInScriptor;
  		putSelector: #setScriptNameTo:;
  		setProperty: #okToTextEdit toValue: true;
  	aBox addMorph: aButton.
  	aRow addMorphBack: aBox.
  	aBox setBalloonText: 'Click here to edit the name of the script.' translated.
  	"aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 9."
  	aRow addVariableTransparentSpacer.
  	"Try It button"
  	self hasParameter ifFalse:
  		[aRow addMorphBack:
  				labelSymbol: #TryIt
  				target: self
  				actionSelector: #tryMe
  				arguments: #())
  				actWhen: #whilePressed;
  				balloonTextSelector: #tryMe).
+ 		aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 3 px].
- 		aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 3].
  	"Step button, only for non-Kedama"
  	(self playerScripted isPrototypeTurtlePlayer or: [self hasParameter]) ifFalse:
  		[aRow addMorphBack: (aButton := ThreePhaseButtonMorph
  				labelSymbol: #StepMe
  				target: self
  				actionSelector: #stepMe
  				arguments: #()).
  		aButton balloonTextSelector: #stepMe.
+ 		aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 3 px].
- 		aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 3].
  	"Status controller"
  	self hasParameter
  			[aTile := TypeListTile new choices: Vocabulary typeChoicesForUserVariables dataType: nil.
  			aTile addArrows.
  			aTile setLiteral: self typeForParameter.
  			aRow addMorphBack: aTile.
  			aTile borderColor: Color red.
  			aTile color: ScriptingSystem uniformTileInteriorColor.
  			aTile setBalloonText: 'Drag from here to get a parameter tile' translated.
  			aTile addCaretsAsAppropriate: true]
  			[aRow addMorphBack: (aStatusMorph := self scriptInstantiation statusControlMorph)].
+ 	"aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 3 px."
- 	"aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 3."
  	aRow addVariableTransparentSpacer.
  	aRow addMorphBack: (goldBoxButton := IconicButton new).
  	goldBoxButton borderWidth: 0;
  			labelGraphic: (ScriptingSystem formAtKey: 'RoundGoldBox'); color: Color transparent; 
  			actWhen: #buttonDown;
  			target: self;
  			actionSelector: #offerGoldBoxMenu;
  			setBalloonText: 'click here to get a palette of useful tiles to use in your script.' translated.
+ 	aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 6 px @ 1 px.
- 	aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: 6 at 1.
  	"Menu Button"
  	aButton := self menuButton.
  	aButton actionSelector: #offerScriptorMenu.
  	aRow addMorphBack: aButton.
  	(playerScripted existingScriptInstantiationForSelector: scriptName)
  			[:inst | inst updateStatusMorph: aStatusMorph].
  	^ aRow!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>createThreadShowing (in category 'menu commands') -----
  	| vertices |
  	self deleteThreadShowing.
  	vertices := OrderedCollection new.
  	self tileRows do: [:row | | b |
  		row first isTurtleRow ifTrue: [
  			b := row first bounds.
+ 			vertices add: ((b topLeft + (4 px @ 0)) + ((0 * 0.1 * b width) @ 0)).
- 			vertices add: ((b topLeft + (4 @ 0)) + ((0 * 0.1 * b width) @ 0)).
  			0 to: 9 do: [:i |
+ 				vertices add: ((b topLeft + (4 px @ 4 px))+ ((i * 0.1 * b width ) @ 0)).
+ 				vertices add: ((b bottomLeft + (4 px @ -4 px)) + ((i * 0.1 * b width) @ 0)).
- 				vertices add: ((b topLeft + (4 @ 4))+ ((i * 0.1 * b width ) @ 0)).
- 				vertices add: ((b bottomLeft + (4 @ -4)) + ((i * 0.1 * b width) @ 0)).
+ 			vertices add: ((b bottomLeft + (4 px @ 0)) + ((9 * 0.1 * b width) @ 0)).
- 			vertices add: ((b bottomLeft + (4 @ 0)) + ((9 * 0.1 * b width) @ 0)).
  		] ifFalse: [
  			b := row first bounds.
  			vertices add: ((b origin x + b corner x) // 2) @ (b origin y).
+ 			vertices add: ((b origin x + b corner x) // 2) @ (b origin y + 4 px).
+ 			vertices add: ((b origin x + b corner x) // 2) @ (b corner y - 4 px).
- 			vertices add: ((b origin x + b corner x) // 2) @ (b origin y + 4).
- 			vertices add: ((b origin x + b corner x) // 2) @ (b corner y - 4).
  			vertices add: ((b origin x + b corner x) // 2) @ (b corner y).
+ 	threadPolygon := PolygonMorph vertices: vertices color: Color black borderWidth: 2 px borderColor: Color black.
- 	threadPolygon := PolygonMorph vertices: vertices color: Color black borderWidth: 2 borderColor: Color black.
  	threadPolygon makeOpen.
+ 	threadPolygon openInWorld.!
- 	threadPolygon openInWorld.
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>defaultBorderWidth (in category 'initialization') -----
  	"answer the default border width for the receiver"
+ 	^ 1 px!
- 	^ 1!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>explainStatusAlternatives (in category 'customevents-other') -----
  	"Explain the scripting-status alternatives."
+ 		ScriptingSystem putUpInfoPanelFor:(ScriptingSystem statusHelpStringFor: playerScripted) title: 'Script Status' translated extent: 800 px @ 500 px!
- 		ScriptingSystem putUpInfoPanelFor:(ScriptingSystem statusHelpStringFor: playerScripted) title: 'Script Status' translated extent: 800 at 500!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>extent: (in category 'other') -----
  extent: x
  	| newExtent tw menu |
  	newExtent := x max: self minWidth @ self minHeight.
  	(tw := self findA: ScrollPane) ifNil:
  		["This was the old behavior"
  		^ super extent: newExtent].
  	(self hasProperty: #autoFitContents) ifTrue: [
  		menu := MenuMorph new defaultTarget: self.
  		menu addUpdating: #autoFitString target: self action: #autoFitOnOff.
  		menu addTitle: 'To resize the script, uncheck the box below' translated.
  		menu popUpEvent: nil in: self world	.
  		^ self].
  	"Allow the user to resize to any size"
  	tw extent: ((newExtent x max: self firstSubmorph width)
+ 				@ (newExtent y - self firstSubmorph height)) - (self borderWidth * 2) + (-4 px @ -4 px).  "inset?"
- 				@ (newExtent y - self firstSubmorph height)) - (self borderWidth * 2) + (-4 @ -4).  "inset?"
  	^ super extent: newExtent!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
  	"initialize the state of the receiver"
  	super initialize.
  	self listDirection: #topToBottom;
  		 hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  		 vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  		 cellPositioning: #topLeft;
  		 setProperty: #autoFitContents toValue: true;
  		minHeight: TileMorph defaultH;
+ 		layoutInset: 2 px.
- 		layoutInset: 2.
  	self useRoundedCornersInEtoys.
  	self borderColor: ScriptingSystem borderColor.
  	self setNameTo: 'Script Editor' translated.
  	firstTileRow := 1.
  	"index of first tile-carrying submorph"
  	self addNewRow.
+ 	showingMethodPane := false.!
- 	showingMethodPane := false.
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ScriptEditorMorph>>setupMethodMorph (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-buttons') -----
  	"create textual source instead"
  	| aCodePane |
  	aCodePane := MethodHolder 
  		isolatedCodePaneForClass: playerScripted class 
  		selector: scriptName.
  		hResizing: #spaceFill;
  		vResizing: #spaceFill;
+ 		minHeight: 100 px.
- 		minHeight: 100.
  		hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  		vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
  	self addMorphBack: aCodePane.
  	self fullBounds.
  		listDirection: #topToBottom;
  		hResizing: #rigid;
  		vResizing: #rigid;
  		rubberBandCells: true;
  		minWidth: self width.
  	showingMethodPane := true.
  	self currentWorld startSteppingSubmorphsOf: self!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TileMorph>>arrowDelta (in category 'mouse handling') -----
  	"Answer the amount by which a number I display should increase at a time"
  	| readout |
  	(readout := self findA: UpdatingStringMorph) ifNotNil: [^readout floatPrecision ].
+ 	^ 1 px!
- 	^ 1!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TileMorph>>basicWidth (in category 'misc') -----
  	"Provide a nominal minimum, exclusive of arrows and independent of label width"
  	^ operatorOrExpression
+ 		ifNotNil: [3 px]
+ 		ifNil: [18 px]!
- 		ifNotNil: [3]
- 		ifNil: [18]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TileMorph>>buildHPopArrows (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-arrows popup') -----
  	| panel left right |
  	self outmostScriptEditor
  		ifNil: [^ nil].
  	(retractArrow isNil
  			and: [suffixArrow isNil])
  		ifTrue: [^ nil].
  	panel := Morph new.
  	panel cornerStyle: #rounded.
  	left := SketchMorph new
  				form: (ScriptingSystem formAtKey: #LargeLeftArrow).
  	right := SketchMorph new
  				form: (ScriptingSystem formAtKey: #LargeRightArrow).
  		color: color.
  	panel sticky: true.
  	panel layoutPolicy: TableLayout new.
  	panel listDirection: #leftToRight.
  	panel hResizing: #shrinkWrap.
  	panel vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
+ 	panel cellInset: 4 px.
+ 	panel layoutInset: 2 px.
- 	panel cellInset: 4.
- 	panel layoutInset: 2.
  		ifNotNil: [panel addMorphBack: left].
  		ifNotNil: [panel addMorphBack: right].
  		on: #mouseLeave
  		send: #hidePopArrows
  		to: self.
  		on: #mouseUp
  		send: #popArrowRetractArrowHit:
  		to: self.
  		on: #mouseUp
  		send: #popArrowSuffixArrowHit:
  		to: self.
  	^ panel!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TileMorph>>buildVPopArrows (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-arrows popup') -----
  	| panel up down |
  		ifNil: [^ nil].
  	panel := Morph new.
  	panel cornerStyle: #rounded.
  	up := SketchMorph new
  				form: (ScriptingSystem formAtKey: #LargeUpArrow).
  	down := SketchMorph new
  				form: (ScriptingSystem formAtKey: #LargeDownArrow).
  	panel color: color.
  	panel sticky: true.
  	panel layoutPolicy: TableLayout new.
  	panel listDirection: #topToBottom.
  	panel hResizing: #shrinkWrap.
  	panel vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
+ 	panel cellInset: 4 px.
+ 	panel layoutInset: 2 px.
- 	panel cellInset: 4.
- 	panel layoutInset: 2.
  	panel addMorphBack: up.
  	panel addMorphBack: down.
  		on: #mouseLeave
  		send: #hidePopArrows
  		to: self.
  		on: #mouseDown
  		send: #popArrowUp:
  		to: self.
  		on: #mouseMove
  		send: #popArrowMouseMove:
  		to: self.
  		on: #mouseDown
  		send: #popArrowDown:
  		to: self.
  		on: #mouseMove
  		send: #popArrowMouseMove:
  		to: self.
  	^ panel!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TileMorph>>convertAlignment (in category 'private') -----
  	"Convert the receiver's alignment rules"
  	| where frame |
  	owner ifNotNil:[
  		owner class == TilePadMorph ifTrue:[
  			owner layoutPolicy: TableLayout new.
  			owner hResizing: #shrinkWrap.
  			owner vResizing: #spaceFill.
  	self layoutPolicy: TableLayout new.
+ 	self cellInset: 2 px @ 0.
+ 	self layoutInset: 1 px @ 0.
- 	self cellInset: 2 at 0.
- 	self layoutInset: 1 at 0.
  	self listDirection: #leftToRight.
  	self wrapCentering: #center.
  	self hResizing: #shrinkWrap.
  	self vResizing: #spaceFill.
  	"Now convert up and down arrow"
  	(upArrow notNil and:[upArrow owner == self "e.g., not converted"
  		and:[downArrow notNil and:[downArrow owner == self]]]) ifTrue:[
  			"where to insert the frame"
  			where := (submorphs indexOf: upArrow) min: (submorphs indexOf: downArrow).
  			frame := Morph new color: Color transparent.
  				layoutPolicy: TableLayout new;
  				listDirection: #topToBottom;
  				hResizing: #shrinkWrap; 
  				vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
+ 				cellInset: 0 @ 1 px;
+ 				layoutInset: 0 @ 1 px.
- 				cellInset: 0 at 1;
- 				layoutInset: 0 at 1.
  			self privateAddMorph: frame atIndex: where.
  			frame addMorphBack: upArrow; addMorphBack: downArrow.
+ 		].!
- 		].
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TileMorph>>defaultBorderWidth (in category 'initialization') -----
  "answer the default border width for the receiver"
+ 	^ 1 px!
- 	^ 1!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TileMorph>>emblazonPlayerNameOnReferenceTileWithin: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-initialization') -----
  emblazonPlayerNameOnReferenceTileWithin: scriptorOrViewer
  	"Make the string within the receiver be the right thing."
  	|  newLabel usePad |
  	newLabel := actualObject externalName.
  	Preferences implicitSelfInTiles ifTrue:
  		[scriptorOrViewer ifNotNil:
  			[scriptorOrViewer playerScripted == actualObject ifTrue:
  				[newLabel := '']]].
  	(newLabel notEmpty and: [self isPossessive]) ifTrue:
  		[newLabel := newLabel, '''s' translated].
  	self line1: newLabel.
  	usePad :=  owner isKindOf: TilePadMorph.
  			[usePad ifTrue: [owner hResizing: #rigid; width: 0; clipSubmorphs: true].
  			self hResizing: #rigid; width: 0; borderWidth: 0]
  			[usePad ifTrue: [owner hResizing: #shrinkWrap; clipSubmorphs: false].
+ 			self hResizing: #shrinkWrap; borderWidth: 1 px]
- 			self hResizing: #shrinkWrap; borderWidth: 1]

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TileMorph>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
  	"initialize the state of the receiver"
  	super initialize.
+ 	self extent: 1 px @ 1 px.
- 	self extent: 1 @ 1.
  		typeColor: (Color
  				r: 0.8
  				g: 1.0
  				b: 0.6).
  	type := #literal.
  	"#literal, #slotRef, #objRef, #operator, #expression"
  	slotName := ''.
  	literal := 1.
  	self layoutPolicy: TableLayout new.
  	self minCellSize: 0 @ TileMorph defaultH.
+ 	self cellInset: 2 px @ 0.
+ 	self layoutInset: 1 px @ 0.
- 	self cellInset: 2 @ 0.
- 	self layoutInset: 1 @ 0.
  	self listDirection: #leftToRight.
  	self wrapCentering: #center.
  	self hResizing: #shrinkWrap.
  	self vResizing: #spaceFill!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TileMorph>>layoutChanged (in category 'layout') -----
  	| vpanel hpanel popArrows |
  	super layoutChanged.
  	self labelMorph
  		ifNil: [^ self].
  	popArrows := self activeHand ifNil: [^ self] ifNotNil: [:ac |
  				ac valueOfProperty: #popArrows
  				ifAbsent: [^ self]].
  	popArrows first == self
  		ifFalse: [^ self].
  	vpanel := popArrows second.
  	hpanel := popArrows third.
  		ifNotNil: [vpanel openInWorld.
  			vpanel center: self labelMorph center.
+ 			vpanel right: self labelMorph left - 2 px].
- 			vpanel right: self labelMorph left - 2].
  		ifNotNil: [hpanel openInWorld.
  			hpanel center: self labelMorph center.
+ 			hpanel left: self labelMorph right + 2 px]!
- 			hpanel left: self labelMorph right + 2]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TileMorph>>line1: (in category 'private') -----
  line1: line1
  	"Emblazon the receiver with the requested label.  If the receiver already has a label, make the new label be of the same class"
  	| m desiredW classToUse lab f |
  	classToUse := (lab := self labelMorph) ifNotNil: [lab class] ifNil: [StringMorph].
  	self removeAllMorphs.
  	f := ScriptingSystem fontForTiles.
  	(type = #operator and: [#(+ - * / // \\ < <= > >= = ~=) includes: operatorOrExpression]) ifTrue: [
  		f := f emphasized: 1].
  	m := classToUse contents: line1 font: f.
+ 	desiredW := m width + 6 px.
- 	desiredW := m width + 6.
  	self extent: (desiredW max: self minimumWidth) @ self class defaultH.
  	m position: self center - (m extent // 2).
  	self addMorph: m.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TileMorph>>setVisibilityOfUpDownCarets: (in category '*Etoys-Squeakland-arrows') -----
  setVisibilityOfUpDownCarets: showCarets
  	"If the argument is true, make all the 'up and down' carets, such as those that let you change the value of a number or of a boolean constant, visible; if false, remove them from sight. "
  	(submorphs detect: [:m | m hasProperty: #arrows] ifNone: [nil]) ifNotNil:
  		[:wrapper |
+ 				ifTrue:  [wrapper width: 9 px]
- 				ifTrue:  [wrapper width: 9]
  				ifFalse: [wrapper width: 0]]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TileMorph>>test (in category 'private') -----
  	| pos |
  	"Set the position of all my submorphs.  Compute my bounds.  Caller must call layoutChanged or set fullBounds to nil."
  	fullBounds ifNil: [
  		pos := self topLeft.
  		self submorphsDo: [:sub | | hh | 
  			hh := (self class defaultH - sub height) // 2.	"center in Y"
+ 			sub privateBounds: (pos + (2 px @ hh) extent: sub extent).
+ 			pos x: (sub right min: 1200 px)].	"2 pixels spacing on left"
+ 		bounds := bounds topLeft corner: pos + (2 px @ self class defaultH).
- 			sub privateBounds: (pos + (2 at hh) extent: sub extent).
- 			pos x: (sub right min: 1200)].	"2 pixels spacing on left"
- 		bounds := bounds topLeft corner: pos + (2 @ self class defaultH).
  		fullBounds := bounds.
  	owner class == TilePadMorph ifTrue: [owner bounds: bounds].
  	^ fullBounds!

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