[Pkg] The Treated Inbox: KernelTests-jar.433.mcz

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Wed Feb 15 08:46:42 UTC 2023

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of KernelTests to project The Treated Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: KernelTests-jar.433
Author: jar
Time: 7 June 2022, 6:24:58.053964 pm
UUID: b2a35851-6470-a643-9f6f-e939501100b6
Ancestors: KernelTests-mt.425

Bundle together all new Process and Semaphore tests from:

KernelTests-jar.431, 432 (multiple termination and NLR)
KernelTests-jar.429, 430 (unwind errors test)
KernelTests-jar.428 (more tests)
KernelTests-jar.426, 427 (priority before suspendedContext)

Complements Kernel-jar.1476 (updated terminate with sync) and Kernel-jar.1473 (priority set before suspendedContext).

Please remove the individual changesets from the Inbox.

=============== Diff against KernelTests-mt.425 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ProcessTest>>testPrioritySetBeforeSuspendedContext (in category 'tests') -----
+ testPrioritySetBeforeSuspendedContext
+ 	"Test whether priority is set before suspendedContext during process creation."
+ 	"Setting priority after causes an endless stream of error windows when debugging e.g.
+         	[] newProcess
+ 	when Process Browser is open with auto-update on.
+ 	Once the suspendedContext is set, the new process is no longer considered terminated
+ 	and Process Browser will try to place it in its list of processes but encounters a nil error 
+ 	when reading its priority because it has not been set yet."
+ 	| p inside |
+ 	inside := false.
+ 	p := [inside := true. [] newProcess] newProcess.
+ 	p runUntil: [:ctx | inside]. 
+ 	p runUntil: [:ctx | ctx selectorToSendOrSelf = #suspendedContext:].
+ 	"Now p is before assigning suspendedContext in Process class >> forContext:priority:
+ 	tempAt: 3 is the local variable 'newProcess' representing the newly created process;
+ 	verify whether the new process's priority has already been set."
+ 	self assert: (p suspendedContext tempAt: 3) priority notNil!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ProcessTest>>testTerminateByHighestPriorityProcess (in category 'tests') -----
+ testTerminateByHighestPriorityProcess
+ 	"Test temination by a highest priority process."
+ 	"Note: in case #terminate elevates the priority of the terminating
+ 	process it has to make sure it doesn't exceed the highest priority.
+ 	Workspace example:
+ 		q := [Semaphore new wait] fork.
+ 		p := [q terminate] forkAt: Processor highestPriority.
+ 		q isTerminated
+ 	We have to catch the 'Invalid priority' error via the 'error' variable
+ 	because #shouldnt:raise: doesn't work between two processes."
+ 	| p q error |
+ 	p := [Semaphore new wait] fork.
+ 	Processor yield.
+ 	self assert: p isBlocked.
+ 	error := false.
+ 	q := [[p terminate] on: Error do: [error := true]] newProcess.
+ 	q priority: Processor highestPriority.
+ 	q resume.
+ 	self deny: error.
+ 	self assert: p isTerminated.
+ 	self assert: q isTerminated!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ProcessTest>>testTerminateEnsureOnTopOfEnsure (in category 'tests') -----
+ testTerminateEnsureOnTopOfEnsure
+ 	"Test two ensure contexts on top of each other unwind correctly,
+ 	that both their unwind blocks get executed."
+ 	| beenHere beenHereToo bottom p top |
+ 	beenHere := beenHereToo := false.
+ 	bottom := Context contextEnsure: [beenHereToo := true].
+ 	top := Context contextEnsure: [Processor activeProcess suspend. beenHere := true].
+ 	top privSender: bottom.
+ 	p := Process forContext: top priority: Processor activeProcess priority.
+ 	p resume.
+ 	Processor yield.
+ 	self assert: p isSuspended. 
+ 	p terminate.
+ 	self assert: beenHere & beenHereToo.
+ 	self assert: p isTerminated
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ProcessTest>>testTerminateHandlingUnwindError (in category 'tests') -----
+ testTerminateHandlingUnwindError
+ 	"Test an error inside an unwind block is handled correctly."
+ 	"Workspace example:
+ 		[ [[Processor activeProcess terminate] ensure: [1/0]] on: ZeroDivide do: [] ] fork
+ 	ZeroDivide error should get caught by the handler without opening the Debugger.
+ 	To model this example as a test case we have to keep in mind that an error signal 
+ 	in one thread cannot be caught in a different thread: if process 'p' signals an error
+ 	it won't be searching for a handler in the thread that sent 'p terminate' message.
+ 	So we can't do something like:
+ 		p := [ [ [Semaphore new wait] ensure: [1/0] ] on: ZeroDivide do: [] ] fork.
+ 		Processor yield.
+ 		self shouldnt: [p terminate] raise: Error
+ 	Instead, in order to catch the situation the ZeroDivide error is not caught within 'p',
+ 	we try to catch the UnhandledError raised in 'p' indicating the ZeroDivide has been
+ 	missed.	"
+ 	| p error unwindBlock |
+ 	unwindBlock := [[1/0] on: UnhandledError do: [error := true]].
+ 	p := [ [ [Semaphore new wait] ensure: unwindBlock ] on: ZeroDivide do: [] ] fork.
+ 	Processor yield.
+ 	self assert: p isBlocked. 
+ 	error := false.
+ 	p terminate.
+ 	self deny: error.
+ 	self assert: p isTerminated!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ProcessTest>>testTerminateHighestPriorityProcess (in category 'tests') -----
+ testTerminateHighestPriorityProcess
+ 	"Test termination of a highest priority process."
+ 	| p |
+ 	p := [Semaphore new wait] forkAt: Processor highestPriority.
+ 	Processor yield.
+ 	self assert: p isBlocked.
+ 	p terminate.
+ 	self assert: p isTerminated!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ProcessTest>>testTerminateNiledSuspendedContextProcess (in category 'tests') -----
+ testTerminateNiledSuspendedContextProcess
+ 	"Test a process with niled suspendedContext terminates correctly."
+ 	| p |
+ 	p := [] newProcess.
+ 	self assert: p isSuspended.
+ 	p suspendedContext: nil.
+ 	p terminate.
+ 	self assert: p isTerminated!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ProcessTest>>testTerminateSingleEnsure (in category 'tests') -----
+ testTerminateSingleEnsure
+ 	"Test a stack consisting of a single ensure context unwinds correctly."
+ 	| beenHere p singleton |
+ 	beenHere := false.
+ 	singleton := Context contextEnsure: [beenHere := true].
+ 	p := Process forContext: singleton priority: Processor activeProcess priority.
+ 	self assert: p isSuspended. 
+ 	self assert: p suspendedContext sender isNil. 
+ 	p terminate.
+ 	self assert: beenHere.
+ 	self assert: p isTerminated!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ProcessTest>>testTerminateTerminatingProcessAfterUnwindStarted (in category 'tests') -----
+ testTerminateTerminatingProcessAfterUnwindStarted
+ 	"Terminating a terminatee process after the terminator process restarted the terminatee
+ 	 process should unwind the terminatee process and let the terminator process terminate."
+ 	"Such a situation may occur e.g. when a terminating process encounters an error and
+ 	 opens a debugger (or calls another recovery machinery). In such case it's legitimate
+ 	 to terminate the terminating process again (by closing the debugger or as a termination
+ 	 by another recovery tool).
+ 	 Note: this is a different situation than in 'testTerminateTerminatingProcess' where
+ 	 the second termination is invoked 'too early' and may cause unpredictable outcome."
+ 	| terminator terminatee unwound unwindBlock |
+ 	unwound := false.
+ 	unwindBlock := [Processor activeProcess suspend. unwound := true].
+ 	terminatee := [[Semaphore new wait] ensure: unwindBlock] fork.
+ 	Processor yield.
+ 	terminator := [terminatee terminate] newProcess.
+ 	self assert: terminatee isBlocked.
+ 	self assert: terminator isSuspended.
+ 	terminator resume.
+ 	Processor yield.
+ 	"terminator starts terminatee's unwind"
+ 	Processor yield.
+ 	"terminatee resumes and stops at unwindBlock's #suspend"
+ 	self assert: terminatee isSuspended.
+ 	terminatee terminate.
+ 	self assert: terminatee isTerminated. 
+ 	self assert: unwound.
+ 	Processor yield.
+ 	self assert: terminator isTerminated!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ProcessTest>>testTerminateTerminatingProcessInUnwindTo (in category 'tests') -----
+ testTerminateTerminatingProcessInUnwindTo
+ 	"Terminating a terminatee process after the terminator process restarted the terminatee
+ 	 process should unwind the terminatee process and let the terminator process terminate."
+ 	| terminator terminatee unwound |
+ 	unwound := false.
+ 	terminatee := [[Semaphore new wait] ensure: [unwound := true]] fork.
+ 	Processor yield.
+ 	terminator := [terminatee terminate] newProcess.
+ 	self assert: terminatee isBlocked.
+ 	self assert: terminator isSuspended.
+ 	terminator runUntil: [:ctx | ctx selectorToSendOrSelf = #resume].
+ 	"terminator steps until terminatee's unwind context is set"
+ 	terminator suspendedContext nextInstruction. "skip terminatee resume instruction"
+ 	terminator resume. "and run until parked at wait"
+ 	terminatee runUntil: [:ctx | ctx selectorToSendOrSelf = #unwindTo:].
+ 	"terminatee steps until at #unwindTo:"
+ 	self assert: terminatee isSuspended.
+ 	terminatee terminate.
+ 	self assert: terminatee isTerminated. 
+ 	self assert: unwound.
+ 	Processor yield.
+ 	self assert: terminator isTerminated!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ProcessTest>>testTerminateWithDelayInUnwind (in category 'tests') -----
+ testTerminateWithDelayInUnwind
+ 	"Test the process that invoked the termination of another process waits
+ 	for the other process to finish unwinding."
+ 	"Insert delay into the unwind block to force rescheduling; alternatively,
+ 	'Processor yield' could be used instead of 'delay wait'."
+ 	| delay p |
+ 	delay := Delay forMilliseconds: 10.
+ 	p := [[Processor activeProcess suspend] ensure: [delay wait]] fork.
+ 	Processor yield.
+ 	self assert: p isSuspended.
+ 	p terminate.
+ 	self assert: p isTerminated!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ProcessUnwindTest>>testTerminateNestedEnsureWithReturn1 (in category 'tests') -----
+ testTerminateNestedEnsureWithReturn1
+ 	"Terminate suspended process.
+ 	Test all nested unwind blocks are correctly executed; 
+ 	all unwind blocks halfway through their execution should be completed."
+ 	"While testTerminateInNestedEnsureWithReturn1 to 8 start unwinding
+ 	 from inside a halfways through unwind block, this test (and the next) start
+ 	 the unwind from outside any ensure argument (aka unwind) block, testing
+ 	 the second half of the #unwindTo:safely: method."
+ 	| p x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 |
+ 	x1 := x2 := x3 := x4 := x5 := false.
+ 	p := 
+ 	[
+ 		[:return | 
+ 			[	Processor activeProcess suspend.
+ 				[ ] ensure: [
+ 					[ ] ensure: [
+ 						x1 := true]. 
+ 					x2 := true]
+ 			] ensure: [
+ 				return value.
+ 				x3 := true].
+ 			x4 := true.
+ 		] valueWithExit.
+ 	x5 := true.
+ 	] newProcess.
+ 	p resume.
+ 	Processor yield.
+ 	"make sure p is suspended and none of the unwind blocks has finished yet"
+ 	self assert: p isSuspended.
+ 	self deny: x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5.
+ 	"now terminate the process and make sure all unwind blocks have finished"
+ 	p terminate.
+ 	self assert: p isTerminated.
+ 	self deny: x1 & x2 & x3 & x4 & x5!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ProcessUnwindTest>>testTerminateNestedEnsureWithReturn2 (in category 'tests') -----
+ testTerminateNestedEnsureWithReturn2
+ 	"Terminate suspended process.
+ 	Test all nested unwind blocks are correctly executed; 
+ 	all unwind blocks halfway through their execution should be completed."
+ 	| p x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 |
+ 	x1 := x2 := x3 := x4 := x5 := false.
+ 	p := 
+ 	[
+ 		[:return | 
+ 			[
+ 				[Processor activeProcess suspend] ensure: [
+ 					[ ] ensure: [
+ 						x1 := true]. 
+ 					return value.
+ 					x2 := true]
+ 			] ensure: [
+ 				x3 := true].
+ 			x4 := true.
+ 		] valueWithExit.
+ 	x5 := true.
+ 	] newProcess.
+ 	p resume.
+ 	Processor yield.
+ 	"make sure p is suspended and none of the unwind blocks has finished yet"
+ 	self assert: p isSuspended.
+ 	self deny: x1 | x2 | x3 | x4 | x5.
+ 	"now terminate the process and make sure all unwind blocks have finished"
+ 	p terminate.
+ 	self assert: p isTerminated.
+ 	self deny: x1 & x2 & x3 & x4 & x5!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SemaphoreTest>>testSemaAfterCriticalWaitSuspended (in category 'tests') -----
+ testSemaAfterCriticalWaitSuspended	"self run: #testSemaAfterCriticalWaitSuspended"
+ 	"This tests whether a semaphore that has just left the wait in Semaphore>>critical: but
+ 	has been suspended before termination, leaves it with signaling the associated semaphore."
+ 	| s p |
+ 	s := Semaphore new.
+ 	p := [s critical:[]] forkAt: Processor activePriority-1.
+ 	"wait until p entered the critical section"
+ 	[p suspendingList == s] whileFalse:[(Delay forMilliseconds: 10) wait].
+ 	"Now that p entered it, signal the semaphore. p now 'owns' the semaphore
+ 	but since we are running at higher priority than p it will not get to do
+ 	anything."
+ 	s signal.
+ 	self assert: p suspendingList class == LinkedList.
+ 	p suspend.
+ 	self assert: p suspendingList == nil.
+ 	p terminate.
+ 	self assert: 1 equals: s excessSignals!

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