[Pkg] The Trunk: EToys-kfr.487.mcz

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Wed Jan 11 14:40:58 UTC 2023

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of EToys to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: EToys-kfr.487
Author: kfr
Time: 14 December 2022, 4:52:54.725958 pm
UUID: 9e4ab847-85fd-dc47-a79a-e6f6388e33e2
Ancestors: EToys-ct.486

MineGame scale to HD Display

=============== Diff against EToys-ct.486 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Mines>>defaultBorderWidth (in category 'initialization') -----
  	"answer the default border width for the receiver"
+ 	^ 2 px!
- 	^ 2!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Mines>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
  	"initialize the state of the receiver"
  	super initialize.
        level := 1.
  	self listDirection: #topToBottom;
  	  wrapCentering: #center;
  		 cellPositioning: #topCenter;
  	  vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  	  hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
+ 	  layoutInset: 3 px;
- 	  layoutInset: 3;
  	  addMorph: self makeControls;
  	  addMorph: self board.
  	helpText := nil.
  	self newGame!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Mines>>makeControls (in category 'initialize') -----
  	| row |
  	row := AlignmentMorph newRow color: color;
+ 				 borderWidth: 2 px;
+ 				 layoutInset: 3 px.
- 				 borderWidth: 2;
- 				 layoutInset: 3.
  	row borderStyle: BorderStyle inset.
  	row hResizing: #spaceFill;
  		 vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  		 wrapCentering: #center;
  		 cellPositioning: #leftCenter;
+ 		 extent: 5 px @ 5 px.
- 		 extent: 5 @ 5.
  		addMorph: (self
  				buildButton: SimpleSwitchMorph new
  				target: self
  				label: '  Help  ' translated
  				selector: #help:).
  		addMorph: (self
  				buildButton: (levelButton := SimpleButtonMorph new)
  				target: self
  				label: level asString translated
  				selector: #nextLevel).
  		addMorph: (self
  				buildButton: SimpleButtonMorph new
  				target: self
  				label: '  Quit  ' translated
  				selector: #delete).
  	addMorph: (self 
  	buildButton: SimpleButtonMorph new 
  	target: self 
  	label: ' Hint '  translated
  	selector: #hint)."
  		addMorph: (self
  				buildButton: SimpleButtonMorph new
  				target: self
  				label: '  New game  ' translated
  				selector: #newGame).
  	minesDisplay := LedMorph new digits: 2;
+ 				 extent: 2 * 10 px @ 15 px.
- 				 extent: 2 * 10 @ 15.
  		addMorph: (self wrapPanel: minesDisplay label: 'Mines:' translated).
+ 	timeDisplay := LedTimerMorph new digits: 3;  extent: 3 * 10 px @ 15 px.
- 	timeDisplay := LedTimerMorph new digits: 3;  extent: 3 * 10 @ 15.
  		addMorph: (self wrapPanel: timeDisplay label: 'Time:' translated).
+ 	hiScoreDisplay := LedMorph new digits: 3;  extent: 3 * 10 px@ 15 px.
- 	hiScoreDisplay := LedMorph new digits: 3;  extent: 3 * 10 @ 15.
  		addMorph: (self wrapPanel: hiScoreDisplay label: 'Hi Score:' translated).
  	^ row!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Mines>>wrapPanel:label: (in category 'initialize') -----
  wrapPanel: anLedPanel label: aLabel
  	"wrap an LED panel in an alignmentMorph with a label to its left"
  	| a |
  	a := AlignmentMorph newRow
  		wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #leftCenter;
  		hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  		vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
  		borderWidth: 0;
+ 		layoutInset: 3 px;
- 		layoutInset: 3;
  		color: color lighter.
  	a addMorph: anLedPanel.
  	a addMorph: (StringMorph contents: aLabel). 
  	^ a

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MinesBoard>>defaultBorderWidth (in category 'initialization') -----
  	"answer the default border width for the receiver"
+ 	^ 2 px!
- 	^ 2!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MinesTile>>drawOn: (in category 'drawing') -----
  drawOn: aCanvas 
  	"Draw a rectangle with a solid, inset, or raised border.
  	Note: the raised border color *and* the inset border color are generated
  	from the receiver's own color, instead of having the inset border color
  	generated from the owner's color, as in BorderedMorph."
  	| font rct |
  	super drawOn: aCanvas.
  	self borderStyle style == #inset ifTrue: [
  		self isMine ifTrue: [  
+ 			font  := StrikeFont familyName: 'Atlanta' size: 22 px emphasized: 1.
+ 			rct := self bounds insetBy: ((self bounds width) - (font widthOfString: '*'))/2 @0.
- 			font  := StrikeFont familyName: 'Atlanta' size: 22 emphasized: 1.
- 			rct := self bounds insetBy: ((self bounds width) - (font widthOfString: '*'))/2 at 0.
  			rct := rct top: rct top + 1.
  			aCanvas drawString: '*' in: (rct translateBy: 1 at 1) font: font color: Color black.
  			^ aCanvas drawString: '*' in: rct font: font color: Color red .].
  		self nearMines > 0 ifTrue: [ 
+ 			font := StrikeFont familyName: 'ComicBold' size: 22 px emphasized: 1.
+ 			rct := self bounds insetBy: ((self bounds width) - (font widthOfString: nearMines asString))/2 @0.
- 			font := StrikeFont familyName: 'ComicBold' size: 22 emphasized: 1.
- 			rct := self bounds insetBy: ((self bounds width) - (font widthOfString: nearMines asString))/2 at 0.
  			rct := rct top: rct top + 1.
  			aCanvas drawString: nearMines asString in: (rct translateBy: 1 at 1) font: font color: Color black.
  			^ aCanvas drawString: nearMines asString in: rct font: font color: ((palette at: nearMines) ) .]].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MinesTile>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
  	super initialize.
  	self label: ''.
+ 	self borderWidth: 3 px.
+ 	bounds := 0 at 0 corner: 20 px at 20 px.
- 	self borderWidth: 3.
- 	bounds := 0 at 0 corner: 20 at 20.
  	offColor := self preferredColor.
  	onColor := self preferredColor.
  	switchState := false.
  	oldSwitchState := false.
  	disabled := false.
  	isMine := false.
  	nearMines := 0.
  	self useSquareCorners.
  	palette := (Color wheel: 8) asOrderedCollection reverse.
  "	flashColor := palette removeLast."

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